Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Cobra on the Roof the Official Quarters

Since politics is not interesting, I would insinuate this true story.

This story I have not stated here before.

I have agrophobia or fear of snakes which is long standing. 
I have even killed a tiny cobra under my bed with a ruler. I was only 3 years of age.
That would have been the reason for ongoing fear of snakes.

My first job as an Acting District Medical Officer was in Kegalle Province. It was called Undugoda Hospital and was occupied by JVP during 1973 insurrection.
The quarters was not occupied by a Resident Officer for a long time and was infested with lot of rats.
Low be hold!
A King Cobras did decide to reside on the roof of the quarters. It was not of  high roof but I could not locate its residential area after a week of inspection.This Cobra was very crafty and it did know where to hide. 
In the meantime, all the hospital staff said that this snake was nasty. Their plan was for me to commute daily from Kandy and without a car it was not a reasonable ploy.

I decided to stay put and bought a powerful torch. My bed was a high hospital bed. There was no problem at day time and this Cobra appears only after night, around 7PM.
I do a roof survey before alighting from the bed several times but never could locate the Cobra. 
The moment I step out of the bed I hear the noise of the Cobra alighting from the roof.
Now I know cobras do not hear but have a powerful proprioception up to 18 to 20 feet and they keep this distance by default and away from humans.

This is not true of young cobras and they are as poisonous as adults.

In the first few days I used to step across it's belly in the verandah.
I used to delay my exit from the verandah and then I see it crossing in front of me in the open yard.
This Cobra counted every step of me but never intended to harm me.
The Cobra was always ahead of me and never after.
After two weeks I settled down and hospital half knew I was not going to leave.
The hospital staff tried several other intimidatory tactics but all failed and a few of them got transferred out the hospital. 
That was the only way, the Superintendent of Health Service could keep me in the station.

It lasted only 7 months and I used to see this Cobra daily but never a hint of harm but cohabitation in real style with rat problem solved without rat poison.

I left the hospital, telling the staff never to harm this King Cobra.
During the latter stages of my life I have had several Cobra Episodes.

Now with the election campaign fully on we would see real Human Cobras in action twisting and turning lies after lies. 

Swallow them with care.

I was lucky to be seconded to the University from where I did not migrate except to Colombo General Hospital.
Then abroad.
Then Private Sector.
Then University again until retirement.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Debian Releases from 2021 to 2024

I have posted here the Debian releases which were missed by the  by the Statistics of Ubuntu version distributions for France:

My belief is Ubuntu sources deliberately suppressed the information.

2021 Linux kernel 5.10 L.T.S

32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system

    Mageia 8 (DVD) Linux 5.10 (Release 28 february 2021, end of life 31 august 2022)

64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system

    Mageia 8 (DVD) Linux 5.10 (Release 28 february 2021, end of life 31 august 2022)

Debian Version 11 in August 2021

    11.0.0-live/ 2021-08-14 22:21

    11.0.0/ 2021-08-14 22:21

    11.1.0-live/ 2021-10-09 22:53

    11.1.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.2.0-live/ 2021-12-18 21:44

    11.2.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.3.0-live/ 2022-03-26 22:21

    11.3.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.4.0-live/ 2022-07-09 18:33

    11.4.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.5.0-live/ 2022-09-11 00:59

    11.5.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.6.0-live/ 2022-12-17 20:06

    11.6.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.7.0-live/ 2023-04-29 22:47

    11.7.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.8.0-live/ 2023-10-08 01:37

    11.8.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.9.0-live/ 2024-02-10 23:07

    11.9.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

    11.10.0-live/ 2024-06-29 22:46

    11.10.0/ 2024-06-29 22:46

Debian Version 12 in June 2023

        12.0.0-live/ 2023-06-10 15:57

        12.0.0/ 2023-06-10 15:57

        12.1.0-live/ 2023-07-22 18:50

        12.1.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.2.0-live/ 2023-10-07 22:24

        12.2.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.3.0-NEVER-RELEASED/ 2023-12-10 18:29

        12.4.0-live/ 2023-12-11 01:45

        12.4.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

        12.5.0-live/ 2024-02-10 21:12

        12.5.0/ 2024-02-19 19:01

Statistics of Ubuntu version distributions for France:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tested Three Linux Distributions MXLinux, Suse and Fedora

All three are liberal with their FREE iso images but MX-Linux/KDE tops the list.

Fedora is based with Gnome and it has reasonable number of applications on first install.

I did not install them but tested on Box Utility.

Suse Leap is not Live but install only.

What is good about Box Utility is one can run it several times and lean the techniques each distribution uses when installing a distribution.

Going head on installing a completely new distribution unless it is on a spare or external drive is not the correct way about. I have done it thousands of times and I have made mistakes especially like a distribution that comes from China like DeepIn that destroyed my only pare external Disk drive.

I remember those things and events for life and I will never use DeeIn. 

Besides, there are lot of good Linux distributions out there and time tested. 

I have finished my book Linux fundamentals but editing and typing mistakes are taking a long time and a toll. 

But I carry on regardless.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Open Office 1 to 3


Open Office 1 to 3        

16th December, 2008        

Sun Microsystem’s Open Office has taken a giant leap from it’s 2.4 version to 3.

I happen to see this version on a Laptop with a Linux Distribution and was bit curious since, I had been using Open Office from its version 1 which was Star Office of Sun Microsystem’s Open Office package released to the web as an Open Source software.

Linux people grabbed this with enthusiasm and it has bundled with all the Linux distributions.

This was the time I was migrating from Windows to Linux and its features included with Web format as well as PDF format.
I used to import Microsoft’s Office document and remove all the Macros with proprietary claims which is unnecessarily makes the word file bigger than it aught to be.
In addition these Macros attract viruses and make page laying extremely difficult from page to page.

It is a nuisance Microsoft uses have to encounter.

Auto formatting was a pain in the neck for me.
Other features include, one can save the document in many formats as one wishes so that the recovery of a Microsoft document (does not happen with Open Office) gone haywire with just a touch of a button.

It has automatic recovery system when the power fails (if one does not have a battery backup when the power fails) which I found annoying but a safety feature that is important if you are working on a long file.
Over a five year period this happened only three or four times and one can see what a “Finicky Soul" I am when working with computers.
I have had only one file corruption (one of those recovery incidents) over the period of five years that was all due to my 128 RAM getting overloaded (hardware problem not software) by many programs running at the same time.
I only had to shutdown (I did not use adequate Swap partition on those early days) and restart and the file was recovered in a few minutes, since the program gave me prior warning of the impending file corruption and the misbehavior.
That is the virtue of this package which I have no hesitation in recommending it to any one especially one who is short of cash to buy the Microsoft’s new office package (I believe a waste of money).
The real reason I use it was its PDF format which was necessary ingredient for transferring files across the Web.
New version has arithmetic (Formula Feature) and calculation function which would be very useful for school kids.
One you are registered with the Open Office home site automatic upgrading is available and one does not have to wait for the next issue.
Only downside of it is the database cannot upload an old database which I have to live with for the time being but very soon the community would find a way out of this scenario and remove all the Macros and Active-X script and get the database raw table into its domain whether Microsoft likes it or not.

The exposure of the Internet Explorer to hackers from China, raises the question how safe is the Microsoft Software including Office.
Linux has many Internet Explorers from Dillo to Firefox (Firefox is my favorite).
Why Ceylonese not using them speaks of our up to date knowledge of IT Industry.
It is time to move to Linux especially SuSe 11 and Mandrake 9 (both become defunct with one gone commercial and the other gone bust but Mageia Linux is a derivative).
Ironically SLT (Sri-Lankan Telecom) does not support its wired service to Linux.

The modes they dishing out (freely) this Christmas does not support Linux.

The are hooked to Microsoft.

Added on the 27th of December, 2023.
Microsoft has sucked out our money and no wonder we are billions bankrupt.
It is too late to go to Linux and JVP guys are using Microsoft locally and when they travel abroad.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Endless OS Version 6 Update

Endless OS Version 6 Update

I was finishing (Final Editing) my book on Linux Fundamentals and found that I had not made any entry for Endless OS. 

This was strange since, I have Endless OS installed in the OLD laptop with a DVD ROM. 

This Laptop cannot be booted with the USB due to Microsoft's hold on its BIOS. 

It had Windows without any software. 

On my sojourns abroad, I bought it in Singapore for a damn cheap price, without knowing it had an issue on boot menu

After a while, Windows  were erased with TRUE OS (defunct now) over the Internet, in the first instance and later Astra Linux and Endless OS using the relevant Iso written on a DVD.

This is to say I have enough experience with Endless OS and I have made genuine comments about it, in the past.

The latest version 6 is pain in the Arxx and please Do Not try it.  

I won't repeat my old comments, here, again.

There are lot of better Linux distributions to try from POP OS to Tuxedos to Debian to Mint to Manjaro and many more.

I wrote the Version 6 image on a USB stick and it does not boot live.

It keeps asking for a password and it does not boot.

I gave a new password it did not recognize.

I gave the old password it did not recognize.

The problem as I see it from my perspective is, in the rush to promote it globally it got its basics wrong. This basic mistake may have made many people to have the same user name for logging.

It has no discriminators to identify each and every individual including it's long standing users which include me.

This is what happens when an organization tries to bloat itself beyond it's capacity.

It is showing its limitation to cater for a global mass.

For me it is not worth trying.

I have cut and paste it's objectives below. 

I am going to erase the image and use the USB for something else.

Mid you, Endless OS takes over the hard disk for good.

Manjaro which comes from ARCH base has many versions. Just ignore the developer tussles in the YouTube and those squabbles does not effect the Iso images, at all, unlike Endless OS on a USB stick.

Endless OS Version 6 Update

While the fundamentals remain the same, Endless OS 6 comes with a slightly refreshed user interface including an easier to use system menu and a more consistent, modern design for core apps like Settings and Files.

Included in the system menu at the top-right or when pressing the PrntScr key on your keyboard is a refreshed Screenshot & Recording experience; this is much more visual and easier to pick exactly what window or area you want to take a screenshot or screen recording of.

Endless OS 6 comes with a new system-wide dark style preference which can be set in SettingsAppearance or any time from the system menu.

Most apps—both pre-installed and installed from App Center—respect this new preference. If you prefer a dark mode or use your computer at night, give it a try!

For new installs, the new Music app handles music libraries, while the new Decibels app is a simple utility for previewing one-off audio files.

Image Viewer has also been updated with a cleaner look, wider image format support, improved performance, and better support for multi-touch gestures on touchpads and touch screens.

As you may have noticed in these release notes, Endless OS 6 comes with a new default wallpaper set:

For the first time, we're providing a default wallpaper plus a dark style version that is used automatically when you toggle the new dark style preference on. Both wallpapers also appear individually under SettingsAppearance if you prefer to always use one or the other.

These wallpapers were designed by Endless OS Foundation product designer Joana Filizola, utilizing Midjourney AI as a starting point with heavy manual processing and manipulation to craft her vision of a digital mountain landscape with rich Endless-orange hues. The dark style version features an ethereal peek into the night sky, darker shadows, and lower contrast as the landscape settles into nighttime.

This wallpaper set is a shift from our traditionally nature landscape photographs, echoing the digital worlds crafted by learners around the world as they build skills by making video games.

Building Skills by Making Games

Teaching skills through playing and making video games has long been a passion of Endless, and with Endless OS 6 we're doubling down. Endless OS 6 comes with a vast collection of game-making apps and tools right with the full download of Endless OS—tools that work right out of the box, offline, and for a wide range of experience levels.

Art & Design
Coding & Development

Educational Games

Tuxedo OS is Pretty Good

Tuxedo OS is Pretty Good
It is bit similar to Netrunner but Netrunner has more features.
All come from Germany which is known to produce expensive but good products unlike China.

I used to subscribe for Linux Magazine and Linux Voice that came from Germany until my retirement. 

I need to make a political statement here for the sake of ordinary Germans who are kept out of the loop by corrupt German politicians who took the bait of Americans with the help of EU big shots, most of them are Germans by default.
It is unfortunate that Germany is going though a rough patch due to supporting Ukraine War and associated Gas Pipe line blow up which Americans under Biden engineered.

Ukrainians did it on the behest of American hegemony.

It is now surfacing that Poland was an accessory to the blow up of the pipe.

It is no wonder that all the weapons from America and UK flowed through Poland and they were eyeing the land pieace of Laviv at the end of Ukraine collapse as a bonus.

WSJ did not reveal them then, but those stories were considered gossip then.

If I remember right one of the first actions  of Russia was to blow up the NATO command center somewhere near Laviv.
American Idea was to break the back of Germany.
They had a deep seated hate towards Russia for a long time after the defeat at the hands of Russia in the Second World War.
Who would care too trust Americans even Under Trump?

Currently Kursk operation is spearheaded by NATO with Polish, French and British boots on the ground.
No American boots until the Election is over.
But the pertinent question is would the War last until November?
Kurst is the catalist to wind the war in style for Russia.
No excuses needed except to capture a few of British, French and Polish soldiers as the bargaining chips.
War is always bluffing and pocket full of lies.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Science, Philosophy or Religion?


Zeit in German is Time.

Geist in German is Spirit

Philosophically, Zeitgeist was a dominant ideology of a particular era in history, reflecting the main trend in  social, philosophical and scientific thought of that time period.

How zeitgeist applied today.

1.  Is it to Revive Bandera and Nazi ideology of domination?

Germans vs Jews
Black vs Whites
East vs West


2. Is it to develop, all sort of killer drones and armament to kill those who oppose the dominant Media Views?

Capitalism vs Communism vs Hybrid Socialism

3. Is it to discard simple moral obligations and create guys without gender identification?

I am one who opposes AI controlling my day to day life.

I do not want an alarm to wake me up.

I do not want emails to control my workflow.

I do not want my cellphone to become my memory bank.

If my memory fails and dementia sets in,     I do not want to prolong my mental agony in a frozen state, confined to a wheel chair.


TIME is an Illusion
Time is an illusion created by human imagination and is enforced by Christian faith.

The biggest of this illusion is the "Big Bang Theory".

Let me dissect.

Our imagination is limited by our vision.

Even if we send a satellite to space with a camera and record any visual data (event) and send it back to us, what we are seeing is an event in the past limited by the speed at which light can travel in space.

We can never see any event that is called present in our Cosmos.

We can see only the past.

So to create that illusion we momentarily freeze or stop an event supposed to have happened in the past (Big Bang) and from that of point of Imaginary Time, we extrapolate some more  events to correspond to our present time.

Present belongs only to our planet and our sun not to the Cosmos.

There is no beginning to the Cosmos but end to the Cosmos is a real possibilty.

This is why I am at logger head with Astrologers who predict the future.

Just as we cannot see the Present in our Cosmos we cannot see the Future of our Cosmos.

It is an illusionary but full of  imagination.

The Time of our Imagination cannot be projected to any point in the Cosmos.

To compound this fact the Universe is expanding at an accelerated (not a fixed  rate) rate.

That is, we are loosing a bit of our Cosmos (the limit of visual sight ) every moment of our life.

This is where I love the expresion in Dhamma, live in this moment of present, never waver in to the past or try to see the unseen future.

We are left with this present moment of Reality.

Very difficult concept to digest since even this moment is governed by the uncertainty of our own existence.

REBIRTH is created to fill this Void of the past and future.

That is the subtle Reality of Dhamma!

There is no limit to fear but in Buddhism it is classified under 4 heading.

1. Fear of Death
2. Fear of Illness
3. Fear of Old Age or Dementia
4. Fear of Loss of Livelihood (Poverty)

Several more are added in Sigalovada Sutta.

5. Fear of criticism.
6. Fear of loss of loved ones.

I look at death in a different way.
I look at the history of mankind and see how long great people lived in their life without dementia.

Buddha comes to my mind.
He could have lived up to 100 years with perfect mind.

But he decided to quit at 80 having seen that the physical body was failing with disease and old age.

After all, he left his princely life having seen death, sickness and old age.

However he did not have any fears (death, illness and losing his livelihood etc;) at the time of his passing away.

Death Moment in Dhamma

1. Kamma Nimitta

2. Gati Nimitta

3. Jati and Bhava (Rebirth)

My scientific way of looking at death is simple Cell Cycle events.

Our life cycle is determined at the first cell division.

It is only 50 Cell Cycles, nothing more and nothing less (there are few factors that accelerate this cycle and for the sake of brevity I would not expand).

In the foetus cell division is fast 42 cell cycles are spent by the age of one year.

Another 3 cycles are finished by puberty.

We have only 5 cell cycles left for our adult life.

Each cell cycle is prolonged between each division and humans can go upto 100 but after 80 disability, disease and old age symptoms aggregate, including dementia.

Elephants also have a similar cell cycle events but after 60 they have more disability.

When one is in death bed it is the last Thought Moment that determines the Rebirth Consciousness. 

One has no control over this thought moment and it is spontaneous and depends on the Total Kamma Character of the Person.

When there are relatives around at the death bed (if the person desires the gathering, so be it) it is difficult for the person to "Let Go".

This is especially so for Non-Buddhists!

Lucid Interval
There is a momentary stage of Lucidity even in a case of " Brain Dead" person.

What happens at this stage is determined by Gati Nimitta and it is inherently fluid.

Cell Cycle
Cell cycle is unique to all animals and I have a theory that something in the placenta (depending on the adult size of the animal) trigger advanced cell division (example rats) and shorten the life span without shortening the reproductive potential (have a larger brood and more reproductive cycles).

It is related to evolution and survival of the species.

This piece here has more questions than answers.

Take a cup of tea or coffee, better stil a glass of wine and enjoy it at easy pace.

Only prerequisite is to have an open mind and be ready to drop any ambiguous dogma sticking in your mind.

I come from a scientific background.

My belief was that science could provide definite answers to definite questions.

In my twilight years, I remain baffled and have not found answers to many of my original scientific questions.

I was somewhat pragmatic and did not want to dig into esoteric questions in my working life.

Now I am in full retirement, a healthy dose of questions even a daredevil philosopher would fear to ask, is dished out here, with an optimistic mind.

Be happy or Somanassa Citta is my base.

Do not get bogged down by the uncertainty.

Around 55 years of age, I did some research work and I found something substantial, which remaines in my mind to this day.

It is within a mathematical constraint.

I did not find anything new.
Would expand on that later.

Then in my retirement I dig into religion and that investigation is over.

My main concern was mind and its behaviour.

I did not find much on mind but I came to the conclusion that human beings have been experimenting on Mind Altering Drugs for over 13,000 years.

Except a bit of wine, I never tried psychedelics.

I fear them as addictive drugs.

These mind altering drugs cause altered state of mind and most of the religions in practice today are byproducts of either hallucinatory states or delusions of grandeur provoked by these dangerous drugs which at the moment of ingestion expands the time out of proportion to Reality.

These guys even projects these illusions to alien visitations.

There is a guy who project this delusions as Al Bashar. 

I have no data to confirm or deny that this guy uses psychedelic drugs.

What I know is, in America there are guys who use Ayahuasca to induce guys to their Forum of Indulgence and scrounge upon innocent guys (both money and time).

They have brought these plants to America and they grow these mushroom in their gardens.

There is a hilarious story of an American White House woman who went to China for formal talks with  Xi Jing Ping was given a dish of Magic Mushroom.

She was so elated and said, Yes to everything the Chinese envoy had said and she was taken round, in a city tour.

Nothing substantial came out of the negotiations.

Beware of these guys and stay miles away from them.

My Advice.
If you go to any of these classes to not even take a glass of water during the session.

Go there well hydrated.

Do not take even the herbal tea (that is the Ayahuasca).

If you do not get any benefit from the master within 60 minutes, just walk away as a free man or woman.

Meditation practice is an industry in America and in the West.

No different to Dr. Stevon Greer's, alien visitation forums and DVD industry.

Religions by nature are all created as abstracts.

I do not need to say, it is an opium (makes you euphoric) of mind but a form of mental indulgence (certainly worse than opium but created the Biblical Wars and perhaps current war in Israel with Hamas).

I have two books on mind at Amazon bookstore, one is free to explore.

From science and religion I went into mother nature and I have no intention of delving into mass extinction and global warming.

Simply because mass extinction is inevitable and global warming (swings to low or high temperatures were far too, many on this planet) is unpredictable.

What causes it remains illusive.

Carbon dioxide scenario is only the tip of the iceberg.

Ultimately I ended up in philosophy.

I am not going to create my own philosophy, even though I wished to be called, a budding philosopher.

The Reason is most of the philosophies of old have gone into extinct including Cynics of Diogenes.

If I postulate my own philosophy, it is not immune to disintegration.

But I would keep raising a limited number of questions.

Not here but probably in a book form.

1. Science
Let me digest my own dissatisfaction to emerging science.

I had a list of questions on science.

It started with 10 and it went up to 20.

I won't list them here, simply a waste of time but I would explore only a few.

Out side of those questions, I had a another question.

Did aliens visit this planet?

Did we discover new technologies from them?

End result was my book on "Alien Saga".

Let me be practical to start with.

1. Biology
In biological systems, 28% is genetics, 32% is environmental and 40% is unknown.

My own research confirm this scenario.

Only happy state is my professor warned me and said 40% is unknown and please do not bother to investigating them.

That is in biology.

What about other arenas.

2. Physics
We have formulated concepts for 5% of the matter but 95% of the dark matter we do not have any logical formulas.

Dark matter physics is unknown to us.

Dark Holes
What happens within a dark hole and beyond are beyond our grasp.

To make it simple we can say there is an event horizon and leave it at that.

Dark Matter
Is it really matter or a different dimension.

Dark Energy
Dark energy is probably receding from us and creates the illusion of darkness. It is probably receding at a rate faster than speed of light.

Using speed of light as a parameter of measurement is not feasible if the dark energy is moving faster than the speed of light.

There is a limit to our imagination.

What is the limit of dimensions?

Is it within the mathematical 13 or more?

3. Unanswered Questions

What is the beginning of life on our planet?

We can go back and postulate a probable time of origin of life, from the available data but can we answer the question why life did  begin at all.

Is it a random event?

I hate the theory (simply on physics' point of view) that life came from outer space.

Planet earth had all the resources but how it began is a mystery.

All what we know is that the Mar's atmosphere is inhospitable for biological life.

I have many unanswered questions but I would leave it at that.

4. Mind

What is mind?

Can it exist without the brain?

What is it's form?

I do not like the word consciousness and the word mind is preferable.

Please note I have a piece on Mind and Matter on this blog site.

5. Rebirth

Can one prove or disprove Rebirth?

I have two books on Rebirth at Amazon bookstore.

My own perspectives are given there.

6. My Philosophical Questions?

I am afraid they are in a book form, not here.

Book will come out soon.

I have a piece here on origin of philosophy.

That is an outline of how philosophy evolved over the past 2500 years.

Fruits, Vegetables and Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, which produce harmful free radical formation.
Oxidation leads to degradation organic compounds.
Oxidation causes damage to cells.
Oxidation of cause kills harmful pathogens but this process has to done in graded manner without causing harm to the normal cells.

Antioxidants helps the body to protect its own functional cells.


Vitamin ACE

Selenium is essential for thyroid activity.
Seafood is rich in selenium.





Lipoid acid

Coenzyme Q10


1. Salmon and Tuna

2. Curcurmin

Antiinflammatory agent.

Phenolic compound that gives tumeric its red yellow colour.

3. Capsaicin
Has both analgesic and antiinflammatory properties.
It relieves joint pain and tenderness in osteoarthritis.

4. Garlic

5. Tomatoes

6. Mushroom

7. Carrots

1. TEA

Green Tea
Protective against some cancers and heart disease.

Relieve anxiety

Improve cognition and memory.

These properties are seen with brown tea.

Tea has phenol and polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory agents.

Tea is the best antioxidant drink.

It has carotene which is coveted to Vitamin A

Thiamine or Vitamin B1
I call it the energy vitamin (vitality)

Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
I call it the brain vitamin.

Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5
I call it the neurotransmitter vitamin.
Also help in biosynthesis of steroids.
It helps in red cell synthesis.

Iron, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid (B9) helps in red cell synthesis.

ACE indirectly (in addition to prevention of oxidation) helps in synthesis of red cells. For example Vitamin C helps in absorption of Iron.

Tea also

Boosts immunity.


Ward off cancer

Heart Friendly

2. Ladies Fingers Okra

Vitamins C, K and Folate (B9)



Minerals, magnesium and iron

3. Bottle Gourd

Can make a birdhouse
Can used as a water container.
Even musical instrument in india.

Zinc and minerals

4. Snake or Viper Gourd





5. Bitter Gourd

Polyphenols are antiinflammatory.

Saponins and terpenoid help to control blood sugar.

May be anticancer.

Bitter gourd is not recommended for pregnant women, fear of bleeding.

6. Spinach

Rich in Vitamin A. C, K1 and B9 (Folate)

It has B6

Rich in Potassium,Calcium, iron and magnesium.
May contain aluminium.
Rich in oxalates.

7. Cabbage
Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, B (Folate)
It is rich in mineral potassium, calcium and magnesium

8. Pumpkins

Pumpkin though low in carbohydrates has similar nutrients that are rich banana.

B Vitamins
Calcium, potassium and magnesium.


Tofu is rich in iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium.
Copper and calcium
Vitamin A

Contain isoflavones which are phytoestrogens.

It is rich in protein which varies with its consistency.

10. Avocado

Rich in ACE and B Vitamins

Vitamin K and Folic acid (B9)

Rich in magnesium and potassium.

And selenium which helps thyroid hormones.

High in oxalates.

11. Soursop

Anticancer agent

Has acetogenins which inhibit NAD in cancer cell surfaces.

12. Bananas

Bananas have twice as many as carbohydrate as in apples.

It releases its nutrients slowly.

Five times as many as Vitamin A and Iron

Three times much as phosphorus

It has zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium and selenium.

Other fruits rich in selenium are avocados and grapefruit.

Fish is rich in selenium.

This is the energy food for a Ceylon Cricketer adequately supplements with fluids or milk.

13. Pawpaw

High in ACE

It is rich in minerals, magnesium, manganese and iron.

Antioxidants prevent oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol is bad for health.
Macrophages have receptors for oxidized Cholesterol that induce inflammatory reaction.

Anticancer properties.
Control both blood sugar and blood pressure.

14. Berries
Except for Vitamin C and some minerals berries are not rich in nutrients.
Zinc + helps in would healing.
High in oxalates.

15. Guava

Rich in vitamins C, B and K.
Rich in polyphenols.
It is a safe fruit to eat in pregnancy.
Zinc + helps in would healing.

16. Mangoes

Mangoes are rich in A,C and Folic acid.
It can be eaten as fruit or as a curry if not ripe.

It has fiber and helps in digestion of food.

It is a fruit that can be recommended to pregnant mother and child both.

17. Collard Greens
Cabbage and broccoli (rich in selenium)


18. Kale
Vitamins C and K
Magnesium and calcium.

19. Tamarind

Vitamin C

It is supposed to control cholesterol.

20. Kiwifruit

Only rich in Vitamin C

21. Mushroom

Vitamin B and D.

Selenium and Copper.

Has anticancer property.

22. Coriander

Its gives a nice flavour and smell to curries.

Its a spice that has antiinflammatory and immune regulatory mechanism (autoimmune reactions)

Vitamin ACE and K.

It has B vitamins including folic acid (B9).

It is a mild diuretic that may help in blood pressure control.
It is antibacterial.
It is good antioxidant.
It is antiinflammatory.
It prevents autoimmune reactions and skin reactions.
Good source of Vitamin K.

It has many minerals including calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium.

Iron and zinc are vital agents in wound healing and repair.

May help adult onset diabetes

23. Turkey Berry or Thibbotu


It is antibacterial and antifungal.

It is antiinflammatory.

It useful in asthmatics and has immune protective.

Boosts immunity.

24. Tumeric

Curcumin is the phenolic compound that gives its yellow colour.

It has broad antiinflammatory actions.

Good for arthritis, allergies, respiratory diseases and digestive symptoms.

Probably only coriander rivals its medicinal properties.

25. Chillies

Capsaicin  is the active agent.

Vitamin A and C.

It has analgesic and antiinflammatory properties.

It relieves joint pains and arthritic pains.

Inhibit acute inflammatory cells around joint cavities.

Moor's Law is Redundant

Yes the Moor's Law has become Redundant.

This is what the FAB printing has done to speed of production and costs.

Only limiting factor is the amount of sand or silica left on this planet surface.

They are now mining the sea and small countries like Ceylon and and Maldives will sink with the rise in sea water level.

Our politicians in Ceylon are selling not only land but sea with it resources including titanium.

Coming to Computer world, there is a glut of Graphic Cards in the marketplace.

NVGA, Nvidia, RDNA and AMD have mass produced graphic cards and there are not enough CPUs to match their capacity.

The competition among the companies have kill them all and it is the time for individual customers to bargain and buy them now.

Stockpiling them for profit won't work at a time West's capitalist mechanism is under severe strain due to war mongering in Ukraine.

So the doubling of production and shortening of production cycle proposed by Moor's Law is no longer valid.

End result is glut of new gadgets on the market but with financial meltdown due to energy crisis in Europe and America there are no consumers  to purchase them.

In this scenario China's ascendancy is self assured but do not bank on DeepIn Linux distribution.

It is buggy.

The greed will kill a few computer companies but I have no idea what will happen to cellphone industry.

The Moor's Law has to be replaced by my Uncertainty Principle which is in fact based on Buddha's teaching.

Uncertainty will galore with food prices going up the roof with law production yields.

I have to sneak in a little saying which was long due but long lost it's shelf value.

With Gotabaya Rajapaksa gone with the wind and his attempt to grow corn on Veddha's land in the south encroaching Uruwe Attalage land was a preemptive strike to support America's corn oil need but forgetting our own food needs with organic fertilizers.

I support the Uruwe Attalage's stand and protecting our honey bees and native plants and animals.

Fauna and Flora is my forte.

Granny Award

Granny Award

This is an old piece rendered to suit current political climate in Ceylon

I intend to award a ‘Granny Award” in my mother’s name who is in her early nineties (please note she is no more, I thank God for early departure) to any person who comes up with an English Drama based on the stages mentioned below.

The contents are “Open Source” authorized generally under Linux GPL Convention.

1. Originator, unknown Ceylonese author in his late nineties (I claim he is not my father).

2. Rendering by a bookshop assistant who wishes to be anonymous.

3. This edition is by me (mini-me version) and Baba (one of my dear friends who is no more with us) version, Samba, Bimba, Zimba, Sinha Bar (Lion Bar), Ali Baba (Kandy Elephants) and Hora Baba versions or any Ceylonese Unborn Baba version can participate in future development of this animal story (copyleft).

The Big Daddy version is only for private consumption of my friends, especially after a suitable spirit beverage from abroad not with Ceylonese Dust Tea (not Tiger Wood’s illegal TEE).

Currently the “Pothe Gura” is me the current author.

Evam Mesutham Ekam Samyam!

So said and so heard.

1. I was privy to a Relay Carnival (passing the buck, really fast, like the hedging deal) in the Animal Kingdom (they are more humane and eats only when hungry).

I was the only Ceylonese selected by an island wide Lottery conducted by Hela Karumaya or Urumaya Surekuma Undertakers (HUKU-SUMU for short).

2. I was on holiday in a Forest Reservation (Jungle Habitat) or what is left of it.

3. I observe an elderly (prostate enlarged) Peter Rabbit grazing.

4. Jack the Jackal (with financial interests in Ceylon and USA) greedily waiting for an innocent prey.

5. Scene of Jackal chasing the Rabbit (both hip joints replaced by bionic prothesis delivered by a Television Giant of Ceylon).

6. Blind Forest Hermit (Herman Hermit) descends from heaven and land on a busy Tri-Way  Junction (Thun Man Handiya)

7. Rabbit approaching the hermit in break neck speed without a crash helmet.

8. Rabbit jumps over the hermit visibly shaken up and annoyed.

9. Lands a squirt of Holy Water (urine for short) right on the nose and mouth.

10. Hermit really thinks that the water is  really “Holy” has come from heaven and ascends to a Lower Jhana.

11. Jackal approaches the hermit at the junction with bionic speed and put on breaks and crashes.

12. Jackal licks the nose and face of the hermit.

13. Hermit attains a Higher Jhana.

14. The angry Jackal then takes a little bite of the forehand of the hermit.

15. Hermit is rudely awakened from his Transient Ishaemic Attack (T.I.A).

16. Jackal reprimands the hermit.

“Why don’t you stay few feet above the ground”.

17. Well, I was thinking about my Bank Balance of Merit (Pin with a PIN number) in Seylan Bank and settle where I ought to be was his answer.

18.“Well then, did you see a rabbit running this way?”

19. Yes, Yes, I heard an animal running past but I cannot say what species he is but I can very well tell you he is a male.

20. You say you are a hermit and blind.

How can you see the sex of the animal running fast in your meditative mode.

How come?

21.  didn’t the master tell you, it is inappropriate and illegal to think about SEX in meditative trance.

22. We animals think of sex, only when we are in full flow and not otherwise jackal proclaimed.

23. Can you tell how the blind hermit instantly guessed the sex of of the fast moving passerby?

The rabbit whispered a phrase to the hermit while passing which is what a guy chased by the policeman in Ceylon says in retreat!

Nothing to do with urine or prostate gland and due to some other reason.


Purva-Bhava Connection

1. The hermit was a traffic warden, an active member of Hela Urumaya who went to heaven for a short stay and regressed back to earth for more merits.

2. The rabbit was a monk who went in search of emancipation to Ceylon parliament and deposited his hard earned “Pin Keta” money in a private bank.

3. The jackal was a Private Banker in Ceylon, better than an American swindler.

4. I was the CNN Reporter Assistant (only doing editing) of I-Reports.

Only a male jackal with large prostate can squirt a healthy vigorous stream while running an a human cannot.

The rabbit in this story did it due to fear.


Yes Man's Luck and the Pedigree Dog's Exit

Yes Man's Luck and the Pedigree Dog's Exit 

You might not realize that the pelican's misadventure with our yes man has resulted in some interesting chain of events.

He tuned up immediately at the heaven's doorstep with a certificate not signed and left blank by our pelican.

It was soon checked to see whether it was authentic and was found to be a true copy given by our pelican.

He had to stay till pelican returned from earth from his routine rounds for further verification..

In the meantime the Maha's Assistant let him sort out the mail and the documents for the next round of delivery.

His demeanour was very appealing to him and asked the Yes Man whether he could be an assistant to him for three or four days till pelican returns.

True to his nature he said Yes, Yes.

Eventually pelican returned and when he was asked whether he knew about the Yes Man.

Or Yes he is my Yes Man and when I asked him whether he is ready to die without any hesitation he said Yes and that was why he had to abruptly stop his training in mid air.

Given some training he could fly any plane anywhere with at least three more pilots provided that he does not manipulate the flying gear but coordinate his actions with the air hostesses at the rear at meal times was his reply,

With this recommendation Maha's Assistant was very impressed.

When Maha gave a call from vacation to ask how the things are at heaven, Assistant told him the story of the Yes Man and asked whether he could take some leave and appoint the Yes Man in his absence.

Maha asked why not leave altogether and return to earth and learn some tricks from Paraya dogs so that you can follow suit just like the clever Paraya dog who attained Nibbana with no entry request.

Besides. you have been very helpful to me and this is the longest vacation I have had in all my life and you have found a suitable candidate to take your reins, I have no more questions from you and said Good Bye and Good Luck till we see again from earth may be in about 15 years time.

Our pedigree dog turned Maha's Assistant soon afterward call our Yes Man and asked him whether he is ready to take over.

He promptly said yes.

Just before he left he told him, you are Maha's Assistant and nothing more.

I knew it from the very beginning Sir he said.

How come?

You never took responsibility and let others take responsibility of your actions and that is the type of job I was looking forward and comfortable..

I could never take responsibility on earth and neither in heaven too, he said.

You are too good to be here and this arrangement is mutual and when you do come back here I will say Yes to anything you ask including the job back.

No dear, I now have a better strategy than that but I have to learn the finer points from a Paraya dog.

The last Paraya dog whom I met was so clever before I could ask any help he was gone with the wind.

I have to meet some of his relatives in Ceylon and will be back soon in about 15 years.

Till then Good Bye.

As he went he heard somebody saying Yes Sir!


Creators of Philosophy, an Outline

This is only an outline.

History is guessing, the rest is prejudice.

History is written by winners and never by the defeated. There is bias and me referring to philosophy is an escape route.

I am new to philosophy.


1. Why I am here?

Are you curious about philosophy?

2. Where I have come from?

3. Where am I going?

Failure of Philosophy is addressed, here

God is a fiction created by humans.

When "god dies" then there is no reason to believe that god exits.

He was one of the first philosophers in modern history to challenge the Church and its Dogma.


Survival instinct
We instinctively avoid danger.
Food is essential for our survival.

Instinct is like climate and has a set pattern.

Men have sexual instinct and drive.

Women have social instinct.
Seeks a partner.

2. Emotions

Give an assessment and understanding to the current environment of ours.

Emotions are like weather and unstable.

Emotions motivate us to change and look for other available options.

3. Reason and logic

Foundation for science.
Reason and logic lead Civilizations to flourish.
We delay gratifications.
We take Calculated risk in day to day life.

Most of it is Learned through direct experience.

Ability to suppress emotions and sexual urge using reasonable control.

This is the age of rationality.

Where does philosophy fits in?

Philosophy in Greek means love of Wisdom.

First human science was philosophy.

Turkey and Ottoman Empire succeeded not by philosophy but by power, domination, violence and war.

Acute awareness of our consciousness.

Humans learned to ask the difficult questions.

Awareness of death was the critical point.

We instinctively anticipate future.
The death was the ultimate outcome.

Fear of death shaped human thinking.

Ethic of Gilgamesh!
He was looking for immortality.
He failed.

Every religion extended it to Afterlife or Rebirth.

My philosophical View on Death

I love the concept of birth, growth, development, decay and death.
If not for that this planet would be inundated with both plants and animals,

There is no competition or survival of the fittest.

No evolution or biodiversity.

No humming bird with particular beak to feed on a particular beautiful flower.

Just imaging only one sex and human robots all over this planet.

One language, one race (with very pale skin) and one type of currency.

It is what these neocolonial scum is dreaming of.

I hate that philosophy.

Besides, there are no native medicines and native doctors.

Only one type of doctors and one vaccine.

I thing pandemics are the norm and natural population control is the name of the game.

Artificial virus creation and gain in function study of CDC should not be the way, so that pharmaceutical companies could dominate the human sphere of influence.

Why are we here?

No need to bother we are already here.

What is reality?

Uncertainty is our reality.

Dhamma or Buddhism

Two fundamental themes in Dhamma are Kamma and Rebirth.

If one does not believe in either one of them, one cannot be considered as a Buddhist.

Dhamma is a belief system and not a philosophy.

It is a simple way of life with gradual ascendance to higher levels of humanity.

1. Sovan
2. Sakurudhagami
3. Anagami
4. Arhat

Dhamma is based on One Principle.

I called it the Uncertainty Principle.

The rest are all derivative of "Flux of Nature".

Dhamma asks a particular question and then gives a plausible answer.

That answer is in fact, related to living condition of the man and all beings.

By the way, anything that changes cannot be a understood as substantial.

A substantial SOUL cannot exist.

This is the fundamental difference with Hinduism.

By the way, I do not understand the spectrum of Hinduism and Creation.

Dhamma does not delve into Creation or creativity of Gods.

Endless physical phenomena are no concern for true Buddhists.

But the mental phenomena are discussed as Five Components.


1. Rupa                     Form

2. Vedena                 Sensation

3. Sanna                   Cognition or Thoughts

4. Sankara                Desires or Mental Formations

5. Vinnana                 Awareness or Consciousness

I think, therefore I am, was coined by French Mathematician Rene Descartes.

This concept does not apply to Dhamma.

1. Annikka or Changing Nature or Uncertainty Principle

2. Dukka or Unsatisfactoriness of anything that eternally changing or changes that occur from moment to moment.

3. Buddhist Annata concept is that there is no self.
A substantial Soul does not exist in a changing pattern of phenomena.

Dhamma delve into the nature of Mind and Mind created Phenomena (illusion, delusion, reality and uncertainty).

Dhamma is not Open Ended as in philosophy but END Seeking endeavour.

Since, I have not reached any goals in Dhamma, I prefer the Kalama Sutta tradition of Open Inquiry.

That leaves me open to philosophy.

Whereas, in philosophy one poses a question not expecting a real answer.

There was only One Buddha but there are many philosophers in human history.

That is the beauty of philosophy.

Philosophy is based on criteria, classification, logic and reason.

This is an attempt to tabulate them from the time of Aristotle (who was killed for his views) to De Bono.

I believe the Church and Religion existed to stop Open Inquiry.

That is the trade off for humanity, if one believes in God and his Creation.

Either one believes in god or be open minded in his or her own inquiry into matter of facts.

One dogma dominated in our modern history while others were suppressed.

It does not mean that Aristotle  is the beginning of philosophy but he is a reflection of the contemporary thinking as recorded by Plato.

Of course Socrates laid a firm foundation but emergence science did irreparable damage to philosophy.

Philosophy in fact, is the first order discipline.

Science and Religion are second order disciplines.

Knowledge is having the right answer for a particular question.

Wisdom on the other hand, is the ability to ask the right question at the right time not expecting, an all inclusive final answer.

The Science branched off, thinking that it would discover the ultimate truth.

Psychologist branched off, trying to find answers and DRUGS to alter the Mind Phenomena.

I consider those branching offs, were the tragedy for Philosophy.

Free thinkers were left nothing to ponder except empiricism.

Philosophical thoughts started emerging in Greece, 2500 years ago.

Initially came as Stories or
Analytical  (emerging Scientific Methods) system.

Love of Wisdom is the beginning of philosophy.

Empirical thinking was considered as emerging Science (or many other branches or various disciplines).

Philosophy is about asking the Big Questions.

Epistemology, Metaphysics, Value System and Logics were the 4 bases of Modern Philosophy.

What is the nature of Reality.


Knowing about knowing or Knowledge.

In other words Epistemology or meaning of words.

Theory of knowledge ( justified or as an opinion)

Value and theory of ethics (right or wrong) and esthetics (what is beautiful) or arts.

Logic is the fourth and is philosophers's tool.

Logic is about reasoning.

1. Get inside of an idea as charitable as possible.

2. Subjects one's understanding to critical evaluation.

Question the authority of an opinion.

3. Success of this endeavour is "How to Think" critically.

Thinking to Think is De Bono's approach.

Bahar (alien being) by Daryll Ankar

I do not know whether it is a delusional state or a logical state but he is not a philosopher.

He is a nice guy, I think, he does not mean harm

One has to believe the existence of aliens, to believe him.

This guy has the gift of the gab and the English language.
His verbal diarrhoea does not mean he is bringing out an original idea or concept.

He probably has no understanding of physical spectrum of energies and the frequency modulation.

Mind or brain has waves and they can be recorded by Electroencephalogram.

They are not like rado waves that can be regulated by receivers and emitters.

Brain waves can be recorded but cannot be captured unless it is translated and transmitted by the five senses.

That does not exclude telepathy and remote viewing.

His frequency and vibration vocabulary is annoying and misleading to a medical guy like me.

He talks about active channeling with alien beings.

1. Everything is changing (not a new discovery).

2. What you put out is what you get back.

It is cause and effect duality.

3. One and the all and all and the one.

This is the state of confusion.
Trying to put everything to a unitary module.

4. Everything is here and now.

This is the relative presence of the mind.
The mind gives the illusive presence of now.
Without the mind there is no past or present or future.

This is the mind projecting itself within an individual (Darryl Ankar).

Nothing fundamental but gives a sense of Time and Meaning to the Phenomena of Existence.

5. You exist (not a new discovery)

This in nothing but physics theory of relativity applied to mind and its behaviour.

In other words, changing nature applied to natural behaviour of mind.
I do not think one needs mediation instances to achieve this state of lucidity.

Mindful Meditation is a technique to calm the mind.
It should not be practiced without a mature master with understanding of Dhamma principles.

One can go mad, confused and delusional.

Additionally one can develop new physical diseases or activate underlying diseases.


The Beginning.

1. Why am I here?

You are here because you are curious about philosophy.

2. Where I have come from?

3. Where am I going?

Humans have three tools.

1. Instinct

Survival instinct
Instinctively avoid danger.


2. Emotions

If instinct is like climate (stable) our emotions are like weather (regulates our daily life).

Our emotions gives us the hint of our social environment (this varies from east to the west).

Crying is accepted in the east but it is seen as a weakness in the west.

Emotions allows us to hold, stop, grow or adopt to our environment.
Our emotions are very powerful and make us to do be positive or be negative in ways we react to changing circumstances.

We were never happy the way things were and we engineered our Own Way in our history.


3. Company of others

Men seek sex while women seek social engagements and company.

Without these we end up lonely.

Unfortunately in the east we go for sooth seers or astrologers who are parasites of Ceylon.

Some of them especially the politicians go to the Indian Kattandiyas and Kovils.

4. Reason and Logic
Informed knowledge
Calculated risk (sovereignty, ideology and integrity)

Whereas, instinct is hard wired rationality is a learned behaviour.

It does not come from nothing but as an appropriate reaction to evolving circumstances.

War is a good example where one side tried to outmanoeuvre the other until win or stalemate ensures.

Rationality is powerful enough to overcome the emotions at a given point of time.

Delay gratification to achieve long term pleasure is another example.

This is the age of rationality.

Humans are creatures of instinct, emotion and reason.

Where does philosophy fits in?

Love of wisdom.

Philosophy is the foundation of rationality and replaced the "Three Wise Men" of the Theology.

Acute self awareness has become a reality.

Then the devastating awareness of death and the fear associated with.

Anticipate death even subconsciously.

Fear of illness, fear of injury, the fear of disability and fear of ageing.

Why death?

From doctors, healthy living experts  to astrologist to sooth seers exploit this universal predicament of mankind.

Everybody is unprepared for this natural eventuality.

Epic of Gilgamesh, the king of death failed to find a solution.

Every religion extended it to Afterlife or Rebirth.

That is the beginning of all religions.

Myths and legends were created and gradually they become demigods and gods.

Two main pillars of philosophy.

1. What is really out there?

2. How we know it.

What is Reality?

Ontology a branch of metaphysics which deals with the nature of beings.

Epistemology, the theory of knowledge which is either a justified belief or an opinion.

What is Reality?

The potential areas of inquiry

1. Physical World (Physics)

2. Origin of Life (Biology)

3. Nature of Mind (Mind)
Freud and Carl Jung

First baby born was physics.
The second baby was biology.
The third baby was psychology.

Philosophers were left almost nothing.

They can now become Real Philosophers.

What is the purpose of philosophy today?

New Philosophy is Intuition

Is the moment of insight!

New philosophy based on intuition.

Instincts are unconscious.

Intuition is between Emotion and Reason.

Provides insight and the ability to connect.

Most discoveries and inventions result from intuition.

Hit and Miss approach.

In other words, don't be rigid and bound to a dogma or don't be fluid and bound to fear and emotion.

Opens up the Free Inquiry domain.

Ontology vs Epistemology

Ontology what is and Epistemology ask how we know it.

In Ontology we say we are not animal therefore humans are sacred.

Thou shal not kill arise from that understanding.

Ontology speaks about Reality.

Epistemology is about how we gather knowledge.

Emanuel Kant has said we can never know what reality as it is.

We only know at a limited level.

Anything has to be funneled through the structured mind.
We categorize things in a structured way.

We put a structure to everything through our mind.

On the other hand Michele Foucault went bit futher and said knowledge is power. Those who in possession of science and technology has immense power over others.
There is no impartial or power free science.

The knowledge is the tool of the powerful.

In summary ontology is philosophy of existence and epistemology is the knowledge of that existence.

Metaphysics vs Physics

Physics studies the physical world.
The study of matter and universe.

Metaphysics is what is beyond matter world, like ideas, forms, soul, god and spirits.

Physicist may say mind exits in the brain while a metaphycisist  may say mind exist on its own.

Reason vs Logic

Logic is the foundation on which philosophical debate can take place.

Logics gives the basic ground rules, like mathematics and relativity.

Lugwig Weinstein wanted precise meaning in communication and use of words.

Bertram Russell use mathematics in philosophy.

Logic is somewhat rigid but impartial.
Logic is outcome independent.

Logic is as in a computer algorithm and in a game of chess.

Reason is somewhat subjective.
Less scientifically vigorous.
Reason is persuasive.
Reason is very much selective.
Reason is more linguistic.

Rationalization is a negative form of persuasion.

Rationalism vs Empiricism

Rationalism is based on our prior ability to reason.

Rationalism is that we understand the world with our ability to use inbuilt reason.

In other words we have prior understanding of our nature.

Rene Descarte I think and therefore I am

Wilhelm Leibniz was a rationalist and idealist.

He excelled in mathematics and  pioneered binary system which we use in computers today. 

Empiricism on the other hand that we know the world through experience.
Empiricism is more British whereas rationalism is more European.

Leans to pragmatism.

John Lock and David Hume are two examples.

Fathers of liberalism and founders of enlightenment.

Emanuel Kant was a rationalist and idealist. He combined rationalism and empiricism.
That gave rise to phenomenology.

His base was the human freedom to act with moral constraints.

Political philosophy vs Ethics

Ethics is a moral system as justice in legal system.
Political philosophy is how  society decides what is right and wrong.

Ethics may change.

Political study is how ethics changes with human social evolution.

Also depends on culture.

Egalitarianism vs Elitism

Idea of equality and quality.
Egalitarian philosophy has its roots in religion such as in Christianity.

All humans have equal dignity and rights.

Kalm Marx is the most famous egalitarian philosopher.
Quality for all.

Elitism on the other hand believed in running the society based on meritocracy.

Frederick Nietzsche is one who believed in meritocracy. 
Privilege for the elite.
Believes in merit.

Humanism vs Utilitarianism

Istead of divine god in charge of the planet humans took control of the planet.

Humanism was born during enlightenment.
Ownership of this planet and ideas.

Utilitarianism (branch of humanism) is the concept that benefit greatest number of people.

In the time of kings majority worked for the benefit of the minority.

Jeremy Bentham and Stuart Mills.

Democracy based on majority.

Socialism based on class

Feminism based on gender.

Nationalism based on nationality.

Postmodernism vs Existentialism

Existentialism started with Nietzsche who stated that everything starts with our existence.

No god or divine essence.

Jean Paul Sartre
We are condemned to be Free.

Postmodernism which was popularized in France was interested in community and cultural groups.
Concentrate on idea of truth and social values.

Unify on the basis of individualism, freedom and materialism.

All these are European values.

All cultures are valid as European cultures.

Control through power laws, prisons, surveillance, mass education and money.

All Tools powerful to control the masses.

Western Philosophy
Concentrate on physical side and materialism.
Built rockets to conquer space.
Manufacture wars.
Change the world to make it better.
Fight for justice, peace and equality.

It is about change.

Individualism, rationality and material wellbeing.

Eastern Philosophy
Concentrate on the individual.
Do meditation to conquer self.
Peaceful mind.
Spiritualism, happiness and community
Change oneself.
Accept their fate retreat to a forest.
Accepting fate.
All about mental culture.
Community spirits through individual development.

Greece and Romans
Ideas and Knowledge
Merchants were important.
Open minded to new ideas and science.
Constantly changing material available for trade.
Affected by winter.
Accumulate food for winter.
Wars always disrupted trade.
War fuels the economy.
Future became more important.
Materialism and fight for common cause.
Western philosophy is rigid.
Ate four times more protein in bread.
Developed olympic games to train soldiers.
Invade other countries.
They built big cities.
The philosophers gather in cities and debate issues.
Developed schools and universities.
Individual and self and ego.
Develop profits.
Questioning the teacher is the norm.
Good and bad are separate entities.
Progressive philosophy of science.


India and China
Centered around rivers and mountains.
Agriculture could support a huge population.
Farmers were important.
Stable remained with the land.
Harder to change.
Climate also play a role.
It is warmer.
Here and now.
Great famines.
Humans were not outside of other living beings.
Monasteries are far away from cities in the mountains.
Fluid and flexible.
Martial arts are there to discipline the body.
Avoid conflicts and non violence.

Part of nature and soul (Hinduism) merges with the universe.
Yoga and meditation of let go and ego.
Rarely questioning the teacher and treated with respect and reverence.

Good and bad are two sides of the same coin.
Purity of mind and soul.


End justify the means in Prince.

Thales of Meritus
Everything is made of water.
He also made reason to predict weather.
People at that time believed that the weather was at the hands of god.

Base his ideas on mathematical logic.

500 BC and pre- socrates.
Reality is one.
Existence is timeless and permanent.
No change possible.
Human experience gives false perception.

1. Socrates
Founder of philosophy.
Street philosopher.
Like a modern day whistleblower.
Truth most important rule of philosophy.

One evil ignorance.

One good knowledge.

Nietzsche questioned it and proposed multiple truths.

In 328 BC democrats in Greece condemned Socrates to death.
He is the father of philosophy.
Origin of modern civilization.
His death sparked an awakening that is alive to this day.
He was killed on the grounds of spreading bad ideas.
He contested the religious dogma.
The concept that god is might.
He lost his life but rationality triumphed.
This all happened city of Athens.
He is the greatest philosopher of modern human history.

Spirituality in the east and rationalism in the west.
Did not believe in face value.
He questioned everything.
Dialectical method to get to the bottom.
Modern scientific methods.



2. Plato
Torch was passed down to Plato,

Plato's ideas were closer to god and perfection within.

After the execution of Socrates he became an idealist.

Allegory of the cave.
What we see outside is a shadow of our mind.
We have an innate knowledge of the world.
Mere representation of what is inside.
We do not learn from experience.

Strong opinion on politics.
Rule as a Republic and not by a mob.
Philosophers are better suited to rule society.
Created the academy to create best minds.
Universities today are modelled by Plato's academy.
Aristotle graduated from his academy.

Perfect vision of the truth from within.

Horror movies make us to experience fear within.

3. Aristotle
Plato was an idealist but his student Aristotle was pragmatic thinker.
Truth is outside of us in the real world.
He started dissecting frogs and toads.
Real scientific inquiry.
Evidenced based and by Research.
Everything in the world can be categorised.
Knowledge based inquiry.
Humans are rationalistic.
Purpose before essence.
Utility value.
Looking for solution to problems facing mankind.

What is the purpose of civilization.
To reach perfection.
Without an end goal it is hard to motivate people.
Created a Lyceum.
A type of secondary school.

One of his students was the Alexandra the Great.

The doctrine if design and purpose in the material world.

Fear of death is fundamental to human existence and to his adaptation.

He created a hippy style garden to enjoy simple happy life.
Peace and tranquility were his goals.

Entire foundation of philosophy was based on death.
Fear of death is irrational.
We do not know death.

Nobody had returned from death.
Make the most of this life.
He remained outside of western philosophy.

Too much rationalism leaves human passion and emotions aside.
Nietzsche critic.

4. Diogenes

Before delving into philosophy my approach to social life outside of family life was a touch of satire.

It hit a feverish peek having analyzed our politicians of 70 years after independence.

It is almost cynical having seen how current president come into power.

In that scenario, I love the attitude of Diogenes.

I call myself a global citizen and I do not like how human beings are treated at the border or at airports. I have crossed the sea only once by boat to Ireland and that experience was not bad.
But I prefer to be on the land than at sea.

Diogenes coined the word cosmopolitan which I really like.

He was exiled from Spinova or tip of the Greek Horn to Athenes and he was traded as slave by pirates.

He lived a simple life and it is very easy to understand how he became spiteful and  distrustful of his fellow beings in Athens.

His disregard for law and ethics was manifested by sleeping on a drum in public space and eating in public.

He did not want to be a beggar on the street but a living philosopher among his fellow beings unlike his contemporaries like Socrates who lived a comfortable and respectable life.
He was a critic of Socrates.
Some call him an extreme version of Socrates but his disdain of Plato was evident.
Diogenes sought out student of Socrates, Antisthenes as a tutor.
Antisthenes was a student of Socrates but he preferred asceticism and later founded the School of Cynics.

What I really like about Diogenes was his comparison of humans to dogs.

He probably was treated like a dog but he turned table on humans by showing the innate qualities of dogs.

I fawn on those who give me anything, I yelp at those who refuse and I set my teeth in rascals.

The dog is the guard who carry the masters philosophy with dignity.

Later development of Stoicism with law and order to administer stoic principles is the later manifestation of cynicism.
In a way culture added as the cream of the ice cream.

Read Nietzsche below.

He became notorious for his philosophical stunts and carried a lamp in day time looking for a wise man (honest man).

It is very appropriate citizens in Ceylon carry a lamp looking fir a honest politician or an honest journalist reporting on facts instead of gossips.

5.Frederick Nietzsche

He is a "child" of Darwin and brother of Bismark.He ridiculed the English evolutionist and German nationalist.

1. Strength is the ultimate virtue ( survival of the fittest)
Weakness is the only faulty.

2. Good is that will win.
Bad is that gives way and fail.
Not humility but Pride.
Not altruism but resolute intelligence.
Need geniuses not masses.
Not justice but power is the arbitrator.

His father was a minister.
He attacked Christianity.
After a period of avid indulgence of wine, women and tobacco that life style disgusted him.
Life mirrored him from Arthur Schopenhauer (manifestation of blind and irrational will).

Arthur Schopenhauer
Atheistical metaphysics and ethics.
First western philosopher to assimilate Asian philosophy of asceticism, denial of self and phenomenology.
Instead of becoming a warrier he became a philologist.

Without music life is a mistake.
Will to power and overpower.
Not as a soldier but as a nurse t due to his poor eyesight.

Philology (study of languages) to philosophy.
Nietzsche's philosophy contemplates of nature of values.
On the belief that no absolute values exist.
He argued rational thinking is stale and is too rigid.
Believed in meriticracy.

2. Henri-Loise Bergson

Intuition and immediate experience is better than the abstract rationalism.

Intuition fast, instantaneous and brings us to nature while reason is slow and rigid and moving us away from nature.

Vitalism and wants to liberate from chain of reason.

Eastern Philosophy
Eastern philosophy is very rich and complex.

Lao Tze
Chinese Philosopher known for his writing,Tao Te Ching.
The Way.
Indefinable and un-namable
Eternel and Nature's Way.
Spontaneous, eternal and
Natural non resistance.
Way means purposeful.
There is no purpose for life.
Live harmoniously with nature.
As the river flows.
Good and evil are two sides of the same coin.
Butterfly dream.
River is used as a metaphor for Taoism.
Tend to avoid conflicts and non confrontational.
Not going against but flowing with it.


Found suffering was universal.
Suffer because of our desire and greed.
Do not chase things but be happy of the moment.
Self or Ego is not real.
Kill this ego or desire.
Achieve this by meditation and mental discipline.

How we can live politically and socially together.
Less individualistic but a collective endeavour.
How animal kingdom organizes itself.
Wars and violence.
There is confusion.
Pyramid social system.
Everyone has a place in this hierarchy.
Removing confusion was his goal.
Everybody knows his place and others place.
No confusion but order.
Like a game of chess.
Everything starts in the family.
Powerful argument against this system is the development of tyranny.
Most corporate structures follow rigid hierarchy.
There is room for meritocracy.

Mao Zedong
Cultural Revolution caused great pain.
Traditional hierarchy was replaced by political hierarchy.
Country is run like a company.
Many voices are suppressed.
There is traditional male dominance.

Way of interacting with spirit world by way of trance.

Greek god Hermes and Egyptian god Thorp.

Karl Marx


Born 1818
Died 1883 aged 65 years.
He died stateless.

Communist Manifesto in 1848
There volumes of das capital.


He had a doctorate in philosophy.

Political, economic and intellectual genius.
He was expelled from Germany and Belgium and settled in London.

Working Class      The proletariat

Ruling Class.         The bourgeoisie

Believed in slow evolution of a classless society.
Working class should organise proletariat revolution to escape from capitalist grip on industry.
He call it socio-economic emancipation.