Monday, March 30, 2020

The Key Evolutionary Biomarker is Mitochondrial DNA

The Key Evolutionary Biomarker is Mitochondrial DNA

I always believed what I was taught in physics and biology as a kid that continued in the university was bull shit and it is true in America at this moment of Trump’s antics on education.

Trump fears true education will come to America and destroys capitalism and the puritan religious dogma.

This entry probably summarizes the key points in evolution on this planet.

The global picture is more important than the specific events or specific informational facts.

It is the Mitochondia that determines the big events in the evolution.

Symbiosis was the key element (prokaryotes became symbiotic and much later became mitochondria) in early evolution of life and natural selection and adaptation of Darwin Theory was much later event.

Mitochnrial DNA is truly maternal and need for paternal mitochondria was not (sex was not a necessary ingredient) worth its mettle.

The mitochndria are remarkably resistant to frequent mutations and they occur in 3 to 5 million cycles.

When the last occurred, the homosapiens started appearing on this planet well after the last major meteorite fall.

The next meteorite fall is due in 16 million years from now and there could be 3 to 5 chances of major mitochondrial events with possible mutations before the NEXT meteorite devastation would change biological events.

What these changes would bring to human evolution is only a conjecture but humans as we see now will be well gone by then by his inability to sustain or control his/her craving and selfish desires.

Man will destroy himself and viral contribution to his demise is not a natural event but artificially created event in a genetic laboratory more likely in the East (China) than in the West.

His desire to develop biological weapons and create a super elite civilization by eliminating the vast masses by viral technology which started in America has slipped to the Asian region inadvertently.

Remember Sadam Hussein and he worked in such a facility in America and was eliminated (he never did develop biological weapon) by design.

Even U.K was/is doing similar experiments blaming only Russia for using Plutonium for espionage is only the tip of the iceberg.

I am told Russia has a robust biological program well in advance.

This is why I am against the Genomic Project by Craig Ventor and many others in the world currently.

Natural events should happen naturally and not in a genetic laboratory!

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