Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Mind That Matters

Mind That Matters

 There is fine line between psychic power and psychosis!

It is not that of Mind the matter” or “Mind the step” in English metaphor.
It is the Mind that Matters, in all living aspect of life and after life.
Mind is a powerful entity with boundless energy within.
It is very difficult to explain its repertoire.
The current entry is to bring into attention that some for the purpose of image building or financial gain distort its true potential use.
The focus of its development and attention to meditation is lost in the process.
Meditation is not easy.
It has to be practiced under guidance of an experienced guide.
Only a few are adept and many are amateurs.
1. The clairvoyance is useful but won’t grant self development.
It is a gift but not an end by itself.

2. The mediums are useful for commercial purpose but beyond that it is a wasted experience.

3. Remote viewing may be useful for espionage but brings little benefit of self control to the one who has that potential.

4. MKUltra and similar orientation programs are commercial enterprises.

5. Dealing with aliens and contact are not useful for self development.

Dealing with aliens are fraught with danger.
They are not transparent and their agenda is not clear.
We have to guard ourselves from deception, illusion, and delusion of grandiosity.

There is fine line between psychic power and psychosis!

I have refrained from talking about "Out of the body experiences" and "Near Death Syndromes", simply because of its unrealistic popularity and often of its wrong interpretation (seeing the God etc).

It can be fearful and terrible experience for some.

The light at the end of the tunnel can be illuminating for some (higher rebirth) or devastating for others (born in lower forms of the dungeon).

I will try to describe in simple English, the “Entity called Mind”, it is not all inclusive but a simplistic view.
1. Mind is Universal Entity in certain forms of life.
2. We believe it is related to the existence of the brain but if I ask the question myself, “Could I locate or pinpoint it for somebody to scientifically investigate it?”;
I run short of the methodology to project my mind out completely but tend to hide behind my mind in subtle ways.
It can be very secretive.
It seems to be intrinsically bound to every cell in my body not heart or brain.
I do not like the word conscious and unconscious since mind is never at rest even in one’s deep sleep.
It is a living entity and part and parcel of life.
So I prefer the word “Awareness” of itself and its surrounding irrespective of its proximity (far or near) in space dimension.
I can visit moon in a fraction of a second (faster than speed of light) while pulling my cigar and exhaling rounds and rounds of smoke circles in air.
Like the smoke circles from a cigar appear and disappear, my thought moments can appear and disappear with tremendous rapidity and next moment my mind is in mars or outside the known universe.
That is the beauty of the mind.
Next thing, I want to do is to address the “Level of Awareness”.
The base level is Awake State.
A lower level is Dream State.
Third level is “Knocked Out State”, hit on the head by a club or live electricity shock or ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) or Medical Drugs with anaesthetic properties.

Out of the body experience is a variation of the “Knocked Out State”.

Now the first bombshell.

Just as we can have substandard levels to awake state, I want to propose that there are seven or more levels of super-standard states of mind (for the purpose of my argument- it may be much more than seven, never less).
For a person of Western upbringing brought up with God Concept, God is BUT another “Spiritual Level”of Awareness much more than our base level.

Now the second bombshell.

There are life forms outside our domain, for the want of a better term I use, Alien Beings have Awareness Levels (going up to seven or more) far more superior to ours.
The caveat here is some of these beings are very inquisitive especially the level I (one) and II (two) civilizations and that may or may not visit us from time to time for formal investigations.

The question is can we reach them?
I tend to believe that we can.

We can increase our level of awareness with Mind Training.

That Mind Training is Meditation.

It is within our brain (for want of better term) potential.
All this preamble is to find an answer to the question of “Mediums” and “Channels” or the Ancient Wisdom Masters (of Red Indians, of Aborigines and Indian Sages).
Christianity has suppressed these phenomena by their world domination by “Military Power” (both UK and USA).
Good example is Madam Helena Blavatsky and the attack on her by the Western authors (Theosophy) of profundity.
The domain of Christianity is in its wane, so it is time to address other states of mind including the “Aliens who would visit us” when we are ready.
For the sake of my argument, “Mediums” and “Channels” are altered states of mind of awareness of the bearer.
They are usually females who are amenable to such states of “fantasy”.
They should not be addressed as fakes (large majority are fakes for the purpose of publicity).
I tend to believe (my point of view) that these altered form of awareness are due to their ability slip into previous life experiences and also a lighter form of insight into current predicament (in life experience).

I do not like the English words, Ego, I, Soul and Spirituality.

To drop those entities from our minds’ vocabulary one has to attain a certain level of of meditative instances or Jhanas.

Reincarnation means the same thing as re-embodiment and rebirth.

It is the human soul returning to the earth again and again and taking up residence each time in a new physical body in order to continue the soul’s progressive journey of inner evolution, advancement, development, and of unfolding.

Death is not the end and Birth is not the beginning.

The soul reincarnates due to three main reasons.
(1) It still has lessons to learn
(2) It still has “karmic debts” which it needs to work off in order to further its Karmic journey
(3) It has not yet fully realized its own potential supreme nature or its absolute unity or oneness with nature.
Thus, in its, all forms of past life existences and future to come, it has not yet become or attained the ultimate goal of awareness or enlightened consciousness which is, its real potential and within its reach.

Reincarnation is a Law in Nature.

It is not true that “only some souls reincarnate” or that “reincarnation is the exception rather than the rule,” as some have claimed.

It is an ongoing cyclic process and necessity for each Soul / Mind Entity.

There are three possibilities regarding what happens to us when we die.

1. There is the view of the atheists and materialists, who say that we are nothing more than a lump of soulless purposeless matter and that we simply cease to be, when the physical body dies.

2. Then there is the “one life only” view held by some religions, who maintain that the soul only lives once on Earth and that after the body dies the soul either goes to Heaven for all eternity or burns in hell for all eternity. The religions which teach this concept usually insist that they are the only right religion and that only the people belonging to that particular religion will go to Heaven.

3. The third possibility is that of an ongoing process of rebirth or reincarnation.
25-30% of people in the West today say that they believe in reincarnation and it has been a standard belief in much of the East for thousands of years, having its origin in Hinduism, which is the world’s oldest religion. It is also a central feature of Buddhism and other Indic religions. Human beings have the freedom to decide which of these three possibilities sounds the most reasonable and plausible to them.

Of course one can say none of the above is true and the true nature is beyond our grasp with current methodology.

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