Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why I say Ant Colony is more successful than An Army Brigade

Why I say Ant Colony is more successful than An Army Brigade

I do not run short of ideas to write, even though, I have shed satire and academic comments by default or dysfunction.
I have seen only one company in Ceylon who practice Alexander Dreaming's, an American by descent, 5S protocol, get it right first time principle.
Army fails in 5S but ant colony succeeds.
This company in Panwila are experts on lingeries but I want to promote Linux and Python derivatives but failed.
Our computer education in Linux is zero and only 31 guys use a Linux Box, excluding me in Ceylon.
Ants and Kadia in my rooftop garden succeed, simply due to self organizing work force.
There is no command chain.
Every individual until there death look after the well being of the colony, not the Queen who is responsible for reinforcing the lost members.
King can father but cannot produce a child who needs 25 or 35 years to mature in intellect in Ceylon.
Long and unproductive, whereas an ant is productive few hours after hatching.
So mobilizing army means more commanders who do not work but give orders which are not self organizing like in an ant colony.
All over the world including Hitler’s to Idi Amin to Qaddafi and lately Myanmar's military failed.
It will definitely fail in Ceylon, since orders are given to the army by non productive monks, who are a drain on our economy.
In that sense religion is a global failure in the Middle East, Pakistan, Ceylon and in America.

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