Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dream 24 and its interpretation

Dream 24
This another dream that came out of the blue.
It is related to celluloid stars both current and aspiring to be.
Setting probably is in India and could very well be in Ceylon with so much Indian interventions from fishing trawlers to foreign ministers.
It is all about a mega advertisement.
First part of the dream was hazy.
It was related to a mega billboard of a current celluloid (male) star and a new comer (female).
The current star asked for a huge payment and the new comer was given only a fraction of the contract. In addition the designers of the billboard was also given a percentage according to the number of billboard that were displayed.
It was not clear who was contributing the money for the project.
For some reason the designers did not get their portion and that portion was also gulped by the mega star.
It was a lucrative deal anyway.
The the star came for another billboard contract.
This time the young female star had to expose more than what was desirable for an average screen print.
Since the star made a huge income the designers decided to ask for a loan from his previous income.
With some reluctance he agreed.
The female star agreed on the contract which was not shown to the mega star.
The female star had a plot to disgrace the guy who was arrogant to say the least.
She was not ready to expose that much cheaply but agreed on only one display print on contract document.
She also had a secret deal with the designers, if additional copies were made they should be made on paper that was light and heat sensitive.
In other words it was for indoor display only.
This was not told to the mega star and he was not bothered anyway.
He was given the proof read on proper heat and light resistant paint.
He was happy and ordered a large number of copies for outdoor display.
The interesting thing about the ploy was when the display was let out in the open in three to four hours the nude part of the female star disappeared leaving behind no trace of her image.
In 24 hours a silhouette of the mega star was visible and with a small print below "this screen print is only for indoor display".
In 24 hours it became a national story.
The mega star rushed to the designers and they did not budge and inch away from the contract, He went away grinding his teeth.
Nobody would sign a contract with him thereafter and the designers got their money worth and the popularity they needed for future contracts.
On face value it is a nice Tele-Drama ploy but I wonder how Maha will react to the dream.
Immediately posted email to Maha Brahma.
He exchanged niceties and said you were not a Zombie this time.
I said the mega star was the zombie.
I asked him whether there was a second part to the dream and did the star go to courts.
To which he gave a negative response.
He said the interpretation was bit political and futuristic.
In future all the activities of politicians are videoed by law, day and night and if they fancy dancing with nude girls, they have to apply a light absorbing dye (like what one sees in black holes in the universe).
These light absorbing dye has activity that last about an hour and they are very costly and produced only for politicians in high office.
They are more costly than gold or titanium and actually the metal is imported from black holes by American astronauts.
Only rightful user of this rare metal is the American President who is current.
Fortunately rest of the American senators who aspire to become presidents do not care a damn to the video footage's and the American public get all the videos relayed by satellites for daily consumption.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dream 23 and its interpretation

Dream 23
It is long time since I had a good dream.
This one was exciting.
I was in Malaysia for some unknown reason.
I felt sick and I was taken to a hospital.
It may have been a tommy upset and pain and I cannot remember that part.
I can very well remember they were doing an ultrasound.
I could here one saying it is unbelievable this man is pregnant.
And one was trying to pull my underwear down to prove his point.
I was bit annoyed and said aren't you watching a recorded ultrasound?
Then he realized I was not under any anaethesia and turned round the display so that I can see it live.
I am scanning again and this time I am recording it too, he said.
The I went into some shock mode and i could not remember anything at all.
They may have given a sedative to calm me down.
Then after a while I was in another place.
Again the guys were showing my ultrasound to a prospective buyer of my wonder baby inside my belly in exchange of a three year old.
I can remember his name.
His name was Mutthiah Rouf, bit confusing both Tamil and Muslim names given to this boy.
I thought of giving away the not born baby away and looking after an already formed kid was a good idea.
How to take the baby away was not discussed at this point and it would have been a certain laparotomy to relive my pain.
Mind you this is the first time a baby was auctioned for the highest bid before born.
Finally everything was finalized and I wanted ask one question before signing the documents.
Mind you I cannot be taken to court since court has to prove that I was capable of producing an offspring on my own.
To prevent me making any claim later would have been the reason for the exchange of the boy.
I asked the boy can I change your name.
He said no.
Then I disagreed with the agreement and said no to all the dealings and said I will have my baby.
The man went away with disgust.
Then I asked the surgeon what was all this about?
He told me there was a mishap in an earlier occasion where an in-vitro embryo was misplaced with the tag number.
The father (the man) of this embryo was that old man.
The mother of the baby was his youngest wife who was infertile and with greatest difficulty they had harvested an egg from her.
By some stroke of accident they had put that embryo inside your tommy when I was there last time.
That is interesting.
How come.
They were doing a laparoscopy and while injecting CO2 the anaesthetist had put the tip of the suction catheter where the missing embryo was lodged by accident into your tommy and you were effectively implanted or in-vitro fertilized.
My goodness I said.
How did you know that whose property was the embryo?
When we preserve the embryos we put a radioactive (label) tag and your / his baby has it on his back. 
We saw it on the second (later) US.
This man has sued us and while you were under anaethesia we got our lawyer to negotiate a deal.
And as a safety protocol we used his adopted son and like a good man you agreed to all what we said until your last question which blasted everything in toto.
Now then can I sell the baby to you?
Of course.
What the prize?
Unfortunately before I could finalize the deal I was woken up with an urge to go to the loo.
I scanned my tommy with the hand and there was no sign of any baby inside and made a full void and went back to sleep, this time with some sanity in my mind.

Immediately in the morning I posted the dream to Maha Brahma.
He responded quickly and for about 10 minutes he was laughing his heart out.
He told me, you were a real zombie.
You said yes, yes to all the suggestions those guys were making.
I had no control, I said.
They would have given me a zombie producing drug.
What zombie drug?
You were ashamed of yourself with the baby inside.
I finally made you to ask that vital question about the renaming the boy.
To get you a good deal even in your dream my boy.
Then why did you interrupt at the last moment.
I did not.
It was your bladder. 
Can this happen in real life?
Even in your dream you were very futuristic.
This is the type of thing that will happen on a daily basis in future.
Human error as well as computer errors.
With STEM Cell Research well in advance in future, there are every type of human organ, cell and embryo produced.
There will be labellings errors that will creep in at all levels.
Mind you all these stuffs are microscopic and the labeling is going to be the most difficult.
Even the computers that store data can be manipulated by hackers.
In your dream case it was faulty suction pump.
In future it will be database errors.
See you with another dream and he vanished.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Netbooting and EXTON-Multiboot-9-iso+EXTIX


The is the tiniest iso I have downloaded. It was so tiny I did not want it to be written into a CD.
It can be loaded into a floppy disk or USB but that was also wasteful.
What I did was to download EXTON-multiboot-9-iso and boot it from that CD.
It is almost similar to a GRUB file and it boots up and give many options including rescue tool and even linux isos.
In few minutes I was downloading Tiny Linux (10 MiB) and testing it.
Visit the home of and see for yourself the demonstration.

In my books, I have overlooked these tiny Linux isos and I have decided to write a book including all these little wonderful distributions.
It is long time due.
You may have to wait for few weeks.
If you do not wish to read a book but prefer hands on experience, then EXTON-mulitboot is for you.
Mind you, extix-x64gnome32 is a better option, if you have time to download.
It is coming from Sweden and a derivative of paldo Linux.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA is disgusting.

Wikipedia is among several websites to shut down at midnight in protest of anti-piracy bills now in Congress that critics say could amount to censorship.
This bill is disgusting.
What is happening to American Free Speech.
We in the East are subjected to many form of suppression.
Suppression in any form either originating from East or West is bad.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Voyager 11.10. Xbuntu experience with French Flare

Voyager 11.10. Xbuntu derivative is a french distribution which is light weight fast and some features similar to Apple mac.
Dockey is non-obtrusive and it has ZOHO for office work.

It works well in English and french version support internet TV.
This is the future of Linux with cloud computing taking its presence felt.
Thanks and enjoy Xbuntu experience which is nor glaring but peacefully pleasant.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Unusual Sighting of Eagles


My jubilation and excitement to see number of eagles are short lived.
I happen to see a young one hovering in my neighbourhood.
The reason for this sighting is due to their displacement from their normal habit.
The nature vultures with political backing are clearing the trees of the protected reserve illegally.
Bird have no choice but to leave their natural habitat even before they are big enough to fend themselves.
I have some collaborative evidence too.
That will be recorded elsewhere as a new blog piece.

Unusual Sighting of Eagles

Yes, it is unusual to find three Eagles hovering in the sky.
Usually there is only one that survey from above.
Then of course finding a second one in the neighbourhood could be a coincidence.
But finding there within the striking distance was very unusual.
They were becoming extinct and the Dehiwala Zoological department released a few to the wild expecting them to get colonized about a decade ago.
 I was not expecting them to survive long having being domesticated and not knowing basics in survival.
It looks like the experiment has succeeded but we need to look after them in the wild.
Three is not a big number but it is only a beginning.
Just thirty years ago sighting an eagle was not that difficult.
It is rare in the semi-urban environment in which we live.
They are very good snatching mouse and young squirrels.
Mind you they are secretive and they disappeared in about 10 minutes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dream 22 and its interpretation

Dream 22
Very short but a futuristic dream.
Beginning of this year we were celebrating the 50 years of the Peradeniya Medical Faculty and we have produced some outstanding graduates and postgraduates.
Some of these luminaries were addressing the academic sessions.
Unfortunately, I was involved in examinations and could not listen to all of them and the youngest guy who addressed the gathering had done some pioneering work on stem cells for his PhD and that included myocytes.
Went to Kandy for a bit of shopping and I forgot even I did not have my breakfast.
I really had some stomach pain which I dismissed as hunger pains.
Came home late and the lunch was cold I decided to have a little nap after a cup of tea.
But I woke up again and went to the loo and decided to skip the dinner thinking something amiss in my internal system and its physiology.
It was colicky and I would even pass it for a renal colic.
Night was cold and with empty stomach I was getting up almost every two hours to go to the loo.
I had SLF (Scientific Linux Fermi) Linux in download mode and once the power went off and I had to get up to switch off the computer and then on again when power was restored.
All these conditions were good enough for me to go into dream mode.
You may wonder why this preamble.
If I am in good physical condition I do not dream.
All the above irritations were enough to trigger a dream mode which I could remember afterward because of the interruptions.

The Dream.
I was in some miracle place which was a wide open space as if the earth was ready and collaborating with an alien ship.
I was the only soul who would dare to meet them in that open space.
I may have fainted on the floor at the sight of them or I may have been in real dream mode dreaming.
Either way it was a very pleasant moment.
Then I saw four columns of light rays gray in colour flat in disposition beaming on my tommy.
I felt quite nice.
Mind you I did not take any hallucinating drug to counter my stomachache.
In a moment my pain disappeared (in the dream mode).
I was not in anaesthetized mode and I could sense all what was going on and all in all very pleasing experience.
At one point I felt as if an alien was performing some operation to remove a stone in my bladder but I never saw a ship or any hint of it.
Then of course I woke with an urge to go to the loo again.
That is the long and short of the dream.
Since I have not sent a dream to Maha Brahma for a long time, this I though was a good entry point.
Posted it today being a Poya day, nothing else to do except installing S.L.F.
I must report to you this is the longest  Linux installation in my life and I guess it will take more than 16 hours.
I started it at 8 am and it is still at 833 package out of 1279.
Now it is stuck at Open Office.
If I did not have the dream by now I am very close to the pain of a heart attack.
My regular computer is at my disposal for communicating with the heaven.
Unlike our Telecoms Maha was prompt on voice mail almost immediately.
He asked me.
You did not go to the temple.
This S.L.F (Scientific stuff was taking the longest time of my life for installation) but my dream was sweet but short, I told him.
You could have still gone to the temple with the installation on, wouldn't you?
No Sir, if the power goes off I have to start it all over again.
Did the power go off?
No Sir.
Well then, it is good.
I was entertaining the aliens didn't I?
You were in a private nursing home and they were doping you with drugs.
They were about to blast the bladder stone with ultrasound.
It is a simple job know Sir.
What nonsense.
They had put your ringed hand behind your back and had taken an x-ray and they thought it was a big bladder stone and tried to blast it in the theater.
Sir, I do not wear any signet rings with stones.
I know that.
It was a stone or ring (left behind) of a patient X-rayed before.
Or I see.
Then they would have seen the gold part of the ring know?
What gold it was a plastic ring.
The plastic part they interpreted as calcium and the central part they interpreted as uric.
Did they show it to the radiologist?
He was on leave and was meditating, a Poya day know.
You mean to say I did not have a bladder stone.
If they blasted the no-existent stone they would have blasted your bladder full of urine and you would have gone to heaven without my help.
That is why I interrupted the dream and made you to go to the loo.
My goodness! 
Can this type of thing happen in this country?
It happens every day.
But I never hear them know?
You mean to say that the nursing home will give you a call and tell you all the mishaps.
I suppose they will not.
Anyway thank for saving my bladder.
But I was stupid to empty my urine to a urinal and see whether there were any little stone pieces.
Did you see any?
That is right, you did not have any stones.
It is only a gemstone under your buttocks!
Who will blast a gemstone in this country?
It will lose its carat weight, know?
In that case what is the interpretation?
In future they will depend on all technology for diagnosis.
There is no bedside diagnosis like in the good old days.
The kids are trained to become doctors from the womb.
They put electric probes into the brain and kill all other interests except medicine.
Then they transplant all the latest medical textbooks chips into your brain before one is  born.
The parents pay enormous amount for these electronic chip doctors implant in utero.
They have wireless connectivity so information is stored as and when necessary like in a hard disk.
It is actually a little S.S.D (solid state hard disk in your brain) implanted with sufficient memory to pass the final examination in Medicine.
Do they really work?
What nonsense?
If the wireless part breaks everything goes for a SIX.
They use the wireless connection  during medical examinations and help the guy or girl to pass the examination.
That all.
You know that medical textbooks do not get upgraded like Linux distributions.
Then what happens at the bedside?
One incident you have already seen in your dream.
I do not have to tell you some more.
No Sir.
Would you post this in your blog.
Yes Sir, almost immediately.
I am duty bound to reveal this for those who want to use their brains to become doctors without chips implanted in their brains.
Dream well and see you soon.
In a flash he disappeared.

SLF-6.1-Scientific Linux Fermi-Update

SLF-6.1-Scientific Linux Fermi
After weeks of waiting SLF-Scientific Linux Fermi finished downloading.
I am currently installing it on my old IBM computer.
It looks like it will take the entire Sunday to install it since I asked for security FERMI repository to download the needed patches.

It can be installed as a desktop or a server which is very convenient.

Contrary to the popular belief the Scientific Linux does not have any scientific packages by default.
Not even a statistic package.

That is why opted for the Fermi derivative, the only distribution claims to include some scientific packages.
It is 3.5 GiB and took almost six weeks to download.
Partly due to server not been able to provide service and partly due to our SLOW Telecoms.

Anyway good thing about SLF is that it keeps on connecting even the link is bad unlike other point to point downloads which terminate downloads without completing the image.
To my knowledge this is the only server I have used that does some intelligent downloading and monitoring.
Its handshake method is pretty good.
In real sense it has a scientific nose to realize that something is amiss in the Internet connectivity and does not prematurely terminate downloading.
I hope it will also do some intelligent installing and is currently stuck at package 493.
My advice is if you are installing only use what is given in the DVD and nothing more.
I will be back with you when it is up and running in my old computer.

Well after 14 hours of installing SLF finally finshed installing and filled up my hard disk.
It looks better and gives the feel that it is Redhat derivative from which I learned Linux in yearly days.
It is sleek and KDE and well organized like any Redhat distribution but still I could not fined a single scientific package.
I will try scientific packages if there are any as software additions to this distribution and report back sometime later.installing few later.
I do not advice anybody to try installing with internet connected even if it is superfast.
This goes in my record book as the longest duration I have spent on an installation.
The longest i have was Mint with network connected.
Only Debian does a good job with network connected (even it takes hell of lot of time) installation.
This is why I will never try Gentoo installation.
Even the latest gentoo does not have installation script.
Anyway this message comes with SLF installed and booted with firefox as the browser.
It is a neat distribution.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Trinity Rescue Kit-Windows Update

Trinity Rescue Kit
Now I can report to you that I downloaded TKK 3.4 iso and made a Mini CD and booted it and tested all its utilities in Text Mode and all are working without a problem.
 I am not going to test the win exe file even though I downloaded it (I have no win to test mind you).
Go ahead and enjoy Trinity Rescue Kit.
Windows Update
The recent news in UK where Microsoft is suing Comets for using rescue CD has made me to post this.
I must confess I have never used it and there is no need for me to use this kit since I do not  use any Microsoft computers.

I never attempt rescuing windows machines unlike 10 years ago.

I just say if one sleeps with a dog one wakes up with fleas and that comment put off anybody who has any sense of pride having paid for a commercial OP to face me front on and  bear the pain one has to go through with Microsoft.

Having said that one is free to try it at once own comfort ZONE.

The guy who updates this KIT unlike me is genuinely sympathetic to the windows users.
He is a saint and a good guy not a bad guy like me.

Trinity Rescue Kit
It is possible to boot TRK in three different ways:
1. As a bootable CD which one can burn oneself from a isofile or a self burning Windows executable.
2. From a USB stick or from the bootable TRK CD.
3. From network over PXE:
By running one T.R.K from CD or USB and run all the other computers from the booted CD over the network without modifying anything in the local network.

Here's a sum up of some of the most important features, new and old:

1. Easily reset windows passwords with the improved winpass tool
A simple and easy menu interface.

2. Five (5) different virus scan products integrated in a single uniform command line with online update capability.
3. Full ntfs write support thanks to ntfs-3g
4. Winclean, a utility that cleans up all sorts of unnecessary temporary files on your computer.
5. Clone computers over the network via multicast.


Moodle is something that escape my attention while researching on Linux utilities.
This is to rectify that omission on my part.
I will be writing on Moddle once i have used and modified its capabilities to my needs.
It is not a desktop utility but a server utility with database management based on Linux. 
That is why it escaped my attention.
Its beauty is that it is platform independent and can use any database system available in the operating system.
Its configuration bit difficult but once configured works smoothly provided the there is broadband connectivity.
Moodle (abbreviation for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (V.L.E).
Moodle was originally developed by Martin Dougiamas to help educators create online courses with a focus on interaction and collaborative construction of content, and is in continual evolution.
Moodle has several features considered typical of an e-learning platform, plus some original innovations (like its filtering system).
Moodle is very similar to a learning management system.
Moodle can be used in many types of environments such as in education, training and development, and business settings.
The beauty of Moddle is that it is Open Software that can be modified and customized to one's needs or if one is not into PHP can use the Moodle commercial arm for one's desired activity.
Some typical features of Moodle are
   Assignment submission
   Discussion forum
   Files download
   Moodle instant messages
   Online calendar
   Online news and announcement (College and course level)
   Online quiz

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Late Prof.Senaka Bible-Man with a Social Conviction

Late Prof. Senaka Bible-The Man with a Social Conviction
He was teacher and a role model of yesteryear.
The writer is also a teacher of mine.
Reproduced here for present doctors who are pampered by drug companies to read (money spinning).

The Peradeniya Medical Faculty is celebrating 50 years in January 2012 (from 3rd to 7th). This article reflects some aspects of the Medical Faculty and its work.
The purpose of this short piece is to document the beginnings of the study of medical education in Sri Lanka and to acknowledge Senaka Bibile’s role in initiating it.
Senaka Bibile (1920-1977) the person and his work, are well known in medical, political and Intellectual circles within Sri Lanka. I wanted an international perspective on this remarkable man. Hence I scoured the internet and came across this anonymous quote in Wikipedia, ‘he was the greatest medical benefactor of humanity that Sri Lanka has hitherto produced’. The thoughts and the subsequent work which earned him this reputation occurred during his time at the Peradeniya Medical School(PMS) as Professor of Pharmacology (1962-1967) and subsequently, as its first Dean (1967-1970).
I knew Senaka Bibile fairly closely, as a friend, as his occasional physician and as a collaborator in the field of medical education. Senaka’s work in this field is not as well known as his work in helping nations set up national drug policies and in promoting the rational use of drugs. When Bibile decided to move from congested Colombo to the free thinking environment of the Peradeniya Campus, he was brimming with ideas for making the PMS as a medical school based on rational approaches to education and on scientific thinking. With this in view, he wanted himself and the teaching staff to learn about the process of training doctors. Using his charisma and affable personality he invited the staff to his own house in the Campus on Tuesday evenings (after the ‘Tuesday Talks’ which was a lecture series for staff and students, and a precursor to the Kandy Society of Medicine) to read and discuss a book on medical education titled "Teaching and Leaning in Medical School" by Stephen Abrahamson and George Miller. Many staff readily accepted his invitation. Each one of us took on the responsibility for reading and verbally summarising a chapter from this book. These informal meetings were held in a spirit of camaraderie and were thoroughly enjoyable. (Later in 1973, under the auspices of the Medical Education Unit, the authors of this book conducted a Teacher Training Workshop for teachers from the PMS and the Colombo Medical School). After several of these Tuesday evening sessions a formal ‘Working Group on Medical Education" (WGME) was established in the PMS.
The 1960s was also the time when the World Health Organisation was getting interested in Medical Education (It used the wider term of Health Manpower Development) and was willing to support any local efforts made to train teachers in medical schools in educational science. Noting the efforts which the PMS was making in this field it started to provide support for medical teachers to strengthen their knowledge and skills in medical education which finally resulted in the establishment of the Medical Education Unit in 1973-the first such Unit in the country and in the South-East Asian Region.
Senaka Bibile’s implantation of the idea of medical education in the PMS has now grown and reproduced itself to become a well established discipline in medicine, on par with any other discipline in the medical field. All medical schools and many schools which train health personnel in the island now have a Medical Education Unit or its equivalent.
T. Varagunam

AbdulEdu-French Distribution with Educational Utilities

AbdulEdu-French Distribution with Educational Utilities
AbdulEdu is one of the best Linux distributions with educational packages.
With my limited ability in French and able assistance of text in English, I was able to mount the live DVD which is 2.6 GiB and browse some of the features (not comprehensive due to my limited French acquaintance) and this is one I would recommend for educationists this year.
It is Server/Client edition and there something for teachers and parents.
Sometime ago i made a request from the developers to develop Educational Linux distribution that is age based and this distribution has done it in one DVD.
Good work done I hope the English version get a kick off this year.

The download took almost two days and I hope they leave an image at Linuxtracker.
Suse has also deposited its Suse Life (Linux for Education) image at Linuxtracker and I will come back with a update soon once download is over.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

NetRunner 4.0-Update

NetRunner 4.0-Update
In the true runner of the cartoon road runner, this distribution downloaded breezily from linuxtracker and is a very good one.
It is Kubuntu based and has both KDE and Gnome features.
It boots up with old and new computers and with laptops too.
It has Skype and many more useful utilities.
This is a good one for newbies to Linux.
Good work done thanks to guys and girls doing the hard work.

Dream 21 and its interpretation

Dream 21
I was in some foreign land looked like India.
I see a girl playing Video Game with the game console in a car.
She was shooting her boyfriend/husband umpteenth time, as  if she was preparing for the finer detail of a murder she was planning.
As this was the land of celluloid's and I was getting bored thinking that it was a shooting of another film.
I was so sure this was a dream not real, even in my dream mode.
I was trying to get into my deep sleep without a dream.
In any case, I am not interested in Indian films or any shooting of a film that will come in the middle of year 2012.
I interrupted my dream myself, since getting to deep sleep was not coming instantaneously, and it was January first and I needed to see whether the Ultimate Edition 3.0 gamer DVD has finished downloading.
Got up went in straight to the computer but it was still downloading at 10 to 15 bit per second.

Anyway, I thought this was a good dream for Maha Brahma.
I posted it and in return mail I hear Maha's Voice Mail.
He was annoyed a bit.
He asked me why did you terminate the dream on your own.
I thought it was my duty to do that considering your safety in the dream mode.

Then I told him, that the girl in the car would have been my wife know?
So I pushed the safety button.
Can that happen in your case.
I don't think so Sir, I was joking.
I have an aversion to Indian films and even Indian dreams.

It is a done thing in Sri-Lanka, know.
Even politicians and murderers go straight to India for safety haven.
No.NO, Sir after L.T.T.E nobody looks for safe haven in India now.
Now there is no L.T.T.E. and old traditions must be getting established.
I do not know that Sir.

You must train to interpret this type of dreams yourself and improve on them when woken up.
Why Sir?
Then you can write a Tele drama or a screen play or two and produce a film for your own publicity.

Me writing Teledrama?
What nonsense?
I am only suggesting and it is not an order.

Well in that case I consider this as the opening episode and add a few more with future dreams and cook up a celluloid drama.
That's right my boy.
Don't you realize that all Indian films are in dream mode and no relationship to what happens in India, topically.

It was only when  Rabindranath Tagore was writing that real Indian life was portrayed.
I know that, Sir.
Was there a second part of the dream Sir.
The girl who was playing the game was murdered soon after.
She was actually watching a real video of actual murders committed by her boyfriend.
So he did not have any choice.
Who was he?
He was a contract killer for hifi families.

He records all the scenes at the murder site and the murder itself as a video record.
He actually has to produce a video evidence of the murder to the actual contractor.
Otherwise the payment is not made.

The contractor enjoys the video and he keeps it as a souvenir and if the police does not figure out the murder he produces it as video film dubbing the one who was murdered and the murderer with robot  as actors (digital film star).
Then he sells the video on the street parlors.
They go like hot cakes since  those who buy the video knows who was actually murdered and by watching it figure out how it was done in the first place.
This is very futuristic know.
Yes it is futuristic.

There are no films in future and no theaters.
There are no film stars.
There are no Sunday papers with gossip columns.
There are no political analysis on papers.
All are in digital form.
Everybody has a tablet and and the story comes to the tablet (DRM) when the digital right manager is taken of or removed by the video producer after a profitable street sale.
He sells the stuff in the street first with DRM attached and then revoke the DRM once the sales are over.
These videos sell like pop corns.
Later he or she makes a video game.
That is really futuristic to me.
Will I live long to see them.
No my dear.
See you with another futuristic dream.

Ultimate Edition 3.0-Gamers

Ultimate Edition 3.0-Gamers
Ubuntu derivative Ultimate Linux has done a good job with moth standard version and gamers version.
standard edition has everything and the LXDE desktop has taken energy cravvy KDE and genome to task.
It has no office packages but but software manger lets you download from Abiword, to LibreOffice to Ubuntu One and Dropbox.
There were no Pingus or Supertux two of my favorite Linux light games which is packed with the 3.9 GiB of utilities and games in the DVD.
Only problem was I had to wait for nearly 6 weeks (very slow download speed) to download it piecemeal by piecemeal along with my torrent downloads.
I hope image is deposited with linuxtracker.
thanks guys and girls at Ultimate Linux it did not come on Christmas eve but did really hit the top on Sunday the first of January.
It is a fantastic Linux distribution to have.
Read my previous comments along with this.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody who has visited my blogposts.
I will take a low profile from now onward with some leftover academic work and examinations.
All in the beginning of the year due to our industrial action in May 2011.
Hope we do not have to go back to negotiating table again with an impending action in opposite directions.

Dream 19 and its interpretation

Dream 19
This dream was in two parts
I was trying to free my arm from a fence which looked liked a barbed wire fence.
I could not.
When I pulled my wrist it got dislocated at the wrist joint.
Rare indeed.
I was trying to reduce the dislocation and I could not.
I cannot remember which part came first.
This part probably came second while I was on the roof.
Our family was getting ready for a flight.
The was suppose to pick us at 3.00 pm for the flight.
Our luggage was in a place where car could not reach, strange indeed.
We had to carry the luggage which was heavy.
My daughter could not carry her luggage, which was heavy.
I took both and proceeded up a steep hill like terrain.
I felt I was climbing something very steep.
Finally I came to the top and threw the two bags above.
I managed to climb to the top.
There was no car.
There was no airport in sight or no fixed wing aircraft or not even a helicopter in sight to take us away.
We missed the flight!
I was on a rooftop with my family stranded.
What a holiday for us.
This dream was not that elaborate.
Can you guess what it was.
Have you seen animals climbing trees.
No except primates when in danger.
You haven't seen elephants climbing trees.
But I saw a photograph of a dead elephant on a tree in Sri-Lanka.
What was the reason.

When do Sri-Lankan climb the rooftops.
1. To wave our politicians who never had a bicycle before coming to parliament but now fly over our heads.
Why do you do that/
That is simple logic.
Get their hands off the joystick when they travel above us.
Then they take the hands  off the joystick to wave at us.
Then the pilot will take over when they fly above our heads. 
The pilot not the politician will maneuver it and fly safely and not the politician joyriding like with our economics.
We are safe.
They are good only for joyriding in politics not in real life situations.
That way we can prevent the aircraft crashing on our roof.
I thought you were genuinely waving at them.
What nonsense?
2. When the roof is leaking to patch up the leaks.
3. Of course one has to climb to the roof when flash floods come.
What then was my hand trapped in a fence?
And my wrist getting dislocated and I have never seen a dislocated wrist joint.
The incident was that you were trying to help your local MP.
He grabbed your hand so hard like grabbing a bribe when in power.
What happened to him.
You were more worried about your hand and he succumbed to the waves.
I never do such a thing even to a politician.
Calm down son, it was only a dream
You must keep talking about global warming and weather changes for an average person to understand the logic behind what you say.
 He left swiftly saying beware of flash floods if you happen to go to Colombo.