Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pinguy and Ping Eee-Update.

For the time being Pinguy and Ping Eee are the best innovative Ubuntu derivative which is in the market and the score is 2385 which is very close to the Gold Standard and well above Unity and Mabuntux.

Out of the Ubuntu derivatives this is the most eye catching feature filled derivative enticint the Linux newbies as well as savvy guys / gurls.

It has Cloud Utilities, Light Scribe and it almost look like apple Mac for one who has never seen a Apple Mac.
I have the feeling Ubuntu's Unity has taken a leaf out of Pinguy and Ping Eee for netbooks and laptops.
It's grub file is unable to figure out my other distributions and that is why it is not in my box. It can recognize only one Linux distribution at a time and that cab be easily sorted out with few lines in the Grub.
It will take the tablets by surprise by any breath of imagination.

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