Sunday, July 28, 2024

Big Linux

 I am interested in distributions using Light Weight Window mangers like, Enlightenment, Window Manager, Wm3 an i3 etc;

Big Linux – a Brazilian Linux live CD with support for hard disk install and localized into Brazilian Portuguese. Big Linux was based on Kurumin, Knoppix, Kanotix, and the latest version on Kubuntu.

The project started in 2001 by Bruno Gonçalves.
In 2004 the creator and maintainer of BigLinux used Kurumin distribution as a base to the Big Linux.

Big Linux 2.x series offered 4 desktops environments: 



 IceWM and 

Fluxbox, in addition to a large amount of games and programs, but the main highlight was availability of 3D simulation features for KDE and Gnome environments. It was the first distribution which offered 3D effects on a single CD (?).

Big Linux 3 series was more focused on stability and ease of updating; with that released only two desktops were available. It also reduced the number of programs available on CD. The 3 version was using packages from Debian and Ubuntu.

The first stable version of 4.x was released in August 2008.

Starting form version 11.10, the distribution was based on Kubuntu.

The latest version of Big Linux is 12.04; after that, the project changed its name to Kaiana.

As of August 2019, BigLinux 19.04 released with KDE Plasma and LXQt desktop environments as default. 

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