Friday, August 16, 2024

Tuxedo OS is Pretty Good

Tuxedo OS is Pretty Good
It is bit similar to Netrunner but Netrunner has more features.
All come from Germany which is known to produce expensive but good products unlike China.

I used to subscribe for Linux Magazine and Linux Voice that came from Germany until my retirement. 

I need to make a political statement here for the sake of ordinary Germans who are kept out of the loop by corrupt German politicians who took the bait of Americans with the help of EU big shots, most of them are Germans by default.
It is unfortunate that Germany is going though a rough patch due to supporting Ukraine War and associated Gas Pipe line blow up which Americans under Biden engineered.

Ukrainians did it on the behest of American hegemony.

It is now surfacing that Poland was an accessory to the blow up of the pipe.

It is no wonder that all the weapons from America and UK flowed through Poland and they were eyeing the land pieace of Laviv at the end of Ukraine collapse as a bonus.

WSJ did not reveal them then, but those stories were considered gossip then.

If I remember right one of the first actions  of Russia was to blow up the NATO command center somewhere near Laviv.
American Idea was to break the back of Germany.
They had a deep seated hate towards Russia for a long time after the defeat at the hands of Russia in the Second World War.
Who would care too trust Americans even Under Trump?

Currently Kursk operation is spearheaded by NATO with Polish, French and British boots on the ground.
No American boots until the Election is over.
But the pertinent question is would the War last until November?
Kurst is the catalist to wind the war in style for Russia.
No excuses needed except to capture a few of British, French and Polish soldiers as the bargaining chips.
War is always bluffing and pocket full of lies.

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