Friday, October 21, 2022

War Films, War Games, Star Wars and Elon Musk

My futuristic prediction long time ago on a theoretical level was that the future wars are fought in space and whoever who dominates space if he or she does not win  the war will decimate the planet earth.
I had no idea of the Russia and Ukraine conflict.
What had happened is

1. Actor becomes a president
2. Star Link provide the ground information
3. Ultrasonic missiles enter the fray
4.;Robots designed in country far remote in technology rain the sky of Ukraine

I am against any type of war.
I love films but not American War Films or Armageddon.

So it time for Elon Musk to step aside from space and become a film producer.
Then he should get Ukrainian president as his chief actor.
Not current war which has no monetary value for theatre goers (the lies are redundant and superfluous to film industry) but Stat Wars III should be the title.

Elon Musk can recover some of the money lost by deactivating (by Russia) of the hundreds of his satellites by entering the film industry.

He will also bolster the flagging image of a actor become impotent president.

Of course he should remain in the bunker provided by France and never think in terms of floating in space like an astronaut.

To become an astronaut one need lot of steel and this guy has no clout with the hammering he gets from President Putin.

Nobody should think of making a film about President Putin because nobody with correct sense attempt it lest he gets bumped off for misrepresenting real facts.

Putin Drama was created and played by America and CIA and it is based on damn lies of historical facts.

What about President Biden.

He is only second to Ukrainian president and has no value as an actor (all his life he was acting like one as the Vice President and given the right mantle  on top he squandered it by diplomatic inaction) by many a miles and he has become a puppet on strings of military industrial complex or MIC.

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