Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sparky Linux Game Over and Steam

Sparky Linux Game Over and Steam

 Let me dispense with Steam, I downloaded it using Emmabanuts which has become my Working OS installed on an External Disk. 

It took fairly long time and at the end I had to sign up with steam account which I did not, Simply because it becomes a pain in my Arxxc.

Whereas Sparky Linux Game over download was brisk and it's live session was smooth but I could not configure the Internet (Mobile) WiFi to download Steam  on to 64 GB USB stick.

I want it mobile and not on my hard disk.

I have finally installed Sparky Linux on my SATA Disk and it had lot of games.

In any case my external SSD is for mobile use.

I am new to Sparky Linux (it is on my PC) and won't install it on my Intel NUC until I am confident to configure it for my needs.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Meditation and its Outcome

This a full chapter in my new book coming soon!

Meditation and its Outcome

This is an attempt to bring some clarity to Meditation in general and to give a brief preview of the Buddhist Attitude to“Full Awareness of Mind and Body Duality” as a conundrum (confusing or difficult problem or question to solve).

From the very outset, I was never keen on meditation but kept a safe distance except some academic interest for posterity.


When I was working in Colombo as a skilled person on Quality Training in general and in Hospital Administration (non existent 30 years ago and possibly even to this day), in particular. I met six guys/girls with some form of mental derangement, as a third party referral option (by some of my friends in Colombo) to me.

Psychology (I had an aversion to it from my student days) was not my interest and I referred them to a psychiatrist whom, I knew from my early days without a formal referral note (I did not want to label them with a psychological tab).He send them back to me without a formal diagnosis or label stating he could not figure out the problems in them by his way of probing.

The general impression given to me by the psychiatrist was to ignore the derangement (No Drugs prescribed, probably expecting them to disappear on their own accord) and see the outcome. That was not the way, I was used to addressing a current or recurrent problem.

I decided to dig a little, more.

The common denominator was that they all had gone into Practice of Meditation in their free time after retirement.

My prescription then even before seeing them was, if you are 65 or above, do not try NewSpecial Skills, like meditation    but practice good living and take the prescribed medicine for high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism and the like. I have now lowered this age of “No Meditation without supervision” to 55.    

In my case, I did not practice meditation at all but I practiced a method of my own to facilitate (“focus this moment” coming from management background of “Quality Control”) completing my pending work load.

One at a time but fully focused.

Now I call this the “Moment Meditation”.

This did good in my research work without a reliable supervisor. In all, Meditation was an antithesis to my own, normal intellectual activity (especially dealing with science and research).

My observation of these six guys and girls were;

1. They were perfectly normal in their own fields.

2. They were friends of my friends and I had an obligation.

3. They had ailments like diabetes, hypertension but never psychological.

4. They had happy families except one or two.

5. They were trustworthy and had ample free time.

6. All of them had at least one new medical problem    (pain, headache, increase in frequency of daily habits, obesity, binge eating and drinking) which they never had before trying meditation practice. In other words, mental derangement was        a new phenomenon.

7. They were drawn into this practice not by compulsion but by trends at that time (mind you 30 years ago).

8. They were simply experimenting and not trying to correct their defiles or acquire new merits.

In a nutshell, they were very simple guys with common sense, in day to day life but not in Mind Control (better term is Purification of Mind of impurities). My prescription was to tell them, give up the new habit, which is a very simple prescription in geriatric age (simple rearrangement of one’s bedroom or work table leads to disorientation in old age) and those guys/girls fully recovered in no time.

Why I am writing this now.

I found a few books published (even before I was born) by an erudite monk for his fellow monks.

The book enumerated five or more warnings.

1. One can go mad.

2. One can get new diseases.

3. Some diseases may disappear.

4. The diseases that had gone into hibernation might resurface.

5. One may try, to become an egocentric and compulsive teacher.

The biggest vulnerability is to become a teacher and trying to convert others to his or her fold. These things are happening in this country and around the world.

Why I do not know.


If you an old guy please do not try uncharted territories or make others to follow you.

You are in hot water by your own misguided trips.

There are lot of Messiahs in the Youtube.

They are stage crafted to mislead and misguide, the gullible souls.Unfortunately, I think even Dr. Steven Greer probably falls into this undesirable (probably well meant but stage managed for other reasons) radar screen. There are many more coached by misinformation campaigners with sinister motives.

There are many forms including, mind control, telepathy, remote viewing and in general, subservience to propaganda protocols.

Coming back to duality of mind and matter in Buddhist context, meditation is for taming the mind and elevating it into a level of Dhamma Perspective of no soul, unsatisfactory nature of Bhava (being) and impermanence.

The egoistic belief is the most common affliction and the hindrance for perfection and forward march. One should have this perspective (Three Principles), even before sitting on a meditation session, lest one would get engrossed in elevated moods in trance states that invariably become a major hindrance to peace and purity of mind. Not only that, one should not use these states of mind, in magic craft and self elevated illusion of grandiosity.

The objective of other religions is either subservience to a almighty gods or spirits or alien contacts of some kind.

In Buddhist perspective, the sole objective is to shed these illusions and the grandiosity of self or soul. In search for the true nature or the behavior of mind / matter duality.

The"Self" preservation” is an antithesis in Dhamma.

In Dhamma;

1."Sila" or the Discipline

2."Samadhi" or Sustained Effort

3."Pagna" or Wisdom are the prerequisites.

The understanding of the three things (no permanent soul entity, impermanence and unsatisfactoriness of all events) of Dhamma is a prerequisite for attaining the goal.

No soul concept, (No binding self), impermanence and unsatisfactory nature of life of beings are the three things one should contemplate before attempting meditation.

Or else it is a waste of one’s time and energy..

May even lead to madness!

Be mindful of the goal.

It is not a gift but an achievement unsurpassed.

Update on LibreOffice

Update on LibreOffice

I have good news for you,
Even though, I have gone back to AbiWord for my writing, I still do some testing on LibreOffice.

Best way to avoid macros is to work the file in AbiWord to begin with.

Then open it in LibreOffice.
Unlike old days LibreOffice van open an AbiWord file.

Then save it in odt or doc format if you want Microsoft.

I tried to be smart and saved the AbiWord file as odt.

LibreOffice copies it but every line is separated by a big gap.

If you let AbiWord file as abw and open it on LibreOffice, then LibreOffice ignores any gaps left by AbiWord.

So I am going to have my first book by LibreOffice published at Amazon (of about 100 pages ) before Christmas.

If one cut and paste from a Web document all what one has to do is to paste unformatted.

The Macros are removed.

There is a problem, though.

At the point of pasting one has to manually change formatting style of LibreOffice before pasting, to text mode.

If one just pastes the file it will copy the formatting style at the top of the page.

If one does not test every time one paste a file, the Index and Tables will get clumsy and one cannot get the file ready for printing.

What I do is have a AbiWord document opened and I paste it in AbiWord so that AbiWord removes all formatting and macros from the file.

Then cut and paste in the LibreOffice, file.

AbiWord always prompt and say the file is corrupt and cannot be saved.

Now that I have found that LibreOffice can use unformulated style on pasting a big file, it saves bit of time for me.

I still do not like it's formatting styles.

It's page layout is not book size but open web page.

I tried a 350 page book file and formating went haywire.
This is all due to lack of page breaks.
Thankfully Abiword open a file made in odt.
I save it with abw.
Job done.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Epilogue on Linux Fundamentals

Epilogue on Linux Fundamentals

This book was intended to be under 100 pages but went off the target by many a miles. The reason being the technicalities are so immense and summarizing even the fundamental is a daunting task.

In conclusion, I must say one need a map or sketch for one to start with Linux. The idea that one can learn from the YouTube, even though feasible is not the right way. 

YouTube tend to generalize things much more than it ought to be or should be. 

Trying to compress the content into to tight time frame, like a political speech in not the right way.

That is the very reason this book came in to existence.    

 My earlier books on Linux were about running a Linux distribution and using it including partitioning of the hard disk. The intention of the book is to put Linux in correct perspective and not to make money by selling the book. 

If anybody who has delved into Linux and wanted to write a book on particular aspect of Linux, I have given the perspective of writing a book from free and open software in the opening chapter. 

I have written lot more in my Google Blog spot.

What I see is, even the Linux is bitten by the bug of commercial capitalism. 

I have never intended to make a video on YouTube and I will never do that in my life time. 

I do not want to ask for some subscription fee  or contribution to a web letter or any of my blog post. 

I have never earned a cent from Google Ad Sense. Its total contribution to me, as of today is less than ten dollars. 

The intention of the blog post was never to make money but to share Linux information on almost weekly basis. 

I wanted to stop it abruptly but there are still a few visitors and I will continue to post relevant information with an eye on simple honesty.

I have not said anything about Linux games in this book except making a passing reference to the connection of PSP3 and PSP4 to Sony to BSD

I am keeping a close look at the Steam Deck and Dock, simply because it has the Steam Distribution3 (expensive for me to buy) and a desktop to work with. 

It was a huge march forward by Valve

I have steam 1 DVD (32 bit) which won’t boot on a live session. 

I looked at the Linux Tracker Archive and there is no recent Iso image there.

However, I support Sparky Linux Game Over and still, I have not downloaded it. 

It will be my Christmas Treat.

I have Sparky Linux (Cinnamon and Mint) installed in my PC and has a few problems with ESP and GRUB boot loader.

Development Strategy of Linux

Simplified history of Unix-like operating systems. Linux shares similar architecture and concepts (as part of the POSIX standard) but does not share non free source code with the original Unix or MINIX. The primary difference between Linux and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux Kernel and other software components are free and open source. 

Linux is not the only such operating system, although it is by far the most widely used. Some free and open source software licenses are based on the principle of copyleft, a kind of reciprocity; any work derived from a copyleft piece of software must also be copyleft itself. 

The most common free software license, the GNU General Public License (GPL), is a form of copyleft and is used for the Linux Kernel and many of the components from the GNU Project.

Linux-based distributions are intended by developers for Interoperability with other operating systems and established computing standards. 

Linux Systems adhere to POSIX, SUS, LSB, ISO and ANSI Standards where possible, although to date only one Linux distribution has been POSIX.1 certified,Linux-FT.


Linux is NOT a Operating System but a Kernel and the distributions are built on top of this kernel.


Free software projects, although developed through collaboration, are often produced independently of each other. The fact. that the software licenses explicitly permit redistribution, provides a basis for larger scale projects that collect the software produced by stand alone projects and make it available all at once in the form of a Linux distribution.

Many Linux distributions manage a remote collection of system software and application software packages available for download and installation through a network connection. This allows users to adapt the operating system to their specific needs. Distributions are maintained by individuals, loose knit teams, volunteer organizations, and commercial entities. A distribution while depending on the kernel is responsible for the default configuration of the installed distribution, general system security, and more generally, integration of the different software packages into a coherent whole. 

Distributions typically use a package manager such as apt, yum, zypper, pacman or (portage in the case of BSD) to install, remove and update all of a system's software from one central location.

By the way, BSD is a complete operating system with its own Unix-like kernel and software. 

It was not meant to be for personal computers but one can install in on a PC with XFS file system on a compatible Intel Hardware.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Going Back to AbiWord was Automatic

Going Back to AbiWord was Automatic

My experiment with LibreOffice has come to an end. 

It is given lot of headache.

It all started with me erasing all my book file in one night.

I have reinstalled Emmabanuts, Ubuntu and two versions of Debian (old and new editions of version 15) in two SATA disks

In that process I erased the Home Partition ( I generally do not erase my home partition to save files).

I needed a clean sheet for year 2023.

All the books I had old copes saved in a 2 GB USB stick except the last copy of the book on Linux Fundamentals,

I have had this accident 5 years ago when I erased the entire hard disk of our PC.

Now I work with a NUC which is new to me and has not yet mastered the Visual BIOS to mount external USB sticks in succession.

It was all fore good. I need to learn lot of new things happening in Linux especially the Systemd and the old SystemV  init processes and also how the Kernel is developing in very rapid speed.

With the Christmas only four weeks away everything in the developer world is going to come to a halt or if not to slow grinding pace.

I have only to download SparkyLinuxGameOver and I did not want to waste my data and decided to gather all the pieces in my blog site for editing into a book format.

Few trials with LibreOffice, especially formatting and spell checking got me to a grinding slow pace.

So I went back to to AbiWord and in three hours non stop I got all the files in one place.I did have problem with spell checking but after a time in the web it automatically connected me to the Web Spell checker of AbiWord.

AbiWord is only 28 MB and it does not have bulky built in dictionary. It has a spell checker as a cloud utility, I believe.

I was more involved in getting the precise page formatting not so much the spelling. Besides I have all my dictionaries by the side of me. So going back to AbiWord was, say the least saved me lot of hours,

Thank You AbiWord.

Monday, November 21, 2022



Web site: planetwatt.com (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: i3, LXDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: R13 | December 30, 2023
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: wattOS

wattOS – a lightweight Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, targeted to users of “old” computers. The system uses a very lightweight pekwm window manager by default, while maintaining good functionality of the entire system. wattOS with pekwm (microwatt) desktop is available for 32 bit machines.

The developer also offers two versions of the distribution with LXDE and MATE desktops.
Both are available for 32 and 64 bit machines.

As of R8 released in May 2014, wattOS has been ported from Ubuntu to Debian of the stable branch. “Microwatt” desktop has been changed from Pekwm to Openbox.

wattOS R9 is back based on Ubuntu and the microwatt version comes with the i3 window manager.
Regarding WattOS Booting
This is just to report that wattOS does not have EFI partition to boot from my 64 bit computer.
It has only Legacy OS booting and BIOS GRUB does not configure.
It is 64 bit and live booting is OK.
It has adopted the Debian Calamaris Installation.
I looked through all the options and it has no EFI configuration file but the Debian Big Daddy has EFI tool and I installed it new in my SATA hard disk of 120 GB and is working fine but has only Plasma Desktop.
Hope the hard working developers of Watt OS take a leaf out of the pages of 4M Linux and adopt their boat loader.
4M Linux is sleek small footprint Linux and I have used it in the past.
I have used wattOS back in 32 bit age but have never tried it's 64 bit version in install mode.
I am going to take a break from Linux testing for a while and would be finishing my book on Linux Fundamental soon.
I have misplaced or erased the last copy of it and may have to redo the file.

Small is Beautiful in Linux

Small is Beautiful in Linux

Yes all my work is done on two 360 GB SATA Hard Disks and 4 Linux distributions.
Number one is
1. Emmabantus
It took a little while to get my Email signed in.
Gmail does a good job in verifying it through my cracked cellphone (liquid crystal - I dropped it on the cement floor) I won't watch the Football matches to save electricitybut the scares and summary of the matches are displaced on a corner.
Thank You Emmabantus.
2.Number two is Ubuntu for Wireless protocol with 4G and GRUB boot Loader.
3. Number three is Debian for its Plasma desktop 
4. Number 4 is Old Edition of Debian for its assortment of desktops to choose at boot time.
Let me not forget the others.
1. Puppy Linux with its nw editions.
2. Knoppix from 7.7 to current 9.1.
3. Endless OS for its assortment of packages in cellphone like desktop.
4. PCLinux Dark edition (not yet downloaded)
5. Sparky Linux Game Over-currently downloading.
Let me say few words about bad Linux Distributions.
All my life I have erased only oe from my collection.
It is DeepIn from China. It is horrible. Do not try it.
Calculate Linux from Russia- I will download it when I replenish my Data Package.
Mageia Linux for not having a Live CD/DVD. I come from Mandrake and Mandriva I wish they produce a Live Version for testing I have no intention of installing it.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Wireless Saga with Linux Distributions

Ever since, I disconnected the Ethernet Wire nearly 100 feet long over our roof (due to a faulty portion which I could not locate), I was looking for Wireless Solutions.

Besides, I could have fallen off the roof and would have broken my legs just to to get the Internet Connection.

I have become much wiser my entire working table, mouse and the keyboard are wireless and all are running Under Linux with tiny Intel NUC7-- having only 4 USB ports.

1. One I connected to my External SATA Disk running Emmabantus, plus an old version of Debian 11.

It is in the charging port.

2. The second front USB port, I connected to a short extension cord for testing USBs  (all the Linux distribution that I have collected over 20 years).

More about it later piece.

3. Third port is stuck with a USB wireless plug that links to the mouse and the keyboard.

I am left with one USB port that can charge a device connected  to it (I disabled the charging facility using Visual BIOS).
Visual BIOS is also lot of learning.

Disabling charging port save electricity and overheating.

This I have tentatively connected to the external SATA Disk which needs power.

4. I thought I  have one USB port left to fiddle.
That intention was shirt lived.
My belief was the Dialog Mobile WiFi would sit on the NUC without needing a USB port.

Nearly 24 hours of working with the Dialog Mobile WiFi, I come to the conclusion that it needs to be connected to the remaining USB port both for power and connectivity.

No real WiFi.

It took a long time for me to figure out the proper layout, so I could only leave UEFI compatible USBs on the desk and the rest to a plastic box to be kept near my comparatively old but 64 bit -PC.

I am finishing a book on Linux Fundamentals and the real critical analysis of Linux distribution will appear on that book.

1. For Wireless capability only Ubuntu 21-10 gets the gold award  (for real 4G connectivity).

2. All the others provide only 3G Dongle connectivity.

That is also not automatic but a little bit of tweeking is necessary.

That includes latest Debian and the old Debian needs an Ethernet Wire for sure (I tried to fiddle during installing to configure wireless but I could not).

Emmabantus with trial and error, I managed to get the 4G Wireless running.

I have no hesitation of recommending Emmabantus over  Debian.

Unlike Ubuntu it has lot of utilities including the provision for MultiSystem USB sticks (for testing).

That is why one need to try several Linux Distributions to get all what one needs.

In my case.
1. Debian new version. Only Plasma desktop.
2. Ubuntu is essential for configuring EFI and GRUB.
3. Emmabantus for utilities.
4. Old Debian for all the desktop types I used to love.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Corona Virus Saga and Vaccine Deaths Under Biden's Administration

Corona Virus Saga and Vaccine Deaths Under Biden's Administration

This is something CNN and Dr. Sanjaya Gupta failed to address (WHO and U.N.O bosses are diverting attention on Environmental Issues to avoid liability).

1. Lots of children under five who had the faulty vaccine are dying in USA and UK and they are trying to cover it up with the coincidental Respiratory Syncytial Virus which is fatal to Premature or S.C.I.U babies (in my experience in the old days), not any child under 5.

2. In USA and UK, lot of the elderly over 65 years who had the faulty vaccine are dying prematurely.

One PM  of UK was known to have said, that it is OK, only the old guys are dying and less expenses for the N.H.S.

3. The Emergency Use Authorization was used by big Pharma companies to bypass the normal safety protocols.

Biden administration who came to power in the backdrop of CDC chairman's shoddy deals (Undermining even President Trump's Presidential powers with sarcasm) is responsible for the millions of deaths due to the Faulty Vaccine that could have been prevented if proper field trials were allowed.

I almost kicked the bucket (myocarditis) due to the faulty vaccine but still have skeletal muscle effects 2 years after (it effects the skeletal muscles, even lifting a bucket of water is a strain for my arms).

Fortunately it did not effect my higher centers and my fingers are working properly (especially because of the frequent use of the keyboard) to blog a piece almost on daily basis until my data package is over.

Shifting the blame to old age phenomena and alcohol is also a bizarre diversion tactic.

These are the very same people who voted for the democratic party who are dying in record numbers and Republican Party should be happy and wise to wait for two years for more of the Democratic Voters to die including some old codgers in the Senate.

In Ceylon lot of elderly died due to vaccination (thankfully children were not given the vaccine) program and the regime was ousted.

But "Kaputa and Kerala Regime" is running the show and they even fear to hold provincial elections.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Why I hate CNN and some of its Reporters?

Why I hate CNN and some of its Reporters?

I am not a journalist but a critical analyst all my life.

I started analyzing doctors to begin with.

Yes doctors do lot of lying in their career but we have a system in place where the doctor's name can be erased from the Register for life.

Also practicing doctors have to register once every 2 to 5 years and pay a fee for that.

I did not register for 22 years (I do not practice now) and I am writing here as a layman.

There is no formal registration for journalists in Ceylon.

Anybody can become journalist by proxy.

Just like x-lensky in Ukraine who is a master of fake information.

This is where CNN falls in and their journalists become fodder for the propagenda of the Democratic party.

It is by proxy an extension of the Democratic party. 

Democratic party pay masters may have a stake at CNN as a company but they should leave the journalists to do the reporting with their own skills.

CNN used to be independent many moons ago and I shifted from BBC to CNN and they had reporters coming from all over the world unlike BBC.

I listen to BBC for only cricket news and after Jeffry Boycott retired from ( I like the Yorkshire accent) commentating on cricket, I said Good Bye to BBC.

Of course now, the BBC is an extension of the Prime Minister's office.

British Council was an independent organization promoting education and its publishers.

It is no more but now more interested in Teaching English (big failure).

They used to have a meeting once a month in its premises.

They used to dish out foreign alcohol liberally and I used to see non members of the library mixing with members (when they misbehave I tell the security guards to check the membership and throw them out).

It is all right enjoying food and drink but respecting it as an educational institute should not be forgotten.

This is the entry point to criticizing CNN and its current reporters.

They are "punch drunk" politically and there is no independent reporting at all.

Some of the reporters I hate now.

I can predict what they are going to say.

They have only  Donald Trump to bash. 

It is said even bad publicity is good in politics and Donald Trump without spending money capitalizing at CNN's expense!

The Russia-Phobia is in my estimate is a very serious paranoid disorder.

Why not say something about great Russian culture and how beautiful the landscape is.

Unlike USA streets are not litter full.

It is pretty obvious the reporting is biased and one sided.

No wonder CNN's rating has plummeted down drastically and I do not feel sorry for them.

It came to a point I only look at only the BBC weather reporting (after the fact and we have already experienced the bad weather and for me looking at the sky is enough to predict what is to come).

The same old weather reporters, now already grand mothers are reporting.

I save my electricity bill and switch off the TV the moment the news is telecasted.

Luckily there are alternative YouTube channels coming out thick and fast (already fed up American and British citizens sponsoring them). 

One can watch them when one is free and no need to wait for prime time news.

Cellphone industry has grown 1000 times more than the Television.

When coconut prices go up we know it instantaneously.

No need to talk about powdered milk and stocks are full and packets are becoming smaller (due to price hike) by the day and very soon we have packets like salad cream or tomato sauce.

Why CNN not highlighting the price hike and suffering of ordinary people due to gas pipe blown up by the British?

Are they scared of losing their perks for politicizing the news?

Fox news and Australian Sky news I had been boycotting for ages.

Boycotting CNN is the natural progression.

In desperation I shifted to AL-Jassera news outlet, which is not bad at all.

Linux Tracker Archive

 Linux Tracker Archive

I have to mention a few important points here.

I strongly discourage point to point download of Linux Iso images for good reason. If the link breaks down in a point to point download and a few files (one has to do a checksum) are broken in the chain, one is left with a corrupt Iso image. It won’t boot or install. 

This is where trying a Live CD or DVD is important for a newbie.

File corruption does not happen with Torrent Downloads.

All the long standing distributions, some of them which are dysfunctional today have contributed to Linux Tracker Archive, a Stable Torrent Image before they wound up the operations. So one can download and test them at leisure, even if they are inactive. I had the habit of downloading Linux images from Linux Tracker Archive for testing purposes. 

My idea was to build an archive of old the distributions I downloaded. I still have over 800 Isos (mostly 32 bit) in my collection gathering dust. When Linux Tracker came into existence, it took a big burden from my head.

For few years, I did not visit this site.

I was looking for Gparted and SparkyLinuxGameOver images to download and I ended up going back to their archive and found it is still doing a yeoman service, free of charge. 

By the way, this is different from www.distrowatch.com which highlights distributions according to page hits. So some of the distributions are not listed in www.distrowatch.com, whereas all the distributions posted in LinuxTracker site remain there for ever.

The latest images are posted in pages I, 2 and 3 and the older on 4,5, 6, 7 etc, with the date of the posting mentioned. Not only Linux but BSD images are also posted at this site.

The Redhat based CentOS community stopped developing the distribution abruptly, However, AlmaLinux community kept on following the tradition with a new brand name. Linux distributions going inactive is completely normal but there are enough derivatives that continue to expand from the point of the last release (of inaction).

Monday, November 14, 2022

Biden's Presidency, Is it worth writing about him / it?

Biden's Presidency, Is it worth writing about him / it?

When history is written by independent historians (unless he has got money from the Democratic Party to write- that is the usual case in American Politics), there is nothing much to write about him, except he remained as the Vice President (while his son was doing shoddy things in Ukraine like Barisma) quite impotent.

He was born to be politically impotent, that is what the MIC or Military Industrial Complex wants, any would be Democratic or Republican politician to be in White House.

Anybody who question the MIC is taken to task and that is probably what happened to President Trump.

He has his own undoing, it is for the Republican Party to find an escape goat and until President Trump came into politics from a business background Republicans were in total slumber.

1. President Biden did sweet nothing to promote himself. 

He was impotent, in that sense.

2. It was the CDC, Chair Person who catapulted him to politics by giving dead ropes to the White House and President Trump.

3. For his fault President being a businessman thought CDC Guy was credible.

President Trump should not have trusted him and should have his own credible guy's to advice him on WHO and Public Health matters.

After all he is the President of America and can has his own cabinet of experts unlike in UK.

He did not Mike Pence was yes man under him.

He was slimy little Italian guy who played politics with the pandmic.

4. If not for him President Biden would not have surfaced with Mrs, Clinton doing some bidding in the Democratic party.

5. What President Biden did was to hijack (that is what all politicians in the opposition do) Republican party's proposals, as they came from his own brain.

6. Biden has no diplomatic brain at all.

The way he treated President Putin will come to hurt America diplomatically for many more years to come.

For his part President Putin tried to mend fences with the West.

He was very caustious.

If not for Biden's lack of long term diplomatic vision President Putin would never have invaded Ukraine.

The cautious guy became belligerent.

7. His additional paranoia with China made even Xi Jing Ping become assertive.

It would have been Xi coming to America to divest his silicone dream.

What is happening is they are becoming less dependent on American chips and are currently implementing, secretly though, an ambitious silicone chip manufacturing complexes / plants (in multiples) in mainland China.

I do not carry a brief for Putin or Trump or Xi but when history is wrriten in real context those points I have raised above will have to be scrutinized carefully.

Americas downfall and emergence of BRICS are almost simultaneous, in my belief.

Small country like Ceylon cannot buy high-tech-stuff only from the West.

NUC from Intel may be the last  that I may be able to purchase.

We have to look for cheaper and alternative choises.

It has already begun with the food crisis looming.

Kari Lake, Mild Trumpism (Truism), Dissent of Minorities, Cricket, Crickets, Mosquitoes and the Environment

Kari Lake, Mild Trumpism (Truism), Dissent of Minorities, Cricket, Crickets, Mosquitoes and the Environment

It is a lot to cover but all are inter connected and never integrated.

I am in the process of writing a book on mosquitoes.

This time with a difference.

I am writing everything good about mosquitoes, not necessarily in evolutionary terms.

In UK and USA all emigrants are despised like mosquitoes.


It is all about Racism and White is Superior Mentality ingrained in the System.

In UK on the surface, it looks fair to Asian immigrants.

In my time 60% of the N.H.S (most likely their UNHAPPY descendants are also trapped in the same System) was staffed by Asians. 

In fact we had an Overseas Doctors Association to voice our grievances.

It did not take long for me to realize that I was posted to all the remote places where White (if there were white guys they were Irish by descent) British Guys did not want to work. 

I wanted to work in a University setup and I knew the Universities were exclusively for the British.

I had enough working experience in Ceylon and did not have to learn anything new (In fact-White guys from Germany and Poland- They too were discriminated in the System-).

French dare come to UK

These guys were visibly not pleased that they had to learn the basics from an Asian Guy.

I did not enjoy it at all but all my intentions were to hang on till I was eligible for a paltry pension (certainly not the citizenship - it was natural after 6 years of continuous service, one is eligible for resident status, those days) which I had to wrestle a bit with the N.H.S, as an overseas agent.

They actually use the word agent as is in spy agents of 007 of James Bond type.

Now to the crunch point of Ceylon Postal Service which was established by the British in early 1880 to pay the salaries of the expatriates (another technical term in colonial history) has gone to dogs (really termites) with the current UNP/SLPP administration retrenching the postal workers to establish a private commercial venture.

The letter from the Pension Department that I received recently was eaten by termites at the Post Office.

In fact, I had to cut the top margin and spray thinner to kill termite eggs, so that my books are not invaded by them in lss than 3 months.

Going digital is not thew solution.

This is the point Katy Lake should jump on and invest the next two years.

There is “de facto” and “de juro” terminology in government census and election terminology.

I go for, ONLY de facto (at least six months of the working year) guys and girls should be voting. I do not want the guys who come for temporary work status voting in my district.

They should go back to their own residential areas and vote. By doing that one can estimate the mobile population who are like termites, if not mosquitoes who deprive the resources for poor locals. The mosquitoes one can kill in their act of blood sucking but the termites are underground and come out only during mating season. They are the food for the frogs and toads and we have a resident lady frog who comes to devour the termite flies. The male fly I think die after mating and I thank the lady frog for the service she render BUT the Queen of the Termite Colony, I think live for over 100 years.

I have nothing against the ants.

There much versatile and have large soldiers who invariably look after my orchid flowers.

Kary Lake should point out that de facto vote is more important and the postal votes will be attacked by the termites, if they stop counting over weekends and take such a long time to count, them.

It is painful and I thank myself, I am not in America witnessing this saga.

The problem for Ceylon is when the next election round comes nobody would get the 50% of the total vote and they will keep counting the second choice and the third choice and by the time counting is finished 50% of the ballots will be eaten by termites (mind you ants do not eat paper, they have better taste buds) and the lawyers will make representation for termites (environmental issue now).

Just in time, I got an environmental issue interposed in between to highlight the failure of the WHO to curtail Corona Virus pandemic.

I have few more point to dish out.

The mosquitoes is easy.

I thank them for the British leaving this country.

British left not because of Mahatma Gandhi but because of mosquitoes (in Ceylon it was leeches and the wounds the leech bites made got infested).

The malaria mosquitoes do not breed above 2500 feet and that is why most of the governors lived in Nuwara Eliya just above 2500 feet. Leeches do not come out and they are happy (like democratic politicians who do not want to shed their perks, Nancy Pelosy and her husband are classic examples of geriatrics who govern USA, Mitch McConnell is no different ) with one meal once a year.

I have two counts left.

Congratulate to England Team and Ben Stokes (who had a torrid time in the past) for winning another Trophy. Yes cricket belongs to England and not Indian I.P.L (pandemic killed cricket in India and I feel very sorry for Virath Koli

Such an elegant player who has no place in this big bash tournaments.

I have now only left with the insect, the crickets.

I planted 10 maize seeds to support RW Rajapaska.

Only two germinated and one plant already showing signs of ill health. Probably the larva is eating up the stem. 

 I do not want the crickets to come and rot the remaining exotic plants in my rooftop garden.

No more germinating maize seeds.