Sunday, November 1, 2020

American and Ceylon Politics-No difference

Inter-monsoon and inter-political vacuum in America and in Ceylon.
I refuse to talk about Ceylon under military dictator, lest I be beheaded alive, like in the Kandyan Kingdom where I live currently. 
This piece is to highlight how uninspiring, the political debate in America. 
They are obsessed with Coronavirus, thanks to Singapore Airline's fast service to Europe and America, the Coronavirus becoming an unintended passenger in flight.
I am interested in two issues.
1. Global Warming
2. Sixth extinction.
3. Third if I may say, wraps both above in one tight loop, that is water security.
I dispense with water first.
We did not have the normal rain that comes in September and goes through to early December.
Inter-monsoon is in limbo and I have to water my rooftop garden almost daily. 
My guppy fish die of heatstroke, if not for the total surface cover with floating water plants, I have allowed to grow with utmost care.
Birds and even dragonfly come to quench the thirst with temperature hovering in the outside world about 85 degrees Fahrenheits.
With all these America is eager on shake oil drilling unabated and there is no policy in both Democratic and Republican camps.
America including Middle East are the biggest polluters of this globe now overtaken by China with Mega Mania and India closely following.
Our rulers are hell bent on Coal Power industry while decimating our rain forest.
That is the reality nobody talks in America, Italy and in Vatican and Ceylon.
The Coronavirus is the blessings in disguise, that will decimate over 20 million in the next decade  or so and the WHO does not have a population strategy.
When human fails mother nature takes over with a vengeance.
The sixth extinction is in full gear now.
Hold your belt tight in your car or in in flight entertainment in a plane.
Planes are the biggest polluters of our air.
Thanks to American Air Industry.
None of this is discussed by both candidates and CNN and Fox News watching is a waste of time.
I am not surprised if Donald Trump has a victory in electoral colleague count.
So do not take bets like in Arizona dessert's casinos which is again an another American successful industry..
Good Bye and No more blog pieces from me now onwards.
I have gone into hibernation with the election results taking more than two months to declare by the Supreme Court of America.
What an anticlimax?

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