Saturday, May 4, 2019

CRON JOBS in Linux

CRON JOBS in Linux
CRON jobs mean scheduled tasks / functions in Linux such as clearing and deleting of redundant files at a timed interval.
These are generally meant for heavy duty servers with shared resources and not for single user desktops.
Linux is configured to do certain jobs at a particular time.

CRON a short term for time (origin from Chronological).
If one is new to Linux one should not fiddle with theses scheduled tasks for fun.
They are there to ease your jobs and not to burden YOU by themselves.
There was an article that question whether one should  run / not run the computer 24 hours.
The answer is YES 24/7 for Linux.
Some jobs are scheduled after midnight as a default and the CRON job gets clogged up, if the computer is switched off before midnight.
If your work is light at least twice a week let it run overnight so that in the morning it is ready with prime condition.
I have my own way of cleaning up and never changed a scheduled and default CRON configuration.
A single wrong configuration file might slow your computer.
If you a newbie and no understanding please do not fiddle with Linux defaults.

Beachbeat also do cleaning up jobs.

Only run it overnight once or twice a week,
Do not confuse with midnight commander.
It is a file manager.

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