Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Text Editors in Linux and Word Processors

Text Editors in Linux and Word Processors

Even though, I promote AbiWord and quite comfortable with it, publishing my books at Amazon books, there are lot of them, from Tiny to Majestic.
Tiniest one with b graphical interface is Bluefish which I loved during during my initiation (borrowing a word from Italian Mafia) but I settled down with small to mid level Abiword. I published my first book of 100 pages using AbiWord and never looked back since (it started as a command line utility with only 28 MBs when running) it has the best page layout features coming, from command line background.
1. Let me dispense with LateX which nobody uses now which had the best page layout.
2. LyX is a derivative from LateX text Editor and very difficult to handle unless you are a Wizard in Coding and Command line (which I have forgotten) and it has no page layout features. It has added lot of new features including graphic features of lining up to a chapter in a big book
I believe it has Macros!
When I finish with my books I will revisit LyX.

3. This is for Python Guys!
Bluefish has both Python 2 and 3.
It has PHP for porting to another location.
It is pretty good and I have used it when learning nuts and bolts of Linux but I never tried Python.
I consider using Python for developing a few applications (may be tiny text editor) Android Studio.
I have found Ubuntu having a Audio Studio!
That is a trend today.

I have done with the Bluefish, Abiword and LyX let me handle the others.
It may not be comprehensive.

4. First that come to my mind, is XOurnal ++.
It was developed by a American kid under 18.
It has another edition where one can use hand written stuff  (I have not used it since my hand writing and graphic skills are nothing to boast about).

5. LibreOffice the bulkiest coming from France and I begin to hate it.
OpenOffice, its predecessor, I used it for my Thesis writing, which was light weight and fantastic. I used it to remove Microsoft Macros from my thesis prepared in Office 98 (could not get my thesis in to the University Standard).

5. Focus Writer is another

6. OpenOffice, I think is proprietary.

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