Sunday, September 8, 2024

Futuristic Dream


Futuristic Dream

Latest dream as far as I am concerned was futuristic.

Reasons I will give below.

It goes on like this.

We had a long drawn out industrial action, this time students on strike (like in 1988-1989), I was getting bored and decided to quit for good from the University (which I did).

After 6 months of struggling, I managed to get part of the Provident Fund (half of which was frozen for administration of unknown intellectual assets and authorities did not wish to part with the balance thinking, if I die before the release of the funds, it is gross government saving, wished I could be dead by natural causes) and I wanted to buy a car for my retirement, now that even walking a few paces was a struggle.

This is al about Government Duty Free Car allowed. 

I went with somebody which I cannot remember probably an in law to drive me home. We cleared everything and all of them got into the car and left leaving me behind with a heavy suitcase. I thought now that I had signed the papers, they went for a test drive.

I could not leave my heavy luggage for safe keeping and after few minutes of waiting I decided to stroll down the alleyway. The luggage was too heavy after few minutes I sat down under a tree panting and cursing myself, had I some money I would have hired a three wheeler.

Then after about half and hour they realized I wasn't in and came in search of me. By that time I had gone bananas and with that commotion, I was woken up.

I must tell you why I was happy.

My present Provident Fund saving is not enough to buy even a three wheeler. I was visibly annoyed with myself for waking up lest I had gone to Anuradhapura in pilgrimage in this new car with total happiness, I may have even attained some path of freedom (Sovan) in my dream.

That is the long and short of my dream but I was intrigued by the heavy luggage.

I sent an email to Maha and this time there was a long silence before his chat appearance.

I wasn't least pleased with his attitude to my latest dream. I asked him was he busy to which he gave negative response. Then again he was dragging his feet and asked me, how the industrial action was taking shape. I told him we are having deliberations in the courts and I am not allowed to divulge anything. Then he summoned his courage and said that this dream is not futuristic and dull and no point of discussing or interpreting. 

I felt something fishy and asked him this dream is about me, isn't it?

He paused and said how did you guess?

Do you really need some interpretation?

Why not, we earthling are going from pillar to post looking for godforsaken astrologers who take us for a ride. We love to hear of our future, even if it is our funeral and specially the salary increment we are going to get.

This one is little bad.

You mean to say we won't get any increment?

No fool it is your final farewell?

Farewell for leaving the University?

No fool your ultimate farewell from this planet.

Or I see.

You were waiting for the people to come and dump you and push the electric button and they were late and you were watching from above.

Heaven, I believe.

Can't tell you that now.

In that case can you tell me what was that heavy luggage in the suitcase.

That was your Kusal-Akusala Kamma Load.

Which is more?

Can't tell that, too.

Can you tell me at least the Ahosi Kammas.

You have finished all your Ahosi Kamma by blogging and all in the suitcase were viable Kammas.

That means no Sovan for me, isn't it?

Can't tell you that, too.

You must stop all blogging and stop doing any Kusala or Akulsala Kamma.


You are then in Kriya Mode and then only you get to dream good futuristic dreams, not related to your life.

Or I see.

Less Kusala and Akusala in your suitcase and more I get to hear god futuristic dreams, from you.

How long?

That is left to you.

In that case, I have to go on indefinite industrial action.

You won't have any problem with that since the case is in Sri-Lankan courts.

Happy dreaming.

See you soon.

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