Friday, July 19, 2024

Puppy Linux, My Favourite

Puppy Linux, My Favourite

1. Puppy has the best Light Weight functional desktop.

2. Besides it fits in a USB and is portable.

3. When I travel I carry it in my trouser pocket to boot and test drive hardware before buying. I did not bring any to Australia but downloaded two versions the moment I settled down.  They are now in 2 USBs.

4. It has many versions.

I have at least 10 stored in my hard disk.

A USB with a 64 GB capacity can carry all the currently available images.

It went to hibernation.

5. Easy OS is beautiful.

6. It originated from Australia.

7. Barry Kauler is a dog lover.

8. It can be installed in many ways and PUPfile is only one variety.

9. Two events hindered its development number one is transfer of technology from 32 bits to 64 bits.

10. The corona virus event laid off many non profit organisations and their viability in question.

Easy OS-Puppy Linux

I just downloaded Easy OS, a Puppy Linux derivative and installed it to a USB stick using Image writer.

Booted it.

Configured the Wireless Network.

Signed in with Gmail to my blog post.

Finished posting this piece in 5 minutes while experimenting with Easy Ss. This was after I made a scathy comment in on Sparky Linux which comes from Poland. Using the new version of Sparky Linux is a waste of time.

Thank you to all Puppy Linux Developers.

I have downloaded all active Puppy Linux distributions in less than 24 hours by torrent. I am Puppy Linux Lover and I am in Australia currently. Barry Kauler of Australia developed Puppy Linux, first.

It is cool, it has a small footprint and a classic Linux Utility and using the word distribution to it, is a misnomer. Only Knoppix can beat it on the number of utilities bundled up in one instant of Puppy Linux but Knoppix is almost dormant from 2020. Gnoppix is a welcome addition but cannot configure our WiFi.

Easy OS has followings.

1. Container Folder

2. Data Folder

3. File Folder

4. Release Folder

5. sfs Folder

6. Initrd

7. vmlinux

Squash File


SquashFs was the Linux term for compression when USB sticks were only 512MB capacity.SquashFsopens up and expand in a Live Session.

I used a 512MB stick for my first Puppy Linux.

Squash File is a one long text file including boot instructions of legacy boot time.

SquashFs can bypass the BIOS at boot time and that is its versatility.

I had to make a comment about Puppy Linux to a YouTube presentation by a guy on Windows session making mickey out of Puppy Linux giving almost half an our session to educate how to install Puppy Linux on Windows. I was annoyed and said or made a comment, to the effect, all one need is a USB stick and Puppy Image downloaded to a Linux Distribution and click the Image and by default the Image Writer is activated to install Puppy Linux on a USB stick.

No hassle at all.

Thereafter, one can carry it in one’s trouser pocket.

I did not see him again, in YouTube.

Puppy even installs Jitisi, which I had some trouble in installing in Debian Gnome probably due to fragmentation of the libraries.

EasyOS-6.0.4 which is the latest Image (I erased the USB stick that had 6.0.2) has done a great job.      One has an option to update to the latest version, if the current version is old.

It has Vivaldi browser which one has to download. By the way, its default browser is Chromium and a Chromium Container which describes all the abilities and functionality of EasyOS. It has both AppImage Installer and Flatpak Installer.

Problem for me is, it has no AbiWord but has both LibreOffice and OnlyOffice.

One cannot download applications what is not listed in their repository.

It has KODI, OBS and Kdenlive and what more on needs?

80% of what I have in Debian Gnome is available with Easy OS on a 15GB Stick. It is a persistent image.

Minimum USB stick one finds in Australia, nowadays is 32GB.

It has VLC, MPV and Audacity and many more for one to download.

Puppy Linux is my Favourite!

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