Thursday, October 29, 2020

There is No TAX on Discontent (NTD)

There is No TAX on Discontent (NTD)

Sri -Lankan are very creative people but that creativity comes only after retirement when one sees that the grave stone or tomb is the final place of conquest!
This ultimate reality is also taxed; the Masters of this creation are British Tax Inspectors of Yesteryear.
British only had Police and Inspectors now we have Private Security in the Universities too.
We have lost everything including freedom but they cannot take our simple humour rather the satire (I thought satire is bit psychopathic) out of context.
Very soon humour will be taxed against the rulers will be taxed.
The academic Freedom in the University is also Taxed and Malabe is the Beginning.
Mr. O.M. Weerasooiya is a Retired Commissioner General of Inland Revenue and a Corporate Member of Sri Lanka Institute of taxation and former Treasurer of Netherlands Alumni Association of Lanka.

A personal note of somebody who is nobody in this Tax World:

Mr. O M Weerasooriya has done a wonderful job by writing this poem but there is something that we would like you to know.

A Developed country will collect 20 to 35% as taxes in this world.

A Developing country will collect 50 to 60% as taxes.

Today Ceylon collects 70% as taxes.

Every 100 rupees you earn 70 rupees will go back to the government as taxes.

This means Ceylon is heading for disaster like Zimbabwe (this is true- my own comment-We are heading that garden pathway rapidly in the name of development Who cares?) who collects a whopping 88% as taxes.

Support somebody who could change this at least to a developing level.

Read My Comment below and please add your comment, too.
Few lines would do.
The Tax Poem

At first I thought this was funny…then I realized the awful truth of it.

Be sure to read all the way to the end as that’s the punch line!

Tax his land, tax his bed,
Tax the table at which he’s fed.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts Anyway!
Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirt,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers,
If he cries tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas,
Find other ways to tax his aRss (after the daily purge).
Tax all he has, then let him know
That you won’t be done, till he has no dough
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till he’s good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he’s laid.
Put these words upon his tomb,
‘Taxes drove me to my doom…’

When he’s gone, do not relax,
Its time to apply the inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax,
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax,
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax,
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax,
Death Tax
Dog License Tax,
Driving Permit Tax
Excise Taxes,
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment (UI),
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax,
Petrol Tax (too much per liter)
Gross Receipts Tax,
Health Tax
Hunting License Tax,
Hydro Tax,
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax,
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes,
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax,
Mortgage Tax
Personal Income Tax,
Property Tax
Poverty Tax,
Prescription Drug Tax
Provincial Income Tax,
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax,
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax,
School Tax
Telephone Tax,
Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax,
Water Tax,
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax,
Workers Compensation Tax
Entertainment Tax,
Tourism Promotion Tax
Value Added Tax……..

Finally Nation Building TAX NBT).

We have still not yet built our NATION three years after ending internal war.

G.S.T. (Gona Saha Thanakola TAX-Bull and the Grass TAX)


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our Nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle-class and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the hell happened?

Can you spell ‘Politicians’?

It is all PoliTricks Scientists (my creation for Oxford Dictionary-Coined for American Scientists who make mockery / distort facts and make fiction / out of real facts).

I hope this goes around CEYLON at least 100 times!!!!!

YOU can help it get there!!!!

GO AHEAD – – – be a CEYLONESE !!!!!!!!!!


Help make a difference.

Ayubowan, is Long Life.


If you live long you pay more TAX so kick the bucket early!

May he attain the Final Goal, the Nibbana in this life and not next life.
IF not his next life we believe is NOT spared.
The TAX Inspector will follow him in the Samsara.
Even the PIN in Pin Kate is TAXED now.
I will send a Note / Email to Maha Brahma to TAX the TAX man and requesting him to GRANT HELL for TAX recuperation.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Spike is an amazingly good utility.
It organizes multiple emails.
I am signing off from the entire Internet, which I have been planning for the last 3 years.
All social media and Tik Tok are social vultures.
Add to that partisan CNN and FOX News political overtures are appalling, to say the least.
I have another problem.
Our Internet charges TAXES at 60% and for alcohol taxes are much more.
I prefer visiting my friends and see them live and Coronavirus put an end to that.
I used SPIKE to cheer them up and get out of the paranoia.
BIG Thank You.
I am now in a long hibernation out of religion, spiritual awakening, politics and above all faked science including medicine.
I enjoy gardening and encouraging all insect visitors to my rooftop garden.
Internet is a waste of on intellectual interlude.
Thanks again.
Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Knoppix 9 is out

 Knoppix 9 is out
Knoppix 9 is out but there are no seers for me to download it.
I had been using Knoppix from its 3.6 edition and I have  disc-case full of Knoppix CD and DVDs.
One of the best live DVDs to learn Linux.
I wonder why guys and girls are not using the mandatory block-down for learning Linux.
It is a shame and Facebook, Twitter and WhatsUp are killing learning habits.
I never/ rarely use those three utilities.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Dog Shit as a Meditative Object

Dog Shit as a Meditative Object

All dog lovers should read this.

I was to write about my 'Mini Garden Concept' but this is more urgent matter to deal with.

It was only yesterday, I was walking down our foot path and there was a little tussle brewing.

I generally avoid such encounters like, I avoid dog shit on our path.

This guy was a old polio case with a big limp and at the street level with direct eye contact.

I knew him as a casual labour when young not for good reason.

He refused to cut grass as fodder for the young cattle (cow and a bull) my wife had saved from the slaughter house.

His refusal did not deter me doing this menial job of looking after them for over seven months.

The other was a wife of a policeman who died recently as a pensioner.

She was on top flight of the steps.

I did not look up but diverted the guy's attention to me.

Then he said that dog shit was on his steps everyday.

He knew, I love dogs and feed all the stray dogs I meet on my walkaway.

 The lady, in a second retreated to her house.

This guy is living at a higher level and there is another guy who is very friendly with me because of his reading habits. (Only recently I found that the two were brothers and their childhood history was terrible.)

He is relatively poor but I make a point to buy a book or two of his choice, if I meet him in a bookshop.

 I like him since he always has a question or two for me to answer or expand upon, which sometime end up as a blog piece.

I have this canny habit of rephrasing his question to make his next question more vulnerable.

He is caring for all the dogs (now partially stray) that come to his house from the neighbourhood.

I told him the other day, that he is stupid and with the cost of living as it is, feeding dogs is not a minor matter.

I told him, I feed stray dogs on the street but never take them home as my company.

These dogs have the uncanny habit of pleasing you with a drop of a hat.

I told him, follow me, when I see dog shit in my garden, I clean them up immediately in meditative mode (my dog never does it on the steps) since my wife has a big aversion.

Mind you dog shit is dog shit and smelly if your dog is not a vegetarian dog (there aren't any vegetarian pedigree dogs).

My dog has limited space but his shit is small and in pellet formation and easy to cast away like a bad thought in meditative mode.

His only problem is constipation both he and I suffer due to dehydration (extremely hot weather even in Kandy).

So dog shit is a meditative object for me but for many Buddhists in this country dog shit is enough to start a war now that the ethnic war is extinguished (but the mad hatters are harping on).

I was able to stop the tussle.
This guy is deceased now.

But I won't try it once the parliament is dissolved.
All our political stray dogs are there cohabiting with shit on the floor of the house with p words.

I was looking down from my balcony and there were five or six dogs on the road making their territorial marks.

It just reminded me one of our present minister's pedigree dogs were poisoned for political reasons.

So they (now he is just a citizen with lot of spare time on his hands) will be busy igniting the ethnic war while at the same time visiting Buddhist temples.

How can these Buddhist monks practice meditation not on 'dog shit' but on 'ethnic purity shit'
This theme is called 'territorial integrity' which dogs possess in abundance. 
I think dogs acquired this "SHIT TERRITORIAL POSSESSION" from man.

Why I do not use a cell phone

Posted on

I have more than 100 reasons why I do not have or use a cell phone

I will list them as they come to my mind but not in any order of priority,

As an intern I hated a call since it meant, a batch of new arrival of small kids who have arrived in absolutely appalling condition. Some of them fitting due to low blood sugar nearing zero.

In fact I had 8 t0 10 kids whose blood sugar and CSF sugar zero.

The government at that time told the public it was encephalitis and I proved them wrong without even my medical registration completed. Then in 6 months later when I went to collect my own data they had disappeared mysteriously from, medical records.

Then what I did subsequently, I have to pen down on a latter date of my life nearing my death!

One thing was sure leave I decided to leave the Public Sector Health Service and I was glad I did that and if you read Dengue Dilemma elsewhere in my writings, one can easily guess it.

It has deteriorated in quality even though it has expanded in number.

  1. As a doctor I hated bad news on telephone. We rarely hear good news when on duty.
  2. Later in life when cell phone came I believed in CPP (Calling Party Pays) and flatly refused a cell phone.
  3. It is a public nuisance
  4. It is a nuisance when the cell phone owner has switched it off when you really needed him
  5. When you travel on a public transport one cannot have a snooze to drown the inconvenience with frequent interruptions. I love silence in public places.
  6. Even though I don’t use it I have to foot the bill (kids telephone bills)
  7. No work get done in public officers. They are busy answering their private call of nature and it is more frequent than the real call of nature.
  8. It is cheaper to redirect a message by email that should  end up as junk or gossip.
  9. We use it for gossip not for creative work
  10. It is private enemy one when you own the bank or telephone company a small sum in arrears and the reminders by them cost you more than you actually own them. I think you got the picture correct.
  11. I think it is enough for today but I will add more on future date when I run short of a topic to write.

SMS, Short Forms, Pidgins and Linux Acronyms

SMS, Short Forms, Pidgins and Linux Acronyms

There are lot of things that I can hate and some of them are Linux acronyms.
I never use SMS and I was trained to use proper English or Sinhala in my vocabulary.
Yes we use some jargon riddle terms in Medicine to hoodwink innocent patient and make them engrossed in their own misery.
That is no reason for Linux or computer guys to use short forms when one can use a fancy name like Imagination, Unity, Peppermint, Poseidon, PureOS and the like.
I am almost finishing my Linux downloads and testing and was going through the failed download list and found Idr-1.06 i686 and Google could not find a match for this acronym.
After about half an hour I decided to type L instead of I and I got the Link to the iso.
It says Linux Done Right iso which is  an Arch derivative.
I do not think they have done anything right in their naming strategy.
They have got totally bogged down in the acronym jungle.
Arch is a very sleek distribution and its derivative has become an orphan at birth.
In any case I could not get the 1.06 version since Linux Done Right has already gone to 1.10 and in between 1.08 was missing in number in sequence.

These guys/ Girls are absent minded professors even before becoming old like me.

There is another which I remember by heart since it is a Gamer’s Linux.
Games is something we lack in Linux. In that scenario we must make it very attractive for newbie.
The name goes as lglive.
It is again Arch Linux derivative.
Its web site is
Acronym shows the way they think right to left instead of left to right.
Even a learned Arab will get confused in this terminology.
By the way Arch Linux gamers is one of the best Linux game CD/DVD.
This is a malady of Linux Guys and Girls and as a doctor I do not treat them since if I treat them they stop using the creative part of the brain and stop being creative. Many of us do not use this part of the brain even if  we decide to stand on our head to get blood flow to that area.
Why this is I do not know.
But I have one theory from childhood our teachers suppress the creative children for life and children fear authority and especially their maths teachers. Our language is character base (they have no meaning) unlike graphic based Chinese and Japanese.
Children like graphic and not character based letters (in fact they hate letters).
This is why Chinese are good at tearing part an American plane hijacked and fix it in three days without an English manual to working order.
They figure out the structure and not the manual written in letters.
there is something wrong in English character map especially when the are made into acronyms and SMS.

Monty Python and Python Programming Protocol (P.P.P.)

I never thought Linux has any relationship to Monty Python’s playacting and his scripts.

Now I discover python language’s name comes from his acting skills and not due to any programming language as long as a reptile called python.

In my case any programming language is a python to me whether it is C or C++ or Java or Beans (they never spell or spill the beans or code in anyway comprehensible to human mind but to computers only) and sometimes with cobra venom installed in them and any sane guy start hating them.

All these changed when I discovered Linux. Whether you like or not one needs to know few starting scripts and rooting responses, booting and Grubbing files, if one wants to embrace Linux.

So I did.

Now I hear suddenly from nowhere ‘A’ Level students are made to learn python in schools and act like Monty Python of BBC.

BBC Basic was the first language I started learning before Sinclair’s Basic and long time before I discovered there is something called C and later Unix.

By the way, the language is named after the BBC show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” and has nothing to do with reptiles.
Making references to Monty Python and acting skills are actively encouraged by the Linux community.

Some of Python’s notable features:
Uses an elegant syntax, making the programs you write easier to read.

Is an easy-to-use language that makes it simple to get your program working. This makes Python ideal for prototype development and other ad-hoc programming tasks, without compromising maintainability.

Comes with a large standard library that supports many common programming tasks such as connecting to web servers, searching text with regular expressions, reading and modifying files.

Python’s interactive mode makes it easy to test short snippets of code. There’s also a bundled development environment called IDLE.

Is easily extended by adding new modules implemented in a compiled language such as C or C++.

Can also be embedded into an application to provide a programmable interface.

Runs on many different computers and operating systems: Windows, MacOS, many brands of Unix, OS/2.

Is free software in two senses. It doesn’t cost anything to download or use Python, or to include it in your application. Python can also be freely modified and re-distributed, because while the language is copyrighted it’s available under, an open source license.

Python is an easy and powerful object-oriented programming language. It was originally created back in the 1980’s, but saw it’s first public release in 1991. After the release of Python 1.0 in 1994, it quickly became one of the preferred programming language for the creation of web applications in the Internet, alongside with Perl and PHP.

It’s creator, Guido van Rossum has played a major part in the Python development from it’s first release and has a central role in deciding the direction of the Python development.

Python is often used as a scripting language for web applications in combination with the “mod python” module for the Apache web server. Python’s easiness of use and ability to integrate with different SDKs allows the creation of many different programs for Windows, Linux, Маc ОS and other operational systems.

This is what Eric Raymond gas to say about Python

I had already heard just enough about Python to know that it is what is nowadays called a “scripting language”, an interpretive language with its own built-in memory management and good facilities for calling and cooperating with other programs.

So I dived into Programming Python with one question uppermost in my mind: what has this got that Perl does not?

Perl, of course, is the 800-pound gorilla of modern scripting languages.

It has largely replaced shell as the scripting language of choice for system administrators, thanks partly to its comprehensive set of UNIX library and system calls, and partly to the huge collection of Perl modules built by a very active Perl community. The language is commonly estimated to be the CGI language behind about 85% of the “live” content on the Net.

Larry Wall, its creator, is rightly considered one of the most important leaders in the Open Source community, and often ranks third behind Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman in the current pantheon of hacker demigods.

To say I was astonished would have been positively wallowing in understatement.

It’s remarkable enough when implementations of simple techniques work exactly as expected the first time; but my first metaclass hack in a new language, six days from a cold standing start?
Even if we stipulate that I am a fairly talented hacker, this is an amazing testament to Python’s clarity and elegance of design.

There was simply no way I could have pulled off a coup like this in Perl, even with my vastly greater experience level in that language. It was at this point I realized I was probably leaving Perl behind.

Now Guido van Rossum who has a major role in development in Python will join the elite three mentioned above.(Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman and Larry Wall).

It is not easy to master a computer language but one who has background knowledge and basic understanding of several language would benefit from it.

Jumping into it straight away may not be the best way.

Learning C and Unix, Linux and how scripting done and modules used to take advantage of Linux kernels is necessary before embarking on this adventure.

In any case Linux is the winner.

It is an object oriented interpretive language with graphic capability may be better than Visual Basic but if one needs to advance in programming language one need to know the code and syntax behind the ant graphic interphase.

There are lot of language wrapped behind the Linux kernel and scripting. It is far better to master Linux and simple commands and scripts before delving.into an advanced language with powerful capabilities.

I still prefer to call it a python with reptilian image because it is a very very long language behind the big modules.

Enjoy Linux and one will enjoy Python too but do not let it wrap round your neck and squeeze your wind pipe and suffocate you.

Better learn few piping tricks in Linux and put the python inside a pipe and tame it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

My Sympathies with French

It is ironic, a country that talks about plurality is targeted by the Muslim extremists.
My sympathies with the French.
My current French is not good enough to put my ideas in French.
Hopefully I will get there, eventually.
We have gone through terrorism in all forms and our politicos have gone into inaction in persecuting the facilitators and culprits.
Our last president epitomised this tragedy.
He left the country for a holiday having known the impending attacks and is protected by what is called parliamentary immunity currently.
Inaction is worse than impotence.
It is all rhetoric but our stupid politicians want a Raja Family created by 20th ammendment to the constitution to ruin the democracy we enjoyed for 70 years.
What an about turn?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

American Pie

American Pie

Comparing an average American’s eating habits with ours is a revelation by itself.
An American eats a cow / bull every ten years.
In every American there are at least 5 cows in him / her by the time s/he is fifty.
If he has not got mad cow disease or Alzheimer’s disease what s/he eats in the rest of his life is any American doctor’s guess.
He eats a pig every three years.
He eats at least 50 chickens and one turkey a year.

Some Americans of course eat much more than this.

My worry is every cow/bull s/he eats, at least an equivalent of 8Kg of fodder is needed to support its life to obtain 1Kg of meat.
If an American stops eating 1Kg of beef s/he is saving about 8Kg of grain for a poor soul in Africa or Bangladesh.

Out of the tons of grain produced more than half (this ratio has gone up with the increase of Chinese Middle Class population) is spent on animal feeds and some American cows are better fed than African kids. 
These Chines factories now BREED Coronavirus. 

Only to be sacrificed as human food.

The current Pope should give due consideration to these facts and he should give a hearing to this fiasco and if the grain saved by saving the poor cows / or bulls is multiplied by the factor of eight by 1000 (well the fed cow’s weight) there is an excess grain in this world to feed everybody.

Equally FAO should take this into cognizant.

Looking by some of Ceylonese who lavish on food I cannot say there is any difference to American mentality, here in Ceylonese (especially who visit here to take a break from the winter).
Coming back to a single meal, if an American or Western guy sacrifices a single meal a week, like our Buddhist monks who live on a single meal a day, we would be able to feed some hungry children in Africa and Asia without any problem or NGOs.
WHO also should take this fact to their cognizant.
I don’t believe in what our agriculture minister who says, that food prices have gone up because of biofuels.
The production of biofuels has being going on for over 25 years.
One should realize that the ancient man and his closest friend the dog survived on a single meal in spite of their aggressive hunting skills.

Eat less is my recipe!
Three rice meals a day is two much (unless one is heavy manual labour).
I lost my weight only after stopped eating rice.
I was like a pig when I was eating meat including pork!
I wanted to celebrate 12 years without eating a single grain of rice but differed it due to Coronavirus epidemic.
I am compiling all the bad things about rice cultivation currently.
My conviction is to stop cultivating rice in this country BUT import RICE like Dhal.

Suse or Trisequel or Mandriva


I only USE Debian Now!

Suse or Trisequel or Mandriva

I looked at my blog posts and discovered that I have no entry for Suse.
This is to rectify that omission.
Unfortunately I am bit explicit here.
Suse or Trisequel or Mandriva
Suse Linux had a special place in my choices before it went commercial. I left Fedora and embraced Suse Linux and had been using it from Suse 8. Till Suse 10.1 there was no problem and when it was taken by Novel I had lot of expectations. Novel concentrated on server but I believe like Redhat neglected the desktop version. 
By Suse 11.1, I was changing my allegiance. Mainly due to it’s failure in commercial support of the desktop version.
It was less than ideal.
Then it’s alliance with Microsoft was not a favorable enterprise.
I will talk about the plus points first.
It had one of the best installation script even though unlike Redhat sometimes tends to miss some of my other Linux distributions already installed in the box. It also had a very good partition utility when compared to other Linux distributions except Mandrake, Debian and Redhat. 
It’s YAST was a very good configuration utility. Its KDE was bulky but very attractive. Then it introduced the Suse Studio where one can Mix and Match utilities and make one’s own Live distribution. In fact, I made one distribution myself. 
ChromeOs is one of those distributions a that took root from Suse Studio. 
From then onwards I shifted my allegiance totally and it’s Milestone releases are “pain in the neck” and worse than the Fedora experience for me.
I stopped downloading and testing them after the last version 11.2. 
When I saw many innovations in other Live CD/DVDs it was easy for me to ditch it in favour of PClinux.
Now few of my reason for ditching it.
It is bulky and consumes lot of RAM.
It is slow in boot up.
Its downloading of Linux images was bad.
It tends to pile up all the junk temporary files and what really annoyed me was it did not have a way of cleaning up and deleting large files. 
With time file corruption ensued. 
At that stage to save time I had to dump it and never used it again.
It stopped reading partitions above 15 and with me having 5 to 6 distributions in one box it was restricting my freedom. 
With disks of 500 GiB coming to the market restricting to 15 partition was a stupid idea. 
Only Microsoft would have done it that way. 
New Windows 8 not allowing alternative operations to boot is a case in point.
It also take the belief and shoot that belief out of window that commercial ventures do add value and complementary and better than community work.
Suse desktop was a commercial failure for the happy faces of Microsoft and Apple CEOs.
I wanted to write about Trisequel here instead of Suse but took the decision if I do not write little bit of Suse and its history, justice is not done to those developers who created Suse.
I will be brief in here writing about Trisequel. Suse and Mandrake took Open Software theme to the extreme and in their early releases excluded all packages which had slightest taint of commercial tags and did not include things like Flash and the like limiting the functionality for those who were migrating from Microsoft background. They then bundled them in their commercial counterpart to lure them to buy their distributions. 
This was not a healthy ploy, and the clever customer like me can see the commercial intent. I have personal experience with Suse the details which I decline to state here.
XandosOS is another good commercial product which apply this principle.
I should close this entry with why I have not included Mandrake. Many reasons as stated above an it’s split recently into two. Mandrake has been acquired by a Russian company and it is applying rigid and regimental style, somewhat akin to military. 
The breakaway Mageia is not yet mature. I wish both of these endeavors success but hesitate to recommend them just for now.
Coming back to Trisequel if one wants a pure Linux derivative and beautiful and clean distribution too, I have no hesitation of recommending Trisequel that come from Spain and has English version too.
It has everything except cloud utilities.
That shoots two birds with one go.
1. No commercial involvement or enticements.
2. True to it’s Linux base.
So if any Linux distribution goes commercial like Redhat focus that commercial aspect and give customer due care which Suse failed in desktop range. I am not stating that Redhat customer service good. 
It is far from it but it knows it’s obligation and working towards that goal at least in the server section.
Redhat is well known for failing the desktop clients.
My current resolution is to use only Debian which is the God Father of all Linux distributions.

Why I say Ant Colony is more successful than An Army Brigade

Why I say Ant Colony is more successful than An Army Brigade

I do not run short of ideas to write, even though, I have shed satire and academic comments by default or dysfunction.
I have seen only one company in Ceylon who practice Alexander Dreaming's, an American by descent, 5S protocol, get it right first time principle.
Army fails in 5S but ant colony succeeds.
This company in Panwila are experts on lingeries but I want to promote Linux and Python derivatives but failed.
Our computer education in Linux is zero and only 31 guys use a Linux Box, excluding me in Ceylon.
Ants and Kadia in my rooftop garden succeed, simply due to self organizing work force.
There is no command chain.
Every individual until there death look after the well being of the colony, not the Queen who is responsible for reinforcing the lost members.
King can father but cannot produce a child who needs 25 or 35 years to mature in intellect in Ceylon.
Long and unproductive, whereas an ant is productive few hours after hatching.
So mobilizing army means more commanders who do not work but give orders which are not self organizing like in an ant colony.
All over the world including Hitler’s to Idi Amin to Qaddafi and lately Myanmar's military failed.
It will definitely fail in Ceylon, since orders are given to the army by non productive monks, who are a drain on our economy.
In that sense religion is a global failure in the Middle East, Pakistan, Ceylon and in America.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Linux Reproduction for Posterity

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Linux Reproduction for Posterity

Updating My Laptop with some editing

I must tell you after preparing the 15 partitions booting four Linux images it took little over 2 and a half hours. 
Pinguy took little longer and 20 minutes extra since I had to install Dropbox and I was connected to the Internet.
Half and hour is all that is required to install Linux.

1.Knoppix DVD was the quickest.
2. Then Vinux
3, Then Sabayon
4. Pinguy took one hour and one can cut it down to half an hour if you do not tick updates from Internet and third party software like Flash and Mpeg.
To be honest I had made a mistake in the night by inadvertently using its home partition (wrong numbering of partitions) for Sabayon and I had to redo all including repartitioning to correct order and numbering sequence for me to remember by heart and I finished in less than two hours.
This would go as the quickest update under one day (24 hours) while doing lot of other things including taking my son out for meal who has high degree of visual handicap and sat with him with Vinux after returning home. 
He of course picked up the finer points in no time and by the time I returned having attended  to Internet cables I had pulled out accidentally while configuring the laptop.
In fact, that took longer than the installation since I had to check all the cables and make sure my download work continued (it broke twice yesterday) and listen to BBC cricket on radio while doing all this.
Since PCLinux 64 bits version is not there I am going to install Debian and leave two partition free for it for future day.

Beauty is that the GRUB file/s of each distributions is / are now compatible it does not matter in what order I install them.

That also saved lot of time.

In other words it is going to inhabit 6 distributions with all the utilities I used in various combinations.

I have not installed ArtistX or AVLinux since I have no time for graphic work now but I have their images in my collection if any of my friends need them to be installed.

Laptop is a showpiece but my real workhorses are old I.B.Ms which run almost 24 hours everyday downloading various images I test on daily basis but that exercise is going to end very soon.

I was waiting for the PCLinux2011 64 bits Version but it was never coming and decided to upgrade my laptop with a bigger hard disk which are becoming cheaper by the day.

The steps are 

1. Remove the battery.

2. Remove the Hard disk.

3. Fixed the new Hard Disk and place the old one on a portable mini USB bay/tray enclosure.

4. Use gParted to partition the new hard disk (15 partition restriction applies  for SATA Hard Drives).

5. Install Knoppix 10 the anniversary edition. 
No problem.

6. Install Pinguy. 
No problem with GRUB and detects Knoppix but painfully slow when updating on line.

7. Install Dropbox in about 5 minutes.

8. Install Sabayon 6 with no problem and it detects both Knoppix and Pinguy. 
No problem with XBMC media center and mouse does not freeze.

9. Boot up Pinguy and let Dropbox synchronizes and me go to sleep and it is 6 am in the morning.

10. Test the USB Hard Disk and boots up OK but slow and my data in old hard is intact. 
All these without paying any ransom to Microsoft and now I have 7 operating systems 4 on the old disk 3 on the new one with another  7 partitions left for install.
Two for Linux Image Storage in NTFS partition and three for Debian Sinhala another three for PCLinux 64 bits when it comes and I still have another partition for testing new Linux distribution and a FAT partition for posterity but sometimes destructive for some Linux distributions with my oversight might make me to reinstall all in one night of hectic work and the whole Saturday for me to  go into sleep mode and have a couple of dreams for Maha Brahma.
Please note that installing was done in the night only because out Telecom's download is painfully slow for on line updates (takes ages if done during day time) in day time and all Ceylonese including doctors on duty sleeping except poor Interns who have poor diagnostic skills.
Please do not get sick at night because we do not have ambulances to take you to a hospital and the ambulance drivers also prefer a good night sleep. 
Then you might wonder me keeping up all night. 
Well I had to keep all night up when I was on call abroad often working for three others and patient prefer coming to me at night since I used to solve problems those GPs took ages to give an appointment let alone solve.

Those nightly habits are a bonus when one deals with computing in Linux, not that Linux gives problems but often due to human errors like installing a root partition on some other distribution's home partition due to wrong numbering of the partition table.

Bulath Hape or Chewed Betel

Bulath Hape or Chewed Betel

I hate betel leaves.
It leaves a nasty stain.
Besides, it predisposes to Oral Cancer.
I won't go into its individual contribution besides arecanut has more nasty chemicals in its constitution.
I saw a young guy with his mother, hoodwinking my neighbor who is a Christian by faith.
Asking for a FREE Bulath Atha.
I told him an average betel leaf's selling price is Six Rupees and is costlier than tea leaves which is anti-carcinogenic by nature, which is foreign by origin, thanks to the British.
Even coffee is foreign.
95% of our plants including cashew nuts brought in here by Portuguese are foreign.
Coming back to betel half a hand is 20 leaves costing 120 and the teachers collect them by hundreds and sell it back to the vendor, and same leaves are sold several times (I did not tell my neighbor of that shoddy transaction) just like the Ata Piricara, our Buddhist monks sell over 100 times.
They are supposed to have only two saffron cloths and half a dress of sarong type for bathing.
You can see how teachers get rich (even without tuition fees) and Buddhist monks are fabulously rich by cheating.
Once upon a tome bétel leaf was a political symbol.
We should ban bétel leaves since bribes are carefully wrapped inside and offered to Grama Niladharis in this country.
That is where thé corruption begins and Chinese should learn, thé tricks of thé trade before embarking on business big or small.
The voters are disposed like chewed betel in this country, till the next election.
It looks like bringing a military government into power they have done away with the supremacy of the voter contribution for their entire life.
Military does not understand Democratic Values but only the command chain of discontent for individual values and human rights.