Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tale of Five Sri-Lankan Monkey Types and Monkey Magic

Tale of Five Sri-Lankan Monkey Types and Monkey Magic
We have quite a number of monkeys in the wild and this story is not about them.
We have a monkey in edutainment ministry who is always appealing to the low grade or the gallery.
This monkey is like the proverbial monkey who got its tail caught up between wooden planks.
He came to the scene and straddled on the wooden planks with tail in between and for fun pulled the peg that was holding the two apart.
The edutainment was in full gear and in crisis now and the tail is still caught between the planks.
Then we got a another monkey who was like the proverbial Hunuman with tail on fire.
He is a Union man who wants to be on industrial action while forgoing his/her meager salary.
His tail is on fire and he does not care.
Then we got the third and the biggest monkey who ventured into the cuckoo land and stole three eggs from the nest.
He puts one in his pharyngeal pouch (cheek).
The second one was crushed open with one hand.
The third one is, in its tightly closed palm not wanting to share with any other monkey.
He is the one who has law onto himself.
The fourth variety is the ones who have retired from active duty but looking on these three monkeys for reincarnation and cheering only one of them and abusing the other two.
The fifth category are the ones long retired and nothing else to do in active life but write to local papers to get their ego recorded for posterity.
This is the country of Monkey Magic and the reader is free to add any more categories down below in the comment section.
Thank You.

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