Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Moon Theory II-Binary Star

 Moon Theory II-Binary Star

I have an outrageous theory for our solar system.

Before that let me dish out our limitation of colour sense.

We can distinguish only  3 colours clearly using rods and cones of our retina. 

In my case I cannot see some colours properly from a young age and it is getting worse with age.

I realized this when I was playing snooker.
No problem with billiards since only two colours white and red are used.

The computer can distinguish millions of colour shades and for simplicity sake they use 256 colour shades in our monitor.

Good example of colour compression is used in mpeg file format of video streaming, where redundant analog colours are shed to make the file light not bulky.

The name PNG or Portable Network File came into existence without sacrificing the quality of the image.

I am out of touch and use only GIMP for my photographic world.

The bottom line is analog files are heavy and we can shed lot of bulk when sharing image files in the internet.

The Cosmos is Big and we can see visually only about 5% of the matter.

Rest of the Universe is Dark and beyond our grasp.

To identify hidden matter we have to use other energy components of our energy spectrum using instruments mounted on a satellite probe.

That is the reality.

The man does not want to be blinded by his visual limitation.

My outlandish theory is that we were a Binary Star System and the other star died and disappeared into darkness, long time ago.

It remains as a dark body outside our visible planets and gives the stability to our solar system.

Mind you it is not a dark hole but a physical body without visible light source but with powerful gravitational force.

My reasoning are simple.

Binary division is common in cells and biological world.

There is nothing to prevent binary division in physical world or in the cosmos.

It is a simple mathematical logic.
They do not have to be equal in size.

In Spiral Galaxies there are two arms one bright with young stars and another arm with old stars.

In between globular or elliptical body and a bar body or dark matter in the center.

I am using this analogy to our solar system.

The postulated dark body is bigger of the two original stars.

Stars fading an dying is normal in the cosmos.

Like the bar body in a spiral galaxy it gives stability to our solar system.

Lot of our explorer satellites get lost or veer away from its course.
My postulation is we fail to take account of the gravitational pull of this old star unseen. 

The experimental satellites lost are probably are pulled in by this mass with powerful gravitational pull.

Like a good brother it does not let any matter escapes from our solar system.
  Our cosmos is receding at a tremendous pace and this guy is trying to stop our solar system losing its components.

This is a working theory and worth probing on at a theoretical level.

This will be one of my questions in my philosophy book.

Moon Theory

Moon Theory

I have my own theory.

This is not as outlandish as the theory of Binary Star (dead star gives the stability) origin of our solar system.

It is all related to the meteorite hit/s of the past, certainly longer than 65 millions years.

This hypothesis is based on the idea of the non existing part of the
Gondwanaland  and the relative lack of land mass below India and Ceylon.

The "Theory is", the great impact that the meteorite had caused to the landmass (
Gondwanaland) to carve out a moon for our Earth.

In other words earth came first.

The Moon came second.

The moon is not spherical but caved in (on the not visible side).

The gravitational stability was created due to this "cave in" and the spinning of the moon synchronized with the earth due to this impact (that caused caving on the non visible opposite side). 

It is also possible much of the moon mass  was burned away or extinguished!

Additionally I DO NOT believe America landed on the moon on the first attempt.

Landing would have been difficult due to this "caving" on the surface.

Additionally the shadows created by "caving in" may even hinder perfect visibility.

The craters on the moon would have been due to succession or series of meteorite hits. 

Because of lack of atmosphere and no weathering effect these craters are still visible on the other side of the moon.

The effects of the meteorite hits would have amplified the caving effects (that was already present) at the time of its origin due to a massive meteorite hit.

Even though, the crust or material is the same moon's age is equivalent to 4.5 billion years minus the time when the meteorite hit the earth. 

Assuming, it happened 3 billion years ago the age of the moon is only 1.5 billion years.

So any meteorite hits on the earth before 1.5 billion years ago would have no corresponding craters on the moon, if the moon was also hit by same the meteorite shower..

On earth due to weathering effect craters are NOT visible.

This hypothesis is plausible.

But the moon landing was an American Hoax!

Americans without the help of Stanly Kubrick are very good producing fantastic films.

I come to the age of realizing fictional films watching is a waste of my time and they nowhere near Truth or Reality.

2000 Odessy is one example.

Philosophically speaking Truth or Absolute Truth is hard to fathom.

For 2500 years we believed in Creator God and believing moon landing is a similar fallacy.

Tell me the benefit of landing a manned object (Russians did land an unmanned object, a decade ago) on the moon with an object 3 times as heavy as the Russian unmanned object (without men on board)?

The rocket had to be bigger and the total expenditure probably 5 times, the cost of Russians.

Russians are clever but Americans are stupid economically speaking, if not technologically.

Russians have spend the saved money on missiles (to protect the mother land) with AI technology which the Americans are far behind in manufacturing and the Americans have lost the battle on earth (in Ukraine).

That is the bottom line of thinking of Russians.

Save the mother land at any cost!

End of Baila Sudiya, Come JVP/NPP

End of Baila Sudiya, Come JVP/NPP

I have reason to believe the price of alcohol will go up in price soon due to some political arrests. They might start hiding stocks just before the election expecting that price hike.
Before reading this piece go and stock your favorite beverage.

To enjoy music and humour bit of alcohol in your system is mandatory.

Biggest Casualty of Ceylon, if we give overall power to JVP/NPP is spontaneous Ceylonese humour.

I may have to end my satire pieces, here. 
This may be my last crack at any form of politics. 
All my life, politics globally was a joke (as a medical man).

We had a booklet in the Medical Faculty of medical jokes, anecdotes and songs of Desmond Silva. 
Sunil (Aiyah) Perera was not known then.
Our batch was the last to have the Medical Dance at Queen's Hotel, Kandy.

"Chudamanikkie" and "Polkatu Handa" were the songs.

"Coconut Walla" was our adoption of his  songs to suit medical terminology.

I was in charge of tickets at the gate and we made a healthy profit. 
I could not dance on that day but the rest did.

My obsession was billiards and later snooker and I was very bad in singing.

Athletics and Hockey were my field 
I was very bad in cricket due to big "Blind Spot" in my eye.
Even in soft ball cricket only three deliveries were enough to get me out LBW. I never questioned the umpire. 
I was good in fielding but never given a chance to keep wickets.
However, we were local "soft ball" Champions.

My experience in the University with these guys in 1971 to 1973 is still in my memory. But we used to crack a joke behind their back.

But there was one guy from the Engineering Faculty called "Sinhaya" (name witheld) who was an exception (he was saved from incarceration due to his innate sense of humour, I believe ) to the hidden rule, " no jokes allowed".
Ceylonese will stop laughing moment the Cabinet takes the Auth of Allegiance.
One has to take permission from JVP/NPP to make a healthy crack at politics or draw a cartoon but they were "Street artists" of yore.
Sunil (Aiyah) Perera songs and Desmond Silva Baila will be banned.
Raja Sabawa comedy or any new acts won't see the light of the day.
Please think about it.
Laughter is the best Medicine (not Politics).

First thing first, my gut feeling is, NPP/JVP is very amateurish in it's approach to Governance. 

They will be ruthless to adverse comments by opposition and average voter, in less than a year.
That is my prediction.

That is their nature and waiting without commenting on their amateurish Governance, and saying give them a chance is Not Politically Correct, in my opinion.

Voter won't get a second chance with JVP and they will be really bossy.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sajith Premadasa, his Patience is Commendable

Biggest Casualty of Ceylon if we give overall power to JVP/NPP is spontaneous Ceylonese humour.
Ceylonese will stop laughing. One has to take permission from JVP/NPP to make a healthy crack or a cartoon.
Sunil (Aiyah) Perera songs and Desmond Silva Baila will be banned.
Raja Sabawa comedy or any new acts won't see the light of the day.
Please think about it.
Laughter is the best Medicine (not Politics).

First thing first, my gut feeling is, NPP/JVP is very amateurish in it's approach to Governance. 
They will be ruthless to adverse comments by opposition and average voter, in less than a year.
That is my prediction.

That is their nature and waiting without commenting on their amateurish Governance, and saying give them a chance is Not Politically Correct, in my opinion.

Voter won't get a second chance with JVP and they will be really bossy.

This piece is about Sajith Premadsa.

I have looked at the abuse Sajith had taken over the last 2 years. 
I think nobody has taken that amount subtle and grave abuse in my living memory.

He is not like his father

If anybody, used the same tactic of abuse against, Senior Premadasa one would end up in Mahaweli and the crocodiles would witness, it first hand.

I have witnessed first hand DJVP abuse in 1888/89 and also in 1971 in the University. 
Let me start with 1971 as a raw Medical student in the University.
I did like Che Guerra, fire brand medical guy, and sported his beard as a mark of respect not as political ideology (tender and not politically mature, then).
Of course, Ho Chi Min was a hero then and Buddhist monk setting fire to protest American  Bombs (agent Orange) is still vivid in my mind.

1. Army Team came into round up JVP guys.
They came straight to my room 11 in Arunachalum (remember we respected Tamil figure heads in our Universality and guys enter university now, not knowing who is Nicholas Artigala) Hall to arrest me on a tip given by JVP to the Army.
They had planted all the improvised explosive on the ceiling on my side of the room/bed. 
I knew nothing about them.
For my luck the Lieutenant Laxman (he ended up as a brigadier, surname is withheld) was from my school.
He asked me to name the JVP activists.
I said I do not know, even if I knew I would not volunteer that information.
I may have to give up my medical career.
Can you understand my plight after you leave the premises.
I said all this in English with determination.
He left and we used to have a beer at Army Mess in Kandy, until he was transferred. 
I did not meet him afterwards.
2. One of my good friends (Arts Faculty) neck was slit and put to the Alwis Pond in front of Arunachalam Hall in 1988. 
3. I immediately resigned from the University, and joined IMMI in Digana.
IMMI was much worse.
86 guys from NPP invaded my privacy at 11PM and took all our Identity Cards. 
I had diplomatic immunity and I told them so but they did not care. 
I packed my family home immediately, lived there dangerously, until IMMI was transferred to Galadari Hotel.
There was a Army Unit between Digana and Kandy and they were digging the road to prevent jeeps moving across, I managed to negotiate half dug road, driving my car alone around half past 11PM with inside lights on. 
Fortunately, it had diplomatic emblem (I did not remove it) still attached belonging to French Embassy.
Army would fire at any vehicle moving at night.
I could not sell it and it ended up on a Tree Top for children to play. 
Last time when I checked it squirrels had their nests build.
I lost my job and went to New Zealand, never to return but did change my mind and joined the University again.

There were many more incidents, including blowing up the Power Generators three times supplying our locality.
I have no intention to expose them here.
I was instrumental in getting Kerosene Oil Power Generators to Hospital and Pharmacies (and later to households) to save milk and medicines.
I collected all the Milk packets and dished them out to the needy and I did not see any politicians dishing out provision free when the need was dire.

It is all dead past for me.

Coming to Sajith he has a big mouth but having stationed in England and seen how British (not the current Labour Activist in UK) people behave, he has cultivated some sense of responsibility when raw abuse is meted out to him.

He had shown this as the Opposition Leader in the parliament.

Rouge politicians coming from Rajapaksa Era see this as a weakness but I see it as a good omen for our future politics.

Do not give any seat to SLPP rogues and their proxy Dilith Jayaweera.

"Setta Pochchi" for Ranjan Ramanayake.

I wish him that he (Sajith) gets a working majority to outsmart NPP/JVP.

One has to say this now.
I am a posthumous or after the fact pathologist.
I have changed this attitude, today.
Politics is current
No point doing this after the election.
I am not carrying a brief for him.
I am recording the relevant facts.

I would not worry to analyze after the election.

It becomes dead past to me.

I have worked for long time in UK.
I have worked in New Zealand.
I am currently in Australia.
I have seen election in UK when minor's strike was at its peak.
I was Labour Activist then. 
I voted for Labour in New Zealand.

I do not think I would vote in Australia but be neutral in my twilight years.

If you are a Buddhist at least appreciate what he (Sajith)  does to the poor people.

Give what you have is what Buddha taught.
Give the abuse back to those who abuse YOU.

In that sense he is a practicing Buddhist.

I think Ranil Wickramasinghe is behind this abuse. 
He probably is paying these guys to abuse him simply due to jealousy. 
He has killed young guys in Batalanda. 
He is inhuman inside even though he shows a gentleman like outside look.
He is called "Sutra Puncha".
In practice Ranil is not a Buddhist but an Alien.

I am going to keep this until the election day.

Be mindful when casting the Vote.
Do not go for propaganda.

Cloning American Pie

 Cloning American Pie

June 10, 2011


Note: "The Cell Cycle" has 50 "Cycle Limit"


Maha Brahma (really his assistant) was bit confused with cloning and I need to send him a email with some facts.

Maha is good at making something out of nothing and he never had the pleasure of making something out of something what humans are very good at like making profits.


For example the tea dust costs about Rs. 5 to 10/= for a cup of tea but when tea is made into hot cup of tea it costs Rs.50 to 100/= nowadays in the city.


This we call value added and not profits.


When Maha is thirsty he makes wine (one flavour) from nothing and drinks and there is no value added.


It is nice for humans to visit heaven when they perfected a spacecraft now that endeavour is in limbo and see how they make things without any value added or taxes and enjoy it in one flavour instead of many.    

He was in a hurry and (email chat of course) and I could not dispense him all the details.

We are now doing nothing except industrial action and new entrants-going to be, are doing physicals in army camps, I was itching to let myself go (four weeks of no lectures is not something we are accustomed to) but he was only interested of my dreams and nothing else.


I did miss part of my dream.


I do not know what happened to the clones (two) and what happen to the originals brothers (twins).

My guess is that clones would have kill themselves and twins would have retired to grave digging.


Regard to cloning if one wants best results one has to clone the cells at the time of birth from cord blood and not when one is 60 years old with some underlying cancer brewing (waiting to hit the wall / fit the coffin) when cells are old like in the Dolly the Sheep and will have multiple deficits.

So if any of the present day leaders including Qaddafi wanting to clone it is too late for the going and must try next birth, if he does wish to come back to earth for War Games.


We have 50 somatic cell cycles and we spend almost 40 to 42 by the time of one year.  From the rest of it, about 5 are spent by puberty and the last of it is all what we have before we drop dead. 


In my estimate none of the present leaders qualify for cloning even if they wish.


They know how to clone only over the past 20 years 


None of the present leaders are under 35.   

This applies to the kith and kin of the present day leaders, if the are of eligible age for cloning.


I hear very damning information from WiKiLeaks. 

America is making a stockpile of war heroes like Saddam and Bin laden and incubating them for the next world order. 

They used Saddam and Bin Laden for best of 15 years and when they go awry makes 10 to 20 times the effort to get rid of them.


When it happen in Sri-Lanka, they cry “helter skelter, oohh” and cry foul.

I suppose intended use of our man was not accomplished to their wishes, namely dividing the country to pieces like a cake we eat.


In Middle East, they waited over 20 to 30 years and when oil resources started dwindling, they make NATO strikes to get rid of oil shrieks.


This is international “War Games’ played according to their timetable and our time table of ridding of "Terror made in India" is human rights violation.

There is nothing to beat this duplicity from Bush, to Blair to Obama.


They are all horrible Democrats!


I hear very damning information from WiKiLeaks.

America is making a stockpile of war heroes like Saddam and Bin laden and incubating them for the next world order. They are going to plant them in the Muddle East once the uprisings are over and keep the clones in America for safety and if in case any one of them misbehaves he or she is eliminated and the brainwashed clone is instituted.


That is the next and New World Order, coming from America.


They are going to clone IMF.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Civilization Without Military, Kings, Priests or Religion

Civilization Without Military, Kings, Priests or Religion

History is all cock and bull story.

Each new civilization erases the previous civilization often by burning their bony remains.

I tend to believe Ceylon had 3 civilizations.

I won't elaborate all three types for fear of recrimination.

I believe that  the civilization I describe below had even come to Ceylon.
Our archaeologists deliberately have destroyed their artifacts.

Instead, I will describe the Harappan and Mohenjo Jaro civilization.

It was in existence in parallel with Sumerians in the west and they traded with Sumerians.

They evolved 3500 years BC and were the bronze age people.

They had left seals or baked tablets and bronze artifacts.

Their alphabet or language is somewhat similar to Sumerians.

Their real name is unknown but the name given by the modern historians in relation to the current village names.

Therefore, I name them as Indus Valley Civilization.

Hindus refer to them as Sarasvathi Civilization.

They were the first to make baked bricks.

If they did not baked the bricks this civilization could have come to existence, peaked and disappeared leaving no trace for us to talk about.

Features of this civilization are.

1. No army or military.
Practiced loving kindness.

2. No priests or religion of note.
This establishes my view that one need NO religion to bring moral or civil values.

Religion in human history is a modern phenomenon or late development.

No places of worship were recorded.

3. No king or hierarchy to exert control over the civil population.

The principles that probably governed them were;

No killing and no military.
No stealing and no penal code.
No adultery and therefore  harmony.
No lying to its members.

4. They loved the mother nature both animals and plants.

5. Practiced good sanitation.

Why the decline?

1. Environmental catastrophe.

2. Over population.

3. Pandemics including malaria.

4. Pre-aryans destroyed them
Later Aryans did the finishing touch.

5. Deforestation due to brick baking.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities


Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities

I have had a crash course of writing.
Four books after two year lapse and ideas not opinions flowing at a tremendous speed.

I have almost stopped blogging and if I do not sit down and write them, the very next day,     I have forgotten all.

I use forgetting as a method of encouraging new ideas.

Ruminating on the same old opinion is not a good thing for a writer.
One gets bogged down mentally or mental block ensues.

I was down with myocarditis on the first dose of vaccination but thankfully my mental faculties remained intact and that made me to go through the rest I needed, since there is no treatment for myocarditis which may even end up in death.

Initially it was fear but then reality dawned on me that Uncertainty Principle in stock market will fit in nicely with life events as well.

It was not fatigue that made me to go into hibernation.
Having worked 24/7 schedule all my life as a medical person, I needed a long rest, especially because the demise of our dog Zimba put me down low.

He was wonderful companion and I may not write a book about him which was more personal agony than glory.

In fact, I finishing a book about three Ceylonese -afterlife- Dogs and all three now are in Heaven and one as the Maha Brahma's Assistant.

It is strange that I always end up with a Rebirth Episode and that does not spare dogs.

This book would be published soon when I go back to Ceylon for a break. It was hectic holiday and I could not finish the book.

I have for the past 20 years, dissociated with medical activities and I pretend that I am a PhD Guy (of course I have research work to my credit) and not a proper medical guy. Having worked my last years in the University, that ploy worked very well for me and gave me time for blogging, if not writing.

The corona virus pandemic was the correct antidote and I stopped drinking and loitering in the city, aimlessly in book shops, the coffee shops and the tea shops which were mushrooming in a tiny city of Kandy for foreign tourists.

Unfortunately my classmates are either living on medical drugs and are deprived of alcohol due to their medication or have become alcoholic addicts.

I hate the cellphone (gossip channel) and have almost switched off the land phone for good.

The telephone only brings bad news, never good and the rest is gossip.

That made me to write pretty or petty books on alcohol, publishing of books, fact files void of fat, mother nature and about 30 unique guys, I have met in my life including guys doing gem business, union activities, loafing, mountaineering, fishing, vendors, farmers, jokers, petty office assistants, librarians, sportsmen and many more.

Unlike the young days my memory is failing and I have to jot down ideas, in a tiny note book, which I found in New Zealand 30:years ago. and never used but kept it like a souvenir.

I did not bring this book to Australia and I am going back to collect it and enlarge upon the ideas jotted down.

It has all the passwords recorded for posterity.

It has come handy and me forgetting PIN numbers of all the bank accounts made me to write down all the lengthy passwords for my email, except one email (which I remember well due to frequent use), I have forgotten all the other passwords.

I cannot log into CreateSpace account with one email which I have many books published.

Even though, I can some how get to my email by circuitous methods, I cannot get to the bookshelf of mine at CreateSpace.

Finally, I got round of that hurdle and here I am publishing again.

I begin to hate digital books with ugly black and white typeface.

For a long time I used Google's fonts with color to add colour to my blog pieces.

I have resisted buying a Kindle and my tablet battery has gone dead and it cannot be replaced.

I have collected quite a number of Nokia cellphones and a tiny  cellphone (this I have disposed) for calls for Taxi or sending SMS and had a problem with responding to the Amazon's text messages for verification of my book page.

I have many SIM cards (15 in number, I guess a CIA guy do not have that many) for my various activities and have to use at least two of them to coordinate my writings.

The keyboard is a problem and cursor point of the mouse jumps recklessly to unwanted places and editing correction to this entry took more than an hour.

Thank You Amazon, the spell checker did a good job highlighting the mistakes.

Life is getting complicated and paranoid in this modern age,

The pandemic has made lot of guy/girls becoming paranoid.

It is not an evolutionary trend but a bizarre  malady of  modern age!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Pendrive Linux My Love

 There is a current Debian MultiBootLinux Utility to perform this simple job. 

It is a Python Utility. It works on Linux and I do not know about other non-Linux operating systems.

UnetBootIn has GONE DORMANT.

Reproduction of a Very Old Piece

Pendrive Linux My Love
The name Pendrive Linux has disappeared from the web scene but the www.PendriveLinux.com is there if you need some help for mounting any Linux distribution.
Long ago, I went in web search for 100 Linux distributions, my only aspiration (inspiration too) and last thing I wanted in my possession was to have a Linux booted from a 1 GB Flash Drive.

Flash Drives were expensive then and our download speed was hopeless  and only thing I wanted to bring home was a Mandriva  Globe Trotter and a Mandriva Pendrive Linux when I went  abroad on a different assignment.

By that time I had (with some trial and error) got a Puppy Linux on a Flash Drive but all the efforts of preparing a Pendrive Linux were not successful.

Then of course in one of my friends room abroad, I got my Pendrive Linux loaded well pass midnight and I still have it and it is still working.
All these were done on a Windows computer with Gemu (Gnome emulation) executive EXE file on board.

It was a huge achievement for me then.

But I ended up buying a Laptop without Linux for one third of the price then with hard bargaining and almost fighting with the dealer.
Doing this on a Linux was painfully long process for a busy person like me and I never tried it on Linux having got few of my favorite Linux distribution in few of the Flash Drives. 

The again everything on FAT partitions and  not on Linux partitions with /boot, /root, /home and root permissions.
My bad experience with vendors abroad got me into firm resolve to promote Linux Globally but not in this country (Ceylon) where they use pirated copies as a rule (which I detest as a simple Buddhist) and it is the Banana Republic's futuristic motto (Bana is daily sermon and Na is not following or listening but not the slippery plantain we eat to avoid constipation  by listening to the Bana of the politician who do not practice virtues but the voter has to do that on daily basis.

I am glad to see most of the visitors to this site are from abroad and many from USA and they get Linux and healthy dose of anti-capitalistic views which even Obama is pursuing for betterment of the down trodden masses.

My venture into Linux 100 was bumpy but and I am in a better position to talk about Linux and Cloud Computing.

All what you need is a CD/DVD and a Pendrive to be be cloud ready  a savvy or newbie guy/girl and not Android Craze or HP WebOS.

However the distribution I talk about need to shed some fat (client) and become thin clients.

Follow Me.

What one's needs are  CD/DVD and two (2) Flash Drives and little free time and one need not do that in one go.

1. Download CloudUSB DVD (1.2 GB).

2. Download your favorite CD/DVD of Linux distribution and copy as an Iso file not as bootable Live CD/DVD.

3. Find a  computer (ideally with USB booting to test your work) DVD writer.

4. Boot Up CloudUSB.

5. Use Boot DVD / USB creator; click and follow instructions.

6. Now you have a USB stick to clone many Pendrives.

7. Boot the Flash Drive with CoudUSB.

8. Go to UnetBooiIn click and follow instructions.

9. Load your favorite Linux CD/DVD containing Iso file into the DVD/CD ROM.

10. Plug in your Second USB Drive

11. Give the path of the CD/DVD Rom as to where the Iso file is.
Wait a while and in the second USB drive you have a new Live distribution of your choice.

12. Then register your company and start selling your products (Live Linux Distributions on a stick). 

But do not jack the price up like our Buddhist monks who sell Bana on a pirated copy of Microsoft CD.

I have not given the finer details which vary from distribution to distribution and why I used CloudUSB is that it promote Cloud computing in style including Ubuntu One and Dropbox  and it has all the utilities (FAT Client though).

In my case I use Ping Eee which has more laptop friendly utilities.

Puppy Linux Studio


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Puppy Studio
Even though, I used PCLinux as my gold standard (it has some problem with its new partition tool-not recognizing some partition types) for live CDs for its versatility and the availability of many versions at disposal, the record for most number of CDs downloaded goes unquestionably to Puppy Linux (I have, more than 20).
Puppy Linux Studio is the latest I downloaded.
It has lite version which is 288MB.
The full version is 376 MB.

It is pretty good and has taken most of the useful packages from TeenPup and LeagcyPup.

Both over 650MB.

Puppy less than 200 is always in my front pocket even when I travel abroad.

I rarely carry a heavy Laptop.

 Even though I carry a flash drive (pen drive) I rarely use it for any problem solving.
Puppy is enough and it is amazing in doing simple and complex things.

Why carry a laptop when one can avoid it.

Before I buy something I load Puppy and see whether everything works before paying in foreign currency. If Puppy fails I do not buy that f0r sure however much the market hype.

As far as I am concerned I categorize (like any other Live) Live CDs based on Puppy MBs.
Is it less than 200 MB?
I love the ones below 200.

NimbleX is one of them. 

NimbleX has become bit fatter recently but still less than 500MB.

The next category is 200 to 500 MB (little less or more).
CRUX, Peppermint and many more out there now.
What annoys me is why try to compress into 700MB CD which is impossible unless one use compression used by Knoppix.

If it goes beyond 700 MB might as well double it to 1500 and go for a decent DVD like Mint rather than no man's land.
There is another problem with trying to compress into 700MB.
Unless one has 1GB RAM, live session is slow and painful.
Many people do not have more than 512MB RAM.
Many of the old machines can be revitalized with 500MB input.
I am glad to see Linux distributions are catering for these machines.

Having said that with or without your own machine all Puppies are adorable.

I will be with you on Pendrive Linux soon.

Linux History

Linux History



The Linux kernel is publicly announced on 25 August by 21-year-old

Finnish student Linus Benedict Torvalds.


The Linux kernel is re-licensed under the GNU GPL. The first Linux

distributions are created.


Over 100 developers work on the Linux kernel. With their assistance, the kernel is adapted to the GNU environment, which creates a large

spectrum of application types for Linux. The oldest currently (as of 2015)

existing Linux distribution, Slackware, is released for the first time. Later

that same year, the Debian project is established. Today it is the largest

distribution community.


Torvalds judges all components of the kernel to be fully matured: he releases version 1.0 of Linux.

The XFree86 project contributes a graphical user interface (GUI).

Commercial Linux distribution makers Red Hat and SUSE publish version 1.0 of their Linux distributions.


Linux is ported to the DEC Alpha and the Sun SPARC systems. Over the following years, it is ported to an ever-greater number of platforms.


Version 2.0 of the Linux kernel is released. The kernel can now serve several processors at the same time using symmetric multi-processing (SMP), and thereby becomes a serious alternative for many companies.


Many major companies such as IBM, Compaq, and Oracle announce their support for Linux.

The Cathedral and the Bazaar were first published as an essay (later as a book), resulting in Netscape publicly releasing the source code to its Netscape Communicator web browser suite. Netscape’s actions and crediting of the essay brings Linux’s open source development model to the attention of the popular technical press. 

In addition, a group of programmers began developing the graphical user interface KDE.


A group of developers began work on the graphical environment GNOME, destined to become a free replacement for KDE, which at the time depended on the then proprietary, Qt GUI toolkit. 

During this year, IBM announced an extensive project for the support of Linux.


Dell announces that it is now the No. 2 provider of Linux-based systems worldwide and the first major manufacturer to offer Linux across its full product line.



The media reported, “Microsoft killed Dell Linux.”

The XFree86 team splits up and joins with the existing X standards body to form the X.Org Foundation, which results in a substantially faster development of the X server for Linux.


The project openSUSE begins free distribution from Novell’s community. In addition, the project OpenOffice.org introduces version 2.0 which then started supporting OASIS Open Document Standards.



Oracle releases its own distribution of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 

Novell and Microsoft announce cooperation for better interoperability and mutual patent protection.

Dell starts distributing laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed.


Red Hats market capitalization equals Suns, interpreted as a symbolic moment for the “Linux-based economy.”


Version 3.0 of the Linux kernel is released.


The aggregate Linux server market revenue exceeds that of the rest of the UNIX market.


Google’s Linux-based Android claims 75% of the Smartphone market share, in terms of the number of phones shipped.


Ubuntu claims 22,000,000 users.


Version 4.0 of the Linux kernel is released.


I have posted here the Debian releases which were missed by the Statistics of Ubuntu version distributions for France.

My belief is Ubuntu sources deliberately suppressed the information of Debian.

2021 Linux kernel 5.10 L.T.S

32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system

    Mageia 8 (DVD) Linux 5.10 (Release 28 February 2021, end of life 31 august 2022)

64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system

    Mageia 8 (DVD) Linux 5.10 (Release 28 February 2021, end of life 31 august 2022)

    Please do not confuse Debian Version with Kernel version.

Debian Version 11 in August 2021

    11.0.0-live/ 2021-08-14 22:21

    11.0.0/ 2021-08-14 22:21

    11.1.0-live/ 2021-10-09 22:53

    11.1.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.2.0-live/ 2021-12-18 21:44

    11.2.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.3.0-live/ 2022-03-26 22:21

    11.3.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.4.0-live/ 2022-07-09 18:33

    11.4.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.5.0-live/ 2022-09-11 00:59

    11.5.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.6.0-live/ 2022-12-17 20:06

    11.6.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.7.0-live/ 2023-04-29 22:47

    11.7.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.8.0-live/ 2023-10-08 01:37

    11.8.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.9.0-live/ 2024-02-10 23:07

    11.9.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.10.0-live/ 2024-06-29 22:46

    11.10.0/ 2024-06-29 22:46

Debian Version 12 in June 2023

        12.0.0-live/ 2023-06-10 15:57

        12.0.0/ 2023-06-10 15:57

        12.1.0-live/ 2023-07-22 18:50

        12.1.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.2.0-live/ 2023-10-07 22:24

        12.2.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.3.0-NEVER-RELEASED/ 2023-12-10 18:29

        12.4.0-live/ 2023-12-11 01:45

        12.4.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.5.0-live/ 2024-02-10 21:12

        12.5.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

Media, Mafia and Political Mirage

This piece is short.

1. One can form a party and sell that party at many time the cost price.
This country has over 80 parties.
None of them serve the voter or the citizen.
They serve the party first and citizen last.
I leave it at that.

2. Media is different.
I think Chandrika auctioned the band widths to the highest bidder.
She was stupid and did not buy a piece for future investment.
She has become a victim of her own stupidity.
Like political parties these band widths can be sold not at cost price but at inflated rates.
This is where black money is made legal money. They buy an established media outlet.

Regarding journalists, there are only a very few Independent journalists.
Most of the independent ones were killed (Lasantha, Richard Zouza, Eknaligoda and many more) or abducted and physically threatened.

Those who remain are either stooges or have become comedians (only a few have become successful as comedians).

a) LTTE has a channel of their own in Ceylon.

b) Diaspora invest their money on local and Indian Media

c) One channel is own by Indian interests.
Their income is supplemented by healthy advertisements and reality shows.

d) Media is a global industry and they are owned by major parties and their proxies.
Most these Media create Faked News on daily basis.

e) Donald Trump and Kennedy have no Media Power.
Elon Musk is a Media Mogul who supports Donald Trump.

f) The story in Ukraine is different.
Media is owned by CIA and it's Bandera Proxy. 
Their plan is to interfere with a sovereign nation, called Russia.

3) The woman who leads the EU is the proxy of America.
EU nations have no severeign rights.

4) I have no understanding of Media in Communist regimes. 
It must be similar to our JVP/NPP combo. 
Propaganda to come to power and remaining in power eternally.

5. Alternative Media
One example is MOAT.
Mother of All Talks.
There is a sinister move to suppress Alternative Media.
Ranil bought legislatures to remain in power but failed.

Google has Global Power through YouTube.

Rumble and few others are trying to raise their heads but do not have global coverage.

I support Alternative Media as a viable option to counter Media Moguls.

Ceylon has a few alternative Media and most of them are substandard political organs.
They work as proxies for JVP/NPP combo and claim or pretend to be independent.

All in Sinhala and none in English. 
How they are financed is not transparent.
I do not think that Patreon contribution are substantial.

True Independent Media for me is a Grand Pipe Dream.

6. My blog post is of course is a Store House of my Random Thoughts. 
I have blocked advertisements and have not claimed a red cent from my site.

It was started to promote Linux but has not made any inroads to make Linux a global entity.

It became a political organ in the past to get rid of Rajapaksa Regime (I have removed almost all of those political pieces).

It has only 3000 pieces.
It has had 300,000 hits over 15 year period and I believe 200,000 are my own hits.

Currently it hits 30 a day and about 500 per month.

5. When I decides to write a book I gather stored material from my blog posts.
Assimilate them in a working order.
Edit and publish a book in about 3 months.

But my book on Linux Essentials took almost 9 months.
It is mature enough to be published.

The beauty is I learned a lot about Linux during preparing this book.

By the way, I already have several books on Linux at Amazon Books.

Myths, Mirage and Marriage


Read My Book on Amazon Books

Myths, Mirage and Marriage

 It is said married life with kids (not without) prolong one´s life of existence.

I reproduce here posted in asokaplus at wordpress where no one visits.

I cannot remember when I posted this or whenever had I written this, being a married man.

All the same it is worth repeating with some editing and formatting.

The 3Ms here have common ancestry.

None of can be achievable and each one of them is shrouded in mystery.

For example one who is lost and disorientated in desert sand would not know for certain whether he is arriving at a water hole or not.

Myths of can be expanded to any direction or dimension one who is seeking the miracle go to any extent to believe what in reality is not achievable and where the reality is the major casualty.

Some common practices and beliefs merge into day to day life sometimes almost imperceptible to reality.

Marriage is an institution that has gained such a reputable credence that writing anything against is amounting to desecration and sacrilegious.

That is the myth I am going to expose and explode.

There is no intention of disrupting any healthy harmony that may exists in any relationship or institution.

Healthy relationships can exist and lasting friendships can be developed without this institution existing its power over individuals but when something is institutionalized and when it is bound to the common law and practices and finely tuned with ethical and moral practices of a culture aforesaid myth and mirage also will get entangled with it.

Idea here is to disentangle certain myths associated with marriage.

1. Marriage is a perfect union

2. Marriage works because of give and take

3. Marriage is a stable institution

4. There is freedom in marriage

5. It does not grow old but remain live

6. It gives security

7. It has common goals

8. It makes life complete

9. Without this institution human relationships cannot be developed

10. Everyone must commit to this institution at one stage of his or her life

This list can go on but suffice is to disentangle the entangled myths.

These arguments are not for one who is already entangled since with the wedlock there is a legal deadlock.

This is for one who leaps into deep water without addressing his or her own issues.

The first casualty in war is truth.

Similarly the first casualty in marriage is freedom.

If you love freedom and lot of hobbies thinks twice before taking the plunge.

1. The first casualty is your hobbies.

2. The second casualty is your friends.
If you have lot of friends and love their company think twice.

3. Third casualty is one’s finance (unless both are bankers with good investment funds for life like the Murdoch).
If you cannot manage finances alone two of you will not mange it better

4. Fourth myth is the stability and security.
There are no institutions in this world which is stable and secure.
Even the best banks can bust. 

The Uncertainty Principle rules.

In marriage finances would bust first, especially when the kids come home.

5. It makes life complete is the biggest myth of all.
It makes simple life more complicated in marriage life and you never complete the set targets or your obligations, even if you live beyond 100 years.

That is why I have set my target at 80. 

Living beyond 80 is a burden to this planet.

6. In marriage more you give in more you have to give and less you have to take. 

One never get a chance to take in, if you are the giver.
It is like putting water into a bucket with hole in the bottom.

7. Marriage does not get old.
It is not true it is the institution that gets older by the minute.
Moment you tie your nuptials and finishes the honeymoon it is old enough to be called a marriage.

That is why we have so many marriage jubilees from its inception. 

This is written with the impending royal wedding in mind.
You know what happened to Diana.

As long as you are a commoner please do not do what royals do.

Remain a commoner for life and you may advise the royals (couples) in trouble.

Better still you become a divorce lawyer.

Hope the royal couple reads this one day after the honeymoon (too late by then).

I wish Good Luck to them all the same.