Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Fishing a Guppy Fish

Fishing a Guppy Fish
Fishing a Guppy Fish out of misery is not easy, especially if it jumped out into the cement floor of the rooftop garden (from a water plant pot).
Let me start with saying that my major interest is water plants.
I breed guppies only to control mosquito menace.
I am successful up to 90% of the time, after many years of trial and error.
Mosquitoes do lay eggs, but they are cleaned up by guppies, when I do not feed them, one day out of 10 days.
Roughly 10th day they come out as larvae, quickly to be devoured by hungry guppies.
Water plants grow fast when there are lot of fish adequately fed.
Their urine is my fertilizer especially for the lilies.
Toady I pulled out the Japanese water fern in excess to give more freedom for the guppies to swim and one accidentally jumped out.
Once they are on the cement floor catching them is not easy.
One cannot hand pick.
If you do that one squeezes the kidneys and they die within 24 hours.
I quickly dam the drainage outlet of the cement floor with water plants (growing out of the top of the containers).
If you don't the fish reaches the drainage pipe by default (it follows the water flow by instinct) and gone in few minutes never to find again.
I open the tap in full throttles and look around to see where the guy/girl is?
It is often very difficult to find and it is in panic mode anyway.
Once found I pick them with a leave made into a funnel with little water at the bottom.
It took over 10 minutes to locate it but quickly cornered it and landed it on its rightful place.
My cascading principle of letting water into the next pot of plant at a lower level works most of the time for wondering fish but not when one takes a mighty flying jump.
Even though, I used to enjoy a fish soup instead of wine now, seeing a fish in death dance is painful experience.
Every day, I see fish (fresh water fish) vendors selling live fish (from Mahaveli River) just out of water from the river or pond.
This city is called Kandy.
Mind you the magpie (local singing bird) steals my guppies every day.
Being a bird lover growing lilies (the leaves are a cover for the fish) has its own surprises.

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