Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unpredictable Predictions with Road Maps for Recovery

I got all my political predictions wrong.
I am not a political pundit but an independent observer.

Since, I have decided not to post any political commentary here, in the future, in this blog site,  I want to add a Topic called "Road Map" (perhaps a foundation for a book), for Ongoing Development, at a leisurely pace.
I have removed most of my political assessment pieces, simply because of evolving nature of current events. 
I could not and did not date mark them anyway. 
These are my observations and not research elements.

One party cannot achieve this and help from Tamils and Muslims are vital for any progress. 
I think Sajith's welcome gesture should be reciprocated. 
Marxist Ideology has some limits in the current world
Even Russia has moved away from that mantle.

Road Map Plus
My first observation is that all the political segments had their own Road Map for Victory but not a Road Map for the Country (Ceylon). 

I am using Total Quality Management Principles. 
In TQM there is something called a Road Map and Time Interval of Intervention of roughly, 3 to 5 year intervals, depending on the scope of the project.

For example of we want to Develop Our National Cricket Team, we need to have realistic task and certain number of players to achieve that task. 
The word pool has no meaning in TQM. 
Every member is part of the project and there are no redundant members.

TQM is a Holistic Team Building Process which is always ongoing.

We need a Holistic Road Map for Ceylon, independent of who is in power. 
I do not think an election can solve any problem except changing the heads in the parliament.
The Rotten Public Sector including the Police have to be revamped. 
Changing and shuffling heads won't do the job.
There should be a consensus on the Road Map to Recovery.
VIP. Road Map For Endemic Species of Fish in Ceylon.
I forgot two important topics.
One is the Road Map for saving our (what is left of) Endemic but threatened Ornamental Fish varieties.
The other is Local Medicinal plants and spices
We were called the spice garden of the East. 
Soon after my retirement. I wanted to dive into local medicinal plants. I had a healthy allay. He was from my class but we were not close friends. I meant him by accident on the day I was packing up my books and preparing to handover the room key. He was walking up the road to the hospital to see his grandchild. I told him come to see me after seeing the new addition to his extended family.
He did  hand over all the books on Dhamma (Buddhism) except a few from Venerable Narada.
Even though he ended up as a English Teacher, he had started as a Ayurvedic Physician from Borella (I believe he did not finish the course) Institute.
I said we need to tabulate all the local medicinal plants with their botanical names. If I remember right q he had listed 36 items, including some daily consumed vegetables.             I asked  him to right booklet it in Sinhala and I will translate it to English.
This never materialized and i came to Australia.

I am one who never give up if  I put mind mind to it. The book of "Vegetarian Saga" has over 45 vegetables and spices listed.
Cinnamon, Coriander and Cardamom tops the list.

 Road map to Medicinal Plants is very important project not Revisited.
1. Political Road Map
May include abolishing the Post of Presidency and going back to Westminster Model.
Needs 2/3 rd majority and a referendum.
A difficult ask without the help from the opposition.

At least a rudimentary Upper House with high caliber Civil Servants in all fields (Science, Education, Politics and Energy Sustenance).

2. Financial Road Map
Threats and Challenges 

3. Educational Road Map
Bias towards technology and computer industry.

4. Road Map of Resource Management
Coal and Fuels 
Solar Energy
Silicon Industry
Precious Metals including Titanium
Food and Services for Arline Industry. We are the best in the region.

5. Road Map for Tourist Industry 
Both for locals and foreign.
It should not be a Cottage Industry.

It has to be elevated and no single tourist is allowed to be mugged (with severe penalty for similar offenses).

6. Road Map for Space Industry 
This is a neglected segment.
We should have one of our own Satellite in space.
We are located in the right place.
We should not let India and China dominate this field.

7. Road Map for our Gem Industry
This is another corrupt sector.

8. Road Map for Ornamental Fish and Water Plants, including Water Lilies.
This is my favorite and this is currently dominated by a German Company.

9. Road Map for Orchid Industry

10. Road Map for Our Botanical Gardens
They are very badly managed currently.

11. Road Map for Tissue Culture Projects
For local and export purposes.

12. Road Map to look after Archeological sites that are neglected.

13. Road Map for Agriculture and Food Security
This is the most pressing problem. 
It is not only rice, chicken, eggs, milk and fertilizer (Urea, Phosphorus and Potassium) but a Gigantic Problem at all level. 

14. Road Map Fishing Industry 
This is sold out to China.

15.Road Map for Customs and Duties 
Most currupt organization.

16. Road Map for Health
I left this in 1980 never to return.

17. Road Map for Our Universities 
This is something I was involved and we had a grand design. 
RW came and ruined it.
Recovery is almost impossible and many have left never to return.
I was the only one left in Ceylon in my batch and I diverted my attention to my own interests including promoting Linux Globally.

I think we should sort Japanese Help and J.I.C.A Involvement.
I have worked with J.I.C.A on education and they are real practical guys.
I was involved with them on Japanese B Encephalitis Project.

Current political trends were as follows.

1. Almost Entire Block Vote  of Rajapaksa followers have swing to AKD.
I thought that this Block Vote would disperse.
I was wrong.
What it means is there is nothing called Mahinda or Rajapaksa Block Vote.
It was a myth created by their ardent followers which seem to be about 3% (not even 5% outliers).

Additionally AKD could not match the 65% top margin of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
This word called Rella (Trend) is also a big myth, more or less a natural phenomenon.

2. RW has personal Grudge with Sajith.
I guessed it during the campaign. 
He (GOP) was a Grand Spoiler.

If they joined together they could have beaten AKD.
In most of the big electorates, they could have easily matched AKD and even overtaken AKD.
Either he (RW) is Demented or Head Strong.

I think Ceylon is now better without him.

Anura was the beneficiary but without a big margin.

3. I estimated that AKD would get 40 to 45% long time ago.
My prediction has come true.

My prediction of Seats after General Elections were:
Hung Parliament inevitably!

a) SJB/UNP 90 seats 

b) Tamils in the North 25 seats

c) Muslims Island Wide 10 seats

d) JVP (NPP non existent then) 80 seats

e) Rest of the seats 20

This was originally allocated mainly to SLFP and SLPP and to a few Independent candidates but SLPP (absorbed by NPP) would be Zero going by the current situation. 

Even SLFP (absorbed by SJB)  won't get any seats and I have to allocate them to NPP.

f) NPP 80+20 = 100 which actually approximates the seats at 42% Block of "Floating  Vote". 

If NPP presumes that they have a Grip on this "Floating Vote" it is an illusion.

g) If the election is delayed till January, with the effects of Financial Crisis surfacing NPP would stay at 80 (not 100).

The decision by NPP to go for an early election was the correct decision.

h) Most of the current MPs would lose with many losing even their deposits.

4. Large majority of Tamils and Muslims did not vote for him. 
I am correct there, too.
I thought Sajith was the beneficiary and would have come on top, provided the "Spoiler Vote"  scenario was aborted by design.

5. There is bad blood from Maha Sanga of Anuradhapura towards AKD. 
It was not a good omen.
AKD could not top the 65% top margin of Gotabaya due to this reason alone.

6. Most of the candidates would lose their deposits.
Wijedasa Rajapaksa (20,000 plus)
Sarath Fonska (20,000 plus)
Dilip Jayaweera 
Namal Rajapaksa not even 3%.
Siritunge Jayasuriya (8000)
A.S.P. Liyanaghe, he came last.

7. There is some bad blood coming out from public servants.
This is not related to the polling results.
The delay in results, especially Postal Votes was part of this manifestation.
They probably have refused to work overtime without additional pay.
Public Servants expect some salary increase towards an election and RW stood firm against.

This is an indirect hint from the public servants to the winning candidate.

By the way, imported items have gone up by 300% and public servants cannot afford the inflated rates by any imagination.

8. There is some decline in the percentage vote pattern, especially in cities but not to have any effect on the final outcome.
This (abstained from voting) was almost 25% and is not a good sign in a robust democracy.
9. Inappropriately large number (percentage) has marked the ballot paper wrong or has made it void. 
This is more than what Namal Rajapaksa got.
This is a bad precedence. 
I am not sure whether the counting officers were ruthless.

? Why?
I do not know.

10. I never (never wished) thought that the second count would play a role.
In fact, it did not change the final outcome. The numbers were much less than the excess vote that AKD had won.

11. It is unfortunate that the NPP/JVP top brass has jumped the gun and decided to declare winners and planned a ceremony (the signing of oath).

 Sanity prevailed and that did not happen.

They are showing their immaturity even before taking office.
Not a good sign.

They believed that they had already won the contest even before casting the first vote and now they are convincing themselves their forgone conclusion that they are the winners even before completion of the counting.
12. In any case, the battle was fought hard at all levels.

13. Second preference has many behaviours which are imperceptible.

a) Spoiler Effect or Dummy candidate.

b) Polarizing Effect i.e., attack a particular candidate 

c) Voter Splitting 

d) Power concentration

14. It is strange ASP Liyanage who is a very successful businessman has come last.

15. My Favorite Siritunge Jayasuriya got only 8000 votes. 
Last time he got over 30,000. 
He is a Labour Union activist.

I am a former (not now) British Labour Party Member and was a Labour Activist
I started my medical career in Yorkshire, UK where minors were active. I hated Mrs. Thatcher who ruined the Labour unions in UK
Jeremy Corbyn Saga put me off.

However, current Labour Party, even though they got 410 seats is one of the most regressive right wing Labour Party of the world which materially support Ukrainian Bandera League.

That is how politics works today.

16. Road to recovery in Ceylon is long but possible. 
I have put several Road Maps for Recovery above.
17. Our cricketers are shown how to recover at least  in sports.
Well done boys.