Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Last Chapter in Singalo-Vada Sutta

Last Chapter in Singalo-Vada Sutta

 This is last chapter Singalo-Vada Sutta in old English. 

I was looking for Singalo Vada Sutta in English for ages but could not find. 

I was convinced Buddha did not go into our life beyond 8 precepts.

I was wrong.

A comprehensive guide of 14 acts.

I list them without any order.

1. Partiality hit me first.

Do not follow judgement on your fellow beings specially your spouse.

2. Control your anger

(I was a guy with short burst on daily basis).

3. Do not lie.

4. Do not steal.

5. Do not be a fool.

6. Do not try to be a professional.

 (It invariably applies to me).

Last two I forgot.

Re-referred the text

7. Fear

8. Impurity of what?

Note there is no reference to alcohol at all.

That was revealing.

Having a tot on the sly is it allowed?


The last SIX (6) was the most important.

Do not associate with bad friends.

1 Number one is, do not associate with an alcoholic friend in the bar.

Unfortunately, I did not read this before finishing my book on Charms of Alcohol.


Strife or conflict


Loss of character


Impaired senses or faculties

Public display of one's personality (good in my vase) and bad in All Ceylonese including Wira Wansa with Racial rhetoric.

Of course Pu....ke, Vasudeva included.

What Buddha says is associating with these guys leads to financial meltdown.

I immediately gave a call to one of my class mates who had lot of bad friends and was really an alcoholic.

Strangely he was in  Temple and I told him to Teach the Young, the Singalo Vada and practice it yourself.

2. Number two dicing or gambling.

3. Idling and sleeping and getting up late and loitering with your friends in the night with shadowy beings.

4. Becoming a libertarian including 'woke' culture guys.

5. Going to films, theater, dancing and singing with your buddies.

6. Associating with outlaws cheats, swindlers, rouges, that include some Prime Ministers and Presidents like Zelensky in Ukraine.

So in actual fact Buddha had American Neo-colonials in mind 2500 years ago.

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