Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dudley and his Nephew

 Dudley and his Nephew

Book published in 2010 by Ranil Senanayake
The book is titled appropriately 'Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right and I am stuck in the middle again'
This should be translated into Sinhala and Tamil, and should be given to all grand children, if you have any.
Thirty years after I first began to comment on our national preoccupation with mindless consumption as 'development', stand before a country addicted to fossil fuels for our existence. The creation of more ans more fossil plants is being shown as a the way forward. Our agriculture has been transformed into a system that cannot produce without heavy input of artificial fertilizers. Our forestry is reduced to the plantation of even aged monocultures of exotics and the destruction of existing patches of native forest (to grow banana for Americans to treat their constipation). Our endemic value system and the culture reduced to a political tyranny (coming as Mahinda Mama- should add another M in front but I would not be expressive - reader is entitled to substitute his own interpretation) that demonstrate the worst aspect of corruption and subverting social values. The fear of nepotism that my uncle Dudley had in rejecting my application to the Zoological Gardens seems like some silly little emotion today-nepotism has become the way of power.

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