Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why I use Abiword / LibreOfice for basic work?

Why I use Abiword / LibreOfice for basic work?
There are many reasons.
I will list only a few.
1. Simplicity.
2. Ability to remove all formats
3. Ability to remove annoying Macros (this is on reason I started using OpenOffice when word processing was dominated by Microsoft word-97-when one starts opening a document, one was allowed this option).
4. Its page format is solid if one knows how to use them effectively.
5. It is print ready
6. Let one uses the page view and print view before finalizing a document.
7. It has its own document format not recognized by any other word processor big or small and let them go into panic mode.
This I use as a security option and save option as well as to tease other word processors.
8. It is light weight when uploading a document.
9. It can be converted to any other word document format effortless and seamlessly except perhaps Latex.
10. It has PDF facility.
11. it does not have facility for index but makes good a good table of contents
12. I do not use images and photos at this stage of the document to simplify my work.

When and Why I use LibreOffice?
Having finished the basic document in Abiword and when I want to add few cutting edge formatting, I upload the Abiword file and do the final touch up in LibreOffice without infringing copyrighted material.
I add images and photos shed of the unnecessary load of the image format ( for example added in by gimp
If I am not happy with the touch up, I upload it back again to Abiword and remove the touch up and work upwards to my satisfaction.
Lot of people try to do everything on the first go and on the first file, that is why reworking is hazardous and time consuming on the original file and it has to be proofread before publishing.

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