Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why I hate most of the YouTube Videos?

Yes, I hate most of the YouTube Videos.

I was a news addict in my working years.
I was busy with many tasks and I wanted news in brief before I go to bed.

Email was my major tool and by midnight, I used to delete the junk mail and answer all the work related emails.

Email was a great tool in it's inception but has fallen out of choise of it Utility Value.

I think YouTube is major reason and videos make a powerful image and text messages have now become SMS.

I became addicted to YouTube in my retirement and certainly not now.

Problems of Videos are many.

1. Videos are bloated by design and each guy has an alloted time.

2. Advertisement take precedence and is the major fault.

3. The catch phrase of the YouTube has no relevance to it's contents. 
It is to entice the content user.

4. The guys and girls are worried about the income it generates not the newsworthyness.
It has almost become a mode of purchase value like an item in the supermarket.

5. There is no editorial comments or summary at the beginning or at the end.

6. There is a vetting system in practice and Jackson Hinkle is a Victim of this system.

7. Alternative view is suppressed deliberately. 

There is RussiaGate in operation.

Ukraine news is biased to it's core.

8. One has to read RT News to get a better view.

9. Current News (as per You Tube) is not neutral. 

BBC should be renamed British Bias Content.

10. Media is used for polarization and even Tucker Carlson is a fallen Victim.

There is UniParty instead of an alternative view or opinion.

This list can go up to 20 but I would stop at that.

11. Faked News Rule the World.

12. If one is business oriented one has to have an astute secretary to filter or weedoff the matter of fact contents (DO Not watch junk YouTube videos).

13. Google's YouTube is failing by its own design.

Modern Warfare and AI Systems

Long time ago when Robots were in developmental infancy, I theorized that the World War III would be an AI dominated War.

It is not like Uber in the process of delivering food items and accidentally killing a young girl on the street in America.

I never thought in my life time I would see these AI missiles in action.

Yes, it is happening in Ukraine and Russia is perfecting it's AI armament with the help of satellite communications.

Just now Russia can nullify any satellite system including Elon Musk's infrastructute who in broad day light provided information to Ukrainian forces on the ground.

I believe Russia took out a few of his satellites in service in retaliation.

Russia did not stop at that but started reprogramming it's AI strategy.

Right now China is investing heavily on AI technology in preparation of a Taiwan conflict.

The question is can USA and it's allies UK included, take China, Russia and Iran together in a conflict at a time Americans refuse to enroll with the military and the air force.

AI conflict is not putative but real scenario, in the way things are developing.

There is another important side effect that AI and modern warfare created.
That is lack of relevance of battle ships and carriers in modern conflicts.
They are white elephants to maintain and slow to respond.

They are vulnerable to missiles.

They can be effectively blocked by smaller boats that are operated by reactionary groups and sea pirots.

Fitting reconnasainasence equipment and training personnel is labour intensive.

However, I want to kick the bucket by natural causes before that eventuality.

I refuse to be put on a ventilator and get AI help in my last few seconds on this planet gone to mad politicians who are clinically demented both in Ceylon and USA.