Saturday, March 29, 2025

Mental Age, Physical Age and Credibility Gap of Classification based on Tests that cannot be Validated Scientifically


Mental Age, Physical Age and Credibility Gap of Classification based on Tests that cannot be Validated Scientifically

Children are different and their development physically and mentally are different and the variability can be immense.

The academic tests done are not assessed according to the age or sex even retrospectively. The test is done on a single day the age difference of the population is 12 months.

A child who is one year younger is tested with a child who is one year older.

Sex difference value is at least 2 years favouring girls

The mental age variability may be as high as 5 years.

This vary even for the mother language which is is almost automatically acquired.

Girls acquire language quicker than boys.

This is the function of the dominant but automatic side of the brain.

For example to swallow food or water one needs not have to teach even a dog.

This is not so for the second language which is the function of the creative side of the brain.

There is a time to introduce a second language.

Otherwise it becomes a translation of word by word process and that is not the way to learn a second language. 

The style of the language is never acquired.

I could not master French at the age of 55.

This is what has happened to good old English. 

Every country imitate its its native (Stepmother Version of English) version. 

English is an international and universal language.

One need not be puritan but should not vandalize it.

The effect of the trainer or teacher is not taken in my analysis.

Parental and social effects are also dominantly operating.

Girls lag behind mathematics till their advanced level age and the leveling off occurs automatically.

By then some boys are 2 to 5 years ahead.

This why biys are clever in computer techniques.

That does not mean boys are smarter but is just the pattern.

Learning acquiring knowledge and skills is a pattern based not rote memory based.

One should employ the tradition of Buddhist monks

The monks fearing distortion handed down the teachings by rote memory and the writing down was done years later. 

By that time distortions have already taken place.

Simply there are two editions. We are still arguing about the sectors but very few practice the essence, the universal compassion.

This country has become the opposite.

Hate is propagated and encouraged in the name of fragile law of existence.

This is somewhat seen with computer competency, too but nobody has done a long term study (wider availability of computer skills is only less than a decade and one cannot see the pattern of learning in such a short time).

10 or 15 year period is such a short time in academic functions and their assessment.

So test designed on a static moment of time is bound to be not a true assessment of the child’s dynamic potential.

Children are dynamic.

A test based on static nature has no validity. 

With or without a test some improve some go down and some drop out.
what I am against is the labeling or appointment as a leader in academic skills (party politics does not apply here).

Learning is a continuous process up to one’s death.

The 5th year Scholarship has all the inherent defects which convicts 90% of some creative innocent children into thinking that they are not worth the mettle and is a national crime.

I had very few wishes and scrapping this test was one of my first priority if am given the mantle of education reforms.

One of the other wishes has gone by the wayside and into thin air which I stated 6 years ago and I wish not repeat it here.

Such an amount of mounting stupidity in the system and at higher echelon having a intellectual discussion is almost impossible.

When dons are talking of virginity and their availability or non-availability for competence in academic activities is hilarious.

What little I know people who are engaged in healthy sex activities (men in particular) are forward in their academic activities. Less being said about this is better except for proposing to appoint a Professor of Virginity for all academic institution including all national schools is ripe in this Banana Republic. The criteria of eligibility except for having a Big Bunch, I cannot elaborate for my own sanity but I wish to sit at the Interview Board of Selections since, I can still distinguish big from a small one.

This test which has variability of factor 12x2x5 x X-factor is over 250 folds.

This is like saying there are 250 colours and which is superior. 

Children are all colourful in their own ways and every colour is beautiful for their parents.

The problem is when you make them only black and white.

That is what this test does. 

It is infuriating.

Where are those American trained psychologists who are selling education piece by piece? 

It should be scrapped as soon as possible and I do not think even our grandchildren will not be spared to this ignominious (putting all others who fail to ignoramus) adventure by our education system, if things remain as it is without a revision 90% of our children are doomed.

There is another point I am totally against, the area basis selection of students to the Universities.

This is a violation of fundamental right of each student who sit a competitive examination.

If the government cannot rectify the difference and disparity in education and in the school system, they should pay some compensation for those students who are between the area basis marks and and above and not getting selected due to no fault of their capabilities but due to wrong government policy.

Let that be a healthy sum so that the particular student is able to go abroad and continue his/her education which he/she deserves.

Why only rich people send their children abroad?

University entry should be on first come first basis.

It should not be based on political decisions of proportionate representation.

It is wrong.

Why at least one student not contesting the education department on fundamental rights issue is amazing.

I wish a lawyer should represent this case without a fee from this student.

If I am a lawyer I would have done that by now.

As a doctor I see only the psychological effets.

New Wave of Linux-Multibooting Capability and its Culpability


New Wave of Linux-Multibooting Capability 

Most of the Linux distributions are making a culpable offense by not recognizing other Linux that come from various backgrounds

In the beginning the LiLo had problems with booting other Linux distributions.
Then came GRUB it solved most of the booting problems by booting from any partition unlike Windows which has to start from the first sector.

Linux guys have not put this weakness of Microsoft to light.

Now is the time to highlight why we give priority to Microsoft.

It is unfair in legal sense and open market economy.

It also should learn how to boot from any sector of choice other than Master Boot Record.

Nobody should give the copyright inheritance of the first sector to any Linux or Microsoft distribution.

It should be with the customer or the user.

It is a monopoly.

Why computer wizards did not expose this weakness to light is my grouse.

They only aggravate the situ by only recognizing windows and dos sometimes and invariably gave Microsoft the first place.

This is a culpable mistake Linux developers perpetuate by not taking the starting block.

Why give the head start to Microsoft?

I have found only three distributions doing it right

They are PCLinux (the new distributions now have a problem not including other format options – other types of disk formatting including DOS), Mephis, Debian, Suse , Mandriva, Redhat and Fedora.

Redhat had the best GRUB including RAIDs .

Still SuSe has the best partition tool, even though it restrict itself to 15 partitions.

Why I do not know?

All the other Live and installable CDs I checked had problem recognizing other Linux distributions.

But they invariable recognized Microsoft by default or is it fear induced by Microsoft by its global propaganda or is it both.

Why not recognize its sisters and brothers breathing over the neck to have a good start.

Most pertinent question is why Microsoft cannot see with their eyes open wide Linux or other partitions.

They are totally blind to independence an market forces.

Where is universal  brotherhood?

Where is universal comradeship?

There are two reasons.

1. One is boot loader they use is LiLo.

2. The other is that they do not write a script (copy of the booting sequence in the header files of the root partition).

They all write on the M.B.R while giving priority to Microsoft almost by default or deceit.

Ubuntu do this, all Ubuntu derivatives including attractive Mint do this culpable offense.

It is time to wake up and put this right.

Suse recognizes only 15 partitions.

There used to be over 60 partitions those days before the RAID and volumes came into existence.

I used to have at least 8 (2 Windows) distributions bootable on my hard disk barely 80 GB.

Those days Linux were not fat and heavy and some of them could stay on 2 GiB partition.

I used to modify boot sector by various means to get all running without a problem with GRUB as the boot loader.

Now the hard disks are over 300GB or 500GB we must go back to all traditions and have at least 30 partitions recognizable.

Then I can boot Microsoft, Apple Mac and Open Free BSD as part-timers with Linux preferably my own assembly called God Bless You All (G.B.Y.A) (thanks to all the guys including Puppy Linux) and I will throw a party, the all mighty God has directed me up to the grave for rest after the party.

Recovery Is Possible or Impossible and cohabitation is a must in the coffin for all of us at the end.

Toilet Paper Catching Fire


Toilet Paper Catching Fire

In my book Vegetarian SACA, I am just finishing, I have given an account of Capsaicin or ingredient in Chillies that prevents old age Arthritis.


Capsaicin is the primary bioactive substance in red chili peppers, which produces the pungent flavor.

There is a story circulating in Colombo Diplomatic Circles that a certain UNO Officer investigating or perhaps observing war crimes being enacted in his subjective presence was given a hot meal of Nai Miris (Cobra Chillies) as his taste.

The entree went like this.

He was told it was a Ceylonese top class delicacy that war heroes on both sides of the divide partake before their final assault.

Once you partake a little, they do not feel any other pain even due to gross injuries and it is also a mood elevating and quite similar to Onions for Indians.

He was quite take up by the introduction, instead of tasting a little he avail himself of a liberal quantity as it were a Dhana Festival in a temple and he had to rush to the toilet.

Whatever, he did in the toilet did not allay his misery and he decided to pull a fag inside the toilet.

Moment he triggered the lighter there was a big bang and accidentally he lit the toilet roll too.

The flash of fire, smoke and the big bang alerted the security thinking that there was a bomb.

Surprisingly the young diplomat emerged without any significant injury or burns and in his flight and fright the burning sensation due to Nai Miris disappeared, instantaneously.

But he started running towards the back entrance and the fire exit.

The security officer thought he was a terrorist and followed suit.

He shouted stop.

I am UNO and BunKi Moon Man he said in his flight.

Eventually the security caught up with him.

When inquired he said there is a bomb in the toilet.

By that time one of the environmentalist emerged from the crowd and said his capsule worked wonders!

Everybody was puzzled.

Then he said he put a capsule of biogas making strain into the toilet before the meeting to test whether UNO officers consuming enormous natural resources of the friendly countries could produce biogas during a meeting.

And their shit or the scat can produce enough was his test finding with one capsule.

Now he is trying to patent his discovery to solve the energy crisis of today.

Friday, March 28, 2025

Snippets of Betrayal of Buddhism

Snippets of Betrayal of Buddhism 

The Exposition of Dalada is the culmination of the project to hoodwink the ignorant Buddhist civilians and Sangha. 
They are only worried about the vote to change the constitution.
Rest would be history.
:ot of guys including Sepala, Sugathe and a number of You Tube guys are paid to carry on the project design.
Target few corrupt monks and generally belittle evry monk was the project design.
They have already have instituted robed guys or saffron guys.

Kiribathgodaya is only one of them.
The project plan and design are change the constitution which gives a special place to Buddhist Religion.

Niragamika theme of JVP and NPP is used as a the carrot.

As long as the Buddhists are united they cannot divide the country into pieces like an America Pizaa (the country into various parts according Race and Religions).

Ultimate plan is to make Ceylon a Military Base and Mihinthalya is their Airport Base.

USA and India Combo, The CIA and RAW are directly involved in this sinister project.

The current government is the culmination of this Project.

They tried the CIA method (infiltrate the Sasana) and failed and now using the 
"Niragamika Theme" (No religion) of the current PM / President Combo.

"Jayamangaka Gatha" was banned in the parliament BUT the full Vision of Christmas Thamasha was dished out.

Jayamangaka Gatha is for the blessing of the Entire World not only Ceylon.

War of Ukraine is an antithesis to Dhamma.

Karaneeya Metta Sutta is the first Sutta one should recite.

If you are Buddhist and over 50 years, You should become a Vegetarian Buddhist which I call the Eggotarians (unfertilized egg) clan of Buddhists.
If you do that one can say that one is a True Buddhist.

Monks should go for "Vegetarian Dhana".

That is only the beginning to stop this subtle betrayal
There is one Heart Specialist in Colombo who had a full "Vegetarian Wedding" for his daughter. 
Forget his name. 
He came after Walupillai.

1. In Kandy opposite the BPS they made a Missionary Hospital to promote Christianity
This was near a Buddhist Girl's School.

I was taken there as a kid. 
As a kid I could feel that the doctors there were poorly trained. 
On my retirement, one of my Catholic friends wanted me to raise it's standards but I gave up after one week.

There main aim is to promote Christianity through Medical Practice.

They have NO belief in medicine they dispense.

2. Number two is to enter Sasana and introduce moles.

Kiribathgoda Baththara Mulla is number 1.

Number two is the homosexual Mahamewna Saffron Guy

Antidote is Do Not donate money to these guys.

Let the Catholic Church to fund them.

3. Translate Pali Verses into Sinhala and distort the contents and the meaning.

Antidote is to read Dhammapda.
The Dhammpada is out of production. 
Donate some money to BPS to print new copies.
I bought all of them and posted to my so called friends in Ceylon.

Just grasp one or two verses that suits one's heart's content.

4. Dalada Wadena Nilame is the most corrupt Guy.
He only wanted money and the current Dlada Expositiobn is part f this desgin.
Do not get caught to this Exposition Dalada to hoodwink the Buddhist in entirety.
I think it would do the opposite but would UNITE the Buddhist against Rougue Politicians.
It would UNITE the Misguided Buddhists with the Guided Buddhists.
There was a branch of BPS at the rear side of the Maligawa, before he became the big guy.
First thing he did was to close this print outlet of BPS.

I made a vow not to visit Maligawa until he is eliminated from this post.

5. Meditation has become a big business.
There is a book by me coming soon.

Dr. Steven Greer is in this game.

6. I am ambivalent of Weask Celebrations.

As a kid I can remember one of my less bright uncles made a Wesak Lantern with Baby Lanterns.
We could not take it out intact from the main door. 
We had to separate them and hang them in different locations.
For me, it was an experiment in physics.

Do not be a megalomaniac.

A few buckets and a few coconut oil lamps would do during Wesak.

"Olu Bukko Wigadama" should be stopped.

The buckets will burn showing the "Uncertainty Principle" of Buddhism.

Oils would burn out but the light of Dhamma shines

7. Wearing a Cross is Christian but do not wear any symbol of Dhamma.

Dhamm is for your Brain.

Digest the meaning.

There are many other distortion and vagaries.

Be mindful of every action

I hope you become a down to earth Dhamma Guy.

Be very simple and transparent.

Non interventional to begin with.

Politics of CIA and RAW are always interventional.

They got a good ally.

That is NPP/JVP Combo.


The Common Misinterpretations of a Pali Verse that states the body decays but the Name and the Tribe does not

 Posted on May 30, 2011
This is part of the sinister program to distort Dhamma.
The Common misinterpretations of a Pali Verse that states the body decays but the Name and the Tribe does not

This verse I have heard many politicians of yesteryear utter in tandem with political speeches, I often wonder from where it originated.

This has nothing to do with Buddhism or Dhamma.

Somebody with knowledge with Pali had coined this verse and all politicians of yesteryear and present use this as a phrase to propagate his or her name and tribe
This is how the post-colonial culture and politics developed.

“Rupam Jirati Majjanam (Body decays)

Nama Gottam Najirathi” (name and tribe do not)

The face value seems all Buddhist in nature but its implication in modern day is really disruptive to the nature of Dhamma as stated in the Tripitaka (the Three Baskets).

There is no problem with the first statement.

The second statement destroys the whole tenet of Dhamma in its entirety.

In Buddhist phenomenology self (Nama or Soul) does not exist and the tribe (Gothra) is an illusion that originate from the above wrong premise.

I have to restate the same with my own invention as below.

The meaning I am trying to derive at is that the Mind State does not vanish at death but (Patisandhi) re-link with the next Bhava using Kamma as the vehicle or the driving force.

Rupam Jirati Majjanam
Nama (means Mind here) Kittam (means Kamma) Najirathi

(The Gotham is substituted with Kittam-Kriya)

In Abhidhamma context it is realistic to use the above version of the verse (even though I am not a Pali scholar) to express the conditional existence of Bhava
The term Nama Rupa (stated above in first chapter) occurs frequently in Abhidhamma and Nama is used interchangeably with the Mind
The term for body is corporeality and not Rupa in Pali context.

Who perpetuated this myth is immaterial but the damage it has done is enormous
In that context writing something of my own contradicting the statement is appropriate even though it is a departure from the original tenets of this book.

This I think originated with the British rule
It is common for us to blame the British for every little mishap we are going through in our modern history. 
But this one is a direct antecedent
They are the one who started naming the streets even in Kandy with British names of inheritance and their Governors. 
All the streets in Colombo have some relevance to British authorship. In their tradition it is a normal and is all welcome by every British administrators big and small.

What went wrong was that we adapted this tradition without scrutiny in the post-colonial period and continue to do so even now
Instead of naming the street with some meaningful road traditions like main street, cross street, first lane or second lane we started adapting our own names. 
Politicians in turn for their gain started naming these streets with the names of their kith and kin. 
They invented and used the above jargon riddled Pali verse for the propagation of the political agenda.

Even though the tradition is British the wrongful doing is our own ill vision, political patronage and heritage.

I am Ending My Clash with KDE

Yes, I am ending with my Clash with KDE other than Debian and Netrunner.
Simply because those two integrate seamlessly 
Whereas, my flash with Manjaro KDE was a disaster. However, I really like Gnome of Majaro. I installed Manjaro over Netrunner without formatting the / home folder. I had no premonition that it would highlight the conflicts instantly.
Gnome Utilities will never see daylight in KDE are
1. My favorite Stacer
2. Revolt
3. USB Writer 
4. USB Formatter KDE cannot even format a USB stick.
What more, I forget.
5. All the File Manger Utilities from Nemo to Nautilus to Thuna except Dolphin.
6. Even Discover the Software Repository is in conflict. 
Manjaro has its own Software Repository.
That is where the conflict is.
Plus point are it has AbiWord.
One can chose Open Office instead of LibreOffice.
One can even discard Firefox and install Dillo Konwueror and Falkon.
Above all selecting and formatting of already configured figuring out the file system took half an hour but it did not ruin them like LegacyOS.
Installation was painfully slow.
I am back with Netrunner and I need to add my favorite packages including AbiWord.
By the KDE cannot remove duplicate icons placed on the panel and the panel is chockerblocked.


In Linux, Unicode is a character encoding standard that allows computers to represent and manipulate text from various writing systems, including alphabets, ideographs, and symbols, by assigning a unique numeric value to each character.

Here's a more detailed explanation:

What is Unicode?

Unicode, or the Universal Coded Character Set (UCS), is a standard that aims to provide a single character set encompassing all the characters used in the world's writing systems.

What is its Purpose?

It solves the problem of dealing with multiple character sets used for different languages by providing a universal way to represent text.

How it works?

Unicode assigns a unique code point (a number) to every character, regardless of the platform, program, or language.

How Unicode is Encoded?

Unicode text is processed and stored as binary data using encodings like UTF-8, which defines how to translate the standard's abstracted codes for characters into sequences of bytes.

What are the Benefits?

Unicode allows for the easy exchange and display of text in different languages and scripts without ambiguity, making it essential for internationalization and globalization of software and content.

For Example
The word "Hello" can be represented in Unicode as U+0048 U+0065 U+006C U+006C U+006F, where each U+xxxx represents a unique character code point.

Unicode in Linux
Linux systems fully support Unicode, allowing users to input, display, and process text in various languages and scripts.

Unicode Input
Unicode input methods allow users to enter characters not directly supported by a physical keyboard, such as by selecting them from a display, typing a sequence of keys, or drawing the symbol.

Unicode Input Tools
Several tools, like KCharSelect, are available for Unicode input, allowing users to select and insert characters from the Unicode character set.

Python Docs often defaults to using UTF-8, a common encoding for Unicode, which uses 8-bit values to represent characters.

Unicode input - Wikipedia

Unicode input is method to add a specific Unicode character to a computer file; it is a common way to input characters not directl...

Unicode support — The Linux Kernel documentation
17 Jan 2005 — Other Fictional and Artificial Scripts Since the assignment of the Klingon Linux Unicode block, a registry of fictional...
The Linux Kernel Archives

Unicode on Linux - CunningPlanning

26 May 2013 — While a char takes up a single byte, a wchar_t takes up 4 bytes on Linux in contrast to the 2 bytes that wchar_t takes ...


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Generative AI is experimental.

Language Struggle

Language Struggle

1. Let me dish out Linux.

Linux is a computer Coding Languages and it has 15 major subdivisions, some of which are platform independent. I rarely visit the terminal or coding, since I consider it as a daemaon exercise in which once configured (Manjaro uses integrated) there are no conflicts.

Mind you Linux has no racial bias and it is global which U.N.O should learn to use instead or other racial languages since Linux uses the same keyboard characters and many more scientific character which scientists depends on. 

NASA also use Linux.

I do not think my time U.N.O would transform, It is a what elephant to begin with.

One get on with his or her tasks at hand once configured or integrated with the application Linux run.

Linus has over 60,000 packages and I use only about 25.

 2. I use English as my communication language, English English as my spoken language and American English in writing and Linux desktop. English has many varities and and I hate Indian and New Zealand English.

There are African English, too.




South African

New Zealand 

Irish English.

English by far is not homogeneous and British are made of Scottish and Welsh and part Northern Ireland (acquired by brute force).

Irish have their own Gaelic languages but use English for intentional dealings.  

4. I use Sinhala at home but when I travel in a bus pretend not to know Sinhala (driver and the conductor knows I can speak Rude Sinhala if requires, say a drunkard misbehaves while using public transport).

I sit in the middle of the bus but I have helped the conductor to throw a drunkard by force.

5. I use use Tamil to get the cardinal symptom of a sick patient but my Tamil is colloquial and nowhere near Jaffna Tamil. The Tamil I learned from Indian State workers .

I failed the Tamil Official Examination three times which was necessary for confirmation in Government service.

Moment, I finished the compulsory service plus one year (my father's advice), I left Ceylon.

I am entitled for a W.O.A.P (I have the Registration Number) but declined to apply for it on the advice of one of my old time classmates who accompanied me to the airport on my way to Australia.

I have worked in Britain (nearly 10 years) and New Zealand (two years exactly) but could not get  job in Australia when I wanted. 

If I stayed in New Zealand for three years, I could have got Australian VISA.

I wanted to work in Northern Territories but if my memory is right I did not have enough pounds for the full VISA application.

I still have the New Zealand cheque I wrote (may be over NZ-605 ), tagged to the VISA application which I did not submit, in my attic for my children to see.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

SATA Disk Types

Factors that determine Storage Devices

1. Form Factor
It is the chip design parameter that determines which type of hard drive fits the motherboard or cellphone.
Cellphone is a computer.

2. Connections
Type of connection that the device has to fit the HDD, SATA or NVMe drive..

3. Dimensions
Size determine the price and the mass production at the chip factory.

Drive is considered outdated. 
But this is where I started long before SATA came into existence.
HDD has mechanical parts and has the slowest rate of data transfer.
It's wear and tear is high.
Because it is made of magnatic hardware it can store data for a long time without destruction.
The data transfer is slow due to mechanical parts. This is technically called Latency 

Other BUSS words are Efficiency and Performance. Each device had its own performance quality and efficiency of data transfer.

SATA is considered outdated but I have 3 of them.
120 to 320 to two of 1 terabyte. 
All are functional and I have no desire to go for an expensive m.2 or NVMe devices.
All my academic and non academic data are stored in them. I do not need Google store them in cloud. Infac, I have removed all but the data of the last 3 years.

The letter m in m.SATA stands for mini or smaller, I believe 
Above types slo into SATA interface.

3. NVMe 
They need PCIe slot or interface in the motherboard.
It is the most modern.

NAND flash
NAND comes from the computer terminology the NAND gates of memory blocks. This are modern chips which can be programmed beyond binary program s.
I think the technology refers to Non Volatile Computer Memory.
HDD drives have non volatile memory and the Magnetic Tape can Store more data and they are used by network servers.
Data recovery is possible  with HDD but in SSDs DATA recovery is next to nothing if they are digitally damaged.

1. Form Factor 

3. Mounting Options
Ultimately it boils down to read and write and data transfer which is important in playing digital games

I am too, old for fast games but I promote Linux games but not Windows.
Valve's Steam is ruling the game world.

Solid State Drives were developed to replace old CD/DVD drives. Finding a laptop with CD/DVD ROM is a luxury now.

SATA are defined by the so called Form Factor which defined the interface with which it interact with the operating System and the Boot Loader (BIOS and new GRUB).

Old laptops
Old SATA interface

2. Mini mSATA
New Slimmer laptops and cellphones.
Old SATA interface. 

3. M.2 SATA
Modern laptop with a slot (interface) to mount the disk.
SATA interface

4. M.2 NVMe
PCIe interface
OCI has 3 generations 3, 4 and 5.
They are not interchangeable.
Non Volatile Memory express.
Speed of 3500 MB in Gen 3
Speed of 7500 MB in Gen 4.
Speed of 14,000 MB in Gen 5.
Motherboard's BUSS support determined the speed of data transfer even though they fit into the same interface or slot.
Volatile Memory Blocks
Data are recorded in Units called cells. These cells are stacked one above the other likes bricks.
1. One brick layer is called Single Cell.
2. Two brick layer is called multiple not Dual 

3. Three cell layes are called Triple.

4. Four stack layers are called qudreple.



Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE
Architecture: sparc32
Based on: Fedora
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 2.0 | April 14, 2006

Aurora SPARC Linux – a researching & building a Sparc Linux distribution based on Fedora Core. Aurora was originally created after Red Hat dropped support for the SPARC architecture after Red Hat Linux 6.2.

The project status:
– A build 0.1 was released November 5, 2001
– The first “stable” build of Aurora (1.0) was released January 19, 2001
– The second “stable” build of Aurora (2.0) based on Fedora Core 3 was released April 14, 2006
– The Corona Tree (?) was based on Fedora Core 6 

 Orion OS

Orion OS was the first operating system developed by Aurora Systems International back in the 90's as a rival to Microsoft Windows 2.1.

The main advantages to Windows was that Orion OS was much cheaper and worked on slower machines of the time, where Windows couldn't.

Most of the information about Orion OS has been lost to time since the OS wasn't so popular back then to make archives, however some versions have been discovered by people that bought it back then and also people that worked on the OS as well.

Education and Linux

One of my first articles on Linux was based on Linux on Education.

Then, I was grumbling about not been able to find a Linux Guru either in Kandy or in Colombo.

Result at that time was appalling negative at that time.

Of course, i found a few gurus from abroad which included Christopher Naegus.

Unfortunately he has stopped writing or updating the Linux Bible.

I wont blame him.

The way, Linux progressing, nobody can keep pace with. Moment you write something on Linux and post it, it is outdated by many a miles. 

The topic today is to talk about contribution of Linux to education in general and science in particular.

With the introduction of One Laptop for Child (O.L.P.S) project there was proliferation of  educational products  from France to Germany to Poland to Spain.

  The material included from preschool to university level.

Unfortunately, due to interference of Microsoft and they been able to port on O.L.P.S with the sole object of destroying the initiative of olps, it is hindering its progress.

This Piece is in evolution (14-10-2008)

Education and Linux

I am not going to talk about science but education in Linux.

1. gCompris fron France for kids

2. Knoppix for kids from Germany

3. Alt and Runtu from Russia (no global claim)

4.  DeepIn from China(no global claim)

5. OLPS and Ubuntu from southy Africa to begin with.


7. Freeduck

8. Tux

9. Edubuntu limited but res ione has to pay

10. DebainEdu is huge and has evrything, meant for school but standalone installation is better.

11. Mysqi

12. PHP Myadmin

13. Gbsic

14. GFlash

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Open Office Version 1 to 3 (dated16-12-2008)

Open Office Version 1 to 3 (dated16-12-2008)

SunMicroSystem Open Office has taken a giant step from its 2.4 version to 3.

I happen to see this version on a laptop with Linux distribution and was bit curious since I had been using it from version 1 which was the Star Office of Sun MicroSystems Office package released to the web as an open source software. Linux guys grabbed this with enthusiasm and it was bundled with all the Linux distributions.

This was the time I was migrating from Windows to Linux and its features included Web Format as well as PDF format.

I used to import Microsoft Office documents and remove all the Macros with proprietary claims which unnecessarily makes the the word file bigger than it ought to be.

In addition these Macros attract Viruses and make page laying extremely difficult from page to page. It is the nuisance Microsoft users have to encounter.

Auto formatting was a pain in the neck.

Other features of Open Office included that one can save the document in many formats as one wishes so that the recovery (this does not happen with Open Office) of a Microsoft file gone haywire was just a touch of a button.

It has a automatic recovery system when the power fails (if one does not have a battery backup when power fails) which I found annoying but it was a safety feature that was important if you are working on a long file.

Over five year period this happened only  three or four times and you can see what a "Finicky Soul” I am when working with computers.

I have only had one file corruption (one of these recovery incidents) over period of five years that was all due to my 128 RAM getting overloaded (hardware problem and not software) by many programs running at the same time.

That is the beauty of Linux with  multitasking abilities.

I only had to shutdown and restart and the file would be recovered in a few minutes, since the program gave me an adequate warning of the impending file corruption (due to RAM overload) and the misbehavior. I did not use enough swap file in those early days.

That is the value of this office package which I have no hesitation to recommending to anyone especially one is short of cash to buy the Microsoft new office package. I believe it is a waste of money.

The real reason I used was its PDF format which was a necessary ingredient for transferring a file across the Web.

The new version has arithmetic (formula feature) and calculation function which would be very easy for school kids.

Once you are registered with the Open Office home site automatic upgrading is available ad one does not have to wait for the next version.

Only down side that the database cannot be uploaded to an old access database. I have to live with it for the time being but very soon he community would find a way out of this scenario and remove all the Macros and ActiveX script and get the database raw table into its domain, whether Microsoft likes it or not.


The exposure of the Internet Explorer to hackers probably from China, raises the question how safe is the Microsoft Software including Office.

Linux has many browsers (explorers) from Dillo to Falkon to Firefox.

Why we Ceylonese not using these browsers speaks of our up to date knowledge of IT Industry.

It is time to move to Linux especially Suse-11 and Mandrake 2009.

Ironically SLT (Sri-Lankan Telecom) does not support its wired service to Linux.

I had to go to Singapore in 2009 and buy a Router for our private use.

The modems they dish out freely in the past and dishing out in this Christmas do not support Linux

They are hooked to Microsoft.

16th December 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Manjaro is Supurb

 Manjaro is Superb.

For the first time I got Manjaro Installed and the experience is superb. 

I had a marathon session.

Getting to Understand Manjaro took some time but to its intensive graphic assistance one can manage. One can do the things in command line but why bother.

It has three versions and I have decided to download Xfce image to test it on Box Utility.

More later.

On several occasions in the past few years ago, I installed it on my NUC but I could not installed software
More importantly Abiword.
Today I d got it installed and installed several others including, Blender, Scribus and Inkscape.
I have never used macOS but sure enough I have seen apple desktop others using and Manjaro desktop on Gnome base is fantastic.
Had I used KDE version of Manjoro I would have messed it up. 
Everything is graphic and the response to the mouse is almost immediate.
Besides, for the  first time NUC's Integrate Graphic Card looks something out of the blue.
Yes, do not blame the hardware when software is substandard. 
Well I am going to forget about Debian Gnome for some time.
I am still on a Gnome Base.

Latest Manjaro Runs Smoothly in Box Utility

Latest Manjaro Runs Smoothly in Box Utility
Just to make my ARCH entry is complete I downloaded Manjaro using Transmission torrent and tested both Gnome and KDE.
I do not fancy XFCE and did not download it.
Old editions have cinnamon, too.
They are just like other Arch derivatives but one has to master ARCH strategy.

Yes, I have got rid of both Firefox and LibreOffice

Yes, I have got rid of both Firefox and LibreOffice

In my 15GB Gnome instance, I have now have Falkon, Dillo and Epiphany.
LibreOffice is gone Abiword has taken its place.

Ihave KdenLive, Audacity and VLC installed and I have another 1.2GB in the /root folder for easy running and I won't get messages saying root is full.

Emmabantus Debian 5 Edition

As usual Emmabantus does not like to Coexist with other operating systems in my NUC. It erases the GRUB file written in Python which is not to my liking in the past and my dissociation.
However, I want to see what   methods it employs to install applications. 
XFC4 may have limitations with sandboxing.
Well I have to Reinstal one instance of my 4 other instances without formatting the /home partition.
Unlike Calamara Installer which takes ages to configure Old Drabin Graphic installer is pretty fast and gives a running commentary (not dumb like Calamara).
This is how I pick up nuances of Debian.
Unlike those days I forget things to install and I will browse everything in Emmabantus and add anything missing in Gnome. I bet Emmabantus mis my file Managers.
Unlike in the past Cairo Dock can be configured after install. It is not static but dynamic. This I learned from Arch BlueStar Linux.
Yes it is finishing installation of Debian, Gnome. I should go for a Cuppa.

I am going to do the unthinkable.
Install Gnome and if it mounts uninstall XFC4 of Emmabantus.
It all depends if Gnome Boots UP!

Emmabantus Debian 5 Edition
Emabantus has lot of applications bundled in.
Only problem is it comes in French and I had to log in with English.
I have used this in 32 bit time when I could not get any distribution to support Abiword, especially Debian at that time. 
Its GRUB is pretty good.
It now uses Calamara Installer which I am getting a hang of.
Wifi Configuration is pretty good.

Reason I am writing this is like Ubuntu it gives a running commentary of the running event in text mode.
I wanted see after installation what are the files deleted.
I was under the impression that the whole live image is copied like in Microsoft windows.
It takes a long time to delete.
1. Live configuration file
2. Live boot file
3. Live init
4. Live grub



CutefishOS does not run on Box Utility.

Web site:
Origin: Poland
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Cutefish
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian, Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 0.8 beta | July 10, 2022
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: CutefishOS

CutefishOS – an elegant, beautiful and easy-to-use Linux desktop operating system. 
It runs Cutefish Desktop based on Ubuntu and has a modern style design. Our goal is to provide users with a comfortable interface design, better user experience and a better choice.

It has a modern and efficient User interface for stunning user experience. It has a Modern Dock that gives users a convenient place to access apps and features.

Cutefish Desktop Environment – an astonishing Desktop Environment in the Linux world that is originally designed and maintained by Cutefish and Cutefish Community.
CDE consists of the Desktop Environment
Window Manager
Control Center
Launcher and Dock
CDE is a modern looking elegant desktop environment giving a different taste of desktop experience.

– Ubuntu Base System
– Cutefish Desktop Environment
– Beautiful Wallpapers
– Snapcraft
– Ubuntu Softwares and Repositories
– Supports Ubuntu PPAs
– Beautiful Desktop Experience
– Ubuntu Repository Mirrors

The project founder is Maksym Titenko.

Do not Run Short of Ideas in Linux

Posted on August 19, 2011
Do not Run Short of Ideas in Linux
This is the penultimate stage of my blog activity and I would now concentrate on marketing aspect and perhaps academic aspect later.

I must write few lines about
Hi Everyone,

After over 16 years, has closed. If you've ordered from us, help is still available by email.

I started OSDisc to spread Linux and help new users get started. 
But providing DVDs today has little effect on the spread of Linux. I regularly see small distributions that provide tens of thousands of downloads, but few if any DVDs are provided by OSDisc
The vast majority of Linux users are downloading Linux themselves. 
And that's a great thing to see.

What we've accomplished:

    Shipped over 300,000 discs and USB drives
    Helped over 110,000 users get started with Linux
    Answered over 25,000 tech support tickets
  Given back over $200,000 to the open source community

Thank you to everyone for making OSDisc possible for the past 16 years.

Ramsey Brenner Founder
It does some things which I would have liked to do myself in the Third World and in my country.

It sells live disc and live USBs of all the Linux distributions.
You do not have to do what I do.
Download and test and write something here.
You go to that web site and order what you want after having read some of my comments.
All the items are low priced.
One only needs a credit card.
It also does something very good part of the sale is contributed to Open Software development.
So every time you buy something you are indirectly contributing to the developers.
Mind you in this credit crunch and debt crisis which is global we must not stop innovation things.
Credit crisis should open for new innovation and not for grumbling.
This is where Linux is way ahead of the pack.
Web site is very simple and nicely organized and has ranking of sales which is good thing before purchasing.
It has book section also and if you wont one investment for all go and my choice is given below.
Mind you I have several copies of this book.
I have paste the product description below.

Product Description
The most up-to-date guide on the latest version of Linux Linux is an excellent, low-cost alternative to more expensive operating systems and its popularity continues to remain on the rise. This comprehensive resource offers more than 100 pages of the most sought-after Linux commands, provides new tutorial chapters aimed specifically at Windows desktop users and Windows administrators, and includes a new chapter on using Linux on gadgets. You’ll get up to speed with Linux so that you can install secure, fully functioning Linux server systems.

* Shows you what Linux is capable of, how to install it, how to make the most of its features, and ways to make use of its commands
* Provides step-by-step instructions for transitioning to Linux and explains how to choose which distribution is right for you, find and use the applications you need, set up the desktop to be the way you like it, and more
* Walks you through transferring your stuff (music, documents, and images) from Windows to Linux

Whether you’re making the transition from Windows or Macintosh and need to choose which distribution is right for you or you are already savvy with Linux and need a thoroughly up-to-date guide on its newest features,
Linux Bible 2011 Edition is a must have!
Try out 18 different Linux distributions to see which is right for you
Inside many stock exchanges, mobile phones, and Internet servers is an operating system that many people haven’t even heard of—it’s called Linux. Today, you can run this open-source software on your personal desktop, on an Internet server, or as a programming workstation. In this complete guide from
Linux expert Christopher Negus are all the instructions and software you need to install, set up, and use Linux.

* Install, set up, and use the latest Linux systems for desktops and servers
* Configure the perfect Linux desktop system for you
* Launch all your music, video, images, and documents in Linux
* Set up your own print, file, e-mail, and Web servers
* Get a stable and secure system using Linux security tools
* Create your own cool apps with useful programming tools

A total of 18 different Linux distributions are included on the DVD!

* To try out Linux, boot directly Ubuntu, openSUSE, KNOPPIX, Fedora, PCLinuxOS, Gentoo, BackTrack, and other live Linux distributions
* To keep Linux permanently, install those and other distributions to your hard disk

What’s on the DVD?

* Ubuntu Linux (live/install)
* Fedora Linux (install)
* openSUSE (live/install)
* KNOPPIX (live/install)
* Gentoo Linux (live/install)
* Slackware® Linux (install)
* PCLinuxOS (live/install)
* BackTrack (live)
* AntiX (live/install)
* INSERT (live)
* Puppy Linux (live/install)
* Debian GNU/Linux (live/install)
* Damn Small Linux (live/install)
* SLAX (live)
* System Rescue CD (live)
* Coyote Linux (floppy firewall)
* TinyCore (live)
* CentOS Linux (live/install)

System Requirements:

* All software built for x86 computers
* See chapters on each distribution for system requirements

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