Monday, May 13, 2024

My Ranking of Linux Distributions

My Ranking of Linux Distributions

Let me be honest to begin with.

I was a busy doctor and if it was only ARCH Linux I would not have never used Linux.

I despise all all the Arch Based distributions including Majaro.  

It makes the user agitated by its rigid and rigmarole military attitude to Linux!

I think even average developer hates its approach.

I just tested Garuda Linux Live and I going to erase with Rosa Linux which is a Russian Distribution which I have never tested before.

For a brief period I used ArcoLinux for testing purposes.

1. Number one is Debian it has assortment of Live and DVDs.

Currently I use Live Gnome DVD simply because I can add and delete packages as and when I want them. It supports both Synaptic and SNAP (hub).

DVD wont let one update software but let you have variety od desktop to play with.

2. Ubuntu is my second choice.

It has the most versatile GRUB Boot loader ans go easy with ESP.

3. Linux Mint

4. Linux Cinnamon

5. Emmabantus with support for African countries.

6. Puppy Linux

7. Knoppix

8. Perhaps Astra Linux

9. ALT for its Mate Desktop

10. Slackware Linux

Suse Linux and Fedora Linux I have not used for ages.

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