Friday, May 28, 2021

Aliens and Microtechnology

I have a strange feeling that aliens have visited this planet for eons and they were not interested in following progress of us.

What to us monkeys feel to them we are galactic humanoids less interestingly than to our own monkeys.

I also has a strange feeling that sometime in 1940s after the atomic bomb testing they visited us to warn us, the benovelent type.

That means not only one type many had been visiting us some recharging their strange vehicles using earth magnetic field, uninvited of course, on their  way forward to other arenas of their interest.

How they bypass the Van Allen Belt is a mystery.

Somewhere down the line there would have been a major encounter with the use of scalar x-ray technology by the humans. 

Having known our aggressive intents they have kept  abey.

I see nothing wrong with our aggression and this is our planet and we have the every right to defend ourselves, whatever the counter argument of galactic diplomacy.

We have not yet fused into a galactic federation but they being early galactic travellers may already have formed such avenues to avoid full blown conflicts.

Then there is a possibility of sinister secret human organizations  that may have forged alliances with not so benovelent aliens who want the earth to themselves and want to decimate the world population.

They could bring in a galactic virus in the range of heat resistant RNA.

There is no need for us to have stations in Mars but the Moon must be a base already in possession of aliens who inhabit there and keeping a check on us.

The Americans and Russians failure to establish a base in the moon speaks volumes.

Apart from hostile physical environment Van Allen Belt is a major obstacle.

These are the questions I would like to have answers as a global citizen before I kick the bucket.

I think except for radar, integrated circuits, laser beam, night vision glasses and cellphones are reverse engineered toys captured by us from encounters with aliens.

It took a very long time for us to develop a nice looking cellphone.

I am not saying Steve Job is an alien but he was one who could figure out making alien technology on earth.

Aliens would have destroyed their intergalactic radio communication equipments for fear of reprisals and location of their origin.

The early visitors are like men in black type of secret service guys.

They must be visiting us only in the night to avoid capture.

Their  bases probably are in space not visible to us and metals they use must be transparent like our glass.

It is the atomic arrangement that gives the strength of materials and transparency.

All.these are vivid speculations and a few are plausible but my gut feeling is we are not alone in this universe and those who know the facts and keep them away from public eye are doing a disservice to humanity and its progress.

One fact in this list is true.

Aliens had been.visiting us for eons.

Pyramids in Egypt and south American monuments are the vestige of previous encounters that are recorded in mysterious ways.

Even the Ruwanweli Stupa is a monument to aliens if we take the Buddhist label away.

Buddha never wanted massive structures built in his name.

If that was the case then India would have had many built soon after his demise but all big structures came during King Asoka, the great.

I believe big religious organizations who want the public to be in the dark and protect their private domains untouched, to be blamed for this secrecy.

The secret organizations (CIA,  KGB and MI5-6) should protect the masses not their masters.

Truth may be bitter but  not knowing it is even bitter.

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