Sunday, October 30, 2016

Zebra Fish Breeding

Zebra Fish Breeding
Nature has lot of surprises for you and me. 

I was trying to raise a Guppy fish with swordtail for ages. 
It was easy in good old days when the brood was wild. 
They did not have the present sailtail then. 
But with the breeding of exotic and the emergence of the sail-tail or sari-tail varieties of guppies one cannot find guppies with the narrow short dorsal end of the tail with a broader and longer ventral end.
I have been screening the tails of guppies and found one with the suggestion of a swordtail and I mixed that one with the wild (not really wild) looking with light featured female guppies but have no success yet. 

They breed less in the glass tanks.
I am waiting for a miracle to happen.
But toady, I was doing my daily routine of mixing different batches of guppies to interbreed and quite casually looked at the fortuitous zebra breeding tank to see whether the water quality was OK. 

This plastic kitchen sink type of container was designed to put zebras to lay eggs and in my opinion it was not ready yet to put the adults. But as a conditioning routine I load it with the first portion of outlet water bucket from my main tank with zebras. Idea was to build the infusoria for the young ones, if they lay eggs by any chance. These eggs are very small and not visible to the naked eye. Most of it is eaten by the adult males and adult males are necessary for the fertilization of eggs. They lay over 400 to 1000 eggs but rarely a few survives in the tank. By removing water at the bottom by siphoning, I expect few eggs by chance to remain trapped with fortuitous black fungus (which appear like a tuft of leaves when fully grown). 
Fish do not eat this black fungus probably it has nasty taste or alelopathic chemical.Then in the main tank to clown fish do the cleaning up of the eggs no sooner they are laid. I have been doing this religiously for the last one year but without any luck.
My first batch of zebra (breeding) was discovered accidentally in a bucket with water plants left to nature. 

I had about 20 odd young ones and introduced 16 to the main tank leaving behind only four in the original bucket. That was a shear intelligent decision the ones introduced to the tank (fairly big) were eaten by the adult in one night.
They are very good at population control of their kind. 

I wonder how they survive in the nature. 
Probably the adult die soon after breeding with endemic parasitic diseases.
To my surprise there were six young one in the plastic container that survived the natural population control. Now I cannot put siphoned water to this tank for at least six months since they (young zebras) will eat all the eggs. I have to leave them in series of buckets and I have no room in my rooftop garden for any more buckets. So my zebra breeding will have to be done on makeshift containers. I cannot put the six young zebra fish to the main tank with zebras (they will be eaten) or to the other tank with live bearers. Young zebras will eat all the live-bearers’ young ones.
It is a paradox and reproducing nature is only an ad hoc experiment.
In a different note, I have a fabricated rainfall detector (modified fish tank) and it recorded half an inch of rain for the last one week. That I think is 25% of the usual rainfall and my predictions are we will have a drought by next April.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

We owe our FREEDOM to Nelson Mandela

We owe our FREEDOM to Nelson Mandela.
I wanted to write about Mandela as a footnote to Sinhala Comment on CWW. Kannaggara.
But Mandela was such a colossal figure we forget very much and he should not be restricted to a footnote.
He scarified his entire life for freedom even before Che Guerra (I have very deep respect for Che as a Doctor who sacrificed his career for justice which CIA terminated in Angola in the name of Communism) was born.
He was an inspiration for American Freedom fighter Martin Luther King.
If not for Mandela, Obama would have never become the US president.
White supremacist (the myth which Mandela adequately dealt with) label was torn to pieces.
The prerequisite for free education is the FREEDOM  itself.
Mandela did justice to both education (dispelling the white supremacy) and freedom.
Just download the film "Way to Freedom" and see it for yourself.
His working currency was forgiveness through Metta!

QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator QR Code generating is easy and breezy BUT the professional service is bit expensive!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s 384th Birthday

  • Thanks Google for reminding!

    To me he was the father of Pathology (my own Field).

    Microscope was a fascination for me from childhood.

    I have written  a book on Microscope (available at Amazon) and I have given the little bit of history.

    University where I worked (thankfully now retired) could not afford a Digital Microscope for my research work.

    I had to buy one from my savings from abroad.

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s 384th Birthday

  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, born today in 1632, saw a whole world in a drop of water. Considered the first microbiologist, van Leeuwenhoek designed single-lens microscopes to unlock the mysteries of everything from bits of cheese to complex insect eyes. In a letter to the Royal Society of London, van Leeuwenhoek marveled at what he had seen in a sample of water from a nearby lake: "little animals" that we know now as bacteria and other microbes. 
    In his rooms on the Market Square in Delft, Netherlands, van Leeuwenhoek was a DIY-er supreme. Like Galileo, he ground and polished his own lenses. Some of his lenses attained a magnification of more than 200 times, allowing him to examine capillaries, muscle fibers, and other wonders of the microscopic universe. 
    Doodler Gerben Steenks noted, "I chose to make it an animated Doodle to show the 'before and after' experience that Antoni van Leeuwenhoek had — looking through a microscope and seeing a surprising new world." Here's to celebrating a true visionary!

Father of FREE Education-C.W.W. Kannaggara

Father of FREE Education-C.W.W. Kannaggara


කුහකකම වෙනුවෙන් අපි‘ හෙවත් අමතක කළ කන්නන්ගර..!

චාමර ලක්ෂාන්ගේ සටහන

(ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස් -2016.ඔක්.22, ප.ව.4.45) මේ සටහන ලිවීමට පෙලඹවූයේ එංගලන්තයේ සිටින මනීෂ චාමර අමරසේකර තම ෆේස්බුක් ගිණුමට තැබු සටහනක් මා තුළ ඇතිකළ කම්පනයයි. සැතපුම් දහස් ගණනක් ඈතින් සිටිය ද තවමත් රට තොට සිදුවන දෑ පිළිබඳ උනන්දුවෙන් සිටින්නකු වන මනීෂ “කොටා” තිබු සටහන සැබැවින්ම, සංවේදී එකක් ම විය. ඔහු ලියා තිබුණේ නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනයේ පියා ලෙස සැලකෙන සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර මහතා පිළිබඳවය. “චේ ගැන පොස්ට් දුටුවෙමි. සැමරුම් උත්සව පාපැදි සවාරි දුටුවෙමි. ඔහු ලංකාවට හෝ මෙහි මිනිසුන්ට කළ දෙයක් මා නම් අසා නැත. පසුගිය 13 වැනිදා නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනයේ පියා වන කන්නන්ගර මහතාගේ 132 වැනි ජන්ම දිනය යෙදී තිබිණි. සැමරුම් නැත. පෝස්ට් නැත. නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනයේ අයිතිකරුවන් වී සිටින අන්තරයට අදාළම නැත. කැම්පස්වල චේගේ රූපය ඇතිමුත් කන්නන්ගරගේ රූපය නැත. ඔහු නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපන පනත හඳුන්වා දෙන විට ජවිපෙ, එජාප හෝ ශ්‍රීලනිපය බිහි වී වත් නැත. බණ්ඩාරනායකලා, සේනානායකලා, රාජපක්ෂලා, ඉල්මහ විරුවන් සමරන රටේ එතුමා ගැන පුවතක්වත් පළ නොවීම කනගාටුදායකය. එතුමා නොසිටින්නට අද බහුතරයක් අයට චේ සමරන්න තියා චේ වචනයවත් කියවීමට හැකියාවක් නොතිබෙන්නට තිබිණි. ලංකාව වටේ ඇති අනිත් රටවල සාක්ෂරතාව බැලීම පමණක් මා කියන දෙය තේරුම් ගැනීමට ඉවහල් වනු ඇත.” (උපුටා ගැනුම අවසන්)
මේ රට වෙනුවෙන් කිසිදු සාධනීය මැදිහත් වීමක් සිදු කර නොමැති පුද්ගලයන් සැමරීමට දින ගණන් කාලය කා දමන රටක පිටු ගණන් කඩදාසි කොළ නාස්ති කරන පැය ගණන් තම මාධ්‍ය අවකාශය අවභාවිතාවේ යොදවන රටක සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර වැනි මාහැඟි සේවාවක් මේ රට වෙනුවෙන් කළ පුද්ගලයකු අමතක වීම යනු එක් අතකින් විමතිය දනවන කාරණයක් ම නොවේ. තාක්ෂණයෙන් ඩිජිටල් වූවත් සංස්කෘතියෙත් තවමත් ගල් යුගයේ ජීවත් වන ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයන්ගේ සැබෑ ස්වභාවය මෙයයි. එසේ කියා ආචාර්ය සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර වැන්නකු පහසුවෙන් අපට අමතක කළ හැකි ද යන්න පැහැදිලි ප්‍රශ්නාර්ථයකි. ඒ ඔහු මේ රට වෙනුවෙන් කර ඇති අද්විතීය මෙහෙවර දෙස අවධානය යොමු කරන ‍කලය.
වචනයේ පරිසමාප්ත අර්ථයෙන්ම දැවැන්ත විප්ලවයක් කන්නන්ගර මහතාගේ මැදිහත් වීම තුළ මෙරට සමාජ දේහය තුළ සිදු විණි. නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපන පනත හඳුන්වා දෙමින් අධ්‍යාපනයට ප්‍රවේශ වීමට ඇති අයිතිය ඈත ගම්බද දරුවන්ට ලබා දීම තුළ සිදු වූ විප්ලවය පිළිබඳව අටුවා ටීකා ටිප්පණි පැවසීම අවශ්‍ය නැත. කැලේ පිපුණු මල් කැලේම පර වී නොයන්නට එය ඉඩ සැලසුවේය. තවත් සරලව කිවහොත් නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනය නොතිබිණි නම් ඈත ගම්වල අති බහුතරයක් දෙනා අධිපති ගෙවල්වල මෙහෙකරුවන් වන්නට ඉඩ තිබිණි. මේ සියලු අර්ථයන් ගෙන බලද්දී ආචාර්ය සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර යනු දැවැන්ත යුග පුරුෂයෙක්මය.
1945 ජූලියේදී නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපන පනත සම්මත වීමෙන් පසු කන්නන්ගර මහතා සභා ගැබෙන් පිටතට පැමිණෙද්දී ඔහු අසලට අමුත්තෙක් කිට්ටු විය. ඒ එවකට කොළඹ ඉන්දියානු මහකොමසාරිස්වරයා ලෙස කටයුතු කළ එච්.එම්. ආනේ මහතාය.
“අයියා අපේ රටේ ඉපදිලා මේ වගේ පනතක් ඉදිරිපත් කළා නම් දෙවියන්ට වගේ සලකනවා.” ඔහු කන්නන්ගර මහතාට අත දෙමින් එසේ පැවසුවේය. ඉන්දියානුවන් එසේ කරන බව පැවසුව ද අපේ අය නම් කන්නන්ගර මහතාට 1947 මහ මැතිවරණයේදී ඉහළම සැලකිල්ල දැක්වූයේ ඔහුව පරාජයට පත් කරමිනි. නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනයේ පියා ගෙදර යවමින් ධන කුවේරයකු වූ විල්මට් ඒ. පෙරේරාව රටේ ව්‍යවස්ථාදායකයට පත් කිරීමට තරම් පස්යොදුන් කෝරලයේ ජනතාව එදා අකෘතඥ වී තිබිණි.
දේශපාලනඥයකු ලෙස කන්නන්ගර මහතාගේ අගය වැඩි කරනුයේ ඔහු එය තම පැවැත්ම වෙනුවෙන් කිසිදා භාවිත නොකළ කෙනකු බැවිනි. වසර විස්සකට වැඩි කාලයක් රටේ ව්‍යවස්ථාදායකය නියෝජනය කළ ද පෞද්ගලිකව ලාභ උපරීම කරගැනීමේ අදහසක් ඔහුට කිසි දිනක නොතිබිණි. ඒ නිසාම ජිවිතයේ සැඳෑ කාලය සතුටින් ගෙවීමට තරම් හැකියාවක් ඔහුට නොවීය. 1961 ඔක්තෝබර් මස 26 වැනි දින නියෝජිත මන්ත්‍රී මණ්ඩලයේ කථානායක ආර්.එස්. පැල්පොල මහතා වෙත කන්නන්ගර මහතා යැවූ ලිපිය අපට පෙන්වා දෙනුයේ අවංක දේශපාලනඥයකුගේ ශෝකාලාපය මිස වෙනෙකක් නොවේ. ජීවත්වීම සඳහා තමනට පිං පඩියක් ඉල්ලමින් කන්නන්ගර මහතා යැවූ ඒ මුල් ලිපියේ කොටස් දෙකක් මෙසේ උපුටා දක්වමි.
සී. ඩබ්ලිව්. ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර
නො. 36,
තිඹිරිගස්යාය පාර,
හැව්ලොක් ටවුම,
කොළඹ 06.
1961 ඔක්තෝබර් මස 26 දිනදීය.
ශ්‍රී ලංකා නියෝජිත මන්ත්‍රී මණ්ඩලයේ කථානායක ගරු ආර්.එස්. පැල්පොල මැතිතුමා වෙතයි.
රජයේ ඉහළම රාජ්‍ය සභාවල සියවස් කාලකටත් වැඩි කාලයක් සේවය කිරීමෙන් පසුව මා දැනට පත්වී තිබෙන අසරණ තත්ත්වයන් නිසා හදිසි මූල්‍යමය ආධාරයක් අපේක්ෂාවෙන් මෙම ඉල්ලීම ඔබතුමා වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කරන බව ගෞරවාන්විතව දන්වා සිටිමි.
මගේ මේ ඉල්ලීම ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට හේතු සාධක වශයෙන් පහත සඳහන් වැදගත් කරුණු කිහිපය ඔබතුමා ඉදිරියේ තැබීමට අදහස් කරමි.
ආයෝජනවලින්, නිවාසවලින්, ඉඩකඩම්වලින් හෝ වෙනත් ප්‍රභවයන්ගෙන් මට කිසිදු පෞද්ගලික ආදායමක් නොලැබෙන බැවින් මා වසර ගණනාවකම යැපුණේ මගේ මිත්‍රයින්ගෙන් හා හිතවතුන්ගෙන් ලැබුණු පරිත්‍යාගවලිනි. මගේ සෞඛ්‍ය රැකගැනීම සඳහා කළ යුතු අත්‍යවශ්‍ය වියදම් වෙනුවෙන් ගෙවිය යුතු බිල්පත් දිනපතා ගොඩගැසෙමින් පවතී. මිත්‍රයන්ගෙන් හා නැදෑයන්ගෙන් සහනාධාර යැදීම සියවසකින් තුනෙන් එකක් තරම් වූ කාලයක් තිස්සේ රජයේ ඇමැති තනතුරක් දැරූ මා වැන්නකුට කිසිසේත් තරම් නොවන බවට ඔබතුමා ද එකඟ වනු ඇත යනු මාගේ විශ්වාසයයි.
රජයෙන් ක්ෂණික සහනයක් අපේක්ෂාවෙන් මගේ මේ ආයාචනය ඔබතුමා වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කරන්නේ අද මා මුහුණ පා සිටින අවාසනාවන්ත තත්ත්වය නිසාම බැව් සැලකුව මැනවි. එසේම සියවස් කාලකට වැඩි කාලයක් තිස්සේ මගෙන් කිසියම් ගෞරවයකට හා පිළිගැනීමකට ලක් වූ සේවයක් ඉටු වී ඇති බව ද මා අදහස් කරන නිසාත්ය.
ඒ වගත් මෙසේම
ඔබතුමාගේ යටහත් කීකරු සේවක
සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර
(මුල් ලිපියේ කොටස් දෙකක් පමණි) 
ජාතියට දේශයට නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනයේ ආශීර්වාදය ලබා දුන් ආචාර්ය සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර ඇමැතිතුමාට අවසානයේදී අත් වූයේ එවන් දුක්ඛදායක ඉරණමකි.
මේ ඉල්ලීමට ප්‍රතිචාර දක්වමින් එතුමාට පාර්ලිමේන්තුවෙන් රුපියල් දසදහසක පාරිතෝෂික මුදලක් ගෙවූ අතර, පසුව මසකට රුපියල් 500 බැගින් පින් පඩියක් පිරිනැමිණ.
පසුව බලයට පැමිණි රජය යටතේ එම මුදල රුපියල් 1000 දක්වා වැඩි කරන ලදී. මේ ආකාරයට දුක්ඛිත දිවියක් ගෙවූ කන්නන්ගර මහතා 1969 සැප්තැම්බර් 23 වැනිදා මිය පරලොව ගියේ තවත් අමතක කර දමනු ලැබූ පුද්ගලයකු වශයෙනි.
සී.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩබ්ලිව්. කන්නන්ගර වැනි පරමාදර්ශි දේශපාලනඥයන්ගෙන් ආදර්ශ ලබා ගන්නවා වෙනුවට අපේ බහුතරයක් දේශපාලනඥයන් පෙලඹී ඇත්තේ ඊට පිටුපෑමටය. ඒ වග පෙන්වීමට උදාහරණ අනන්තවත් සැපයිය හැකිය. එජාප හා ශ්‍රීලනිපය නියෝජනය කරන ඇමැතිවරුන් දෙදෙනකු හබරාදුව ප්‍රදේශයේ එකම පාරක් දෙකොනින් විවෘත කර රට හිනස්සවා තවම ගතව ඇත්තේ දින කිහිපයකි. සිනාසීම වෙනුවට මෙම කාරණය දේශපාලනඥයන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය කුමක් විය යුතු ද යන්න සිතා බැලීමේ අවස්ථාවක් අපට ලබා දෙයි. 1948 සිට ක්‍රියාත්මක ජනප්‍රිය දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතියෙන් පිට පැනීමට තවමත් අපේ දේශපාලනඥයන්ට නොහැකි වී ඇති බව පීත්ත පටි කපමින් කරන මේ මාදිලියේ විවෘත කිරීම්වලට තවමත් ඔවුන් සම්බන්ධ වීමෙන් පෙනී යයි. ජනතා කැමැත්ත දිනු දේශපාලනඥයකුගේ කාර්යභාරය විය යුත්තේ පීත්ත පටි කැපීම, ඡන්දදායකයන්ගේ මඟුලට, අවමඟුලට සහභාගි වීම නොව රට හා එහි වැසියන් වෙනුවෙන් ප්‍රතිපත්ති සම්පාදනයයි. මෙසේ පීත්ත පටි කැපීමට යෑමෙන් සිදු වනුයේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති සම්පාදනයට ඇති කාලය අපතේ යෑමකි. ප්‍රාදේශීය හා පළාත් සභා මට්ටම නියෝජනය කරමින් ඒ ඒ තලවල දේශපාලනඥයන් කොතරම් සිටිය ද පාරක් විවෘත කිරීමට වීදි ලාම්පු විවෘත කිරීම වැනි සරල කාරණාවලට පවා සම්බන්ධ වීමට කැමැත්ත දක්වන ජාතික තලයේ දේශපාලනඥයන් අතිබහුතරයක් මේ රටේ සිටිති. පීත්ත පටි කැපීමට දක්වන උනන්දුව ප්‍රතිපත්ති සම්පාදනයට හා සමාන්තර වෙනත් රටවල සාර්ථකත්වයේ අත්දැකීම් ගැන කියැවීමට ඔවුන් වැය කළේ නම් සැබැවින්ම මේ රට සුරපුරයක් බවට පත් වී බොහෝ කල්ය.
හුදු ප්‍රදර්ශන කාමයට අමතරව වරප්‍රසාද පසුපස හඹා යෑමට වත්මන් දේශපාලනඥයන් තුළ ඇති කැමැත්ත රටේ දේශපාලනය තවත් දුර්වර්ණ ගන්වයි. දේශපාලන බලය හා වරප්‍රසාද අතර ඉතා කිට්ටු සම්බන්ධතාවක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව වැනි දේශපාලන වශයෙන් අව-සංවර්ධිත රටක පැහැදිලිවම දැකගත හැකිය. සාමාන්‍යයෙන් දියුණු යැයි සම්මත රටවල බලයට පත්වීම යන යෙදුම හෝ දේශපාලන ශබ්ද කෝෂය තුළ දක්නට නොමැති අතර ඒ වෙනුවට ඇත්තේ ‘කමින් ටු ඔෆිස්’ නොඑසේ නම්: කාර්යාලයට පැමිණ රාජකාරි කටයුතු ඇරැඹීම යන්නය.
බොහෝ රටවල් ‘කමින් ටු ඔෆිස්’ කියද්දී අපි තවමත් ‘කමින් ටු පවර්’ යනුවෙන් කියමින් සිටින්නෙමු. එය, අපට ගැටලුවක් වුවද දේශපාලනඥයන්ට නම් වරප්‍රසාදවලින් තොරව පැවැත්මක් නොමැති බව දිගින් දිගටම පෙනෙන්නට තිබීම අතිශයින්ම කනගාටුදායකය.

-චාමර ලක්ෂාන් කුමාර විසිනි-

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Baby Elephant Saga

Baby Elephant Saga
Monks, Judges, Politicians,Veterinary Surgeons, Media Men covering up facts are not above LAW! 
What the monk should do is to derobe voluntarily (without abusing the saffron cloth) and face the law of the land.

Some of the sexual abuses will come out then.
Read my piece Vigilance Necessary and British Media Guy!


A deepening crisis within Sri Lanka’s unity government threatens to undermine a crackdown against high profile individuals, including monks and a magistrate accused of stealing baby elephants, official sources said Friday.

The alleged partisan police action against those illegally keeping baby elephants had also figured as justification for President Maithripala Sirisena’s outburst against Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe’s government.

A top official source close to both sides of the political divide said President Sirisena was miffed that police had taken action against two Buddhist monks for keeping baby elephants while turning a blind eye to another.

"The president could order the release of all these elephants and if that happens, it will be a major setback for conservation," the official said. "We hope the president will not take such a decision."

The President publicly criticised the three main anti-graft bodies for working according to a political agenda, apparently of Prime Minister’s United National Party, and heightened a cold war.

The unexpected public censure of the independent bribery commission saw its Director General Dilrukshi Wickramasinghe step down.

The government is expected to review the work of the Financial Crimes Investigations Division and the Criminal Investigations Division with a view to making drastic changes at the top.

Jumbos have become the another example of the alleged politically-motivated inquiries pursued by the police, according to the President’s camp.

Elephants have become a sensitive subject since the President came under pressure from the Buddhist hierarchy to release seized animals.

The monks had argued that they will not have the sufficient number of elephants for the main pageant in Kandy, but the event passed off in August with the participation of over 80 elephants, the minimum requirement.

"The argument that there was a shortage of tamed elephants for cultural events no longer holds, but the political crisis could see some of the seized se animals given back to the (illegal) owners," the official said.

Wild Life Director General Sumith Pilapitiya resigned in June after refusing to carry out an illegal order to return the animals that were taken over by the department during their investigations into illegal ownership of jumbos.

Wildlife minister Gamini Jayawickrama Perera has told parliament that he was determined to stop the illegal trade, but it is not clear if he will be able to resist influential groups with access to the President.

Almost every tamed baby elephant had been captured from the wild after killing its mother, according to wildlife experts who have been following the department’s conservation efforts.

Elephant calves have also been known to be killed by the tranquiliser drugs used to make them more docile for capture.

About 40 elephants are reported to have been stolen from national parks in the past decade.

One Cannot Sign off or log off Gmail, WHY?

One Cannot Sign off or log off Gmail, WHY?

Google and Gmail are hooked to all the Android devices once signed in you cannot log off from the device.

How to avoid this?

Do not use Androids. 
Pay a lot and buy Apple Mac.
Better still dash it on the floor that Google and Android go into pieces and then go and buy an Apple Mac.

After 24 hours of struggling and too complaints (not replied) I decided to pen this.

Google expects YOU to be in YOUR own trouble and find a way out YOURSELF.

Google help is enormous RUBBISH.

Only way I could have some respite is to PUT synchronization off for never.

Then again, when you want a service like Google Play or Blogger you have to sign again or switch on the synchronization.

What does it do to your battery?

It drains off in no time with lot of application in READY Mode but rarely used.

It slows down your Android.

What are the options.

1. Do not use Android for mission critical work.

2. Use your wired computer for work which is fabulously fast.

3. Switch off your Android and do not overuse it with your fingers or nails, when on holiday and enjoy the sunshine.

Use only ergonomic keyboard.

We spent years developing the typewriter and then the computer keyboard with added F-1 to F-12 Function keys which we rarely use NOW.

Androids have destroyed human ingenuity and make ordinary guys and gals like you are treated like monkeys run by an American company.

4. Do not fiddle with the screen when stressed, YOU get arthritis before 35 years.

5. Use or email, instead.

This is what it says at Google Help but it never works.

Help that does not Help an ordinary GUY like ME.
Below is a bit of rubbish help from Google.

Tap "Settings" on the home screen to open the Settings screen. Tap "Accounts & Sync" to see all Google accounts. Tap the first account and then tap "Remove Account" to remove the account from your Android device. Tap "Remove Account" to confirm.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking

Today I received a letter from a reputed Ceylonese Bank that I had lot of inconveniences to sign a draft letter agreeing to do Mobile Banking.

I moved to another bank after the altercation with the bank management but did not close all my accounts.

I patched up with the management (the manager was taken out or transferred -never saw him again-probably after my complaint listing over 40 mistakes) bank and cordially working with them with the new manager.

Coming back to the letter, it had many legal mistakes, never a sane man would agree to sign.

I won't highlight the mistakes, even if they pay me a fortune.
Reason for writing this is to educate some of my old/young friends.

If you are already having mobile banking YOU STOP at this point, lest you end up with a heart attack.

1.Billions of money is lost due to mobile fraud world over.
I was given a free entry by a bank when I was working in 1980s, I politely refused. 
Here I was an ordinary man with fixed resources did not need fancy stuff.

2. You need a email and a computer at home (no email and no computer, all pensioners who worked only in Sinhala or Tamil).

3. If the bank make a mistake YOU are unable detect and prosecute the bank.

4.Monthly statement is an obligation (at least for current) in baking regulations. 
If you forgo that you are sucked in.

5. You should have the habit of checking your statements like the Credit Card statements.

6. You are used to a particular method for over 20 to 30 years why change?
I can add many but the last one is the most important, in this blessed country, the one who (not writes you) regularly sends you a letter (at least once month) is your bank.

If they cannot send you a letter but only an email statement (which you have to pay Rs.50/= in Web Cafe) why do banking with that particular bank?

The decision is yours but do not be forced into a situation which one cannot retract. It is called unlawful coercion.


Internet Banking=Dangers not Evaluated;
The WARNINGS not Heeded

This should be read in conjunction with Bugger the Bankers.

I will only give only a glimpse of it.

The reader should update his or her own risk element, if not on daily basis but on monthly basis.

Let me dispense with the underline presumptions.

There are two presumptions.

One is that computers never make mistakes and better than humans.

Computers make huge mistakes whereas humans make small mistakes, like counting the balance.

Computer can make million of mistakes in a fraction of a second but human can make only one mistake at a time, which many of us do not guard against.
Humans try to prevent repeating the mistake, whereas computers keep on doing the same mistake million times.(No fortune company will come out with the true facts, like the Ponsi scheme that went round globally without any hindrance, till the banks started collapsing.

We have too many banks.

What we need is a few banks with credibility.
Like me forgetting, to take the balance after payment is made.
The cashier, if he or she is a good one will promptly return the money.

Computers will never gives back the money that was wrongly paid (server administrator can safely transfer it in seconds to some far away destination without any trace of the transaction) or comes behind you with the correct balance in hand.

The sever administrator can swindle any excess, knowing very well that somebody has made a mistake.

This happens in big shopping networks and that is why the items and articles are more expensive than in the open market.

They never audit or declare these frauds fearing that they will loose the market.

Banks are no different.

They only see one side of it.
The customer side.
Never its own staff.
If they make a mistake they will hide it by all means like a cat covering its poo.

The second premise is very simple.
Majority (99%) including me is very bad at balancing accounts on daily basis.
The bank jump into your shoes under this pretext and may even one day ruin you.

In fact, I managed without a bank account for nearly six years when I returned from abroad with six credit cards.

That was only period in my life, I never asked for a loan and did not make a single mistake.

I was doing my own banking and balancing my accounts.

But I have one cardinal principle.
That is, I may not make mistakes on daily basis but one day I will make a huge mistake.

I will guard against that mistake which will ruin me.
It will last good for me.

I have also another resolution.
My maximum loss should be theoretically not more than Rs.100,000/= (never a million which young ones are enticed and coaxed into by all commercial banks).

Each one should have a credit limit which he or she can bear, which is usually three to ten times the basic salary (not the total salary).

If one exceeds that limit, he or she on his or her own peril one day, one has to blame oneself not the bank or the creditors.

The day I make that big mistake, I will close all my accounts and delegate my finances to someone whom I can trust.

The problem is finding one whom I can trust in this blessed Buddhist country.

So if you do Internet Banking, the moment (fraction of a second) you press the button, you are taking a big risk.

The song bugger the bankers is making a huge impact globally and the banks are hell bent on promoting their vices on many new form of advertisements and in many fronts.

Even children not born are not spared.
Do not fall to their trappings which are worse than Merchant of Venice.

That is, promote free spending with a noose around your neck.
I felt like writing this having seen a young mother with her baby (attended by the grandmother) did not check the bill when she was making her payment.
In my medical career I have seen many nursing mothers making big mistakes that include caring for the baby, let alone finances.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pain with Smarphones

Pain with Smartphones
Mobile phone is a smart utility in an emergency and on the move.

But it cannot beat a wired connection in many issues.

If it is an old phone it does not have a memory and the secret service has to bug it and wiretap to get the conversation heard or recorded.

If one is sharp one can easily detect, if the wired phone is tapped.
Poor President Nixon comes to my mind and now it has metamorphosed into email servers. 

It used to be a crude method.

I use to take the receiver and hold it for few seconds to see another link is made.

Even though, I was an ordinary guy and not trained in secretive work but had the wondering mind to investgate at firsthand.

Simply because, I said what I mean, and if it was a political statement sour to the party in power that would mean my immediate transfer to a remote place.

In any case, I worked in a remote place in my first few appointments.

I never pulled wire to get what I wanted.

Usually the party in power does the wiretapping.
With a land phone security is not a issue.

1. With a mobile it is a big issue.

2. Mobile or digital communication has an inbuilt memory and can be recorded for posterity.

This was the cardinal mistake LTTE did when they attacked the Katunayake airport.

Even though, it took some hard work and time Ceylonese Police cracked it and kept that secret for a long time.

Memory is the second problem if one is a criminal.

If you see the classic film “The Day of the Jackal”how the plotters were caught by wire tapping and the hired assassin did not take any risks with even the old telephone.

3. My biggest grouse is the Android utilities.
There are thousands of them and sorting out the most useful is a pain in the neck.
Having downloaded my requirements, it took one whole night to customize to my needs.

4. I use the phone as a minicomputer and my only requirement is to access the web and sign off after few lines of blogging (not an essay).

Unlike a computer signing off or logging off is the most difficult job.

Say if I use Google, Gmail and have Google Drive installed and if I lose the mobile all my private data is exposed.

5. They want you hooked to them and like Facebook won't have delete button (in the drop down menu) to sign off the email button.

That is my “beto noire”.

6. There are many other nuances and each individual has his or her own “Grouse Material”.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Paddy Bird (Wee Kurulla), My Dog's Woolly hair and Leaves of Havari Nuga

Paddy Bird (Wee Kurulla), My Dog's Woolly hair and Leaves of Havari Nuga and dried up leaves of grass 

I wanted to write about global warming and constipation but my readers are spared of ignominy thanks to the Paddy Bird.

Let me deal with a copyright issue first.

I wanted to put a picture of my favourite bird with this piece and searched for a free photograph.

I found one but it was copyrighted.

I know this guy has a good camera and never cared for a paddy bird let alone take the husk out of a rice seed (which birds are experts).

He is so selfish he tries to own this birds picture.

He is a sordid bird watcher.

I of course (my wife too) for the last 15 years trying to encourage breeding of these birds in our garden.

I never thought that my rooftop garden (birds' paradise in all other respect with water and insects including dragonflies) was conduce for their breeding.

Couple of weeks ago I was watering the water plants and a paddy bird flew across my ear in an aggressive manner.

I just ignored it and did not give any eye contact.

Thanks to my wife's effort lot of birds visit our mulberry tree daily.

With scorching temperatures, hitting 95 outside most of my terrestrial plants including the two cocoa plants are shedding their leaves at a rate that alarmed me to my bones.

I decided to do an overall and reduce the numbers of plants to the minimum to cut down on our water bill which was above the electricity (which is also very high) first time in my life.

For the last three days, with a planned strategy to ease my blind dog's night prowl (no prey but jasmine flowers and spirit weed to sniff) around the trees, I made a wide pathway so that he does not bump against the plant pots.

On the third day (today) I wanted to uproot the second but the tallest tree (hawari nuga and the tallest is an exotic local plant the name I do not know- I got it from a local gardener who is an expert on medicinal plants) but I could not.

Then I looked at it in a meditative mode, this does not deserve an unnatural death and looked at its long leaves.


Empty bird's nest.

Owned by the paddy bird few weeks ago but discarded having got its brood out.

It was made of my dog's woolly soft hair (90%) and few grassy bits and a single leaf of a Havari Nuga.

I thought for a moment not only he contributes his liquid fertilizer to my gardening efforts but gives comfort cushion to avi-fauna's young ones.

He got lovely treat for his indirect contribution.

Birds of feather fly together.

In other word nature nurtures nature.

I hope the guy who sells the photos of birds reads this in full.

In a different note if Europeans did not come and G.B.Henry did not tabulate our avi-fauna, this guy would not know how to name a bird.

Series of reproduction from WiKipedia 

Hair of the dog", short for "Hair of the dog that bit you", is a colloquial expression in the English language predominantly used to refer to alcohol that is consumed with the aim of lessening the effects of a hangover.

The expression originally referred to a method of treatment of a rabid dog bite by placing hair from the dog in the bite wound.

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer writes in the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898): "In Scotland it is a popular belief that a few hairs of the dog that bit you applied to the wound will prevent evil consequences. Applied to drinks, it means, if overnight you have indulged too freely, take a glass of the same wine within 24 hours to soothe the nerves. 'If this dog do you bite, soon as out of your bed, take a hair of the tail the next day.'" He also cites two apocryphal poems containing the phrase, one of which is attributed to Aristophanes. It is possible that the phrase was used to justify an existing practice, and the idea of Latin: similia similibus curantur ("like cures like") dates back at least to the time of Hippocrates and exists today as the basic postulate of classical homeopathy. In the 1930s cocktails known as Corpse Revivers were served in hotels.

Alstonia macrophylla or Hard alstonia, Hard milkwood or Big-leaved macrophyllum is a species of plant in the Apocynaceae family.

It is native to Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sulawesi), Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. It was introduced to Sri Lanka, where it is known as hawari nuga by local Sinhalese people.

Alstonia macrophylla is a tree with a straight trunk and a high, narrow crown. It can become up to 30 meters tall. The trunk and branches contain a white latex. The bark is smooth and has a light grey color. Leaves are in whorls of three to four, simple, penni-veined, membranous, and glabrous above. Leaf-blades are 10 to 50 centimeters long, 5 to 15 cm wide, widest in or above the middle, and cuneate at the base. Flowers are about 7 mm in diameter, white, with narrow corolla tube, placed terminal on twigs. Fruits are about 30 centimeters long, green and filled with many small hairy seeds that are dispersed far and wide by the wind. The heartwood is yellowish, with a straight and shallowly interlocked grain with a moderately fine to rather coarse texture.

The common tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) is a songbird found across tropical Asia. Popular for its nest made of leaves "sewn" together and immortalized by Rudyard Kipling in his Jungle Book, it is a common resident in urban gardens. Although shy birds that are usually hidden within vegetation, their loud calls are familiar and give away their presence. They are distinctive in having a long upright tail, greenish upper body plumage and rust coloured forehead and crown. This passerine bird is typically found in open farmland, scrub, forest edges and gardens. Tailorbirds get their name from the way their nest is constructed. The edges of a large leaf are pierced and sewn together with plant fibre or spider silk to make a cradle in which the actual nest is built.

Like most warblers, the common tailorbird is insectivorous. The song is a loud cheeup-cheeup-cheeup with variations across the populations. 
The disyllabic calls are repeated often

Scaly-breasted Munia/Spotted Munia (Lonchura puntulata)

Very common resident bird of grasslands, gardens and paddy fields throughout the island. It lives as flocks of about ten birds and feeds on grass seeds and paddy. Scaly-breasted Munia breeds throughout the year though most nests are found in the period of October to May. The nest is a ball of grass blades in trees or shrubs. 
Thorny trees like lime or orange and sometime areca palm flowers are much favored nesting sites.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Design of GoboLinux is revolutionary even though based on Linux Kernel.
I am glad they are working on version 16.
Version 15 available at torrent (be a seeder) which I down loaded yesterday.
16 version is alpha and availalbe at point to point download; Please test it and report any mishaps.
Thank you guys and girls at GoBoLinx.

The GoboLinux hierarchy represents a radical departure from the filesystem hierarchy traditionally employed by most UNIX-like operating systems where specific types of files are stored together in common standard subdirectories (such as /bin for executables and /etc for configuration files) and where package managers are used to keep track of what file belongs to which program. In GoboLinux, files from each program are placed under their respective program's own dedicated subdirectory. The makers of GoboLinux have said that "the filesystem is the package manager", and the GoboLinux package system uses the filesystem itself as a package database. This is said to produce a more straightforward, less cluttered directory tree. GoboLinux uses symlinks and an optional kernel module called GoboHide to achieve all this while maintaining full compatibility with the traditional Linux filesystem hierarchy.
The creators of GoboLinux have stated that their design has other "modernisms", such as the removal of some distinctions between similar traditional directories (such as the locations of executables /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/local/bin). GoboLinux designers have claimed that this results in shell scripts breaking less often than with other Linux distributions. GoboLinux also allows the user to have different versions of the same program installed concurrently (and even run them concurrently). Furthermore, it has been claimed that the package management index could never become unsynchronized with the filesystem, because references to nonexistent files simply become broken links, and thus become inactive. GoboLinux's filesystem changes also allow other innovations, such as an entirely new boot system that does not use System V or BSD style init systems.