Mental Age, Physical Age and Credibility Gap of Classification based on Tests that cannot be Validated Scientifically
Children are different and their development physically and mentally are different and the variability can be immense.
The academic tests done are not assessed according to the age or sex even retrospectively. The test is done on a single day the age difference of the population is 12 months.
A child who is one year younger is tested with a child who is one year older.
Sex difference value is at least 2 years favouring girls
The mental age variability may be as high as 5 years.
This vary even for the mother language which is is almost automatically acquired.
Girls acquire language quicker than boys.
This is the function of the dominant but automatic side of the brain.
For example to swallow food or water one needs not have to teach even a dog.
This is not so for the second language which is the function of the creative side of the brain.
There is a time to introduce a second language.
Otherwise it becomes a translation of word by word process and that is not the way to learn a second language.
The style of the language is never acquired.
I could not master French at the age of 55.
This is what has happened to good old English.
Every country imitate its its native (Stepmother Version of English) version.
English is an international and universal language.
One need not be puritan but should not vandalize it.
The effect of the trainer or teacher is not taken in my analysis.
Parental and social effects are also dominantly operating.
Girls lag behind mathematics till their advanced level age and the leveling off occurs automatically.
By then some boys are 2 to 5 years ahead.
This why biys are clever in computer techniques.
That does not mean boys are smarter but is just the pattern.
Learning acquiring knowledge and skills is a pattern based not rote memory based.
One should employ the tradition of Buddhist monks.
The monks fearing distortion handed down the teachings by rote memory and the writing down was done years later.
By that time distortions have already taken place.
Simply there are two editions. We are still arguing about the sectors but very few practice the essence, the universal compassion.
This country has become the opposite.
Hate is propagated and encouraged in the name of fragile law of existence.
This is somewhat seen with computer competency, too but nobody has done a long term study (wider availability of computer skills is only less than a decade and one cannot see the pattern of learning in such a short time).
10 or 15 year period is such a short time in academic functions and their assessment.
So test designed on a static moment of time is bound to be not a true assessment of the child’s dynamic potential.
Children are dynamic.
A test based on static nature has no validity.
With or without a test some improve some go down and some drop out.
what I am against is the labeling or appointment as a leader in academic skills (party politics does not apply here).
Learning is a continuous process up to one’s death.
The 5th year Scholarship has all the inherent defects which convicts 90% of some creative innocent children into thinking that they are not worth the mettle and is a national crime.
I had very few wishes and scrapping this test was one of my first priority if am given the mantle of education reforms.
One of the other wishes has gone by the wayside and into thin air which I stated 6 years ago and I wish not repeat it here.
Such an amount of mounting stupidity in the system and at higher echelon having a intellectual discussion is almost impossible.
When dons are talking of virginity and their availability or non-availability for competence in academic activities is hilarious.
What little I know people who are engaged in healthy sex activities (men in particular) are forward in their academic activities. Less being said about this is better except for proposing to appoint a Professor of Virginity for all academic institution including all national schools is ripe in this Banana Republic. The criteria of eligibility except for having a Big Bunch, I cannot elaborate for my own sanity but I wish to sit at the Interview Board of Selections since, I can still distinguish big from a small one.
This test which has variability of factor 12x2x5 x X-factor is over 250 folds.
This is like saying there are 250 colours and which is superior.
Children are all colourful in their own ways and every colour is beautiful for their parents.
The problem is when you make them only black and white.
That is what this test does.
It is infuriating.
Where are those American trained psychologists who are selling education piece by piece?
It should be scrapped as soon as possible and I do not think even our grandchildren will not be spared to this ignominious (putting all others who fail to ignoramus) adventure by our education system, if things remain as it is without a revision 90% of our children are doomed.
There is another point I am totally against, the area basis selection of students to the Universities.
This is a violation of fundamental right of each student who sit a competitive examination.
If the government cannot rectify the difference and disparity in education and in the school system, they should pay some compensation for those students who are between the area basis marks and and above and not getting selected due to no fault of their capabilities but due to wrong government policy.
Let that be a healthy sum so that the particular student is able to go abroad and continue his/her education which he/she deserves.
Why only rich people send their children abroad?
University entry should be on first come first basis.
It should not be based on political decisions of proportionate representation.
It is wrong.
Why at least one student not contesting the education department on fundamental rights issue is amazing.
I wish a lawyer should represent this case without a fee from this student.
If I am a lawyer I would have done that by now.
As a doctor I see only the psychological effets.