Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why Man falls Sick more often than Woman?

Old Piece-Reproduction.

Why Man falls Sick more often than Woman?

This is a very provocative question.
I wonder how many men of the ego species have pondered about this question at least philosophically, I do not know.

If I have a lecture on this topic how many men and women will attend my lecture I do not know but worth a statistical study..
My analysis is that very few men will attend since the men with ego or without ego would not feel comfortable about my vocal comments that would demoralize their ego still further in front of women.

In any case the number of women (they take any gullible facts sitting in front of the TV) will far exceed the number of men would attend since women of the species, might think I might bare few more secrets of men that they could get hold of it to strangle them some more in deadlock of wedlock.

Real reason I thought of writing is not to do with men or women.

It is really to do with the Sir-Lankan Telecoms.
I am currently downloading Katana (for Window Guys) which has all the utilities one needs in an emergency but the last few megabytes of the DVD taking nearly three hours ( OurTelecoms is downloading it at a snail pace of 5 to 10 bytes per second ( less than one megabyte per minute) and I do not like to have a heart attack of some sort, so if I do not stimulate my creative part of the brain, there would be some side effects.
The non-creative automatic part of the brain that causes surge of androgen and anger, jealousy (oestrogens included), aggression and all the animal behaviour which include thrashing the key board and squeezing the mouse so hard that the mouse defecates intermittently on my hand, should have to be avoided if I want the last few of the MiBs to be downloaded,.without any hassle.

Before I talk about the men, I should give a brief account and the modus operandum of a young woman at work..

This particularly applies to a Sri-Lankan woman.
  1. She lies adequately to convince the interviewers (generally speaking more males than females in the interview board).
  2. Moment she gets the job she prepares for her marriage
  3. She will have at least two kids within 3 years
  4. Delegate all the work to spinster girls and bachelor boys at the work place since her home according to her is like the devil’s workshop.
  5. The next period she is very secretive and there are frequent absenteeism due to sick children but she can be found in the passport office and front of many foreign embassies.
  6. Then she attends all the workshops that are available free of charge or on the head’s recommendation depriving all the bachelors.
  7. In the last phase suddenly she hands over the resignation to go abroad.
  8. Just prior to the resignation she works like a bull to impress everybody.

All these time she does not know how to breast feed, cook or read a book to the kids. and the husband has to do all the work, including washing and cleaning and taking her from embassy to embassy.

Then she goes abroad drops the husband within a year (who has to look after the kids) and get married to a foreigner with white skin to get the (foreign) permanent visa.

This scenario is typical and I have seen many of the kind.

Now to why man falls sick.

The above scenario is enough to get any male of the species without paper qualification to get sick even without taking to alcohol.

But in my analysis I am talking about a perfectly healthy man before marrying and who does not take alcohol as a beverage.
He is a typical nice man totally dependent on his wife for what he eats from breakfast to dinner.

1. He has not done Home Science for ‘O’ Level.
2. He does not know the basic facts about any nutrition.
3. He cannot make a cup of tea.
4. He is a mummy’s boy and spoilt.
5. He follows the trend his mother has laid for him but he now cannot see his mother even secretly.
5. He gets the dogs share but a very large share (left over food of the previous night prepared for the kid) at home and kid gets the priority, especially if he is a boy.

6. Now the wife has acquired a microwave cooker and cooking is just a few seconds of heating left over food, killing and destroying all the vitamins.

For the next ten years all the hallmark of unhealthy habits are laid down.

7. At work place he eats all the junk food since his wife’s cooking is hopeless and no care for healthy food habits are laid down by now.
8. He gets fat by the day and his wife says see how healthy you are.
When your mother was feeding you were thin like a pole.
9. His kids are also fat like him since he brings all the sweets to lure them to his side.
10. Never goes with kids to play since tuition classes are more important than good exercise.

The bottom line is the marriage makes the Sri-Lankan man sick. 

This is warning for any foreigner who thinks of marrying a local girl.

So I have some remedy for the local guys who want to stay healthy.
  1. Do not get married. This does not say you should not have sex.
  2. At school offer subjects like home science and nutrition.
  3. At least have a few friends for you to go on outing or hunting
  4. Play at least couple of games at least at weekends
  5. Do not buy a cell phone
  6. Learn to climb trees. 
    Good exercise and you are the one who will have the first taste of the fruits but not the girls who are down below. 
    Give them the rotten ones or half eaten ones.
  7. Only eat the food that your mum gives
  8. Read some girl’s magazines (before marriage) on beauty care and slim foods that give all the health care advice one needs (when you eventually get married).
  9. Go abroad if you can and work with some girls (preferably white skin but skin does not matter here, you will see the kinds that I have described above and but much more better (worse is perhaps is the better term) examples) to see how nasty they can become if you displace any one of them them in their job or of administration.
  10. Get some paper qualification to stand a chance of getting a job by beating the girls in the interview.
  11. There are more girls doing boys jobs now than boys doing girls jobs worldwide. They will never tell you when a new job is in the offing. Our times boys outnumbered girls by 10 to 1.
You may add any of your personal experiences to this list but I have put the bare minimum to get you the picture.

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