Friday, December 20, 2024

An Ubuntu Fork Pinguy OS 12.04

Friday, June 22, 2012
An Ubuntu Fork Pinguy OS 12.04
I did have some liking for this distribution with a lovely booting music.
It is currently dormant

I have given up using PCLINUX, too. 
Very INFREQUENTLY updated.

Following is a reproduction from Software
I must confess for not writing a detailed review, which this distribution richly deserves and only a few comments.
I had a horrible night yesterday.
I slept from till 7.00 p.m tonight.
My PClinux FullMonty (current work horse of mine) was playing Pandu (Ball Game) with my desktop and every time I click the mouse it switches off my monitor.
In fact it was so bad I did my work on my Abiword on completely black monitor (pretty nice experience without any distractions barring typos and no editing facility).
Worse scenario was yet to come when I got the monitor on, by pressing hard on the UPS battery, the monitor got switched on and I was pasting few photos off from an old DVD of mine, the desktop effects when into DEAD FREEZE MODE and I could not do anything but Ctrl+Alt+ Del, completely disrupting my point to point download of Ubuntu Server and Desktop CDs and all my background activities.
I will right a detail report about the FullMonty´s desktop effects later and I will cut this story short now.
In the Frozen sate I stopped the desktop effects, restarted the computer with my download active and went to sleep.
Sometime a good sleep will give your ¨BACK UP BRAIN¨ to work well and I was dreaming a lot which was a pleasant experience.
I always say a good night sleep, in my case a good day time sleep on weekends, rejuvenate my brain especially I am working on a book and running short of ideas.
Ideas get deposited in your brain when dreaming.
Got up had a cup of tea and opened my Abiwod (mind you this is my latest book) and corrected all the bugs (PCLINUX and not in Abiword) in about 10 minutes, my correct document (renamed) and the original in pristine form recovered, browsed the to see PinGuy 12.04 (I call it in Sinhala Ape (our) PIN (Kusala or Merits) Guy (transliterated to Ape MAN).
Renamed Ape PIN= OUR MAN.
I remember reading a review of it,  couple of years ago and the reviewer ended up saying I like this distribution but I do not know what the developer is trying to DO or ACHIEVE.
He is very expressive  here and I agree with the developer´s views without any reservations.
It has a very good grub and unlike Ubuntu recognizes all other distributions (in my 500 GB hard disk on laptop) when installing.
Only other distribution, light weight though, that has a good grub is AntiX and Mephis.
It has Ubuntu one.
It used to have UnetBootIn but I will tell you soon after I checked the downloads (currently on) later.
Thanks, I believe you guys coming from UK (unfortunately there is some Anti--British sentiments here and British Council's is defunct now) doing some excellent work.
Nice to see practical men in Britain, instead of celebrating Monarchy (we are heading that way unfortunately) doing yeoman service to the entire world with the help of South African Ubuntu.
I believe some of you are South Africans domiciled in UK.
BIG THANK YOU for your hard work it is PIN or Merits in Sinhala.
I use PinGuy (11.04) in all my computers an keep it as a reserve distribution to enjoy Gnome not the KDE.
I will soon drop my KDE addiction and it is the K3B which is an excellent CD/DVD writing utility.
An Ubuntu Fork Pinguy OS 12.04

Pinguy OS an out-of-the-box working operating system for everyone, not just geeks.

This OS is for people that have never used Linux before or for people that just want an out-of-the-box working OS without doing all the tweaks and enhancements that everyone seems to do when installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu or other Linux based Distro's.

Ubuntu is a great OS and undoubtedly the most popular and easiest Linux based Distro to use but even with its default setup and chosen programs it's still lacking functionality and ease of use for most new users. So what I decided to do was build a Distro that looks good, could do everything most user would ever want to do and that was very simple to use.

I started out by listening to what my friends and family wanted to use their PC for and found the most user friendly programs for the task they wanted to do. After a while I got a good idea what most people use their PC for and what programs were the easiest to use. Like using Shotwell for easily uploading images to Facebook, gtkpod for putting music, photos and video on a ipod/iphone and Arista for converting the video to a iPod friendly format.

So all the programs in Pinguy OS have been chosen because of their ease of use and functionality, I also changed every file type to open with the right program, like for some reason by default .iso are opened with Archive Manager so I changed that to Brasero Disc Burner.

As I already said apart from it being easy to use I also wanted it to be a very good looking operating system. There are now a lot of programs out there for Linux to give the OS a very smart and polished implementation, like CoverGloobus, Gloobus Preview, GNOME Do, and Docky. These programs don't just give the OS a good look and feel but they are also very useful and handy.

Pinguy OS is an optimise build of Ubuntu 11.04 Minimal CD with added repositories, tweaks and enhancements that can run as a Live DVD or be installed. It has all the added packages needed for video, music and web content e.g. flash and java, plus a few fixes as well. Like fixing the wireless problems, gwibber’s Facebook problem and flash videos in full-screen.

Everything is set-up for samba, all you need to do is right click a folder you want to share and add a password in samba using system-config-samba.
It also has a UPnP/DLNA server (pms-linux) so you can share your music, video’s etc. With a PS3, XBOX 360, Smart Phones or any other UPnP/DLNA media reader.

Nautilus has been replaced for Elementary-Nautilus with added plug-ins so it can get music and video art from the web. The default theme is Elementary using ttf-droid font with Docky and a custom Conky.

I have also added DVB support to Totem for anyone with a TV card that wants to watch tv on their PC but doesn't want to install a dedicated program like myth-tv.

For a full list of installed programs and repos for 10.04.2 *OLD* download this file.

If you prefer to download and install the LTS (long term support) 10.04. It can still be downloaded from here.

If you like this Distribution and would like to help it improve and grow you can always donate, it doesn't matter how small the amount is, it all helps.

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