Sunday, May 12, 2019



Our Country never had philosophers of real character.

Let me define (according to Prof; A.D.P.Kalansuriya) philosophy in brief.
It is the ability to ask the right question at the right time.
The right question at the wrong time has no currency.
Philosophy is the first order discipline.
All other disciplines are second order disciplines.
That include science and religion.
Religion including Buddhism of course is not a philosophy but a dogma.
Correct definition of Buddhism is a way of life preached by Buddha with sublime goals of Metta, Karuna, Muditha and Upeksha.
The last word is wrongly translated to equanimity is the most difficult state to achieve on the face of adversity.
We had the Abraham’s dogma and his second wife’s son’s rival dogma.
Both were ideologists (Idea created in the Mind by itself is a dogma) of two extremes that led to the Bible War which is currently acted on our land (long gone paradise) by their blind followers.
Ideology does not equate with reality. The reality is that the man is mad (always) to create different ideologies. Its only outcome is blind faith. Golden rule is to be without any dogma.

Modern Philosopher

Posted on January 2, 2011
Only a few philosophers can attribute an impact with one or two words.
For example Thinking to Think, Lateral Thinking and Water Logic carry far greater impact than a political definition (incarceration) of the Rich and the Poor, The Power and its Inherent Corruption and I-Me (substitute any man or woman in power) and My Philosophy.
Mahinda Chinthanaya is not a philosophy but a Unending Greed for Power (even in the dream state).
In the modern world we need crisp and compact concepts to work on.
It was Ying Yang in the past which Chinese are rediscovering.
Any philosopher who writes volumes and volumes won't have any space in this fast moving world.
There is a dearth of modern philosophers who fits into the shoe of modern mode.
A philosopher who does not live and move with modern change is virtually dead and probably does not contribute his/her weight in gold but only his dead weight!
For the modern world I have the Black Box (past) and Open Box (future) Theory of Mine.
However, we either live in the past or in the future but not in this precious present moment of reality that we are always fallible.

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