Sunday, August 2, 2020

Value, Design and Future Perspective

Our current value will decide the basis of our intended design of the future.
If we go on, without objective/s, we would end up, in a blind alley.
This is so in economics, politics and even worse, socially.

It is pretty obvious in Ceylon and US we are heading for the cliff edge.

Sometimes, I think we are going backward, politically.
Simply because we do not have potent democratic values and a correct political design of flexibility. 

We are groping in the dark. 

The movement is generally, unidirectional and never multidimensional and that is also only towards the future and not the current predicament exposed by the Coronavirus.
I have no inclination on probing these biological, economic and social arenas.
There are lot of guys already driving their efforts including Dr. Fauci, valiantly in many fields including immunology.

I need to say few words about him here, for posterity.
His dress is smart.
His sporting hat was fitting but not his throw.
I believe, the ball given to him had lead weight in it.
Should have given him a tennis ball.
His composure was solid, in spite of many political slips, only rivaling President.
His scientific design and presentation were excellent.
His composure was solid and remarkable.

He does not go, round about way like politicians.
The recent senate hearing or review was indictment on all the CNN journalists, making their own political slips through, not the scientific know how.

Now, I prefer, more of abstract dimensions that will even envy Steven Hawking.
However, it would fit in with the 5 dimensions out of the 13 postulated in mathematical dimensions.

That will leave me dark energy and dark matter and shape shifting technology to ponder and send me to the nearest galaxy outside our own, at least in theoretical sense.

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