Monday, December 18, 2023


More than 90% of Sri Lanka's surface lies on Precambrian strata, some of it dating back 2 billion years.
The granulite facies rocks of the Highland Series (gneisses, sillimanite-graphite gneisses, quartzite,
marbles, and some charnokites) make up most of the island and the amphibolite facies gneisses, granites,
and granitic gneisses of the Vinjayan Series occur in the eastern and southeastern lowlands. Jurassic
sediments are present in very small areas near the western coast and Miocene limestones underlie the
northwestern part of the country and extend south in a relatively narrow belt along the west coast.

The metamorphic rock surface was created by the transformation of ancient sediments under intense heat and
pressure during mountain-building processes. The theory of plate tectonics suggests that these rocks and
related rocks forming most of south India were part of a single southern landmass called Gondwanaland.
Beginning about 200 million years ago, forces within the Earth's mantle began to separate the lands of the
Southern Hemisphere, and a crustal plate supporting both India and Sri Lanka moved toward the
northeast. About 45 million years ago, the Indian plate collided with the Asian landmass, raising the
Himalayas in northern India, and continuing to advance slowly to the present time. Sri Lanka does not
experience earthquakes or major volcanic events because it rides on the center of the plate.
The island contains relatively limited strata of sedimentation surrounding its ancient uplands. 

Aside from recent deposits along river valleys, only two small fragments of Jurassic (140 to 190 million years ago) sediment occur in Puttalam District, while a more extensive belt of Miocene (5 to 20 million years ago)
limestone is found along the north-west coast, overlain in many areas by Pleistocene (1 million years ago)

The north-west coast is part of the deep Cauvery (Kaveri) River Basin of south-east India, which
has been collecting sediments from the highlands of India and Sri Lanka since the breakup of Gondwanaland.

Political Ponzi Scheme in Ceylon

Political Ponzi Scheme in (Operation) Ceylon

All politics in Ceylon is a Grand Ponzi Scheme and I am not here to teach politics.

Base of Ponzi Scheme is cheating the vulnerable guys and girls with livid promises in the future.

Unlike the stock market which deals with short term gains, the  Ponzi Scheme has no time line. 

The time line is open ended.

The best Ponzi Pyramid is how philosophy developed over 2500 years.

1. It has a broad base of ordinary citizens or commoners.

2. Each layer of the pyramid is another stratum that thrive and exploits, the bottom layer.

For example the king is on Top.

The worker or slave is on the Bottom.

3. The worker excavates the soil for a water tank and the the excess soil is mounted as a Dagaba or Stupa.

4. The God or Religion sits on top of the Stupa as a shining Gem (in the past) which of course, nobody can steal.
The kings never trusted his subordinates.

Currently the caretaker monk removes the gem and replace it with a shining splint of glass, on top.

5. The Gem is spirited out of the country.

This Ponzi scheme is operated without a hitch by All Religions.

Coming back to Political Ponzi Scheme in Ceylon, the operation tactics is similar but with a big difference.

a) The base is not a pyramid but a cracked pot (base).

b) No amount of rhetoric can bring back the social stability.

c) All jack asses are on top of the cracked base, imagining he or she is the only solution to the problem they themselves have created after independence.

d) Educating the masses is beyond any possible or distant reality.

e) I am out of the country at present and the moment the parliament is dissolved I will come back to Ceylon to enjoy the respite without any hindrance by the politicians.

f) Guys and Girls who leave the country at this juncture, expecting good returns would find Chinese guys and girls are occupying all the spaces left vacant by the locals of the country of emigration..

I happened to witness the graduation ceremony, on the last Saturday and almost 95% of the graduates were Chinese. 

There were only two Ceylonese!

g) I did go abroad when things were difficult many moons ago, on my own expense but I am the only one among the few in my batch who returned and joined the Alma Mater for a very long period.

h) I did my research work in Ceylon.

i)  I detest guys and girls who go abroad on scholarships and never return and boast about their achievements (including these Chinese guys who left China for their own survival) or certificates obtained abroad. These achievements have no relevance to the country of origin.
They are just paper qualifications without substance.

They may of course, help getting the next job or appointment.

They are Global Pests not in anyway Intellectuals!

j) I always promote relevant and useful research.
Doing research for the sake of research is not useful except mastering the methodology of research.
It is not collecting data which the chatGPT can do without a protocol.

A pyramid scheme is a that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of. 

As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal.

Pyramid schemes have existed for at least a century in different guises. 

Some level of marketing plans have been classified as pyramid schemes.

Protecting Maternal Rights

Mothers are vulnerable in any society. Having said that some mothers may even kill their babies. It is often the father who becomes brutal.

1. Mothers have the right to refuse pregnancy.

2. Mothers should have the right to decide how many children they would bear.

3. Right to termination of pregnancy is a dicey topic.
It involves many factors.

I consider it as killing of an innocent life what ever the period of gestation.

4. Family planning is a nice term but often a difficult task.

5. I say children are born by accident.

First child is often wanted.
One does all the mistakes with the first child.
He or she is often lighter in weight.

The second child is generally planned but often another accident.

One does less mistakes with the second child but he or she has to share old toys. Second born children are often remain tolerant of the first.

Sibling rivalry starts in school age.

6. Many parents go nutty with the third child.

I will leave it, at that.

7. Fourth child is a numerical number.

I was born 4th.

Because I was a number in the family, I had the freedom of choice.

Parents were too busy dealing with the first three.

That may be the reason I have become a free thinker.

Religion, race, caste, creed and power do not affect my thinking.

Bit dominant in outlook in a crowd but tolerant and considerate.

Waiting in a queue (waited for the plate of rice at home but never ate left overs) was a natural behaviour.

8. Any number above 5 irrespective of the sex become gangsters.

Ranatunge family is a good example.

9. In big family either mother becomes a slave or a mafia boss.

Ma Baker is an excellent example.

10. My mother lived to ripe old age of nineties but in the last two years she slept a lot without sedatives.

She even forgot the days.

11. I think I should kick the bucket by 80 but earlier, if I become demented and forgetful.

My current pastime is sleeping without dreams.

Yesterday I woke up in a dream.

I missed the train from Kandy to Colombo.
I had a reserved ticket and the panic in my dream was due to the lost reservation seat.

12. I am booking a Reservation Ticket to my next life but it is a very small ticket not like an
Australian Digital VISA Form.

Yes Man's Luck and the Pedigree Dog's Exit

Yes Man's Luck and the Pedigree Dog's Exit 

You might not realize that the pelican's misadventure with our yes man has resulted in some interesting chain of events.

He tuned up immediately at the heaven's doorstep with a certificate not signed and left blank by our pelican.

It was soon checked to see whether it was authentic and was found to be a true copy given by our pelican.

He had to stay till pelican returned from earth from his routine rounds for further verification..

In the meantime the Maha's Assistant let him sort out the mail and the documents for the next round of delivery.

His demeanour was very appealing to him and asked the Yes Man whether he could be an assistant to him for three or four days till pelican returns.

True to his nature he said Yes, Yes.

Eventually pelican returned and when he was asked whether he knew about the Yes Man.

Or Yes he is my Yes Man and when I asked him whether he is ready to die without any hesitation he said Yes and that was why he had to abruptly stop his training in mid air.

Given some training he could fly any plane anywhere with at least three more pilots provided that he does not manipulate the flying gear but coordinate his actions with the air hostesses at the rear at meal times was his reply,

With this recommendation Maha's Assistant was very impressed.

When Maha gave a call from vacation to ask how the things are at heaven, Assistant told him the story of the Yes Man and asked whether he could take some leave and appoint the Yes Man in his absence.

Maha asked why not leave altogether and return to earth and learn some tricks from Paraya dogs so that you can follow suit just like the clever Paraya dog who attained Nibbana with no entry request.

Besides. you have been very helpful to me and this is the longest vacation I have had in all my life and you have found a suitable candidate to take your reins, I have no more questions from you and said Good Bye and Good Luck till we see again from earth may be in about 15 years time.

Our pedigree dog turned Maha's Assistant soon afterward call our Yes Man and asked him whether he is ready to take over.

He promptly said yes.

Just before he left he told him, you are Maha's Assistant and nothing more.

I knew it from the very beginning Sir he said.

How come?

You never took responsibility and let others take responsibility of your actions and that is the type of job I was looking forward and comfortable..

I could never take responsibility on earth and neither in heaven too, he said.

You are too good to be here and this arrangement is mutual and when you do come back here I will say Yes to anything you ask including the job back.

No dear, I now have a better strategy than that but I have to learn the finer points from a Paraya dog.

The last Paraya dog whom I met was so clever before I could ask any help he was gone with the wind.

I have to meet some of his relatives in Ceylon and will be back soon in about 15 years.

Till then Good Bye.

As he went he heard somebody saying Yes Sir!


Indian Diplomats in USA

Indian Diplomats in USA

Indian diplomats play dirty where ever they work.
They do more dirty tricks in African countries.

They have done it in Sri-Lanka too

They work on caste based mentality.
The slavery is banned now for good, so US should press charges.

This is diplomatic slavery.

There is nobody to talk for the slaves in USA (in the name of domestic aide).

I deplore all forms of slavery.
This case is similar to the former IMF guy who solicited sexual favours from a black cleaning woman.

When law caste person makes a move it is impossible to press charges.

After all diplomats are paid to lie for their country.

They are born liars.

USA must drop the false declaration (lie in general terms) charges.
They should investigate the money part.

She may be claiming 4500 from Indian Public money and may be using as her pocket money for facials and cosmetics.
India should investigate that and help USA in this issue.
Otherwise the name of good Indians (other than diplomats) is tarnished for food.
But I won’t agree with the punishment period of 10 plus 5 (fifteen years).
In this country (Sri-Lanka) drug dealers have a term of only few months in jail and they get out of the jail (jail breaking) not even serving that period with the help of politicians.

Our parliament is like a hellhole

Our parliament is like a hellhole.
All the devils live there.
They are good at procrastination.
Procrastination is an obsessive compulsive disorder, that is difficult to treat.
The worst part is that they deny they suffer from it.
This disorder is infectious unlike the psychiatric manifestation.
It affects the fellow members and then the party hierarchy.
Their role is to go on procrastinating on flimsy grounds.
If we add any more to this hellhole by new amendments, the procrastination will go on for donkeys years.
The party donkeys will love this procreation.
The procreation is even worse than the procrastination.
We should make an end to this travesty.
In management terms and style we should reduce the parliament to 100.
It is called redundancy management protocol.
If that does not alleviate the problem of procrastination we must go on reducing it by half until only two are left.
It should be done every half term of parliament of four year term.
We end up with two one agreeing the other disagreeing.
Then we agree to disagree and shoot both of them with one bullet and end the bogus democracy.

The parliament should turned into a museum named as museum of wasted resources and all the order books should be burned in public.