Friday, June 9, 2023

Four Fears

1. Fear of Fire

2. Fear of Floods

3. Fear of Wind (Cyclones)

4. Fear of Disease

Viral fevers similar to Coronavirus compounded by Fear of Artificial (not properly tested) Vaccines.

5. All these are related to untimely death.

6. One should not fear the timely death by completion of 50 Cell Cycles on this planet.

7. Chuti Sitta here is the Gati Sitta of another, cycle of life not necessarily on this planet but may be on a very distant galaxy.

There are billions of galaxies and the life cycle there may be shorter or longer.

8. Good Kamma carry better lives.

9. Bad Kamma carry forward to animal world.

10. One should not fear born as a dog or an elephant.

Upward mobility to celestial spheres from a dog or elephant life is real and feasible.

11. Be kind to all animals and do not eat flesh of any kind.

Animals can easily be your kith and kin of former lives.

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