Thursday, April 29, 2021

Human Failures, Human Fragility, Human Error and General Failure of the Federal Systems

I am going to have a SWIPE at every aspect or corner of human endeavour, including military in Myanmar and Ceylon and more particularly the Medical Profession, both Public and Private.

The Ceylon Medical Council's role and attitude is to mass produce under prepared graduates, perhaps as an export commodity (Read my piece here on CMC).

Our indigenous Veda Ralas are no better than Wanniye Atthoes of Bintenna promoting their Panis or Penix (all sucrose from sugar grass or cane sugar) where Bee Honey is non existent except at Bintenna.

Mind you, Bee Honey is an essential component of traditional medicine to overcome the bitterness of Gulis and Kasayas.

Let me take the military first.

We have the biggest army per capita population and they have a defense academy with a Medical Faculty.


For export, nothing but.

What military needs is a few dental surgeons who can detect officers faking illness.

I know even an officer fears a dental surgeons with armory of tools that an average dental surgeon will have in their possession but rarely or never use (They use this armor as a defensive tactics to deter malingerers, including, the three armed forces).

I as a medical person has an aversion to drillers the dental surgeons use fearing they piece my cribriform plate and enter my brain from a vulnerable entry point.

I have personally diagnosed a meningitis case in UK, of a young man under 15, who was fiddling with a knife, saying he could swallow it without injuring his mouth but hit the cribriform plate and the English GP failed to open the mouth and examine, dripping CSF from his mouth and waited till he was paralysed on one side to call an emergency admission to the hospital where I worked as a paid locum.

I had a SWIPE at that medical guy, knowing that I would never become a permanent Resident Physician  in UK.

There were many other incidents like MRCP guy failing to diagnosis a rollicking appendicitis and a surgeon who missed a intussusceptum in spite me saying it in my bald hand writing, in the (nothing but intussusceptum) bed head ticket.

Army needs a medical officer only once, during the initial medical screening before recruiting a guy and only a dental surgeon afterwards.

So having a Medical Faculty under army is a colossal wastage of resources when one need in Coronavirus is an astute PHI (not the entire army taking over the Public Health) with previous exposure to AIDS patients, ideally a prostitute (very difficult to consult a prostitute for origin of the infection and one may even, find a sitting British Cabinet Minister in the process)

By the way, history repeats itself in UK.

As a young man emerging as a doctor John Profumos resignation, sex scandals and prostitution in Soho are still vivid in my memory

There was UK conservative PM who was a paedophile while in offic

That may be a reason for my aversion to all politics here and abroad.

I went to Soho once and found that place was infested with male homosexuals which I hated then and now but looking back LGBT can change governments in USA and I did not realize that both male and female homosexuality was a vogue in evolution and a cabinet minister resigning then, not getting a promotion, "as is now" in nowadays, just a formality, (It was a human error, then in my part).

I visited Raymond parlour twice and that was of course a bit of eyewash for porn industry.

I have many reasons to add when a guy asks me why I did not settle abroad, either in UK or down under New Zealand.

This country Ceylon is no different and evolving fast with Chinese prostitutes riding high (not Hong Kong Chinese with English dialect) with pure Chinese dialect.

These Chinese prison convicts erecting building here and in a future day when they collapse the political guys who signed the deeds have long gone into extinction.

Have anybody done a survey of their projects collapsing?

At the time of the emergence of Coronavirus several buildings in China collapsed and were visible from aerial surveys and China has built buildings covering buildings and their cemeteries.

I think Coronavirus patients were forced to work on these projects and some of their bodies are buried deep under these collapsed buildings.

In autocratic countries *Truth Never Comes Out * is clear and evident.

Now I believe in humans there is no need for dialect when money and sex are exchanged even in this Buddhist enclave where priests are confirmed homosexuals no different whether they are male or female.

Some meditation centres in this country have lost credence since international criminals with no proper passport credentials live and evade arrest.

They live in meditation ecstasy induced by ICE.

The Chinese culture is well known on probing plants with ecstacy components.

They are in a different piece (feel good hormones).

Down under New Zealand where I terminated my foreign surjohns was no different for homosexuality and 'it is a norm" but not an abnormality or sexual deviation.

I missed a case ( my colleague,too) of deed, deep large rectal abscess.
His presentation was hip and knee pains, (now I know referred rectal pain).

I forget to consider him a homosexual and I did not put my finger in through his arsxx.

If you do not put your finger in one has to put one's foot in was a standard medical quip.

Of course it burst through his back and he had several deep cuts on his back and could not put his face up.for six weeks ( I left New Zealand before his full recovery).

In a different vein I believe Coronavirus spreads fast in a culture where homosexuality is promoted.

It is an enterovirus to begin with in China but now has transformed fully to a fully fledged respiratory mode of spread.

UK and USA are good examples and France may be bit lagging  behind but catching up fast due to soccer, certainly not due (except Ceylon of course).

Current surge of Coronavirus is also due, thanks to the military buses used for transporting contacts, instead of using proper ambulance services looked after by allied health officials.

I have a funny feeling that our medical guys, girls and allied sciences guys would have loved this scenario unfolding, where the contact and first exposure was those of navy, military guys and police in particular taking the burden of contacting their civilians relations or kith and kin.

We say that "Donkey should not do the dogs barking to alert the danger of Coronavirus spread in this country".

Stupid Education Minister opening the schools in a hurry added salt to the injury.

The whole public service failed in this country by succumbing to to the military overtures.

They should have quoted the misadventures in Myanmar as an example.

Anyway, too late for excuses.

What one need is a central agency of public and private health officials putting their heads together in a pandemic.
This was not allowed to evolve.

Army jumped the gun of glory.

Doctors started well with the initial initiative and the medical guy was grafted and shunted out in quick succession, in military style of action, with a pseudo promotion.

The WHO with shoddy deals with China abrogated it's responsibility 2 years ago.

President Biden should not support WHO but should support the global development of a  viable, preferably an oral vaccine like Poliomyelitis, if we are to turn round the corner.

Not an intramuscular injection which all the kids fear.

India with a Federal Government failed.

Mind you Indian Subcontinent was divided into four with independence, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir and India to begin with.

I think Kashmir was where Buddha's clan lived but not a single Buddhist left there now, thanks to Muslim Invaders.

White House, Federal Agency and 52 States in America failed to stem the tide but my thanks to Donald Trump for invigorating American Industry.

He woke up the industry to re-engineer the Ventilator industry and computer generated antigens for vaccination protocols.

I do not think Biden should get the credit but he is doing awfully well until a mishap in vaccination program, an year from now do speak a different story.

This is all evolving and nobody can be sure of the outcome.

My gut feeling is we won't be able hamstring this Smart Virus with many crowns on its head.

A bleak but real scenario!

All current kings, queens and dictators (Brazil in particular) have to bow low to this King Virus with mutations, left, right and center.

Forget (leave it to Ceylon) the PPE but UK an industrial country cannot manufacture a ventilator.

What an advance society?

The European Union is nothing but s farce originated from Belgium kings of yore who vandalized most (Germans having a hand) of Africa and also allowed the spread of AIDS in Africa and world over.

The Coronavirus making havoc in Africa much worse than Forest Fever or Ebola or AIDS.

One line for Private Medical institutions in Ceylon and the vocabulary of Public Health does not exist even for money in their record books and they shun vaccinations.

Where is that medical guy who wanted a private medical school for his kith and kin in Negambo or nearby?

They somehow circumvent the patients' priority based  on money and most institution do not follow public health protocols in the waiting rooms that stretched over 24 hours.

When I was doing administrative work in the private sector I used to get over 100 complaints a day (mind you I introduced it covering even the kitchen facilities).

Human failure, Human error, Leading the Title comes from that experience.

We in Ceylon tried to introduce under aegis of RAW a Federal Administration to the North, in a tiny country like ours.

If that became a success, Tamils in Jaffna would have been inundated by Coronavirus if Thlaimanmar or Park's Straight was open to free traffic from India, including ICE and hashish.

Mind you in the height of LTTE activities, with the window of opportunity given to us by LTTE (they escorted us to a safe region) we visited bordering Walikanda and it's Hospital.

To my horror million's worth of anesthetic and surgical instruments were lying idle.

They failed to train anaesthetists, then and even now there is a shortfall.

Mind you, medical guys recently passed out now are both avoiding public health and emergency care appointments.

Safety First initiative in practice.

There will be a drop in registration for Medical and Dental practice.
I wanted them to be curtailed due to money spent training a guy or girl and losing them to a Western country.

Over 30 guys recruited and sent to Japan for training, from the Dental School did not come back and  I told, the then dean and he shrugged his shoulders in affirmative.
Two under my care never returned from overseas training but I did not spend much time with them anyway, knowing the outcome.

Not a healthy scenario in the defense academy but the new tecruits will jump at the overseas appointments with our army giving security to them abroad.

What a luxury?

That is why Aurvedic guys are having a rosy time in Ceylon, now.

At least Coranavirus had no barriers to religion, ethnicity or language or geography.

Now we have a "not so level playing guy" at the helm and smoothening this guy's work at heart and lung is an amazingly difficult task.

I think Coranavirus is a terrible blessing in disguise and even many Gods (including Western God of Unity) in India are currently succumbing.

If they had Provincial Councils and devolved  Medical Services the fate of India would have followed the Northern Provinces by default but not their own design or objective.

That is an opinion of mine, in spite of many reservations I have for our health industry both public and private.

The training is hopelessly inadequate.

Slowly but surely human fragility is insinuating the the health industry.

Time has come to be honest and be integrated rather than separated which Muslims want us to be and Tamils should not swallow the bitter pill.

They want global Islam nothing but and using Tamils language as their platform currently but write from right to left in Arabic which is alien to Hindu and Sanscript scripts.

This piece does not reflect the numerous honest guys and girls who do their best under trying conditions be that may be medical or non-medical service industry.

But they are in the minority when money and power speak and strangle the system.

Mind you I have not registered myself for 20 years and a simple civilian guy now with courage to speak out not in death bed like Canadian defense minister and Armstrong  in his 80s (removing the the truth covering layers or untruth).

The truth of Coronavirus will come out a century or two later.

By then, the damage is done and global survival from  climate change is in its downward trend.

That speaks volumes and the planet cannot take the strain of population explosion and a remedy is on the horizon.

What a master stroke?

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