Monday, October 28, 2019

How stupid our political leaders except perhaps Sir John KOTALAWALA

How stupid our political leaders except perhaps Sir John KOTALAWALA

I was reading book on Wisdom (not political but general) and hit upon the idea of commoner garden topic (both putative leaders and general lumpen citizens) of stupidity.
To begin with we would have let the British to do some development like in Singapore.
I loved the word LUMPEN which I learned from a friend sociologist.
We were not only stupid but immature to ask for freedom when our balance of payments were high due to the end of the World War II.
We had Air Ceylon (not Mihin or Hemin Lanka) and all the pilots left after independence and created the Singapore Airline for the British!

We asked the British to leave (SWRD) the strategic defense system they created based on Ceylon and ended up creating first the JVP and later LTTE and having a fleet of two or three war time planes when LTTE emerged.

I believe SWRD read the book by Bertrand Russel (“Power” but not “Why I am not a Christian”) and used language and religion for his own demise by a monk (a saffron clothed guy helped by a Monk living with a female minister).

We had Indira creating (not CIA) the LTTE to undermine our development to the level of Singapore.
We changed Ceylon to Sri-Lanka and our tea trade declined and our planters (due to nationalization of plantation by Sirimavo) went to Kenya and Kenyan tea fetch high prices currently.
It was the stupid (Kumar David my excuses for attacking NM and the clan) leftists who attacked Sir John in Bandung when he raised the alarm bells of Communist dictatorships including Mao Tsetung who killed millions of Chinese)

I leave the current politicians until their demise to write an obituary and the death of our democracy (Daughter of ?, Mother of Liberty, interned at the Diyawannawa, died of the incurable lunatic disease / illness called D.M.O Crazy).

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