Wednesday, June 12, 2024

KDE Plasma

KDE is huge and it consumes Lot of Memory and and a strain on your CPU.

I just tested it!

Worse combination is LibreOffice on Plasma Desktop.

I hope KDE consider a Lighter Version of KDE!

KDE Plasma

Since I have 3 Editions of Gnome installed in my NUC, I decided to have a go at KDE Plasma.

1. It takes about 600MB to 1000MB install it. That is with or without KDE applications.

2. It has many plus points.

3. It organizes all the applications on groups.

4. It software center is a packed with all one needs.

It is better than Ubuntu, Flatpak, SNAP and RPM.

5. It gave me options to Install DBS Viewer a plus point since I am currently investigation DBS capability.

6. Visual effects are pleasing with large fonts with my failing vision, I probably have to adopt it.

7. Even AbiWord looks nicer on it.

8. It does not say it has finished installing or which one is currently active.

9. I had to look at the Gnome system monitor to see what is going on.

10. I wand to go to sleep whether it is installing them or not.

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