Thursday, May 26, 2022

World War III or My View, An Objective Point of View

 World War III or My View, An Objective Point of View

 I have little data left in my dialog USB Stick and thought of making a brief entry here.

I am not an expert on wars and I have no understanding of World War I and II.

I was born after World War II and I want to die during a peaceful time and not during a war of attrition or a destructive World War III.

We in Ceylon had 33 year of internal war of attrition and we now are paying the price with hunger.


It is no doubt that even without a war, lot of kids are dying of hunger in this world and the UNO or WHO cannot stem it.


My Theory of World War III.

1. I am pretty sure Russia is mindful and want start the World War III.

Russia has checks and balances and luckily we have a guy who is not a military man but an astute politician called Putin.


2. Then we have a Mad Man and a Joker (I am sorry Ukrainians have elevated this guy to mayhem).

He wants more and more war material to destroy Russia and has become a Proxy of CIA and Military Industrial Complex.


3. European Commission that was commissioned to avoid the World War III has put their Proxy-Poland to help Ukrainians from behind or from West.

Scott Ritter has a good analysis of this War of prolonged attrition and one is advised to  see it, before Google put it down.


My intention here is to touch the points he missed in a lighter vein.


4. Third World War will start not in Taiwan but in a place like Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar or North Korea.

Certainly not in India and China cannot find a plausible cause to initiate it. 

It also cannot monitor peace in the world for its economic growth.

China may be supplying war material to smaller countries in Africa so when they go bankrupt like in Ceylon, they will then purchase the land assets like in Hambantota port.

5. America cannot start it even though the MIC wants it desperately, since the declaration of War is controlled by many branches of its War assets.

CIA alone cannot.

Pentagon does not have the inclination.

All institutions starting with the words National and Defense, NSA, DSA and many more arms, cannot even think of War without the bipartisan support in the Senate.

So CIA use Ukraine as a Proxy-War machine (PWM for short).


6. It is very easy to start a war but it is very difficult to to end it.

7. This is where stupidity of Poland is showing. 

Tell me whence Poland has won a war in history. 


The Poland entry now is to acquire its lost possession in the past to Ukraine. 

It will end in breaking of Poland to parts like Yugoslavia in the past


Already Ukraine is divided into two like in Korea many more would be possible due to rivers going through its massive land extend.


So my point is the World War III will start in a very small place who possess Nuclear War heads not in Russia.

Americans attempt to put nuclear war heads on the borders of Russia in  Ukraine will come to none at the end of prolonged attrition.

As it is, the Sixth extinction of the planet is on course due to our obsession  to fossil fuels.


Man will destroy the planet by the World War III but the planet will start its next round of evolution no sooner the War is over and Mankind's extinction from this planet accomplished.


The Mighty God who created man is guilty on the first count and he should have had the wisdom to think twice before creating man on this earth.


By the way, Ukraine War is perceived by two sectors of the Church one Catholic and the other Orthodox.

This is why I call, all religions are like incurable brain viruses, with no possible treatment available.

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