Monday, April 14, 2014

Why I think Tablets going to be a failure (in the long run)

Why I think Tablets going to be a failure (in the long run)
I was very excited when tablets started hitting the market.
I thought it is going to be the “digital slate” that will be in every child's school back.
I for one want it to be my digital reader cum writer.
I thought it is the best thing that is going to happen in my twilight years away from the PC.
But in three years I have to revise my opinion and scale down my excitement.
I have few reason for not buying one till now.
I will list them later but jot down in point form, why I think tablets are going to be a failure.
Not the best thing that happened in the IT world.

Number 1
It is not going to replace the functions of a simple desktop.
The old IBM (I have several but discarding one by one, and sticking to my wok horse) did donkey work for me and still going on batting for me.
The keyboard, the mouse and the screen are designed for human needs and not for a robot.
Small screen and even touch screen capability is not design for androids (human hand).
If used in regular basis by children will have hand eye coordination problems.
Hand eye coordination are essential for a vascular or heart, plastic surgeon.
Future surgeons might have to use a robot for surgery and I won't go under one of them (I would be gone by then anyway).

Number 2
Tablet won't replace a good mobile phone in usage.
For communication and text messages to begin with.

Number 3
Tablet will never replace a good SLR camera or a video camera.
In other words, the PC, the phone, and the camera were dedicated gadgets.
What tablet did was to integrate the three with some increase in bulk.
It did not replace any one of the professionally designed gadgets, for example good quality PC for gaming or simulation of flying.

Now let me come to the more important topics.

Number 4-Security
Mark Shuttleworth of Ubuntu (According to Linux Magazine) calls for declarative firmware.
He claims most of the manufacturers put out low quality closed source firmware, which can become paradise for hackers.
Whether we like it or not dominance of the device configurations and firmware will remain with the parent company.
In this scenario even Apple is not safe.
The tablets will come with poor firmware and will be hacked in no time.
I think they will have a shelf life of two years if carelessly used.
That is my major concern.
They do not have USB ports to prevent using root kits to hack the firmware but the hacker can reach it from the Internet when the tablet is connected.
The manufacturer will put the fault on the user instead of owning his lack of responsibility.
Android has lot of holes even though it is based on Linux derivatives.
Kernel is not as good as a standard PC Linux kernel.

Let me dish out my own reasons.

Number 5
I won't buy a tablet without a USB port.
I do not want to use Apple or Samsung software.
I prefer my own Linux software and if possible use a root kit (ideally both commercial and my own) to install my own Linux Kernel out of the hundred available in the free software foundation.

Rest are academic not related to tablets alone.

Number 6.
Battery life.
Customer support etc.

Number 7 

It is not yet ready for school use. 
I want tablets to be universally available both for rich and the poor.

My Gut Feeling
In this scenario, ASUS Transformer wins the game for a long time to come.
I hope the price of the tablet and transformer with the battery and keyboard will come down.
This is what I wrote few years ago.
It has long battery life, the human keyboard and the portability.
So think twice before buying a tablet.

If you have a laptop keep it in running condition and use the tablet as an accessory and not the work horse.
In my case I will have my old computer running till it packs up, (even if I decide to buy a tablet) or me pack up for good due to old age.

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