Sunday, June 2, 2013

Forgotten Tribes

Forgotten Tribes
I was running short of ides to write then hit upon a gold mine.
Shall I say it is the Pandora’s Box.
It was all indirect.
I was flabbergasted by how the white man of the West and America, now prompting Human Rights as its agenda, while all the time destroying all the history belonging to the tribes that befell (they have decimated in 500 years) in their hands.
No western nation is free of abuses.
European Union so powerful in their proclamation of human rights but won’t have any description of the tribal history in their modern libraries (history books) how and why there is no mention about Aborigines (who were wiped out from Tasmania).
There is a lot conspiring by historians and also people who are editing modern encyclopedias.
There is paucity of information of Arawak’s of Caribbean and the rest of the tribal exterminations.
There is paucity of information of slave trading.
Why,  children of 21st century are not told about these excesses and atrocities.
Can we wipe out the history of almost 50 to 100 million who were wiped out, by western colonizers?
Unfortunately, Christian Church is also culpable of propagating and spreading agenda of false information.
Past is forgotten for convenience.
The tribal nations Including Indian Tamils who were brought in here needs to know who brought them here as slaves for pittance.

History is history, there cannot be duplicity.

This applies to present Sri-Lankan administrators too.

History cannot be forgotten and statistics cannot be doctored.
There are dark ages in every history but falsifying it is not correct.
There is no consolation for the survivors even if the figures are right.
At least there is no genocide in this respect as it is claimed by the western erudite who know little in their history including Canada.
There is a fabric of untruth, they are weaving to distort the history of current events as well as past events of five centuries.
That cannot be called diplomacy, even though diplomats are habitually trained to lie but not get caught off guard, in the process of lying.

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