Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Soul Searching and Goal Seeking Behaviour

Soul Searching and Goal Seeking Behaviour
I must apologize, I have left out, our politicians by default since defining them is extremely difficult.
They are like quicksand changes overnight in the direction of the political wind.

Good citizens took trouble in 2015 to create a new vision called “Good Governance”.

See what happened?

What was the outcome?

Did the citizens reach any of the goals set out by the mass movement?

Instead, what happened was the present government and the president took advantage to come to power and did sweet nothing afterward.

They took hostage of the “Good Governance” protocol.

Those in power presently and those who were ousted have no clue to come out of the mess we are now in.

There is no political cue (billiard terminology).

I will look at it in a different perspective in a new piece somewhat philosophically.

It is call none of the above. 

In other words none of the politicians is suitable to govern.

Let me dish out the broad categories of soul searchers and goal seekers.

Group I
Seeking solace from Meditation

Group II
Extreme Sports at tremendous personal cost and sacrifices

Group III
Drug Addicts and Alcoholics

Group IV
Gamblers and Lottery Addicts

Group V
Spiritualists and Gurus or Messiahs dishing out techniques including Yoga

Group VI
Undesirable politicians

All these groups are attempting to reach their target goals by physical or mental efforts.

Now, let me tell you the biochemical basis of the psychedelic components that are produced by the body, by its own biochemical mechanisms.

They are few in number of endogenous chemicals.
1. Adrenaline
2. Acetylcholine
3. Serotonin
4. Dopamine
5. GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid)
6. Melatonin
7. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

The mind is taken for a ride by these chemicals in various combinations.

The end result is an illusion, surreptitiously an addiction of some sort.

It is interesting to note that chocolates which is non addictive can dish out over 30 feel good chemicals far in excess of the above list.
So my advice is for one who does not reach the desired goal/s (attempted) have a chocolate one before and one after the protocol they practice.

It works.

In my case good snooze with or without dreams have more benefits.

Please do not be an addict to any but choose whatever which works for self.

I am not against any of the techniques but moderation is my bone of contention (not addiction).

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