Saturday, September 26, 2020

Single Meal

American Pie

Comparing an average American’s eating habits with ours is a

revelation by itself.

An American eats a cow / bull every ten years.

In every American there are at least 5 cows in him / her by the time

s/he is fifty.

If he has not got mad cow disease or Alzheimer’s disease what s/he

eats in the rest of his life is any American doctor’s guess.

He eats a pig every three years.

He eats at least 50 chickens and one turkey a year.

Some Americans of course eat much more than that.

My worry is every cow/bull s/he eats, at least an equivalent of 8Kg

of fodder is needed to support its life to obtain 1Kg

of meat.

If an American stops eating 1Kg of beef s/he is saving about 8Kg of

grain for a poor soul in Africa or Bangladesh.

Out of the tons of grain produced more than half (this ratio has gone

up with the increase of Chinese Middle Class population) is spent on

animal feeds and some American cows are better fed than African


Only to be sacrificed as human food.

The current Pope should give due consideration to these facts and

he should give a hearing to this fiasco and if the grain saved by

saving the poor cows / or bulls is multiplied by the factor of eight by

1000 (well the fed cow’s weight) there is an excess grain in this

world to feed everybody.

Equally FAO should take this into cognizant.

Looking by some of Ceylonese who lavish on food I cannot say there

is any difference to American mentality, here in Ceylon

(especially who visit here to take a break from the winter).

Coming back to a single meal, if an American or Western guy

sacrifices a single meal a week, like our Buddhist monks who live on

a single meal a day, we would be able to feed some hungry children

in Africa and Asia without any problem or NGOs.

WHO also should take this fact to their cognizant.

I don’t believe in what our agriculture minister who says, that food

prices have gone up because of biofuels.

The production of biofuels has being going on for over 25 years.

One should realize that the ancient man and his closest friend the

dog survived on a single meal in spite of their aggressive hunting


Eat less is my recipe!

Three rice meals a day is two much (unless one is in heavy manual


I lost my weight only after stopped eating rice.

I was like a pig when I was eating meat including pork!

Dhana and SingleMeal

June 9, 2011 by asokaplus

Single most important principle in Buddhist Practice is its Dhana,

the giving away ones possessions, without expecting anything in


This is something of an antithesis to modern world, where, self,

image and one’s possessions are dear and belonging.

How it is practiced by Buddhist monks is discussed here briefly to

make a novice monk adopt to modern trends in a demanding world.

A Buddhist monk ought to be light in baggage and belongings.

A monk could have only two cloths (Chivara), one for wearing and

another for change.

How it should be made is also under strict and elaborate


The eating habits are also under strict code of practice. I would

discuss that in detail here. When it comes to eating, if one ignores

the morning meal, which is very light indeed, a monk has to survive

on a single meal, and that has to be taken in the early evening not

late as is modern day practice.

You may wonder why I took some interest in this

This examination is scientific in nature and if you need satire read

American Pie.

There are many reasons, and I would jot down only a few.

If a monk in the west practices this according to the strict code, it is

a severe test for them, adopting this regime in the winter months.

Equally, I have seen some monks who try to adhere to the regime

regimentally and religiously have ended up sick and malnourished.

If one becomes a Buddhist monk in adult life who had enjoyed

somewhat a liberal life, changing to a single meal is a severe

restriction on their diurnal habits.

One’s hormonal status, glycogen storage and status of the acid

secretion in the stomach are habituated by ones daily routine (life


Changing this having become a monk should be done on a staggered

basis giving time for the body to adjust.

Additionally, many of them do not have an understating of what is a

balance diet.

What I stated above is obvious, but over years, I have seen many

Buddhist monks suffering from food related diseases, especially

diabetes mellitus.

This is something not welcome and unexpected for my own

consumption. I have no intention of going into how one becomes a

diabetic but for me somebody on a single meal getting diabetes

mellitus was something of an enigma.

In this scenario, having thought a bit about it, I put the blame

squarely on the layman.

Hope one is not amazed by this statement.

I would go into this briefly.

The upper and the higher middle class

families are the ones who get quota for the Dhana for the residential

monks in the city.

Their, idea of a meal is a lavish one.

Many of them are also diabetic because of their over indulgence.

The offer of Dhana is not done on a regular basis.

So on the day all the sugary, starchy, heavy but nutritionally unbalanced is offered. These Dhana days also happen to fall on weekends and holidays. The monk has nochoice. They consume a diet heavy in carbohydrates which stimulate their pancreas to the limits on weekends and practically having an

austerely meal rest of the week.

My theory of this up and down (erratic) stimulation of the insulin status, make them prone to diabetes in middle age.

This may be aggravated by lack of exercise and having sugary

drinks (tea) to counteract the late evening hypoglycemia.

It is the duty of the layman to look after their welfare on a regular

basis instead of lavish feast once a month.

Medical education is in its prime stage now especially on nutrition,

the doctor should advise the upper middle class families what is a

balance single diet for a monk who are practically at the mercy of

the rich laymen who impart their inherent diseases to the clergy.

I would give some advice later regarding what to be offered and

what ought not to be but for now let me digress a little.

I wanted to test myself whether I can survive on a single diet.

(For the record, I have not taken a single rice meal over 12 years

and it is my health secret!)

I am more than convinced that it is possible and healthy.

But it takes time and it cannot be practiced overnight.

Prehistoric Man

Prehistoric Time -15,000 to 30, 000 ago

Having proved it to myself, I delved into man’s prehistoric period and how man survived in adverse climatic conditions and food scarcities.

Hunter gather never had three meals a day.

At best he had only a single square meal never three meals.

He mainly survived on big games in a community life style. He was

omnivorous and supplemented his diet with fruits and nuts. They

probably did not suffer from diabetes mellitus and his teeth were

strong, the enamel was thin but the dentin was thick, hardly had

caries. In times of food shortages and diseases there were signs of

enamel deficiency and bone diseases. These changes are recorded in

prehistoric fossils which date back to 15,000 to 30,000 years. Until

such time he became nomadic man milk was in short supply. Only

milk supply was maternal. The average woman was thin, and she

only had children once in four years or so. (It is now believed that

when a woman is thin -prehistoric women had to work hard, almost

equaling man’s efforts-like modern day women athletes the ovulation

does not occur. Additionally, prolong breast feeding without weaning

suppresses ovulation).

The man probably was sturdier and taller but comparatively thinner

since he had to work hard in hunting exercises. He probably lived a

shorter life than a woman (45 years), probably 35 years or so died

not of modern day diseases but by injuries sustained in hunting.

As far prehistoric man is concerned a single diet existence is not a

fantasy but a fact.

Paleolithic Period- 5000 to 13 000 years

Why man became an agricultural man is a mystery but available

evidence suggests dramatic changes in climate at the end of the ice

age and population expansion. With the emergence of the nomadic

life and mans entry into agricultural endeavours, he entered into a

sedentary life style.

However, he never gave up game and hunting until such time he

domesticated adequate livestock.

I would like to figure out that he was never a pure vegetarian.

The Asian wolf became associated with man around 13,000 years

ago probably scavenging around man’s domain. The dogs and wolf

can live on a single diet perhaps even longer and with the loss of

mammoths and huge games, wolf also found living difficult but

drifted with the man for game. His eating pattern, scavenging to

begin with which our present day dogs inherit and illustrate by

scavenging city dumps, is a reminder that even this period the man

existed (present day practice of feeding a single meal to a pedigree

dog which I don’t agree with) on a single main diet.

Even though, the agricultural practices were extensive, failure of

crops were common phenomena, the demise of Maya Dynasty was a

true example of catastrophe in history. In spite of extensive

agriculture, food was not plenty and the food preparation from

harvest to meal was labour extensive and man continued to

supplement meal on animal and animal sacrifices. In this period

population expanded probably because women becoming

comparatively fatter and fertile (it is interesting to note that when a

woman is too fat, like present day, fertility drops) and their body

composition was ideal for reproduction. But with success there was

impending catastrophe too. Famines were common due to

reduction of crops, failure of rains or floods.

The man became shorter and less sturdy due to sedentary life.

We may be able to surmise that even in this period man ate a

variable diet, characteristically a single meal which was

supplemented by animal, fish, shells, fruits and nuts.

How and when man discovered use of salt and spices is open to

question probably towards the latter stage of Paleolithic time.

Contemporary History from 5000 years to 2500.

During this period man was eating mixed diet containing milk (animal), sugar, salt, spices and animal and fish products. In spite of agriculture man

never ceased to consume animal food, in fact it became a major

constitute, judging by the tribal and religious practices from 5000 to

2000 years.

This is probably the period where single supper or a single meal changed to multiple meals especially in the upper classes but slaves and lower classes subsisted on an average single large meal.

The longevity and average health increased proportionately to

double the prehistoric period.

Most of the sages and philosophers except hedonists lived an austere

life while recommending the same to the masses.

2500 and the emergence of the Vegetarian Life

Even though some Jainers advocated vegetarian life, it was with the emergence of the Buddhists way of life in India that preceded the current wave of vegetarian (purported to be healthy) food fads.

Neither, Ten Commandments, the Jesus Christ’s Sayings nor Muslim Koran

abhors sacrifices of animals.

The vegetarian life is comparatively new one probably only 2500

years old in the history of mankind and that is why, there are so

many misconceptions.

Unlike monkeys, baboons and gorillas who are mostly vegetarians, from which man originated in an evolutionary point of view, the man had always been a carnivorous mammal.

2500 years is a small time in evolutionary time scale, a healthy

dialogue on vegetarian diet is mandatory in the present context.

Our intestine and teeth bear different relationships to tree dwelling

mammals, some are morphological in nature (genetic) and some are

based on the diet (environmental) we eat.

That is the view I hold, an opinion not substantiated.

As far as the growth and development of children are concerned my view is that single diet is not adequate.

That is my entry point to discuss another point of view.

Can a young novice monk who has not gone through puberty be

sustained on single diet?

This is a question I find it difficult to answer even thought I have stated my gut feeling above. This is another reason I defer on ordaining young underage monks (there are other reasons stated elsewhere) apart from psychological maturity to go on an austere life as prescribed by Vinaya.

Parents should have a critical say in these issues.

They should not plunge a young one into priesthood early in their tender years.

What should an average Dhana (Single Meal) should contain?

The physiological effect and the calorie intake of an average meal should

last 18 hours.That is the time when the glycogens storage starts to become

depleted. The diet should not have high sugary (desert) components that

stimulate surge of insulin and late dumping syndrome due to insulin

surge at the time of the meal. The vegetarian diet has no problem since the fiber makes the release of dietary sugar gradual.

The best desert for the monks is not ice cream but fruits.

Out of the fruits, the best is bananas which releases its sugars

slowly without upsetting insulin surges and maintaining a stable blood sugar. Milk and curd are preferred, since they give a supply of fat for starving intervals.

Missing ingredient is nuts, not only they contain short fatty acids which supply nutrition for starving intervals and also healthy vitamins.

I would encourage the young monks to go liberal on fruits and


A supply of nuts (not aggalas and jaggery and sweets), fruits, papaw, banana and proper breakfast cereal containing millet (Kurrakkan) should be the breakfast for our monks.

Somebody should invest and develop a proper breakfast cereal for our kids (which can be used by young monks in their growing years) instead of foreign breakfast cereals. For the monks in the West a Buddhist dietitian with knowledge in Vinaya practice should investigate how their mid day Dhana

should be constituted.

My belief is many of them are having an inappropriate diet for

winter conditions. I hope a good breakfast cereal will emerge from

the West for the monks on a meagre diet.

My prescription for priesthood is entirely different. When I see young monks in the TV giving emotional speeches rather than mature sermons, I become sometimes terrified.

Even my twilight years, I sometimes reserve my judgment or giving

advices on certain issues. Never over the telephone, only, when I can

have an eye to eye contact with the person concerned where I, can

have an immediate assessment of the person’s psychological makeup

and the reactions.

One can do more damage by volunteering advice not appropriate. My advice goes as this. Let the young one follows a simple observational life. In other words learn to observe in a simple scientific and logical fashion.

Teach them science in simple terms as we tend to understand them from facts to fiction. Children learn fiction better in the early years and they should be

allowed to mature into scientific and factual way. They have the philosophical views embedded in their brains. Encourage them as much as possible.

This is why they always asks mommy why?

Encourage the philosophical views at an early age, even though we do not have ready made answers always.

Then only they should be allowed to think of a religion or religions in their life. If we are to stop, young from being taken into terrorist or religious cadres, that is the only way out left. That is the very thing we are not doing at present and ignoring. We are slowly encouraging and allowing young militants being made out of innocent minds because of our failure in commonsense education. Most of the religious and militant groups know this very well, the best currency to propagate their rigid views is the young mind.


Friday, September 25, 2020

This is to say Thank You, Lanka Bell

I have switched to Lanka Bell and Hutch for my data communication and blog activity.
Both MobiTel and Dialog are not good in data work and communication.
That was the reason for my switch.
One need at least 3 G suport of hardware preferably 4 G.
We may never get 5 G in Ceylon due to the Government's massive debt to China for unnecessary infrastructure development which only a very few will utilize.
This is a King Kong country!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

It should be "Dhammo Bavathu Dammiko" not raja

Every day, I wake up to a cassette recital of distorted Dhamma by cassette broadcast, while monks are partaking the early morning breakfast.
I now know that I wake up because of the early mornings hypoglycaemia and a toffee or a few biscuits put me back to my dream state.
Today luckily due to the rain, I did not hear the recital and I woke up to my cellphone alarm.
This piece is after a nice cup of tea.
Tea invigorates you more than the irritating  Dhamma recital by the cassette.
Now the Buddha is called Dhamma Raja due to.enormous volumes of Dhamma, he preached.
He also warns knowing 1000 stanzas makes you no better but knowing one with true understanding is an achievement.
The raja here has a different connotation and meaning.
It does relate to a real king or someone who tries to become a king by force of attraction to a political party.

What these guys in saffron cloths do is to make his dream a reality, not an illusion in the sense of Dhamma.
This piece is for course correction, not by force but by true understanding of what is left of Dhamma without distortion.
The Dhamma Pada  is the corner stone for learning Dhamma.
Be mindful of both the Dhamma and the guys preaching it by cassettes.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Ars-E MITE to Kadia, Kura and Dimia "Dammo Bavathu Dammiko"

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

Ars-E MITE to Kadia, Kura and Dimia

"Dammo Bavathu Dammiko"

ART- MITE pronounced as Ars-E by the salesman in Ceylon.
The product is probably Chinese and it is not printed on the can of spray.

I was annoyed by a guy in TV with full European attire, suit with a tie, talking about graphite and granite or titanium.
I am afraid, he was a guy brought up by affluent parents and never touched soil or played with sand at the beach or Korn Pittu in the backyard.

These guys becoming professors is alien to me and in my full retirement and with no restriction by any institution of might, I should bring them down to earth.

I have done this to Carlo (not to ridicule him but to protect his image he carefully built over the ages, the freedom to think creatively and forcefully, who was surreptitiously used by guys wearing saffron cloths to utter nonsense).

Below is a brief description of ants which my (I do not blame her) wife tries to exterminate and me exploiting them, putting them to good use to clean up the rooftop garden.

We built our house on an anthill (there was no land left in the surroundings) where a giant cobra snake lived and its descendants come probably two miles away from a temple nearby to sunbathe and drink water annually.

I touched its trunk at the tail end inadvertently trying to reach the mail that come, not too often now.

He or she just slipped away meaning no harm to me.

The Dimias have vanished with felling of all the jack trees by followers of Ma Ra Regime.

I thought Kadias have gone leaving only Kuras.

Having sprayed ARS-e mite at places where mites were coming out with the rainy season giving them some soft soil and foothold.

Mind you, they have destroyed a few of my books (really my father in law’s) mainly Buddhist scriptures, I have never read.

My discovery of ARS-e Mite followed that and I donated all my Dhamma books to a friend who taught me ABC of Buddhism in right perspective.

So me loving ants is not related Buddhism but to the contribution they make to our ecological system and their Queen not the King lives over hundred years not like our Ra Jas who are living on artificial aids with distorted Pirith Cassettes played by misguided monks saying “Raja Bavathu Dammiko”.

I believe Buddha never uttered them.

It should be read as “Dhammo Bavathu Dammiko” (my rendering of Pali which was Buddha’s dialect in his time) which the Buddha predicted would wane over the next 5000 years.

We are actually in the midst of vanishing Dhamma and advancing political rhetoric of self acclaimed Ra Jas.

Reproduction with English edited

Ants are social insects that can be found in all terrestrial ecosystems. They are also very common in all human settlements, as well as in the forest floor.
Well over 6000 species of ants are found on investigation and are described in literature.
With new species to be discovered in future research.

Sri Lanka is home to 229 species of ants that are classified to 66 genera and 12 subfamilies.

There are 102 endemic species in Ceylon, with 49 degree of endemism. One endemic genus Aneuretus is also included to this list of classification.

The following a list according to the Ants of Sri Lanka by Prof. R.K. Sriyani Diaz's  (2014) ? Book or Literature not stated ? comprehensive edition by Biodiversity Secretariat of the Ministry of Environmental and Renewable Energy of Ceylon (little coordination with ants and energy unless ants produce biofuel on their death cycle).


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Using Your Cellphone as an Efficient Productive Package

Using Your Cellphone as an Efficient Productive Package 

Yes, your cellphone is a little computer that can be used as your workhorse, if you care to organize it, effectively.

 If you use it as a Gossip Engine you are missing my point. 

 One need not have to pay money for daily gossip. 

Let that be done by the politicians and mass media conglomerates with vested interests.

 Keeping touch with your family is one thing but fiddling with this radioactive machine nearer than 55cms is not good for your daily health and also for people who have electronic gadgets implanted in them.

So be considerate to your fellow beings in public transport and public places.

The cellphone is a private piece, essentially, an extension of your self or precisely your mouth and your ear.

 So treat it as such.

Now coming to using it as a productive computer one has to get rid of the voice piece, in the first instance.

The best way one can do that is to have two cellphones.

 One for critical messaging and contact and the other for productivity, even in your retirement.

In my case, the third one for testing Android applications.

 Having an email address is number one and many of my friends at my age do not know how to use an email effectively in Ceylon.

 That speaks of the standard of computer literacy in Ceylon.

 They have more than one cellphone, too.

 What a waste.

 The second is service provider/s and both leading providers, MobiTel and Dialog provide painfully shoddy service at a high cost.

 I have gone to HUTCH which provides an excellent service.

 So chose the provider who gives you the best service.

 The third is one should have a minimum of two SIMs, one for voice and the other for data.

Mind you they give 5 for one ID Card.

This ID card business is for the secret service to track you down your social life and liabilities that include your bank manager.

 The fourth is saving money on my computer and laptop which consume a lot of electricity to send an email.

 SMS from your cellphone is faster with video conference capability.

 One need not jack in a USB camera to your computer.

 The cellphone has made the computer obsolete.

The fifth point is managing the utilities you have and add a few for your needs.

In my case, the number of typefaces and Grammerly is my favourite.

The list can go up to 10.

I downloaded over 200 packages and deleted almost half just now having tested them briefly, including writer packages.

For my short blog pieces, the cellphone is adequate and this piece is to thank Google's blog site for having me there for over two decades.

 I am winding down my public profile and going strictly private and I do not want the military to be on my back, even though, I worked in consort with them in the past, at critical times of this country.

I love my privacy and military taking over civilian work in times of peace is an ominous sign and the harbinger of putative danger non-existent.

 In this country, a perfectly legitimate thing can be used for bad things.

 Unfortunately, we in this country are electronic vultures.

Look at the social media sites one-sided stories, often with political messaging and absolutely vulgar language.


Meant to be originally for the contact of office guys and girls and lately loved ones (after Coronavirus epidemic) BUT it can be taken over by a stupid guy in uniform.

Look at Belarus. 

Our women won't come out but they will support their excess, except a few.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Thank You HUTCH

This is my first blog post by  Nokia cellphone.
Nokia is a solid product with a big screen to play with my one finger technology briefs.
Thank you Nokia for the thoutful product.
I have got fed with both MobiTel and Dialog.
I went and bought this cellphone from local Nokia retailer.
The salesman was good and he said a new Nokia product is due but went for what he had in stock.
Went to HUTCH in a small store which I located by my other Nokia phone.
They were brisk and I bought two SIMs one for data and other for calls.
Here I am downloading my applications from Play Store.
Updating and downloading were brisk.
Thank to HUTCH high speed with very low cost.
I am going to use this for my travel abroad once the Coronavirus scare is over.

State of flux

 State of flux
State of flux is the order of all energy forms including my mind which makes me to piece together my ideas not to convince or convert any but to share the chaos in real time.
Only a friend will know of this fact and pardon me for any excesses but the rest are confused to what it means to me or them.

My Days with Linux

Suse or Trisequel or Mandriva

I looked at my blog posts and discovered that I have no entry for Suse.
This is to rectify that omission.
Unfortunately I am bit explicit here.
Suse or Trisequel or Mandriva
Suse Linux had a special place in my choices before it went commercial. I left Fedora and embraced Suse Linux and had been using it from Suse 8. Till Suse 10.1 there was no problem and when it was taken by Novel I had lot of expectations. Novel concentrated on server but I believe like Redhat neglected the desktop version. By Suse 11.1, I was changing my allegiance. Mainly due to it’s failure in commercial support of the desktop version.
It was less than ideal.
Then it’s alliance with Microsoft was not a favorable enterprise.
I will talk about the plus points first.
It had one of the best installation script even though unlike Redhat sometimes tends to miss some of my other Linux distributions already installed in the box. It also had a very good partition utility when compared to other Linux distributions except Mandrake, Debian and Redhat. It’s YAST was a very good configuration utility. Its KDE was bulky but very attractive. Then it introduced the Suse Studio where one can Mix and Match utilities and make one’s own Live distribution. In fact, I made one distribution myself. ChromeOs is one of those distributions a that took root from Suse Studio. From then onwards I shifted my allegiance totally and it’s Milestone releases are “pain in the neck” and worse than the Fedora experience for me.
I stopped downloading and testing them after the last version 11.2. When I saw many innovations in other Live CD/DVDs it was easy for me to ditch it in favour of PClinux.
Now few of my reason for ditching it.
It is bulky and consumes lot of RAM.
It is slow in boot up.
Its downloading of Linux images was bad.
It tends to pile up all the junk temporary files and what really annoyed me was it did not have a way of cleaning up and deleting large files. With time file corruption ensued. At that stage to save time I had to dump it and never used it again.
It stopped reading partitions above 15 and with me having 5 to 6 distributions in one box it was restricting my freedom. With disks of 500 GiB coming to the market restricting to 15 partition was a stupid idea. Only Microsoft would have done it that way. New Windows 8 not allowing alternative operations to boot is a case in point.
It also take the belief and shoot that belief out of window that commercial ventures do add value and complementary and better than community work.
Suse desktop was a commercial failure for the happy faces of Microsoft and Apple CEOs.
I wanted to write about Trisequel here instead of Suse but took the decision if I do not write little bit of Suse and its history, justice is not done to those developers who created Suse.
I will be brief in here writing about Trisequel. Suse and Mandrake took Open Software theme to the extreme and in their early releases excluded all packages which had slightest taint of commercial tags and did not include things like Flash and the like limiting the functionality for those who migrating from Microsoft background. They then bundled them in their commercial counterpart to lure them to buy their distributions. This was not a healthy ploy, and the clever customer like me can see the commercial intent. I have personal experience with Suse the details which I decline to state here.
XandosOS is another good commercial product which apply this principle.
I should close this entry with why I have not included Mandrake. Many reasons as stated above an it’s split recently into two. Mandrake has been acquired by a Russian company and it is applying rigid and regimental style, somewhat akin to military. The breakaway Mageia is not yet mature. I wish both of these endevours success but hesitate to recommend them just for now.
Coming back to Trisequel if one wants a pure Linux derivative and beautiful and clean distribution too, I have no hesitation of recommending Trisequel that come from Spain and has English version too.
It has everything except cloud utilities.
That shoots two birds with one go.
1. No commercial involvement or enticements.
2. True to it’s Linux base.
So if any Linux distribution goes commercial like Redhat focus that commercial aspect and give customer due care which Suse failed in desktop range. I am not stating that Redhat customer service good. It is far from it but it knows it’s obligation and working towards that goal at least in the server section.
Redhat is well known for failing the desktop clients.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Launch or Perish in Flight


Launch or Perish in Flight

A lot of guys in my age do not know how to use a new cellphone, especially if that is given by a kid who had bought a new one and dished out the old one to daddy or mummy.

To teach them the difference between a launcher and a browser is not possible.

They expect by the touch of a button, that they can accomplish anything (with a touch-sensitive phone).

A cellphone is a cute gadget with powerful and fanciful actions.

It is a mini-computer much powerful than the computer on board the Apollo 1.

I have just written a powerful and resentful piece about the Firefox browser and the Microsoft launcher.

They are both bulky and unmanageable in a cellphone and slow to respond unlike a computer with 8 GB-RAM.

I used to suggest that Amazon with its Kindle should have a silky and lightweight browser. I ultimately bought a Lenovo (Android 8) instead of the Kindle in Singapore.

Let me dish out the browser which is a heavy utility to access the Internet with many file formats including png and video files. A lot of add-ons are necessary as with improvement in hardware capabilities.

Whereas the cellphone launcher is not a browser (it might it do in the future with ultra smart phones) but an access point to many and basic applications in a phone which may vary from model to model but broadly do the same functions.

Of course, SIM also has a greater share responsibility of transferring digital information which also varies depending on their infrastructure.

I want the launcher to be light but if possible able to detect vulnerabilities of viral attacks.

A browser may be a vehicle for transmitting attacks due to its bulky add ons.

I have tested a few and come to realise that the phone’s dedicated launcher is the best which knows the product’s hardware capability better and integrate better.

In fact, I got into a muddle with a third party launcher and could not launch all nearly 200 applications that I have installed.

I use only 5 applications, regularly apart from my 6 emails.

The rest are my tech craze including learning French.

So the bottom line is, do not have more applications than necessary in your phone.

Check the utilities before buying and get the salesman to install any additional stuff before buying.

Of course, I got a better part of three launchers integrated in less than 24 hours.

Let me give my rating

  1. Number one is the phone’s dedicated launcher.
  2. The second is the smart browser
  3. The third is the XO launcher
  4. The fourth is the simple application launcher
  5. The fifth is the Microsoft launcher which is bulky and pretty bad.
  6. Sixth is the Ragdu.

Why Old People run away from the Internet?

There are many reasons.
I will list only what I have gone through.
The list can go up to 30 but I will restrict it to 20.
I am a tech geek for the past 20 years and not a amateur guy fiddling with a cellphone or a tablets and can identify a technical problem within 24 hours. 
My Internet schedule was 24/7 until recently and due to Coronavirus epidemic, I went into a laid back attitude. Our Internet was down for a month and I did not even bother to give a call to Mobitel which is painfully slow to react to customer needs.
I have fully switched to Dialog which is doing a credible support job and is even cheaper to my pocket and use Dialog TV but switched it off during the election campaign. 
So fiddling with my assortment of cheap cellphones and tablets which run on Kitkat, Android 6, 8 and 10.
Now bouquets  to Android developers for having an array of typefaces for my one finger typing skills. 
Thanks to SPIKE, SPARK, various little notes in various colours, black and white, for note keeping and the light weight Facebook Messenger utility.
I am gradually switching off from the computers (dismantled three for good) to cellphones to save energy.
The preamble above is to show that I am not a grumbling old guy with handicaps. 
I am showings signs of old age but my attitude to life is simple and friendly.
All these are constructive remarks for struggling tech companies to keep their head above water and survive the economic downturn.

1. None of the applications is user friendly.
2. None of the applications is user friendly for people with visual handicap.
3. The sign in procedures with emails are very painful due to email password being very difficult to handle and remember even for a teenager.
4.The two stage authentication is very painful procedure. if the battery of your cellphone is dead and you do not have a spare telephone with a different carrier SIM.
5. All tech companies are paranoid.They are more worried about subscrition drive and not quality in service.
6. I use a Linux Box and its version is Deabian 9 and has and an old Firefox version without updates for a very long time but running smoothly. It is OK for my work but some video utilities cannot run on it.
7. I cannot use the cellphone to run bulky videos, I get from my old friends especially one with Microsoft exe files.
8. i have enormous number of films downloaded and accidentally erased them in a mater of minutes (all my external Hard Drives and Flash Drives are belly full).
I have one free SD card and one 4 GB spare flash drive. I do not want to buy new spare parts.
9. Cloud should save my data and signing them to Google Drive is painful with a new cellphone.
10. I used Microsoft's One Drive and stopped it in a month due to its snooping on my accounts.
11. I erased its launcher and its utilities except for few wallpapers.
12. So Firefox is a pain. Chrome is a pain and even Brave browser is a pain.
13. Microsoft's launcher is a pain.
14. All email providers are pain except one.
15. i have activated two of my old emails coming from America to take the pain out of my mind, in spite of integrating them with SPIKE and SPARK.
16. I am going to transfer myself to one email out of six.
17. I am warning my friends by December they will not be able to forward emails to me by gut reaction. They have to use my dedicated email.
18. Then I am going to restrict my email contacts to 20 and that's it.
19. I will use only Duckduckgo, a Linux utility. 
Mind you Moxilla of Firefox was a Linux utility.
20. These tech companies who have made money from Linux utilities are trying to make money during  an economic crisis asking for subscription for cheap products for upgrades.
That is not good and the young tech guys also want to make a flashy and clumsy products.
In business sustainability is the name of the game and making a fast buck is going to kill them in the long run, especially if they are based on top of a free subscription product.
I am long gone by then, when they the next stock market crash occurs.
It is round the corner I believe.
We all people have done our part in our time and you are not going to here any more critical and time based analysis from me.
I  will enjoy my retirement and no interest  in  politics like the old guys in our parliament.
I am going to buy a new cellphone as a spare in case I drop the present one and break it, and no more laptops but a good tablet is out of my purse.

Friday, September 11, 2020

J.V.P's Contribution to our Economy

Out of the 130 C.E.B transformers, 2 were in my locality.
I managed to replace three of the transformers (many more elsewhere) with the help of a lady engineer friend (she said this is the last one I have) and saved the third one until the chaos subsided with risks to my own life.
I think as a mark of remembrance JVP MPs should not be given a laptop free but charge at five time the costs of a laptopn from their salaries. 
J.V.P's Contribution to our Economy
Referring to the contribution made by the JVP to the national economy, the state minister read out a list of damages and destruction attributed to the Marxist party during its second insurrection in the period of terror from 1989-90. “They destroyed 684 post offices, 13 telecommunications centers, 550 buses, 75 tea factories, 40 estate bungalows, 130 CEB transformers, 12 trains and six railway stations. The total loss by those actions has been estimated at Rs. 55 billion rupees.”

House Sparrows and Local Birds

House Sparrows and Local Birds

It is more than 3 years of my casual observation of extinction of house sparrows in Ceylon and visit to Singapore bird’s Park to investigate it.
It is our local farmers and importers of poison in the name of fertilizers that poison the birds and majestic elephants. 
The poisons get deposited in the ovaries and cause permanent damage.
That is not the point, I am driving at. 
With the recent convincing, majority win, the culture vultures are back in the game displacing our parrots from Gampola Umboluwawa to Thumpane forest reserve. 
In Gampola it is a former PM’s son (who mortally injured opposing supporters in the backdrop of Siripada forest reserve on the Balangoda side, when I was working in Ratnapura) who is supervising the forest destruction.
The damage these guys done in Ratnapura in the name of gem pits is enormous. 
At Thumpane side I do not know who it is, but I certainly will do not think, the descendants of Chandrasiri but those who did damage to Muslim properties recently, who are active again.
It was a pleasant surprise to see a pair of house sparrows trying to make use of a nest made by bull bul under the roof of our veranda. 
My observation is that helping them to domesticate warrants more danger to their next of kins.
The cats are domestic pests but more successful are the snakes who will spare no bones or eggs.
It is more surprising a pair of Kingfisher is building a nest in the neighborhood on the wall of a slipped earth (mini) mountain.
So my insidious attempts to encourage the bird friendly environment is working at slow pace but not to the level when woodpeckers bored nests on jack trees in the 80s, when I was working in UK.
Under the Ma Ha Ra Ja Regime 8 jack trees were felled in 10 days of my observation and protest in 2005.
Only one, a daughter tree survives.
It is strange coincidence that Ma Ha Ra Ja’s Gola Balayas have to plant jack seeds and wait for them to bear fruits.
I have a few Bonzai Jack plants and one is the sweet Waraka type in our roof top garden with mini fruits pending not in my life time. 
Unfortunately, their grandchildren won’t enjoy them since their dream inside the womb is to go to Korea.