Friday, June 30, 2023

Insight Wisdom

There are a few words in Pali which have no English equivalents.

1. Vipassana

2. Vidhasshana

3. Mudhita

4. Upekka

Let me bring three philosophical tenets.

1. Good

2. Bad

3. Neither good nor bad

A given notion can be categorized or simplified into, these three language basics. 

The task of a philosopher is not to assemble new words but to give relatively fluid meaning as in fundamental of physics.

Take the word "God".

A simple philosopher does not take a firm stand on the Notion of God but he says the concept of God is neither good nor bad.

He is not sitting on the fence but gives a non committing sense to the word God. 

In the case of an ordinary man or woman the term God has absolute meaning and he substantiate its presence by modelling it in the mind first and later in figurines. 

It takes an art form over time. 

None of them has seen the god in real time and space but the statistical odds against it's presence in his or her mind is never evaluated.

Dogma is born out of nothing substantial. 

I see this as the basic problem of mankind for time immemorial.

The propagation thereafter is infinite. 

There is no problem with the existence of man. 

For that matter even alien beings.

He is supposed to have a clear mind. 

I doubt the man ever had a clear mind. 

His mind was ever clouded or was never visited in depth.

He had only the fear. 

Fear of water and floods.

Fear of fire and burning.

Fear of wind, rain and lightening

Fear of loss.

Fear of death.

Fear of war.

Fear of destruction.

Fear of hunger.

Fear of pain.

The list goes on.

He does not figure out, all these are in the mind in time and space.

He is preoccupied.

He does not have time to ponder or reflect that all these are mind born.

So he is allude to the subllime.

Upekka are out of the reach of his or her mind.

What is Vissuddhi?

It is what one sees with the naked eye.

It  may be a thing or colour of the thing.
It may be pleasurable or not pleasurable or without emotion attached and neutral.

All these are mind born feelings and nothing substantial present, at the mind door.

But he still, wants to retain all those mind born objects are as real and substantial.

Mind is not free even for a moment but flips from, one moment to another, like a stream not remaining still.

The mind stream flows.

No course correction at all.

What one needs is to still the mind of all mind objects and emotions, just for a fraction of a second.

If this is done for a sufficient length of time and over long period of time, mind begins not to respond for a fraction of a second to begin with.

That is the entry point.

Then the mind becomes open to its own analysis.

Another mind can never see this moment of reflection.

The subject and object are the same!

This analysis brings the mind to Viddhasshana.

Nothing real.
Nothing substantial.
Nothing permanent but empty phenomena.

This reflection of mind is a joy by itself.the moment one enters this domain.

This joy itself which is natural may be a hindrance to the next higher domain.

That is Upekka the highest level.

The sublime state ot mind.

It is very difficult to achieve.

But this is within our reach.

That is the wisdom door of insight.

Racism is the base of Zero Civilization

Racism is the base  of Zero Civilization
I would highlight some key points since my old Nokia RAM is low.

Epic example of Racism is Enoch Powell.
Do not confuse him with Baden Powell.

1. Democracy started in 1918.
It is only 105 years old.

2. First batch of Caribbeans  came to UK in 1968 (of only a boatload of 462 immigrants).

I entered University.

Africans despise Caribbeans because they were brought to Caribbeans as slaves for sugar plantation.
Caribbeans are good cricketers of fame.
I want them to be successful in cricket world cup preliminaries.

Africans are Tribal in nature.
They fight among tribes.
I am regarding here to Nigerians.
Ugandans are the most racist. The expelled Asians from Uganda.
I did my elective with one of those Asian Ugandan.
Point here is black skinned people also have discrimination traits of their own, not only whites.

While Zambians weathered this trend but Rhodesians exacerbated  black and white segregation.

They forget we are one species.

3. River of blood speech and call for eviction of immigrants.

I heard it in full in Ceylon may be in,1980s (not in UK).

4. Expulsion by Ted Heath of EP from shadow cabinet.

5. EP's death in 1998.

Racism, homosexuality and violence are integral part of this personality trait. I am not sure it is sex linked at all.

Bertram Russel is a complete gentleman lived during two world wars and he did not support segregation or violence.
He was in fact, sent to prison for opposing American's Vietnam War.

7. The difference of White and African race is the deficiency of one enzyme in whites that prevent aggregation of melanin pigmentation.
The pimemt melanin is dispersed in whites.
After 1968 edition the textbook of medicine by Harrison's deleted this chapter.

Thankfully I kept a note of this scientific paper.

8. Now British protestants  hate Irish.
Both white skinned and an anomaly.

9. These aberrant traits love war.

They are the ones who volunteer as mercenaries to fight Russians in Ukraine.

10. Russians are white skinned but have the right to protect their motherland from Biden's necon jim band.
11. These are the traits of Zero Civilization.

12. Only once we shed war and sex difference we can enter the higher Civilization 1.

My guess is Civilization 1 has no sex differentiation and breed by binary division.

Sex variation in our evolution may have muted our spiritual progress of non violence, integration and harmony.

13. Lord Buddha attempted to teach this upward progress as one species but our monks are ordinated by cast.
True Buddhists believe in that we are one species and discrimination is a taboo.

Cast which Ceylonese Buddhist monks practice violates Buddha's Teaching.

14. Our civilization is doomed to extinction by nuclear accident.

That is what I wish should not happen.

15. We have nuclear arsenal of 15,000 far in excess to destroy 13,500 cities on this planet.

MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wagner Guy was Duped by the West

I think Wagner Guy was duped into action by the West.

This in not an opinion but a frank assessment,

I think President Putin  having studied the guy first hand and with credible intelligence at hand allowed the mutiny, rather the coup to unfold.

His cool, calm and collected action, lead misery to Western backers.

They are in panic mode.

BBC is the number one panicky assailant.

White House, CNN and USA backers were quick to wash their hands off.

I think this is the end of Biden Administration.
From the day one, they were involved in regime change.

Neocons behind Biden Administration banked on dissident Russian oligarchs and their money siphoned to the West to do the rounds for the West.

They started with blasting the gas pipeline.
They bombed dams.
They are trying their hand on the Nuclear Power Plant.

Nothing seems to work.

Wagner guy was their last hope!

That too misfired.

No support from Surawikine, Ramzan Kadhira or the army general supervising the Ukraine front line.

Now, they have given President Putin a soft hand to purge any remaining dissidents.

He will rule for as long as he wishes.

He would step down when Russian Adminstrative Structure is strong enough to stand any future USA/UK/France adventure.

I won't talk about Germany / NATO head is demented.

He cannot read the prompted lines in front of him.

He said Germany is finished instead of Russia is finished when the coup was in initial stage.

What an idiot heading Germany/ NATO.

Instead of talking about local issues like poverty, food security, sanitation and social reforms on the domestic stage, they were non existing Russophobia.

In the next  round of elections these guys will  fall like dominos.

All are in panic mode not only Zelensky.

Zelensky curse befalls on everybody who promoted him.

It is strange some leaders  have even booked holiday in Crimea anticipating the fall of Putin.

They were cocksure of the outcome of the coup.

They are living in sand castles.

Putin won't take a step back now and he will start the slow attrition of NATO boots on the grounds in Ukraine.

What an outcome?

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

My Idea of Recyling

Recycling is a good concept.

But this piece basically is satire.

1. Recycling War is a Big Industry of USA. 

MIC, Deep State, Ukraine and Blackrock are only namesakes.

The irresistible idea is after the war of destruction, a steady stream of construction is mandatory. 

Same instruments of power change their names and start the new projects. 

I did a rough study. 

There are 13,500 cities to be destroyed.

One assumes a powerful War Head destroys one city.

I gather there are 15,000 war heads.

That means after the total destruction of current civilization there are1500 war heads  left idling.

What next? 

Wise guys like Elon Musk (assuming he is alive and well in a spacecraft) will then conspire to stockpile them on the moon for a future war on space with aliens. 

Beautiful idea of recycling.

3. Recycling Film Industry
Holywood and Bollywood are classic examples.
Same stories regurgitate but with a new caste.

4. Recycling of Computer Hardware.
My Linux Network was built on computers discarded from the West.
I did not have money but this option kept me occupied for decades.
But when the electricity bill went up I discarded all and went for the NUC (vocalized as Nuclear) or NUKE.

5. Recycling Dogs.
When the owners could not care dogs went to the doghouse.
It is bit pathetic but those who adopt them are real humans.

6. Recycling political parties and ideas.
This is in Ceylonese genes.

No new ideas come to surface but we are bankrupt for 60 years.

7. Recycling wives and husbands could be a lucrative industry.
I leave it at that.

8. Recycling new ideas.
There is paucity of ideas.

9. Recycling Life or Rebirth.
Read my books on Rebirth at Amazon books.

10. Recycling Physics

The original idea was how to recycle physics theories.

Nine above are for general consumption.

I am a guy interested in physics.
I do not like the old idea of fueling a rocket to the moon.

It is a bad idea by itself.

We lifted payloads to moon from1969 to 1970s.

Nothing afterward and the technology was lost in the meantime.
That's how the story goes.

I was one who never believed that America went to the moon on the first attempt.
The rocker technology was primitive and payload was pretty high.

I think they recycled the black and white film too often, to make one believes it was a fake.

I think only Russians know this well and decided to save their well trained pilots for future warfare.
Instead, they spent their money on War Heads.
That is paying dividends.

The old technology was good for warfare and not for intergalactic travel.

Gravity propulsion and gravity amplification of Bob Lazar credence is one way to solve this problem.

There ought to be other possibilities.

I tend to believe one cannot have any empty space in the universe.

Space is a feasible preposition but emptiness (space in between) is redundant.

There are forces that we cannot observe with  our own eyes or the instruments which we have now, cannot measure them in real time.

Space is always occupied by energy of some sort.

Forces however subtle do not remain static in one place or remain stable for long period of time for us to observe them critically.

Everything is in a flux and seeing them as not moving static objects is the biggest delusion of mankind.

Photographic event has no meaning.
It is in past (event).

Video images are delusions of how many frames per second.
More the frames per second in a game console more the excitement for the game addict.

Delusion of grandier while the whole universe is moving at an accelerated pace.

Time, pace and space are illusions of great comfort to mankind.

Even physics cannot explain the reality.

It is only a snapshot of the past.

Light has travelled towards us while the rest of the universe  is moving away from us.

We will never observe the totality of the universe in real time.

We see only the past.

We only have a glimpse of the past.

Past has no meaning.
Future has not come yet.

Be happy of this moment of illusion is my physics theory for the mankind of today.

Somanassa Chitta.

Happy or beautiful mind is a solace for this moment.

Think beautiful is my game plan even at adversity.

11. Recycling of Faked News.

For the sake of completeness, I have to add this category to state how medical fraternity of CDC manufactured Coronavirus Saga. Not only politicians the top scientists also can lie.
Throw money at them, fact become fiction and fiction become reality.

Read my book on Coronavirus how events unfolded.

This ends my recycling episode of satire. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Tea, Coffee or Water

Tea comes first for me, coffee second and water last.

Tea has stimulant effects and stimulate mental alertness.
It has caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.
Theobromine and theophyllines are antiasthmatic.

Tannin in tea stains the teeth black or brown.

Tea stimulates immunity and probably has protective effect on the heart.

Tea also protect us from dementia.

Regarding dementia ketones (byproduct of metabolism) in coconut oil is the standard treatment for dementia.
Eat lot of coconut sambol is my remedy.

It is the most popular drink in the world and Turkey  tops the list.

Coffee is the second popular drink closely rivalling Coca Cola.

This piece is more about why I do not drink water.

Drinking water is not physiological.
It is absorbed in pure form in the last few inches of rectum and nowhere else.
If you have constipation drink lot of water with banana.
Banana has more fiber and help to soften the stools.

By the way water is the most wonderful solvent  solution and helps in the digestion of food.

Only physiological drink for me is King coconut but one has to be careful about of its potassium content.

The next closest is coconut water and its potassium level probably is much higher.

Not more than one cup of coconut drink is my prescription to avoid poisoning with potassium.

We can have (sodium) any amount of salt or sodium chloride and the kidney can excrete the excess.

Potassium IV can kill you in few minutes and the kidney cannot excrete it fast enough when poisoned.

Remember that Nurse in UK who killed babies.

By the way, one can poison and kill babies with salt and one women in New Zealand killed her baby and she is now in prison.

This baby was under the care of a GP and I predicted the premature death but they did not listen to me and change the custody of this baby, in spite of my warning.

I am happy I left New Zealand in double quick time.

Coming back to drinking  water in Ceylon,
I never takes a drink from a plastic bottle.
Inner lining of plastic has a carcinogenic material.
If you prefer drinking water drink water from a glass bottle.

The so called mineral water in Ceylon is tap water filled into a plastic bottle.

Long time ago, I went to a symposium on Water Management where Professor Thevarapperuma was the guest lecturer.

He said many things about water including plastic bottles with tap water.

He went into, in detail about danger of drinking water from deep wells in the dry zone.

The top reason for kidney diseases.

He was a chemist and he had analyzed all the types of water in Ceylon.

He was against chlorination and the best method of purification is the use of  ozone which only Japanese use .

I was the only medical person in attendance and I voiced my opinion that  the doctors are only worried about E Choli and our tap  water has E Choli above the recommended level even in Kandy.

As medical student I tested water from Mahaveli Ganga/river and I found E Choli above the recommended levels.

The University itself pollute the river and one cannot bathe in it.

The reason is we pollute our water bodies on daily basis.

All what we need is a few litmus papers to test.

If is PH is high there are dead rotten bodies and if the PH is low it is polluted with industrial waste.

He said only way to purify water of heavy metals is to use a good quality filter.

It is safer to drink from a well kept well than from a municipality tap.

I avoided drinking water away from home long enough to end up with a renal stone.

Of course, I supplemented my water requirement with milk.

Water is essential for our life and please have plenty of it and do not follow my methods.

I replenish my water needs with liberal amount of TEA.

Tea is a HEALTH drink.

Coca Cola is the worst drink of all with cocaine.
Caffeine, sugar and colouring agent.

Stupid Mexicans, Brazilians and Americans drink Coca Cola.

In Ceylon Coca Cola is made from worse water body in Ceylon, i.e. Kalany Ganga.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Coranavirus Conspiracy

My intended Final Investigation out of about 20 topis was Virus.

In other words, investigation of natural evolution of viruses both in the animal and plant kingdom.

I have now aborted my attempt on viruses but proceeded with other topics unhindered.

Natural virus does not kill its subjects.
If at all, it is 10,000 to 1 case  of fatality.

In coranavirus, it is,  one case fatality to less than 100 subjects.

That raises the possibility, that it is not a natural virus.

Looking at the Zero case is the diversion tactics of its Instigators of the CDC.

What needs to be investigated is the furin tag segment attached to the artificial virus  where "zoonotic gain in function gene" is / was attached.

That should be the scientific way forward.

I am totally against politicians who have no understanding on virology, climbing the band wagon.

Conspirasy was to make money from the hastily designed vaccines.

That is where the money was  for the pharmaceutical companies.

Former PM of UK was on the loop, since he was backing the British companies to make the vaccine.

All that backfired, since the assortment of vaccines kill more subjects who were not remotely exposed to the virus.

Most of the vaccines are ineffective and not time tested.

It takes 20 or more years for an effective vaccine to be developed provided enough money is spent.

Nobody wants to wait 20 years, so the emergency authorization came into operation.

By then the natural virus wanes away naturally and my guess estimate is, it is about 20 years.

By then, I am gone for good.

My advice is for one, not enter the field of medicine but be a forensic scientist investigating corporate giants who are involved in conspiracy to  mankind's well being.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Framework Laptop, My Dream Come True

 Framework Laptop, My Dream Come True

My Goggle blog post is going to hit 200,000 with this post(it has now gone over 300,000).

By the way, almost half of that (100,000) is /are my own hits.

I am a D.I.Y Guy for 3 decades with my / our First PC with 4 MB Video RAM, 512MB RAM, and 2GB hard disk is now on the attic. 

None of the low resource  Linux distributions can boot it now.

The new Samsung cellphone / tablet  has 8GB RAM and 128GB micro SD hard drive, for the purpose of simple comparison. 

It can pair with an expensive WiFi mouse and a keyboard.

By the way, cellphone is a mini computer by default.

Chip industry has taken giant steps and the only limit is quality of sand, we have in plenty in beaches of Ceylon.
We have not developed even a single chip in Ceylon and our sand is plundered by China leading to exaggerated erosion of the land.

Now come to the crunch point.

None of these proprietary devises can be dismantled or upgraded to my own design except for the battery and the RAM.

This is where a Framework Laptop comes handy.

I wished, if I could tear apart my old laptops and build my own laptop according to my design, long time ago. 

I came nowhere near to that primitive ambition.

I have had three tablets and two of them were disposed to the junkyard.
Fourth one is a Laptop, running Russian Star Linux has no WiFi but has a Ethernet port. It is however, is compatible with wireless USB Dongle and Wincle.  

Thankfully it has 4GB of DDR 3 RAM.

By the way. most of the old Linux distributions except EmmaBantus and Ubuntu have no WiFi utilities.

The engineering design of Framework is innovative and smart.

It can be mounted with either
Intel or AMD motherboard.

What a way forward?

I wish this company all the success.

Almost everything from screws to hinges to motherboard can be changed.

It comes with its own screwdriver.

The display can be changed.
WiFi can be upgraded.
Keyboard can be changed.
RAM, SSD, NvMe and the whole lot can be changed.

In my twilight years, I am not going to tweak a laptop but I am going to tweak an Intel NUC under 200 dollars.

Intel now supports Linux with their new video BIOS.

My bare bone NUC has no audio output.

I have to watch films in silent mode.

But it is good enough to publish my books.

Some of my books in Amazon have many typos.
Bear with me.
What matters is not typos but the content.

I was a TQM or Total Quality Management guy and did care for Quality in Writing.

When there was power cuts in Ceylon, I published 6 books in a hurry.

Half way through my editing come the power cuts

I could not correct my typos with poor vision and the dim light (low electricity voltage) added to my handicaps.

I feared computer catching fire.

This has happened to me in the past.

3 second hand IBM computers caught fire due to poor voltage during Premadasa Senior.

I am away from Ceylon (not due to political reasons) and from next month, I am back to my Writing Mode.

Since, this blog post here, has hit 200,000 hits, there is no incentive, to keep on.

There will only be, a very few blog posts here from now onward.

Good Bye.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Debian 12 is Out

Debian 12 is out and it seems to be sleek.

I am out of the country and taking a 3 month holiday from real testing of Linux and wring new books.

According to YouTube presentations it has many new features. 

I downloaded all the images today but I won't be able to test. 

It is election time anyway, so well in advance and nobody would bother to read about Linux and about new distros. 

NixOS is very smart option. 

What is below is my opinion, I prefer nobody waste time reading the content. 

Besides, it is all politics and misinformation at grand scale. 

The alternative media coming up are deliberately suppressed by YouTube.

My prediction for USA is that the incumbent administration aided by agencies under them will Violate the Election System, especially the absentee ballots.

The way the polliticians disregard the suffering of ordinary people, (with high cost of living) is amazing

The human predicament is no concern for politicians. 

Democrats probably would rig the election to their advantage.

They are so sure of their election victory. 


Party in power will always manipulate.

The system has no checks and balances.

Underpaid Electoral Officers are also Humans Beings addicted to the system they are working on. 

I suggest their salary be increased by three times. 

For that reason they should forego their voting rights. 

Until the system is set free from malfunction the counting guys and girls should not take part in voting and in politics.

The counting should be withheld until, all the vote casting  is over.

Thereafter, overnight  counting should be done.

The AI cannot be trusted.

Manual counting and failsafe timing and dating of events from polling station to the counting system are mandatory. 

Mind you we must devise a method to prevent  demented people contesting. 

We must prevent demented people voting.

I am working on a few more books.

These books will be published only after the election and I do not want demented politicians stealing my copyrights in their political campaigns.


NIX OS is smart.
It is not for newbies.
It has system wide single configuration file.

Why I say it is smart.
When its configuration is changed it does not erase the previous configuration file.
At boot up time one can go back to previous configuration.
What it means each configuration file is build on top of the previous file.
These are called generations.

Each file can be ported to a similar machine.
Problem with having several generations is that it fills up the hard disk.
Of course, one can delete the redundant files.

One can say goodbye to Fedora. 
Old cloning is not necesdary.

Problem is one has to master its syntax in command line.
No graphical interface.

Handy Linux distribution for developers.

This can be deployed in a company environment.
It has its own package manager and user manual for help.

NIX OS is COOL and does not Need a graphic card to run.

Some graphic cards are heavy on power usage and either boils or catch fire.
They need water cooler like an old Italian Bug FIAT.
What a waste of ENERGY.

Mind you I have not used it.
The contents are based on a YouTube presentation.

For last three months I have not used my NUC and I am on holiday mode.

There are several YouTube presentation..

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Light Weight Window Managers of Linux

Long time ago when I was new to Linux, I used Light Weight Window Managers.

Out first computer (bought for my son) which is defunct now had only 2MB of Video Ram and 512MB of total RAM.
Hard disk of 2GB.

My new Samsung cellphone has  8GB RAM and 128GB hard disk which would last a decade.

I am addicted to KDE plasma.

It is time I reflect on Light Weight Window Managers.
I got hooked to Linux due to them.

1. IceWM

2. Awesome

3. Enlightenment


5. Fluxbox

6. Openbox

7. Window Maker

8. FWM


10. FXCE

11. Kwin

12. Blackbox


14. Compiz

15. Gnome

16. KDE

17. Plama

Ancient Civilizations and their Demise

 Ancient Civilizations and their Demise
My premise is that preclude to their own demise, all ancient civilizations engaged in Wars of Attrition.

That premise is valid, even though we have not entered the World War III yet, all the indications are we are ready for one.

Lack of diplomacy is the Cardinal sign of War of Attrition.
Diplomacy takes a second fiddle at the time of war.

I leave it at that.

Other reasons without order of merit are;

1. Communicable diseases.
2. Famine
3. Catastrophe due to fire, floods, extremes of weather, volcano eruptions.
4. Meteorite hits. 
5. Alien wars fought on this planet where fleeing aliens wars pursued to extinction 

What happened to;
1. Sumerians
2. Incas
3. Ancient Egyptians
4. Ancient Pacific Islanders
5. Harindajaro Harrappans

Human Dimension, Open Inquiry and Quality of Information

Human Dimension, Open Inquiry and Quality of Information

This piece is based on Open Inquiry envisaged by Kalama Sutta of Lord Buddha

Lord Buddha when asked by Kalama "Who is telling the Truth", of course Kalama having listened to many opinions in circulation, gave him several qualifications, before accepting something as plausible. 

Buddhist monks of yesteryear had expanded the qualifications to 10 but I say unlike monks Buddha never counted his fingers when dispensing a valid question. 

He was brief and precise. 

Buddha was very good at counter questioning, too. 

I have a longer piece here in this blog, on Kalama Sutta and you are free visit. 

Before validating Quality of Information, healthy dose of skepticism and a liberal sprinkle of satire are fundamental in the cyberspace.

In a scientific sense, Data become garbage and statistical analysis becomes random manipulation, as required by the corporate needs.

Coronavirus and Big Pharma are current examples.

My book, "Coranavirus Who  cheated us Locally and Globally" was published with that sense of skepticism and satire.

It took sometime for the global community to be aware and wide awake with current events.

If the sale of the book was an indicator of "Open Enquiry" my humble attempt was a success.

The Human Dimension was tragic reminder of the insensitivity of the CDC hierarchy of the American Scientific System enwrapped in corruption.

Death due to vaccine far exceeded the number of death due to virus itself.
That is a human tragedy.

It will take sometime for the scientific community to gather any form of credibility in the minds of average citizens.

The role of media was bizarre.

No point crying over proverbial spilled milk.

It is now sour anyway.

The premise here is that American Administration does not want it citizens to be Free Inquiring. 

Free Inquiry is not in the American genes. 

Americans should always swallow what the government is saying as the gullible truth. 

Ukraine is winning. 

We are a democracy. 

Russia is no military power. 

Zelensky is clean and he never smoked stuff. 

We do not employ "Truth Embargo". 

Alien visitation was simple imagination. 

Bob Lazar was a fictional guy and was clueless in physics. 

This list is endless and I will leave at lucky number 7.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Reason for Secrecy and Kowledge is Power

Yes knowledge is power be that it may be coded, digital or encrypted.

It used to be spies and coded messages of old war time, then.

Now to the cyberspace and every citizen who has a cellphone is monitored to nano seconds.

The problem is the system is overloaded with data to the brim and the AI system knows more of everything that the system has gone overdrive/underdrive mode of mayhem.

It looks like satellites are in autonomous mode and hitting Western arsenal 20 to 30 kilometers before the first line of defense is reached and demolished.

I think while the offensive guys are getting hit, the defensive guys have moved away leaving AI to do the slaughtering.

Casualty rate is more than 10 to 1 and it is rising.

We have to wait for at least one more summer to do the proper analysis.

My point of discussion is not War but alien dimension so that my book of "Alien Saga" hits the desks of common people.

The Disclosure Project has already hit a roadblock due to Election Fever.

I agree with Donald Trump, more and more manufactured or faked news will do the rounds and FBI will not trust their own agents but wait for Alternative Media to disclose the valid ground data.

Regarding Roswell Saga my analysis without classified  information is that the seta reticularians are having a trying time to  decipher fake from truth.

They have given up their mission to inform us of Nuclear danger since Zelensky is in control of the entire EU.

With high dose of cocaine, in his dream like state, he thinks aliens are now running the show and he wants intergalactic arsenal.

Yes, he wants to destroy seta reticularians before he destroys us the humans.

That is why he wants nuclear arsenal.

In this scenario, there are different levels may be up to 16 to 32 levels secrecy  or misinformation.

Every level has secret knowledge and power that the other levels do not have.

Each level has a power structure and a secret cabal that makes critical decisions.

I do not know how this power structure works in Russia but it is less complicated, especially the military arm of the power structure.
Once the politicians have made the assessment of the ground reality, the military decisions are made briskly and there is no ambiguity of the desired goal.

We see this in the Ukraine War.

I do not want to postulate how this operates in mainland China.

Going back to USA the president of the country is at the level of 5 or 6.

Assuming that president is at level 5 he alone cannot make decisions.

White House has significant power but is controlled by the Senate and the House. He or she is briefed in detail moment he is elected. We do not know how White House staff is selected.
There is a political arm.
There is the military arm that deals with domestic problems.
Then there are institutions with certain autonomy like NSA, FBI, CIA and various paramilitary organizations.

For example border patrol units cannot take independent decisions.

I think Pentagon is in Level 6.

By convention it overpowers the political leader by a big margin. It can make or break the political power.

It probably has several levels and some hold positions well over two presidential terms to keep the stability of the Pentagon.
Pentagon even though makes military decisions, it is not a War Machine.

I think neocons runs the Military Industrial Complex and are at level 4.

Level 3 is the White Collar guys and girls with no power but are paid handsomely. The careers belong to certain wealthy families, from father to sons and daughters.It is a closed circle.

Level 2 is Media Organizations and FBI, CIA, NSA have permanent carders who sit as directors of these institutions.

Level 1 is Google, Social Media, Twitter and Local Papers and Radio and TV channels.

All the above analyses are my guess works and nobody should quote me for any validity.

Even though, I am not American I am at the level of Google and Amazon.

My grouse here is why a guy like me from far distance write about aliens (Alien Saga) when even American Presidents of the present and of the past are not forthcoming for over 100 years.

The elected presidents are trapped in their own dismay or lack of authoritative confirmation.

That is the irony.

Aliens must be laughing heart out at us from seta reticularis and beyond.

There is a caveat here.

American do not believe in rebirth or afterlife.
They think they have only one life and the
Top Secrets should be passed down the to next of kin cabal and the capitalism is well preserved for another century.
That hegemony is on the decline with Russians and Chinese taking over the global south.
Aliens are probably Level 1 Civilization or above.

Aliens on the other hand believe in afterbirth and they do not fear death or divulge tactical information we Level Zero would use to destroy thiet own safety in Galactic or Comic sense.

That is why I say Dr. Stevon Greer's disclosure is a failed exercise.
He just appears periodically and disappears having achieved nothing.

He is not above Level 4 Top security clearance but a mouthpiece of their disinformation campaign.

He could habe better utilized his expertise to avoid Coronavirus Pandemic.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Diplomatic Row

Poland has now become a "paraya state" without diplomatic credence.

If they cannot provide diplomatic status to a foreign leader, what can one say about "White Collar Diplomacy" of EU.

Their representatives should be banned for, at least 6 months, attending EU meetings or any international forum.

Regarding Ukraine, talking about "Diplomacy" is nonnegotiable and they should be banned from entering EU.

NATO for Ukraine is out of the question.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Trying Different Keyboards

This is my first attempt with an Australian keyboard.
ගොඩක් කරන්න පුළුවන්
පස්සේ බලන්න පුළුවන්.
Above is Sinhala keyboard and no English keys. 

Tre Bien is from French keyboard. 
This is Grammerly taking over the keyboard but I do not like to pay for typeface and my grammar is OK. 

This is Microsoft Keyboard. It is pretty good. 

මේ සිංහලෙන් බං. It takes over and cannot go back to English

This is ginger keryboard with good typeface.
This is Samsung keyboard is Pretty Good.
This is Gboard keyboard. 

Economic Risk Management in Ceylon

I am not an economist but a scientific analyst.

There is total mismanagement (by RW) of economy.

My gut but simple feelings are expressed here.

There are two monetary indicators.
Let me deal with dollar first.

1. Dollar Deposit is at rock bottom.

a) Expatriates are remitting a bit and that alone would not solve our problem.

b) No mechanism is in place to bring back the Money (dollar) that was expediently transferred before the fall of last regime.

If at all they are very well protected.

c) The channels of illegal transfer of money are still in place and operating well oiled.

There is a big hole in the Our Economy Pot.

d) There is a parallel illegal economy.

A certain Buddhist monk is advising this cabal and ex-cricket guy/s wife/s is /are running the show!

This is not the underworld but the HiFi Class.
RW is only the political representative.

e) The real Pathalaya (Underworld) or Drug Triangle is in operation and is very well cushioned by the politicians.

They donate money for the elections and even decide the candidates in each party.

d) Our debt crisis remains.
We are not paying our debt not even in stages but the interest accumulates.

The temporary respite that we have is due to the reason that we have asked for TIME and delaying payment of installs.
For how long I do not know.

It is not a remedy and we have to pay them back in full.
Earlier method was to take a loan to pay a loan with high interest.

Debt escalates.

It is like the crab in a proverbial boiling pot.

This is to tide over the coming elections.
After the elections we have to pay with interest.

A temporary smoke screen to hoodwink the voter.

2. Rupee Status or Circulation.

RW's simple remedy is to print more and more Rs.5000/= notes.
He started with the idea of paying the Samurdhi Guys and Girls of Rs.5000/=.

He continues to print money.

Senior Premadasa did the same thing.

There is no short of notes but its distribution is unequal.

In cities there is plenty of notes but in remote villages where only Samurdhi Banks are operating, the till is empty.

The consequences are;

1. Cost of living is high and rising.

2. Inflation or average price is up from bread to rice.
No dhal!

3. Local money lenders charge high and loan is given against the simple assets like the three wheeler.

4. People walk home and Three Wheeler drivers jack the price.

5. End result is total stampede of rural economy.

Everything is at a standstill.

Do not give orphans to the temples.
In rural temples young novices are starving while big  monks in cities are engaged in politics.

Anuradhapura Hamudurwo is gone bankrupt according his followers.

He is vociferously active on YouTube.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Why I left UK?

Working in a foreign country as a medical guy is no easy task.

One is not expected to make mistakes.

I would highlight only a few.

We had a guy called Dr.Baxi from India.
He was to cover my leave.

That was my last job in UK before leaving.
We had a joint session and after the session my consultant casually asked about this guy.
I told him do not trust him and he is a liability.

He came as a locum to the hospital where, I did my first appointment. From the very first glance, I did sense he was no good.
He did not stay long.

I did not know he had a bogus certificate.

A week later the consultant rang me to thank me.
He had produced a bogus medical council certificate for his registration.

The beauty was that he had been working as a locum for over 5 years in UK.

Within a month of my work in my first appointment as a Senior House my consultant call me for a private discussion.

The exact sequence is vague but the factual outcome was solid.

This is about a big British nurse.

1. I may have seen (witnessed)  this women squeezing the chest of a premature baby.

2. I told the consultant if this baby dies make a full inquiry including a postmortem.

3. She asked Why?

Smilingly, I said; I am not paranoid and besides the baby is still alive.

False or make believe allegation is dangerous.

4.This baby became acutely ill before and I had to perform a Lumbar Puncture, a couple of hours earlier.

5. Minutes after the LP  this nurse attended to the nursing care of this baby and I saw her forcefully squeezing the chest with both hands.

6. Luckily, I alerted my consultant in advance.

7. The baby was in respiratory distress.

The consultant called me and I told her, I saw her squeezing the chest with both hands.
We need quick chest X-rays, before baby dies.
8. Mobile X-ray Unit came in and we managed to get enough X-rays.

9. There were multiple rib fractures on both sides.
She was put on a ventilator but soon succumbed.

10. Inquiry began and the big British Nurse put the blame squarely on me, saying the damage was done during the LP.
She did not know that I had seen her crime and alerted my consultant in advance.

11. The smart consultant called me again in the presence of the Nurse.

What did you see?
I saw her squeezing the chest.
She eventually confessed and was removed from nursing.

12. It is called Mercy Killing.
My Registrar in a later date in a different hospital was accused of 8 infant deaths.

Read the "Murder in Hospital" where the nurse was sent to 30 year prison sentence.

13. In a another incident a drunk nurse while dressing an IV site, cut the little finger of a baby.

She gave me an emergency call.

I asked why?
The drip is running OK.

I noticed a drop of blood on the dressing.
I asked her to strip and expose.
Sure enough the cut wound was exposed.
Having dressed the wound, I called the matron and I asked her to tell the mother of the accidental injury.

She was charged and her alcohol consumption on duty was exposed.

14. There were lot more offenses by consultants and they were settled with you scratch my back and I would reciprocate.
A sensible approach.

We are humans and are prone to human mistakes and most are not deliberate mistakes.

15. Throwing the towel when in good shape at 50 was of course deliberate and I eat well and sleep well now in my 70s.

16. I have stopped my alcohol with the retirement at 66.

Not even a sip now.
I have to keep my memory sharp.

Forgetting is a good think but some events linger long after the event.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Medical Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pig is a tailless rodent used in medical experiments and testing.

I am opposed to using  animal testing unless those testing are done for the benefit of the species as is done in zoos.

I am opposed to having animals in cages for human display.

I yesterday saw peacocks displayed in Nicosia island park.

Animal should live in their natural environment or habitat.

I believe London, Paris and New York have more rodents than their equivalent human population.

My equation is 3 rats to every human being.

I believe that rats eat their own carcases by design (if not controlled by snakes and weasels).

We do not need Rat Zhar but the proper disposal of staled food.
Best place is our stomach and one should eat as much as one needs, not more, not less.

Problem of obesity is solved.

I am far off the intended long essay.

I was used as a guinea pig by a PhD guy.

I was in my third year of our medical school a guy from my own colleague who was attached to the Nuclear Medicine Unit approach me and asked me, if I can be a subject for the purpose of stabilization of the thyroxin protocol.

Without much a do, I said yes since I had a good understanding of T4,T4 and TSH.

He was physics guy with a PhD from somewhere.

He did not have any medical background.

He gave me a lethal oral dose of radioactive  iodine.

Within a few hours of it radioactive iodine was all over my body.

I was a human guinea pig.

I used go a scan every month of my medical student days for a scan and when it petered out I started testing my TSH levels every year for very long time.

When they start charging I stop testing in Ceylon and in UK and New Zealand I used to test them in my opening medical examination tests.

They are only worried about Tuberculosis.

Once in a few years I go to Singapore and get basic tests done since, I do not trust Testing in Ceylon.

I had a full examination aged 55 that was required by a UK Agency.

Thankfully the radioactive dose of my thyroid was very low.

For all its worth, I would have been hyperthyroid to begin, with lest I would have ended as a case iatrogenic thyroid carcinoma.

When I joined as a seconded officer, I actively campaigned against locating it behind the medical library and got them evicted.

I never saw this physics guy again in my life.

Somebody else much later tried to do the same trial on Kandy school girls and I told the principal that my daughter is not given a single dose and I killed the project yet again.

Then again a medical guy 3 years junior to me wanted an advice on a research protocol.

I told him test thyroid function against grey hair, which he did and he disappeared to America.

I told the professor under whom he worked he will never come back.

He was a good sportsman and with his help and my scoring in my events and relays Medical Faculty was the second runner ups   

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Medicine was the Most Boring of All Subjects

List of Guys I admire
Yes it is the most boring of all subjects.

With the bare minimum IQ, one can master the bare bones of practice of medicine.

I had a fairly reasonable IQ (not 140) and my plan was to enter the University.with the least effort.

So instead of choosing Physics or Politics, I went for Medicine.

After 30 years of Medicine I stopped practising Medicine and stopped registering with the Ceylon Medical Council.

I am now just a lay person and a Free Inquirer.

I continued to hold a post of teaching pathology for my survival.

It is simple after the fact protocol and no stress at all.

The best stress-less job is Radiography.

After all you are looking at a negative film and never a positive.

Doctors specially psychiatrists commit suicide most often.

Next pediatricians.

Radiologist and pathologist never commit suicide (if they pass through the training).

Unless one has a potential Buddha Character one should never take up psychiatry as a profession.

This post is about 10 or more guys and one girI I mostly admire, in not any order of merits.

1. Buddha comes first to me since he was the only human in history who taught mind as the base of everything.

2. Professor De Bono comes second he talks about logic in style.

His book on Beautiful Mind and Thinking to Think without dogma are classics.

3. Bertram Russell who was hiding in Russia away from the persecution by the Church is another huge personality.

His books on Power and Why I not a Christian are not available or banned in UK and USA.

That is how democracy works in the birth place of democracy.

4. I am still looking for Karl Marx's De Capital book one.

It is out of print.

5. Darwin is my "carte borne" or born again of Evolution.

6. Gregor Mendel was born observer and was a priest.

7. Linus Torvalds, the Linux creator.

8. Che Guerra

9. Carlous Linneus

Louise Pasteur

11. Robert Cooke

12. Alexander Flemming

13. Professor Senaka Bibile of Ceylon

14. Arthur C Clerke

15. Edwin Hubble, Einstein, Steven Hawking

16. Nelson Mandela

17. Mageline Maguire who proposed an alternative view of early evolution.

She was sidelined by her male colleague and only in one pathology book her name was quoted in my time.

She proposed mitochondria came from earlier line of protozoa.

I had similar view as a Medical Student and never voiced my view in public.

Mitochondrial DNA mutate only once in 5 million years.

Mitochondria are the Energy Pool, if that breaks down the protoplasm cannot survive.

Now with Coronavirus we are talking about cell surface artificial "endomeres" carrying mRNA.

Gain in Function is another kettle of fish.

Baden Powell of UK, the racist guy and the German Sigmund Freud, the sexist guy are not in my list.

Abolish Post of Presidency in Ceylon

"Abolish the post of presidency" should be the slogan for next general election.

Look at what has happened in Ceylon.

A guy who was not even elected as a parliament member is the current president.

What a constitution?

He manipulated a clause in the List MP Protocol of the Constitution and he came to power through the backdoor to rein in our Bankrupt Nation.

It is a Failed State!

That itself is enough to convince the electorate to go against this post.

It is the sure recipe for JVP to come into power, next time round.

Now let me list the arguments against it.

1. It has not solved any problem in Ceylon.

2. It is a white elephant!.

3. No Tamil citizen can ever hold this post.

4. JVP could never muster 50% unless it has a workable alliance with Tamil parties.

5. Even if I wish, I cannot contest it as an average citizen.

I considered contesting it as a citizen and with the Air Time given to me to propose all the bad things about this post in Live TV.

Then I realised that I should register under a political  party and at least have had contested for a local constituency.

That scuttled my effort.

I think JVP should devise a method for one of its members to become an independent member for few months and resign in anticipation of contesting as a independent citizen for the post of presidency and do what I could NOT do as a citizen.

Thereafter, the JVP can divert all their attention to real ground politics.

6. Only a rich person with money can conduct an island wide Election Champaign.

Only exception was our "Maru Sira".

RW spent all his money for his campaign and "Maru Sira" undercut him after the election.

It was a very stupid idea by RW.

By the he did not have the guts to contest and squandered his chance by becoming a political goat.

7. Now he is trying to make good the lost money to Maru Sira.

8. President to be successful he has to have a working majority in the parliament.

It looks like he cannot collect 112.

9. One man rule can easily slip into dictatorship.

Gotabaya lost the political touch after the election.

He was ousted by his own brother.

What a taste of Family Power?

10. This unelected guy is trying to become Idi Amin of Ceylon.

Look at his proposed legislature under Anti- Terrorism Act.

It is the proof he has already gone MAD.

Mutually Assured Destruction of Ceylon.

My belief is JVP will not take any worthwhile attempt to abolish the post of president in the present form.

This post is very addictive and if I given the chance RW got by shear manipulation.

He is called "Sutra Puncha," in Sinhala meaning political trickster.

If at all, JVP will make it more glamorous and powerful in their arms.

I do not agree with the second choice  provision in the ballot paper, if the desired 50% is not achieved.

My advice is NOT to cast the second choice and use only one choice.

Counting procedure is bizarre and even the third choice candidate might win in a very close contest of 30-30-30 scenario.

Having a second round of contest between the first two candidates is much better.

We are in catch 22 situation.

This is my wishful thinking.

Lot of credible political attempt and wisdom are necessary to get out of this mess.

Revising the constitution is the only option.

The ground work for a New Constitution was done but it was shelved cleverly by RW to hang onto power.

It is a powder keg.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Why Rich Countries become richer while Poor Countries become poorer?

I am not an economist but a self made analyst of the World System.

Having brought up in a scientific base this analysis is realistic.

We are going for a Big Reset not as predicted by the neocolonial and the globalists.

Ceylon is a good example.

Ukraine is going to be another.

That is of course if a country called Ukraine would exist in 2025.

It will become the poorest country in the West by aspiring to become a NATO member.

A premature baby in an incubator!

Band wagon of EU is to eliminate corruption but globalists have made EU to become the Core of Corruption.

Next tragedy will hit Poland since it has not come out of Old Axioms.

I have worked with a Polish Professor in UK, Even though I did not ask why he left Poland for UK, he on his own way told me his predicament in UK and Poland.

He was in his last leg of appointment and was to retire in 3 months.

Nobody wanted to work under him knowing his retirement.

We gave him a grand sendoff.

Coming back to the Title of the Topic.
It was the British Empire to begin with.
The Queen lead the band wagon of plunder of its subjects.

Pound ruled then but no more.

With the fall of British Empire, the American Dollar Economy took its root.

What it did was to spread its debts on countries under its umbrella.

When the dollar fails all these countries including India will fail.

It is happening now.

Russia somehow balanced its budget and its military to take NATO headed by USA, headon.

Mighty USA is a sinking ship.

If USA goes with a frontal assault with China the damage is not repairable.

China puts countries under its belt im a grand debt trap.
Ceylon included.
It is now dealing with portion of the land.

Poor countries become poorer by becoming prey to the big lenders.

China is taking over where USA has left its hegemony and debt trap.

Taking a loan to settle a loan is most foolish economic plot.

Ceylon is a working example.

Ukraine is next.

Taiwan is third.

But China is the obstacle!

Friday, June 9, 2023

Story of Three Dogs

This is the Title of my latest book.

The plot is in development stage.

It will be in Harry Potter Style.

If it is successful a portion of its proceeds would be donated to Independent Dementia Research for Dogs.

There are so many demented guys in American politics, I consider using them as my research data base after their retirement from politics (i.e; after two terms in office).

Ceylonese politicians are excluded since they are in advanced stage of Dementia Documentosa Stage III, for any benefit to their souls.

They are better off dead for a long rein in hell.

For the sake of their young family (already US citizens) members wishing to take up politics in the future, I am going to have a Secure Linux Database (SLD for short).

The presumption is same lies their forefathers used cannot be used in future and better and more consumptive lies of global nature needs to be created.

I have already named the three dogs.

1. CDC Dog who is in charge of research money.

Protocol of how the money should be distributed is under discussion.

Already a Ceylonese stray dog has volunteered.

2. The second dog is named as Heavenly Dog and any man or women with extra dogs in the litter (well trained by them) can hire for the entire period of research.

No reimbursement by default.

3. The third dog has to be special.
He / she should have nano second memory since he / she in going to be in charge of the Dementia Research Protocol.

He can be named either Amnesia Original or   Tails (Total Amnesia in Living Soul) Dog.

Sex of the dog is immaterial.

Four Fears

1. Fear of Fire

2. Fear of Floods

3. Fear of Wind (Cyclones)

4. Fear of Disease

Viral fevers similar to Coronavirus compounded by Fear of Artificial (not properly tested) Vaccines.

5. All these are related to untimely death.

6. One should not fear the timely death by completion of 50 Cell Cycles on this planet.

7. Chuti Sitta here is the Gati Sitta of another, cycle of life not necessarily on this planet but may be on a very distant galaxy.

There are billions of galaxies and the life cycle there may be shorter or longer.

8. Good Kamma carry better lives.

9. Bad Kamma carry forward to animal world.

10. One should not fear born as a dog or an elephant.

Upward mobility to celestial spheres from a dog or elephant life is real and feasible.

11. Be kind to all animals and do not eat flesh of any kind.

Animals can easily be your kith and kin of former lives.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Uncertainty Principle Expanded

1. Fire

There are world systems not destroyed by fire but destroyed by other forces.

2. Water

There are world systems not destroyed by water but destroyed by other forces.

3. Wind

There are world system destroyed by wind.

4. Matter

Apparently solid but molten lava in the mantle.

5. Expansion
Our universe is expanding relentlessly.

6. Contraction
Some others contract and become dark holes.

7. Our planet is exposed to five conditions stated above, including Nuclear power.

8. Biden, Putin and Zelensky go on War Mongering.

9. Missiles rules the sky and flying an airplane in war zone is daunting.

10. I do want to kick the bucket unnaturally.

That is why I am against war anywhere on this planet.

11. War does not solve any unresolved problems but it compounds human predicament.

Bertram Russell predicted similar scenario and the possible World War III.

It is going to be a Nuclear War.

Miscalculation from either Iran or North Korea is a simple probability.

12. The strategic nuclear (arsenal) arms treaty ends in 2024.

Lethal and more destructive arsenal will come into existence.

On going "Arms Race" becomes the new norm.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Space,Travel, Infinity of Mind

This piece is bizarre and has no earthly bound limitations.

In fact, beyond the limitation of physics.

This discussion is not limited by space and gravity.

This is to bring out the concept of Rebirth in relative and comparative terms.

The Kamma is its associate, the two sides of the coin, as it is.

There is a Mongolian belief that dogs have many lives beyond one single life.
They also carry forward memories of their past lives and are born again as dogs.

There is a good film *Purpose of Dogs*

I disagree here and my "born/bone of contest" is that, most dogs are born as celestial beings (Buddhist terminology of Godly beings) or gods.

They easily bypass the mundane human life having lived with them long enough to understand how nasty a human being can be.

Biden, Putin and Zelensky and there followers are good examples that dogs have studied, on their own ways.

Killing opposing beings and eating flesh are their form of liberal life.

They have their own form of gods and sects and the priests walk with the soldiers to kill the fellow humans and the Pope keeps numb due to simple disagreement in textural scripts.

Mongolians follow a form of Buddhism that gives credence to rebirth and meditation.

It is bit different from Tibetan Buddhism in which the term reincarnation has a special meaning and they all try to become Buddhas. It is bit far fetched attempt and somewhat  antagonistic to simple Buddhism where Kamma and Rebirth explains the outcomes and "the casting away" can be done by less vigorous means by becoming an Arhath.

Rebirth cannot be proved but it cannot be denied.

That is my premise here.

There is a Western myth that Buddhism is a philosophy.

I dispense the philosophical connotation outright, to begin with.

In the East, no philosophy has any roots simply because of Hindu belief in creator gods of many kinds.

Buddhism is not a religion, in the sense of the Western and Middle Eastern beliefs where by following the gospel of a mythical god one can redeem oneself and achieve salvation in only one life time or form.

Eternal damnation to hell is unethical on human terms!

Buddhism is a way of life but that way of life is little bit difficult and advanced.

One reaps the benefit of good and bad Kamma.

One cannot escape and the rounds of births are there eternally to salvage good and bad without counsel of gods or elders supervising the outcome.

Buddhism starts with not killing any life including animal life.
It has four simple rules.
Indulgence in alcohol is not in that four and I believe it was added much later into the system.

The Arhants have only 10 very simple precepts.

Eating one main meal a day is one of them.

Vegetarianism is a simple byproduct.

I need to make some reference to Harry Potter series of films to begin with.

Creative and Imaginative but not Inspiring.

I never read any of these fictional books being a man of science.

Being an old time paediatrician that ended up as a gaeriatrician in later life, bringing fear and phobias to kids' mind is no good at all, bordering pathetic depression in them.

I strongly oppose killing opposing imaginative creatures and witches.

I do not want to be born like any of those imaginative beings.

I sometime I think the author of these books in a previous life form was born as a demon to relive them in this life.

I do not mind she living with these miseries in this life but exposing them to young kids is pathological.

I have no objection adults reading them and become killers themselves in war of some form.

Coming back to Title of this piece;

We are one gravity beings with somewhat limited capacity.
We cannot live on the moon with less gravity than on the earth.
We cannot live on Mars with more than one gravity.

No gravity is anathema to all human physiology.

I do not see that it is difficult to land on Mars but forming colonies thete is a another kettle of fish.

We need to design new form of transport which alien beings possess.

Aliens are no gods but advanced humanoids.

The space vehicles are most likely driven by radiation obtained from elements above 112.

Elements above 110 are possible in some galaxies.

Now coming to Mind itself.

I have two books on mind one simple and one advanced at Amazon Book Store.

What follows here is a brief resume!

1. Mind is the best vehicle to travel the Universe.

2. Mind is a mystery.

3. Some meditation techniques can achieve momentary state of  escape from the brain.
However, the mind's attachment to brain is very strong and this escape mode is like an illusion.

This is one reason I oppose any form of meditation.

Live this life in wakeful state!

Be mindful every moment of life.

Be happy.

4. According to Buddhism there are 30 types of celestial beings who live in almost eternal bliss.

5. They have achieved them through vigorous form of meditation and become strongly bonded to these live forms and they believe that state!s is/are eternity.

That is a form of delusion worse than living as a human being with all its discomforts and limitations.

6. All are temporary states of bliss.

7. That brings us to "The Uncertainty Principle".

8. That is the entry point to Dhamma.

I leave it at that point but "Somanassa Chitta' without attachment is the base to real bliss.

There are 3 other components.




Monday, June 5, 2023

New Hope for the Changing World

This piece is based on the thinking of Bertram Russell.

According to him Carl Marx was a great (political) philosopher.

The word political I substituted and has no substantial meaning.
I have not read Karl Marx and let me leave at that.

Most of my adult thinking was shaped by reading his books when young.

Buddhism even though had moral outlook, I did not bother reading.
Besides it was in Pali a language I know very little.
I am almost certain, Sinhala originated from Pali having distorted Pali of its core meaning,

Buddhism opposed war at any cost and I was born in to the free world with NO War.
Then, suddenly (American geared war in the middle east for petrol money) the war in Middle East from 1968 to 1973 for domination of petrol assets changed the world.
Israel is an American proxy backed by UK.

War in Ceylon was again an American proxy aided by Indian RAW from 1983 to 2009 was simply to dominate Trade Route.
It was all war of attrition and it created the current debt crisis in which China has very big interest.

Coming back to Bertram Russell, philosophy not religion had more attractive to me (with or without formal teaching in philosophy).
However, science was my base.

My current attraction to Professor De Bono and his "Beautiful Mind" tagged  probably with compassion has no place in the current world.

I never read Carl Marx and I am still looking for his book I (English translation), De Capital.

He divided the people to proleterate (working class) and burshewa (business or ruling class).

According to Russell, Carl Marx fomented anger.

The result was rise of communism in Russia and China.

As a free thinker he opposed communism but ironically, his opposition to Christianity made him to land and hide in Russia in ?1920s.

He was 4 years old when the First World War started.
He was sent to prison for opposing the world war I.

He hated World War I but was ambivalent to Second world War.

Probably he hated Germans without expressing it in public.

He strongly opposed to Vietnam war and was sent to prison again.

Russians hating Neo Nazis in Ukraine is natural and inborn tenfency.

He in fact, he predicted the Third World War.

He could not say from where but would have thought Americans would engineer it.

Yes Americans have done it, again.


Inborn jealousy to all Russians and its proud long history.

We are now, in the thick of it.

Its consequence are going to be catastrophic.

However, he had an optimistic World View and thought mankind will eventually come to senses in the distant future by opposing all form of wars.

He said he cannot predict when that will come.

Perhaps with Nuclear War looming his prediction will never come to fruition in our life time.

That is an irony mankind has failed to grasp.

More weapon to Ukraine will bring Peace without any cost to Western Hegemony.

Not a reset but a new world order would emerge in the East.

You Tube Killing Itself - News Reporting

I will repeat a wise saying by Sir Bertram Russell, at the end of this note.

Bear with me.

Yes, You Tube is killing itself.
It is not a news outlet but a commercial outpost.

The Google the parent company is asking me to register for a new splashy outfit.

I have decided to say good bye to you tube.

It is a cesspit!

I am looking for an alternative and brisk preferably text based NEWS n Simple English.

There a few.

Gradually they are coming good.

Why Google is failing?

1. Like Microsoft it is bulky for no reason.

2. It wants it to be commercially expanded.

3. Its users or guys using it are becoming self born pundits who are  addicted to prejudices.

4. Google and YouTube demonizes the opposing to CIA and FBI wishes.

5. It is no longer neutral!

Addiction to money is not a good habit.

I once wished to make a YouTube video on Linux but decided not to.

It is counterproductive.

All coding in Linux is in text mode and its kernel has millions of lines and it provides a platform free for all its developers.

There are no commercial incentives.

Linux thrives due to that freedom.

If Linux went on commercial path it would have been a death knell for it success.

Mind you Google is Linux based but commercial.

I am happy I get over thousand hits per week on my text based posting here.

Posting  are mainly on Linux and politics, religion and science I have excluded.

Coming to Bertram Russell he once said;

For intellectual expression there are two vital elements.

1.Get the facts right.

2. What is the use of the factual knowledge.

In his view for moral expressions two ingredients are vital.

Love for his / her fellow beings.
Absence of hate.

I think Zelensky hate Russians.
He is a proxy of UK and USA.

Americans and British hate Russians for no reason.

Putin is reciprocating not in kindness but with overwhelming power of missiles.

He loves Russians and only a few his felloe beings in the front line.

Rest is on defensive lines.

If Russians cross the line of defence it is the end of Ukraine and a curse for the Poland.

Restraint on both sides is waning.

We are fast approaching Catastrophe!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Linux Cellphones

Linux cellphones are coming of age.

All of them are expensive except Pine Phone.

There are

Pine Phone


Pro1 X with a sliding keyboard.



One can take a refurbished smart phone and install Lineage OS instead of Android OS.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Elive Linux -Pretty Good

Elive Linux is out.
It is pretty good.
I just downloaded the 64 bit version which is compatible with 32 bit computers.
It is 3.9GB.
It has Gparted.
It configures WiFi effortlessly. 
It can make a persistent bootabale system on a USB.

Its installer is bit different.
It has its own package store.

I can get AbiWord.
It has open office.
It has Conky and Cairo desktop.

Only problem for me was its dark theme with my eyesight failing was a bit of a problem.
It has the looks of Netrunner which I use.
I have no hesitation of recommending it to a newbie but having a bit of Linux experience is welcome.

Elive was one of my heart throbs during 32 bit version time with its glaring desktop effects with minimum of RAM usage.

The original developer is with the team and crowd funding is mandatory for it to stay active.