Thursday, August 6, 2020

Peril of Democracy and US Riot Commission Report

It is over 50 years from the 1967 Racial Riots in US and it looks like history repeating itself.
I am not sure how I managed to get a copy of the book (second hand).
It is a comprehensive report, the credit should go to President Lyndon B Johnson for its initiation and the commission members for their impartial reporting.
The book was made available for worldwide distribution because of its political importance.
Ceylon was known for its Racial Riots, well before America and we never get to see even the shoddy reports to read or how the recommendations were implemented.
Our Racial Riots were in 1950s, a decade before America.
We had Buddhist monks plotting to kill politicians, in the name of Buddha-Rakkitha, who was lethal to Dhamma and Politicians.
We had a monk who probably did not kill (I think Ossei Corea did) sent to gallows by concocted evidence or faked evidence.
End result included protracted civil unrest and excesses on both sides.
We have had Whahabi Influenced church and hotel bombing, lately.
The end result is we are shifting towards a military control or government.
The peril of Democracy and some Buddhist monks see it as the failure of the democracy and give blessing to invoke a  military administration.
The book highlights the problem that the black people have.
It projects the black population to almost double by about 1987 to nearing 25 millions.
Their problems include poor housing, overcrowding, unemployment and increasing crime and segregation in metropolitan cities ringed by suburbs where 100% whites are domiciled.
Obama has come and gone but have they read this book and initiated remedial actions?
I think, Big No. 

The Democrats are using blacks and browns as their block vote bank for coming to power. 
They would do some patch work but won't have a solution to stop segregation, in ghettos in 1967 but now in metropolitan cities including Washington.
My simile here is Ceylon.
Will America also might slip into military hardware and software?
Democracy at peril both here and America.
Sure, some guys here want to emulate suppressive Chinese regime in China and Hong Kong in Ceylon.
I do not think America want to slip and ride into authoritative or military administration.
History is unpredictable both here and far.

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