Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lessons for Ceylon from President Trump’s Impeachment

Lessons for Ceylon from President Trump’s Impeachment

I will make a strategic install for future reference for political analysis later but let me say what will happen in America (my gut feelings).

In America, there are three institutions, the Senate, The House and the Judiciary.

Currently Executive Presidency is above two of those institutions except the Judiciary.

The judiciary is independent and see what is happening to former FBI director and the whistle -blowers.


1. Republican party will win a working majority both in Senate and House in 2020. They do not need 2/3rd majority.

2. President Trump will keep his promises to the masses who voted for him and will vote for him.

3.Democratic party will try to pull the rug under and maintain a low status quo (no quit for pro at all) to stop him in vain.

4. President Trump will sail through the obstacles in his second term much more vigorously than in his first term.

5. He will leave white house for good not leaving his children or in laws as heir to the "Throne".

6. Mrs. Nacncy Pelosi and Mr. Joe Biden will bite the dust blown by the impeachment fiasco.

In Ceylon we have only one whistle blower with credible recordings unlike in US.

He is called Mr. Ranjan Ramanayake and he is in Prison for whistling a bit of data.

1. In Ceylon S.L.P.P might come into power well short of two third majority (thanks to RR=Raja) in parliament in 2020. 
The S.L.F.P will be on course for a natural and slow death under M.S.

Thanks to using National ID that rigging is impossible but intimidation of military style will happen in the North and the East.

2. Winning S.L.P.P. will not keep it promises after the election due to the Debt Trap of their own creation.

3. Losing U.N.P. and J.V.P. cannot pull the rug under due to military style discipline by those in power and media moguls.

4. MR won’t be able to sail through the Debt Trap.
China and India will exploit the Ceylon Predicament and own valuable assets (airports, ports and sea) and will compete with USA for strategic exploitation of our weaknesses.

The I.M.F. will look the other way due to L.T.T.E. inputs.

5. MR and his exclusive family members want to ascend to the heir and owners of the throne. 
5. Buddhist monks will encroach on civil liberty like in Myanmar and want to keep this family on the throne and all other religions will have to be subservient (no freedom for worship, no freedom to speak, and no ability to escape from poverty). 
But these monks will become fat both in size and political pull.
The bottom line scenario is for the average voter to be so poor with only hand to mouth existence, so that the rich can acquire more merits by giving them crumbs and leftovers after they place this family on the throne for ever.
Prosperity for a limited few and absolute poverty for the rest.

Now my "Strategic Install" or input for budding politicians!

1. Form a coalition for abolishing the Post of Presidency and sending all culprits of Auditor General report to prison just like they sent R.R. to prison for listening to private data.

Getting the 50% is chicken feed; the disadvantages and lack of checks and balances of the constitution (unlike in America) has been evaluated in detail for over 20 years.

Judiciary is not (R.Rs assertion) independent but thorn (not a jewel) in the flesh of democracy (according to Victor Ivan only the Podians (4% of the total convictions go to prison) go to the jail and Bond Scams and Auditor General’s independent report will gather dust.

This happens, the moment the parliament is dissolved.

I believe L.T.T.E came into existence due to J.R.J’s stupid constitution.

2. We do not need 2/3rd majority now that the L.T.T.E and J.V.P. are no more a threat.

3. Only threat is going back to J.R.J’s constitution or making a much more worse constitution to please Buddhist Monks and installing a new king with Dasa Raja Dhamma (failed J.R.J exercise).

I do not know where Victor Ivan stands politically on these issues, now.

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