Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Comparing politics to religious beliefs

Comparing politics to religious beliefs

I watched a BBC program on religion and I was amazed how a polite discussion went into mayhem and the moderator abruptly ended it.

The moderator lost the control and balancing act.

I believe that they edited it to make it presentable.

This would not have happened in a political discussion, even though, the politicians have a fixed agenda (enticing the voting base).

I felt politics devoid of religion is more amenable to alternative views than politicians who survive on religious base.

When politics is mixed with religion, the outcome is that there is no political policy or viability.

My observation having listened to it are as follows.

1. Religion makes one polarized.

2. Religion makes one to be blind to reality.
The brain loses its creative parts to be activated by default but focused in one area ( I call it the area of prejudice) and 90% of the brain is never utilized for life after indoctrination.
What in the training of political assassins (MKUltra design) call brain washing.
There was no room for alternative views except devout Muslims and Christians ideology.
It was as if Bible War was played live.

3. Policy making is abandoned to serve the religion of its superiority of inferiority complex.

I did a bit of Youtube survey.
There are over 20 practicing religions world wide (if one takes India it is over thousands- birth place of all religions) and over 100 belief systems.
So each religion roughly has five or more belief systems in it.
There is no reconciliation either within or outside the main discourse.
Breeding ground for confusion.
No way of scientific testing of the value added or value decreased thinking behaviour.

There is no room for independent reevaluation or free thinking.
There is a total disregard for emancipation or reality testing.

Reality testing is the current vogue but never achieved.

Be a real politician and serve the public at large without discrimination by race or religion or caste or creed.

This is what Bertram Russel tried to do in 1920s, hiding in China (He was evicted by the Church and declared dead while recuperating from double pneumonia (fatal during pre-antibiotic era).

It is true to this day.

Dogma dominates but in America over 30% never goes to the Church except for the wedding ceremony.


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