Saturday, June 30, 2018

Coconut Tales of Tail Spin and the Windshield of Whirlwind

Coconut Tales of Tail Spin and the Windshield of Whirlwind

Coconut tree which lives over 50 years of productive life sometimes more than 80 years if left untarnished by human activity lives behind a tell tale story of the weather beaten life.

If one looks at a human face at 80 (eighty) it leaves behind a sad tale of wrinkles but never leave behind the tale of destruction he or she has caused over his or her life time, leave alone the junk that is collected and left behind.

On the contrary, the coconut tree tells us all the rough times it has had over the years, if we look at the way the trunk had twisted and turned against the air current around it, it bears the true tale of forbearance.

What a contrast?

In fact it can tell the exact time of the last grand cyclone it had managed to withstand on its own.

Unlike the humans they are a barometer of wind currents of today and tomorrow.

If one looks at its leaves, the gentle rustle they create with the wind and how it raises a rhyming tune with some alarming whirring of a whirlwind, foretelling a thunderstorm that is about to land is something we have taken for granted but never given thought in any scientific manner. We take it for granted that the water is abundant but at the same time pollute it in every possible way from Adams peak to the sea.
The same story is true for the coconut tree.
It is vandalized to the stem and we cry hard only when the coconuts go high in price but never cared to listen to its story and the windshield it creates on a daily basis.
My observation days back to my childhood inquiry not necessarily based on any scientific themes. If I wanted to fly a kite I look at the coconut trees and their leaves and then bring out the kite if I consider the conditions are favorable.
Then I go to a place where I can get the kite over the coconut trees quickly and off I go with the wind.
I never paused to think what a service it does as a wind breaker.
This little piece is to finally put to rest and peace of my mind with the wind physics (theory) of biological nature and facts which I call the biophysics of coconut saga.
I should have done this decades ago!
Not only the coconut tree stands to the wind upright but it divide the wind to upstream high and a downstream gentle for us to live in peace. This we forget when we chop it for fast growing development and consumption as timber.
It is the scene of coconut trees that touches my heart when the plane lands at Katunayake. It was strikingly beautiful 30 years ago but now we see s few coconut trees near the airport and the sudden thud of landing.
The landing is also not as smooth as it used to be.
I even go to the extend of saying that the planes used to land smoothly due to the coconut plantation driving the unnecessary tailspin and head wind currents well above the plane as it touches down making it easy for the pilots to land.

Think about it this as food for for thought for scientists who are hell bent on discovering new source of energy along with foot prints of destruction.

I wish our veteran pilots do some study on this keeping in mind those who were on service during the second world war II might know it better than the present day autopilot youngsters. Coconut tree is a wind breaker and a wind-shielder.
Of course it will provide its trunks to climb when the next tsunami comes if we start growing thousands and thousand of them around our beaches instead of constructing polluting hotels that divert the sewerage to the sea.
This is my wishful thinking but I am sure more trees will be down to move the fast development trends of our political mights.
Good Bye my friend windshield and welcome thy whirlwind of destruction in the name of construction!

Raindrops on Coconut Palm

Raindrops on Coconut Palm

I asked some of my students to list 10 important points about coconut tree as a creative thinking exercise and I couldn’t get anyone of them to think it as related to mother nature.

Then I told them we are the only animal species on planet earth who behave like aliens.

The coconut tree purifies the water and present us a drink superior to saline that we inject as a life support in an emergency. In the second world war it was used as saline substitute when things were in short supply.

It gives us water to drink.

It clears the carbon foot print of ours by taking in CO2 and releasing out O2.

The two most important things animal life need for its survival but yet we forget to mentioned them but obsessed with coconut milk and coconut oil.


We tend to think we are the only important living animals on this planet.

We are the only selfish animals on this planet.

That is true and will remain true for the current century unless we open ourselves to creative thinking and awareness of our mother nature.

We build houses.

We build roofs to protect us from rain and sun.

If we take the plant kingdom.

The story is different.

It lives by the day under sunlight but rest by night but never sleeps.

It takes rain as survival god never complains if there is snow or frost

They are in constant touch with nature and the air currents of change and wind

They are in harmony with all physical elements.

Remain and stay put for another day come sun or rain what it may.

When rain drops fall on the roof and runs through the gutters it makes a constant and a big racket and and I even  find it difficult to sleep at night.

But when rain drops falls on tree tops and leaves there is no rackety pitch.

We only hear the wind blowing but raindrops hardly make a noise. They gently touch the leaf surface and trickle down gently to the soil. No big gush and the roots soaks in as much so that the water that seeps through is clear.

But on a rainy day in a city we see all rubbish and mud that comes out of the gutters and finally minor floods all over the place till the rain ceases.

There are no tress with roots to soak the extra water.

Coming back to coconut tree it leaves take the water in a peculiar way not sen in other smaller leaves. The peculiar way it handles water make it and excellent covering for roofs and thatched coconut leaves that used to cover the village huts did not make a big racket on a rainy day but the asbestos sheets that cover us now are totally different and alien to mother nature.

Mind you the coconut tree takes all the shocks of thunder and lightening too.

If not many of us would be dead by lightening.

The golden rule was not to rest under a tall tree in a thunder storm.

None of these came out of my students’ creative thinking exercise.

What the hell the education system is doing to them in schools and university?

I do not know.

It is said that even in America in the first two years in the university they do not gain any extra incites or creativity.


Education is now a money spinner.

No more creativity left in it now.

Make money when going is good but leave the students without opportunities.

Bamboo and the Windbreaks

Bamboo and the Windbreaks

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This fastest growing plant rather a grass is one of the most vandalized plant in this country. Since it is growing fast we take for granted to destroy at every opportunity available and never care to plant any.

I have never seen a nursery for bamboo even though there are hundreds of varieties.
These plants are not seen in the temperate countries and in early as 18th century Americans took them from Asia and started growing them as ornamental plants.
While they do research on these plants we vandalize them.
We have plenty of them and we do not care for the mother nature.
If I write one plant a day and continue I may have to continue for years how we destroy our wealth of plants.
The plants going extinct were never recorded in our history and we have not even begun to take an inventory as a proactive exercise.
This is not to elaborate on that issue but to state how bamboo tree protects our river beds and roads that run along the rivers.
The do protect the embankments but what our guys do is to chop them at will since they are not protected by the local authorities.
River basin and embankment is nobody’s business in this country.
It also act as a windbreaks.
It cools the air on a warm day with with gentle air currents.
Not only that it reduces our CO2 foot prints.
None of these are taken into accounts since our guys who gets to the parliament have never studied any including social science and not at all pure science.
They use environment issues to form green parties but never practice what they preach once they get there.
If we want to do as little as possible for our mother nature grow a few bamboos around river path and the surrounds.
Like eating a banana a day (not poisoned by UREA) is healthy for our life growing a bamboo a day would protect our rivers, roads and environment (air) too.
That is my message for today.

Buddha the Unsung Environmentalist

Buddha the Unsung Environmentalist

Posted on

I often wondered
Why Buddha
Did not
A terse verse
On the mother nature?

Then again
He is one
Who lived
Half of his life
Under the shade
Of trees and caves
That mother nature
Had plenty then
Even in India

One who shed attachment
To dwellings of
All kinds

Be that it may be
Physical or psychological
He was wise
Not to trod on
To Climate,
Global Warming
A debate which illustrates
The fickle
And transient
Nature of
Material World

But where did he
The Enlightenment
Of all?

Was not
Under a bright floral tree
Even the flora is transient
But under a Bo tree
Which gave
From harsh elements
But bears tiny fruits
The avian fauna
Love to eat
When hungry

Didn’t he
As a gesture of gratitude?
Gazed at the very
Bo Tree
In solid contemplative mediation
For a week on stretch
I wonder, I wonder

How can I say
He is not
An environmentalist?
Not by preach
But by precept
And practice


10 things your Counsellor won’t tell you and 50 ways to Leave your Counselor

Come Christmas with everybody in elevated spirits (both in spiritual and blood alcohol content) counselors are wee bit hard pressed to find customers and I was hard pressed to find a topic to keep my web friends in highly elevated Mode / Mood and with a Beautiful Mind.
If for some reason people who read this and exchange this with others increase by exponential terms, quite a number of counselors might lose their jobs or find their income drop drastically during the Christmas season and I have a way out for them, too.
Become an instant Buddhist (like instant noodles) and start preaching and practicing meditation (it is a lucrative industry in this part of the world where Dhayana Stage Certificates are offered to Primary School Children to pass their competitive examinations disregarding their childhood fantasies, dreams and spontaneous fun and games).
Coming to the first part of the discussion that psychiatrists do not tell you in advance,
1. They are more depressed than average person who comes for counseling.
2. They commit suicide more often that an averagely stressed doctor in practice.
3. Their rate of consumption of alcohol is higher than an average doctor (that the doctor’s consumption is higher in proportion to an average simple man’s consumption).
It is 10 times or more depending on the income and the status of the doctor.
4. That many of them cannot start a session without a good tot to boost their ego above that of the one who is counseled (patient gives a wrong connotation to the victim- they are not patients but bit stupid in the first place not been able to manage their own simple affairs).
5. Many of them take up this post since they get a free license to indulge in mood elevating drugs themselves apart from making others addicted to them.
You must have got the hang of it by now, do you want me to continue and bore you or continue with the common sense approach.
6. Many of the theories (they are still theories and waiting to be fixed or implanted to an unsuspecting victim of theirs) are never proven in practice but are found only in old textbooks.
7. Their vocabulary is far in excess of physics, mathematics and philosophy all put together and none of them have a proper definition or ( true or false) truth and validity concept of philosophy.
8. A psychiatrists never discusses his or her own problems (with nobody in fact) with another psychiatrist lest both of them end up diagnosing opposing conditions and they cannot agree who is a counselor and who is being counseled.
They live with this handicap throughout their life unless of course they commit suicide or become clever and change their profession to some other mundane one.
9. They never want any patient to recover fully and also pray that god should not come back to heal them in one go, lock stock and barrel!
10. They never believe in incarnation or reincarnation since they are so confused whether they themselves are in this birth or past birth or next birth or what ever the birth it could or may be.
I can add a few more but if I do so by strange coincidence if any one of them reads this he or she might think I am gone bonkers and incarcerate me for life.
Now how to leave a counselor.
This is very easy, elementary and you must come out of the very same door you went in but never  the door he opens for you.
That is when disaster sets in for both. You are hooked and he is more hooked to you.
Most of them are very simple ploys even a kindergarten kid should be able to play and practice them with their parents!
1. When you go to him remain deaf and dumb ( or pretend you to be blind).
Without you opening your mouth he cannot enter into your mind (not even with Magnetic resonance) and he is at a loss or make a invalid diagnosis.
2. Always think of what he feels in the session than what you feel (whether he is broke or whether he is under the influence a drug or alcohol) and outsmart him in every nick and corner.
In other words you become the counselor and he becomes the reciprocate.
With these two ammunitions majority can come out unharmed.
Please do not break the poor souls composure mentally.
3. Ask him some money to settle an outstanding loan and promise him that you will settle it in good time.
4. Ask him for drink (at least a beer) before you start the counseling.
5. Ask him to open the windows for a healthy draft.
6. If the room is well lit asked him him for a dark room ( most are scarred of darkness).
7. If the room is large ask for a smaller one and if the room is small ask him for larger one.
They cannot do this because they have a fixed way of doing things and composure.
8. If he asks you to write something say you prefer electronic mail to save the trees and the planet.
9. If he ask you to fill an electronic form say either you do not trust computers or vehemently protest by stating that it violates Microsoft’s Piracy Act and you are not willing to pay a fine. (Mind you this piece or script or code is copyrighted and use the information at your own discretion)
10. If he still insists on counseling, you have to have an exit strategy preplanned.
This is very a simple ploy an average Ceylonese employs.
When you are in a busy meeting and you are getting cornered or fixed, then you get somebody to give you a call stating that your only great great great grandma died of a car accident (she was driving the car- even a healthy male cannot drive in this country).
So take your cell phone with you and just send a S.M.S to the guy or girl who gives the call in time.
Please do not use the story I mentioned above since all the psychiatrists I knew hated their grandmas (unlike us) and they do not still know how to slip out their hands even as an adult leave alone as a brat.
Moment you say grandma they soil their pants.
All these tricks have worked for me and I do not need to hinder your creativity and reciprocation (give as much as you take principle).
If any one of you need more than 12 strategies, you are in serious trouble and you perhaps may need some help or have to go to a psychiatrist but before that you better contact me.
If you are a Linux Addict or visit this blog at least at once a year (Christmas) it is free.
Otherwise the chargers for help (no consultation), I have increased by 100 folds since I cannot survive with 5% salary increase and I cannot go home without few Bombay Onions in my hand.
Otherwise my wife will cut me into onion rings (pieces)!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2011, everybody.

Royal Wedding, a Dream

Royal Wedding a Dream
I sent a copy of my digital book “Dreams” for proofreading by Maha Brahma.
Just to avoid the fact, that I had not sent a dream for a long time for his interpretation, I sent the following dream as an attachment.
I was bit worried that he might be little cross with me for my delay.
The time equivalent of  last three months (without a dream) is just the time he takes to have a cup of tea in Heaven, any way.
I got a return email and a chat.
He was very very very happy.
I could not believe his response in spite of me not sending any dreams for his interpretation.
He started with pleasantries.
You got your salary increment?
No Sir, we have to wait for the budget.
Then he asked me why I put the dreams in digital form and I told him that is to supplement my meager salary.
That’s good, he said.
You have to write a another volume he said.
You won’t get the salary increment that you were anticipating, he said.
Then, I said it is bad news for me know?
But it is good news for me know?
You got to dream and dream and make another digital volume.
Or, I see.
You just told the president not to pay a salary increase to get more dreams from me?
Bit naughty, ah.
No my boy.
I won’t do a thing like that.
We gods do not do underhand things.
I knew you won’t get any salary increase from the very beginning but to avoid hurting your feeling,
I just dodged that fact.
Did you take any loans anticipating a salary increase?
No, Sir.
That’s good.
So you knew I will come back to you all along.
Yes dear, you have no option.
Why did you put a monkey on the front cover.
Is it to remember the deadly muted monkeys?
No, Sir.
Just monkeying!
Just to remind that monkeys also have a right to live, Sir.
Some of them were poisoned in Kandy, recently.
It is a good think you put the dreams in digital form.
You don’t know?
I am very bad in memorizing unlike you.
Or, I see.
Is it a problem with other gods?
But it is very different here we make an enormous effort to keep records and memorize every little detail.
That is very stupid in heaven.
Don’t con?
We live so long in heaven and if we keep records like you it will be a problem like plastics on earth.
We might need more computers than the number of gods.
I got your point.
You know I read it 3 times but I still remember only the Ape story.
That is also because of your front cover.
In the next volume you must put a lot of pictures, will you.
I cannot.
We put pictures for children’s books.
Never mind, put some pictures will you.
Yes Sir.
The dream
Royal Wedding.
I put the dream in list form to cut the long story short.
1. All ready for the wedding and lot of guests arrive.
2. Queen driving the prince to the Wedding.
3. Problems with the car and queen cannot start it and late for the wedding
4. Prince falls asleep and forgets the wedding ceremony
5. Princess fall asleep too
6. All attend the wedding but no prince and princess.
7. Everything freezes in time and in Ice Age
8. Princess’s female friend / Aunt is late for the weeding and arrives late.
9. How long the time freezes I did not dream.
10. When she arrives (very very late) everything frozen in time.
11. Gradually frozen guests come to life.
12. Queen gets the car started and Prince arrives.
13. Princess wakes from the sleep and jump into the vehicle.
14. All well and ends well.
1.No Royalties in future.
2. Richest person of the world owns a Cloud (IT industry) Consortium.
3. He has a private island of his own where all the Cloud Computers are farmed
4. His daughter gets married.
5. Enact the Royal Wedding of yesteryear
6. Invitees are all connected to the island by cloud of videos and Internet communication.
7. World’s first Internet Wedding telecast on Cloud and captured in Cloud Computing.
Time frame is not known and frozen.
The ice age in the dream symbolizes that feature.
Then Maha Brahma asked me what is this Cloud Computing ?
It is bit tricky to answer in short, Sir.
I am writing a book on Cloud Computing now and the moment I finish I will send it to you digitally, yes digitally, Sir.
Is it technical?
No Sir.
i do not like technical stuff, O.K..
Shall I make the name “Cloud computing for Good, Gods and Heaven”.
Please don’t?
Ordinary people might think we do not have common sense.
Do not worry, if you do not get a salary increment but I will see that your book will be popular in heaven.
Any copyright Sir.
No you stupid, this is heaven.
See you soon with a dream.

Boxing an Irrational Game in the Rational World.

Boxing an Irrational Game in the Rational World.

Boxing an Irrational Game in the Rational World.
1. Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)
2. Joe Frazier
3. George Foreman in Kingston Jamaica.
I admire all three of these yesteryear boxers but I never admire the game as a medical man.
Ali suffered from Parkinson’s Disease which is the direct result of Brain Stem Injury due to multiple small haemorrhages.
Later years they may or may not have dementia.
I have pasted some information below to state how brutal was this game.
Both men were in hospital not 24 hours (which is the standard for minor concussion head injury observation) 7 and 10 days.
This game is only suitable for politicians in power (not out of power) who can knock each other till everybody except one is left and we the  voter should watch them with thrill and amuse when they kill each other.
While in opposition invariably, they kill each other to get the top contender in the next round of battle with powerful is inciting with the help of the those in power.
Unfortunately both the contender and the defender destroy what is left of our democracy.
Now they kill each other in power since the war is over there is  a lot of spare arms and ammunition left to utilize internal battle zones.
In that sense, only philosophically, boxing was marginally better than the politics of this country.
At least there is a referee and the trainer will never sacrifice (see below) his guy for the glory.
In politics in this country, there are no referees and Election Commission in headed by a Puppet on a String.
I like a fiddler on the roof play the tune of misery for the average voter  disenchanted, since with the upcoming budget we will have to tighten our belt further.
There will be no more pay hikes for another 6 years but we will have 100 fold increase of Living or the Cost of Living (C.O.L).
This is what we call 21st century democracy.
1. When Muhammad Ali was stripped of his championship in 1967 following refusal of the draft to fight in the Vietnam War the heavyweight championship was thrown into a state of confusion.
It was a smart decision when blacks were discriminated and sacrificed in war (white supremacy in the helm then).
2. When the decision was announced it came as no surprise to anyone. Frazier took a unanimous decision. The fight was so brutal that both men were taken to hospital. Frazier spent a little longer in the hospital which allowed Ali to mention about how much damage he had done although a side of his face was badly swollen.
3. Eddie Futch, Joe Frazier’s trainer then made one of the most humane decisions ever not allowing Joe to come out for fifteenth round.
Fearing a fatality he puts one hand on Frazier’s shoulder telling him it’s over.
Ali sensing the fight is over stands up to celebrate but soon collapses with exhaustion.
Following the fight he comments that this was the closest thing to death he had experienced.
It was probably the only way to close the chapter on such a rivalry.
Now it is the time for WHO to move in and ban this game.
In this country still this game (it is not a game but cruel encounter) is played in schools.
Since our guy who won the gold medal was proven that he had taken drugs given to him like one of our Oil Doctors (evil doctor like the one of Michael Jackson’s) to enhance performance we should put this doctor guy also in prison for life.
We must follow American example.

Secrets of Long life

 Posted on
Secrets of Long life
Importance of Interactive Games both Computer and Physical
This is a reproduction of what I wrote at a time when I was very busy.
Sad demise of a teenager with Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) playing games for long hours has made me to make some cautionary note.
Half an hour of computer game, half an hour under the sun doing some gardening and another  half an hour of stroll down the road with the dog (at least give some exercise to the dog) to an elderly man/woman would be immensely beneficial and will prolong quality life.
These points are applicable to kids too.
I will right about games on a future date.
It has become part and parcel of digital life now of kids.
But reading book not related to classroom activities is very important for kids as well as adults.
The rapid modernization of the city roads by those who came from village to the city has deprived us of any road without traffic to walk the dog even in Kandy.
I am blessed to be around the campus and botanical garden and I hope these developer / jokers will not spoil the last vestiges of country life in Kandy in the name of development lest one cannot practice any of the things stated in this short recipe for healthy life style.
Secrets of Long life
I was on a long holiday and that was the longest for over a decade. One week holiday for me is very long and holidays any longer than that would kill me of boredom. 
In my profession there is nothing called “long holidays” and even on holidays people would approach us with some bizarre problems and I pretend not to be a doc and amazingly some even have questioned my credentials confused as they usually are.
I only get bemused on such an occasion and pretend not to be a doc (probably bit sadistic) aggravating their own confusion further.
Furthermore, I have allowed my wife who is not a medical person to address most of the issues with common sense approach without medical know how.
She knows where to draw the line and that spares me from unwanted interruptions so that I could better utilize my spare time. 
In any case, I believe most of the “well to do” get advice from the doctor’s wife  first who is generally speaking not a medically qualified person but a medically inclined in domestic issues. 
In some cases the servant girl is also in the fray doing some consultations for her poor relations.
Be that it may be, I have digressed so much it is time for me to get to the job at hand.
Nobody seems to have addressed this issue of long life of our yesteryear Buddhist monks and their secrets of long life.
I have a list of reasons and they are listed not in any order of merits.
However, I would like to address one or two of them in detail later.
1.The Simple Monastery life
2.Vegetarian Diet
3.Meditation Practice
4.Recitation of Stanzas by heart
5. Multi-language Capability-Learning many Languages (as many as six to eight)
6.Wandering life style from temple to temple
7.Keeping away from mundane domestic issues (giving advice on TV or Radio)
It is now emerging in the West that not only physical activity but also mental activity and alertness enhance long life.
The key elements on recent research are
1. Speed of Mental Activity
2 .Reasoning
3. Memorizing
Even though the memory scores were low in the above study mentioned, yesteryear Buddhist monks (they were very good at memory)  practiced these activities very well and that would have been the secret of their long life.
For the mind which is always active and to freeze its attention in meditation and to hold attention to whatever the element of meditation, the speed is a vital element. 
Mind activity is as fast as subatomic particles and holding attention and focusing, needs speed as well as concentration.
The focus of attention is something they were adept at and the speed at which they went into trance states were probably a testament to their devotion to task at hand.
The whole core elements of Buddhism are based on reasoning of ones happiness or suffering and these monks were brought up as seasoned thinkers of reasoning.
Even though, they avoided argumentation (not all) they were thinkers of a different kind with a focus on one object i.e. The Nibbana.
Memory power needs no elaboration since stanzas were handed down for many centuries by heart till they were documented later. Even then they practiced verbal tradition without books for a long time. 
Putting the verses down on Ola leaves was more difficult (before the print media) than remembering them by heart those days.
I have my own analysis of the medical matters. 
It is quite evident most of the strokes occur on the left side in patients with dominant right hand. The right hand dominance may have contributed to the premature atrophy and low flow of blood to the right side (activities are represented on the opposite side of the brain due to crossing over of nerve fibers at the level of brain stem) of the brain with probably more atherosclerosis on that side.
My interest is more on the ability of these monks on many languages. It is emerging that the mother tongue is localized to one side of the brain and the second and third languages are localized to the other side in general terms. 
So they have been using both sides of the brain throughout their life and the meditation especially the “Metta Meditation” brings a balance of blood flow to both sides of the brain especially to the deep hidden parts of the brain.
That probably was their secret for long life.
My adaptation for the current century with IT and computer technology are as follows.
1.Start playing Computer Games (which require manual-become ambidextrous) when young and continue to play these games when old.
2.Learn many languages as possible other than ones mother tongue
3.Metta Meditation
I often wonder whether the present day monks practice any of those practiced by the yesteryear monks.
Lay people can practice few more other activities which Buddhist monks are prohibited.
1.Keeping a pet, 
Keeping pet fish for one who is limited in physical capacity, 
a dog for an active person.
2.Walking with the dog gives both exercise and company (beware looking after a dog is not an easy task nowadays)
3.Gardening and live with nature.
4.Wearing a Smile (this is absent nowadays what I see is the mask like faces, as seen in the West)
5.Metta Meditation (be kind to animals and do not eat their flesh)
6.Keep away from doctors who prescribe more than one medication for you.
7. Do not watch TV. 
TV is passive but computer games are interactive.
Added later
8. Stop gossips and reading gossips in the Sunday paper.
9. Avoid politics or partisan behaviour or one party state
10. At least one hour under morning sun (one will get skin wrinkles)
11. Do not posses a cellphone
12. Tea is good coffee is bad.

13. Stop smoking both active and passive.

14. Avoid alcohol before bed.

15. Sleep at least 8 hours.

16. Play interactive games, better with kids

17. One hour reading of knew subjects.