Monday, April 15, 2024

British are the most Duplicit regarding the Palestine State

Yes, the British are the most Duplicit regarding the Palestine State.

They captured the Arab land for oil exploration from the crumbling Ottoman Empire (France and USA were accessories) in the First World War.

The Mandate was to create a Palatine State but they did the exact opposite thing by creating the Zionist State called Israel by just drawing a line on the Map of Arab Land.

The reality is the very Jewish Nation that suffered the Holocaust is causing Genocide on mostly Muslim Palestinians who were the rightful occupants of the Arab Land.

IRAN reacting to the current occupation by Zionist Regime is a historical event of unprecedented nature.

The Oppressor rising up when condition are right is a natural historical event for which the West cannot stomach in broad daylight.

We are bordering the World War III which may be the end of this planet with Nuclear Amargadom!

Only Scott Riiter and Douglan Mag Gregor ( both diehard Americans) stand on the right side of history!