Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Discipline should come from Top Down

This is a comment I pushed through (they will never publish these things) a PHP front of a local paper on suicide.

Discipline should come from Top Down

Let me give few examples that were recorded in a 3 hour survey in my sphere of activity.

Time 1 PM.
Site Teller Machine
Two girls inside (which is irregular).
I was behind.
I waited for 5 minutes.
I wanted to get the queue to get longer.
My response abbreviated for public consumption.
To an old gentlemen (older than me) standing behind me.
I wish they brought (nana reddak genawan nagana yanna thibuna ne) a bathing trunk (so that I could have visualized their bare bony figure, if not their mental make up).
Th last word, they were simply SELFISH.
Blank is left here for one to add anymore conglomerations!

As they came out, I whispered into their ears, in English “get out of this place, without wasting time of others”.
No eye contact or no apologies from them.

Time 1.30 PM.
Super Market Queue

I looked for the shortest queue in the supermarket out of three outlets.

A not so respectable young, Buddhist monk with his “Gihi Golaya” came from behind; the monk curtly addressed the counter girl and pushed his Golaya in front of the queue and pushed over to the other side with heavy and disgusting composure.
I thank myself, I was not the one whose “Human Right” was violated.
I would have rudely refused him and said “please slow down before entering Heaven or Nirvana".

What the mighty rush, the monks have? 

A priest with any other denomination would not have done this show of stupid superiority.
To douse my anger and to keep me entertained with curiosity, I watched every item that was billed in.
There was a very expensive perfume bottle (not an incense cube) in the lot.
Even in Ten Meritorious Deeds for our Opaskika Mathawas, perfume is tabooed for one night when on Dasa Sil.
(Nachcha, Geetha, Vadhia, Vilupana, Dhassana, Mala, Ghannda, Vilupana was voltage / voltaging and violating inside, my head by now).
I watched the guy, in saffron cloth with a laptop in hand and soon images of me suturing episiotomy wounds (trauma to birth canal) went one by one in a flash like a MP3 video.
There would been lot worse porn in the hard disk than I have scene in real life, in my life time, in between the saffron cloth and the laptop enclosure, I figured out, in me, in a mesmerized stance, not in meditation (one tries to suppress by will all the sensual inputs and desires in Buddhist Meditation).
If it that was not enough, the third episode driven me into overdrive in superhighway.

Time 2.30 PM
Private Bus plying, in an "Ebi Gamana"

In the bus, I quietly reading a book “Clowns in the Left of me, Jokers in the Right by Ranil Senanayake, to wild away the time of one hour of “drive by bus” (just only 5 miles).
There was a little commotion in the bus.
The conductor was telling a woman dressed in Kandyan Sari, to step up and in, from the foot-board, for the third time and the bloody woman said, “I am a teacher”- that implied she has the right to violate rules in broad day light-and there were many school children in the bus.
I hit the roof in a moment of rare insanity.
I told the conductor “Putha Oya Moda Ganita Awawada Karannta Epa” and flipped the page back to where my reading was interrupted.
There was absolute sanity till we reached our destination and the driver revved up a bit and I had a quiet chat with the conductor and the driver and thank them profusely for bring me home safely.

I totally agree with Ranil Senanayake, there are Clowns and Jokers in this country.

I wish our Ranil an Rosi read this.

A child committing suicide in not a miracle but a natural thing which they see every moment of their living life, more often than me.
I do not want to be an octogenarian in this country.
I wish I kick the bucket sooner than late.
That is of course if I do not emigrate.

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