Friday, July 31, 2020

World View or Net of Views

 World View or Net of Views
There are 62 views about  this world and other world systems that the mankind and other celestial beings have postulated.
Interestingly, there are 31 celestial beings described that is half of the doctrines mentioned. 

What this mean is, in every celestial location, there are two groups one opposing the view and one supporting it.
So going to any of these celestial domains, one has to live in eternal conflict. 
This is where I prefer to have no doctrine, at all, not even one concocted by me personally for my own consumption

I personally prefer truncating this to 20.

Twenty is the arbitrary base I use to recognize, the biodiversity on a particular location.
This is the base 2 multiplied by log base 10, the minimum number of scientific observations, for my own roof top garden environment. 

Any additional criteria do not add to the diversity of views.

Imagine each one of the 6 billion wants to create his her own ideology.
The Internet will come to a standstill.
So numbers do matter!
I must state that these ideas are created in the minds of recluse or meditators, which were never scientifically validated. 

In other words mental opinions of some sort, may be illusions, may be delusions.

If I was given full authority, I would have scaled them down to four or five. 

I keep the figure 20 to give a wider birth of respectable opinions and refutation.

Since, I have only attacked or disagreed with only one view, and that is also, The Church Dogma, it is a bounden duty for me to expose the 61 other views in existence in this world and beyond.
I do not belong to any view but as an enquirer I list those world views here, for completeness sake. 

According to this system there are at least 31 types of beings including, humans, Gods, Brahmas and Maha Brahma. 

By the way, our dog who left us, is in heaven, currently acting as the Acting Maha Brahma.
Maha Brahma is on an eternal leave counted in eons.
The whereabouts of him is unknown and the current predicament in America is solely due to his absence.
I have intimated our dog who is currently acting by an email not to get involved in US politics. 

All these doctrines are based on speculation of the past and or the future of the self and the world systems.
18 speculations are based on the past experience whether one believes in rebirth or not. 

44 are based on the future rendering of lives of beings innumerable in existence. 

Not only mankind but there is adequate room for existence of aliens. 

No mention of lower beings, demons and devils. 

1. In summary there are 4 views about eternalism of the self and of the world.
These are based on remembering past lives. 

2. Then there are 4 views about partial eternity.
Maha Brahma and other Brahmas reside in these worlds outside our system and are the owners of this philosophy.
The Church Dogma resides within these four with a creator like Hindu Maha Brahma. 
3. Then there are 4 views about finite and infinity of the world systems.
I think rationalists of some kind fit in here, not Ceylonese rationalists. 

4. Then there are 4 doctrines of endless equivocation.
That is only 16 so far. 

5. There are 2 views about fortuitous origination.
These are the beings without body but mind only.
The absence of body makes them to proclaim these two doctrines. 

6. Then there are 16 grounds for percipient existence of immortality making the total 34.

7. Then there are 8 grounds to non-percipient immortality of existence making the total 42. 

8. Then there are 8 neither percipient or non-percipient entities making a total of 50.

9. Then there are 8 doctrines of annihilationism.
This is the denial of all other doctrines.
The total is 57 now. 

10. The doctrine of Nibbana here and now are the last 5 of the doctrines, making the total 62.

These 5 are the Meditative experience of the goal Nibbhana.
1. Nibbhana with sensual spheres.
2. Contemplation in first Jhana.
3. Contemplation in the second Jhana.
4. Contemplation in the third Jhana.
5.Contemplation in the fourth Jhana. 

There is no mention about the fifth Jhana. 

Having gone through this list of 62, I have decided to remain here and now as a simple being, trying to avoid any insult by Coronavirus. 

None of the above Gods or Brahmas are going to help me, except perhaps a mask and regular hand washing. 

I was one who was obsessed with washing hands but for over 45 years, I could not achieve that goal in this world, including the West.

I have refereed an article in 2009, where British women were classified as the dirtiest of all.
Not males or guys! 
Now I have substituted this protocol with a single glove in one hand with one in my front shirt pocket. 

I now avoid politician's method of distance worship with both hands in air (greetings from a distance to the voter), by default fearing contamination of my glove from my non glove wearing hand.

What an evolution of habit in my life time.

The immune antidote is yet to be discovered and all energies in the world are towards that goal and the entire economy of the world is going to shrink and collapse.

I want China to collapse first paying the way for democratic means for the masses. 

I think the Coranavirus might just as well do that in China, a drastic change to the regimental administration

The correct term is modern slavery.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Is the Use of Cell Phone a good tool on mitigating pandemics?

The cell phone is a tiny computer.
It can be used to spread fake news.
Equally, it can be used as a tool to gather data and emerging trends, globally.
Let me start with a current trend of journalists.
I was appalled by the female representative's aggressive behaviour towards the American Attorney General.
Politicians trying to steam role public servants should be deprecated.
Equally CNN journalists were appalling and obsessed with medical matters, that they knew very little. 

Opinions and facts are two different things. 

Manipulating data is the name of the game (fed up with the useful drug chloroquine, that even the malaria parasite has developed resistance  to ). 

I am appalled by even the medical guys (except perhaps, Sunjaya Gupta) who appear on television.
By the way, BBC weather reporting is excellent and the all guard of mature journalists coming up presenting news (without Coranavirus and Politics) in an enjoyable way.
Good example to all Americans who have become paranoid with politics. 

Coming to the cell phone I have few reservations.
My telephone is just now monitored by Google, while I am blogging this piece.
All most all my blogging is not inflammatory (a pathological term I love as a medical man in retirement). 

I try to inject some scientific notion to good journalism.
My obsession is education and gathering as much valuable data as possible.
The privacy of my opinion is very important to me.
The accuracy of data (not faked) is vital.
The third and foremost how tech- giants use these data for manipulation  of their own agenda and using one sided argument and no balance in reporting. 

Professor Edwards De Bono's lateral thinking come to my mind.
The data get muddled by its own data, is my jargon phrase. 

By the way, coronavirus has made me to come out of self-imposed hibernation. 

A balancing act is of paramount importance.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Is the religion a Brain Virus?

I firmly believe that the religion is a Brain virus without specific treatment.
The language evolved very early in evolution.
There are areas of the brain associated with language.
The language is hard wired to brain but religion is not.
There is no god center or religious or moral center for organizing multitude of religions.
It is believed that the second language is localized to the opposite side of the brain to that of the native language.
The form of the languages (phonological, syntactical and semantic are similar) is uniform but why not have them in the same side of the brain?
The answer is simple.

It is hard wired whereas religion has no hard wiring to any part of the brain.

With so many religions in existence it would be impossible to accommodate all the religions in the cortical surface of our brain.
Religion probably reside in the sub-cortical regions of where emotion plus or minus fear is generated in response to external inputs.
It is not internalized as with language.
But my real theory is that all religions act as Brain Viruses of incurable nature.
Once it enters the brain it never leaves.
That is the virulence of its behaviour.
I suppose I am not suggesting that we find a treatment for this mania.
Big No.
It is incurable.
We must not allow it to enter the brain in childhood where it stifles the creativity.
Arts and language stimulate creativity but religion stifles any creativity with its dogma.
This is the very reason there is intolerance built into both Christianity and Muslim religions. 

These statements does not reduce the beauty of colossal work of art and creations in the name of religion by Egyptians, Aztecs and Mayans. 

This disease of religion started spreading during the last 3000 years.
That is why I say it should not be included (safety for any religion) in the constitution.
The state and religion should be separate and there should not be any special status.

The language of course should have a special status especially the link language English.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My Theory of Humonoid Evolution

This was formulated probably 15 years ago, well before the current surge of books on homosapiens.
The theory is based on fixed 50 cell cycles in all mammals.
Linguists claim that all languages share common features.
Basic unit of language which include phonological, syntactic and semantic units are universally used by all languages in construction of communication skills.
In all cultures children quickly and readily learn the sounds and grammatical forms and use them appropriately from very early stages of development.
There is evidence that this capacity to (transmit and receive messages) is an inherited feature of the human brain.
The power of speech come naturally as the child grows (with it the brain maturation) and need not be taught as it is implied by educationalists.

Coming to the cell cycle story, the sudden increase in brain size probably suggests that the emergence of language may have begun less than million years ago, perhaps less than half a million. The rapidity of evolution over time could account for the doubling of of brain size by addition of one further cell division in the sequence of some 30/40 mitosis that exists between the first cleavage and the cessation of division in the nervous system giving 10 to 100 billion cells altogether (The total of 10'14 cells in an adult after 45 cell cycles).
The total cell cycle in human is around 50 cell cycles altogether.
The selective advantage that bestow on humans far outweighed the number/size of the brain that followed this unexplained episode in evolution.
The acceleration and improvement in communication in late stages of evolution gave rise to 'recording the new found tool as wanting' possibly less than 10,000 years ago, corresponding with the discovery of fire and stone tools.
The doubling of cells would have happened before 20 weeks of gestation with proportionate increase in the skull size and its bones most likely cartilage that would have caused premature delivery.
Extension of the theory to first cell division would have given twin births, that itself would have caused premature delivery to begin with.
Along with these cell divisions there would have been relative feminization of the foetus with disappearance of body hair, due either to lack of testosterone sensitivity or the skin segment overlying the rapidly growing skull surface having hair distributed over it, instead of the skin (neuroectodermal in origin) appendage covering the rest of the body.
Considering that the prematurity at least of 4 weeks, the infant would have prolonged nursing period that would have given added advantage of prolonged learning period.
Assuming that the two infants were chosen to be nursed with other nursing mothers which would have encouraged the early vocalization of sounds that were imprinted as it were in the subsequent generations.
All the changes were somatic in nature not needing any drastic mutations as such except that the cell cycle out of place and phase (coming on early) promoting relatively infantile looking (lost of body hair) infant.
The cell cycle out of phase may have contributed profuse hair on the skull and sparing the skin elsewhere (hairless).
One cell cycle out of phase by chance incidence would have caused premature or early pubertal growth and increased fertility and raring of children earlier, assuming both were female infants (lot of assumptions).
The onward shift and the pattern of cell cycle probably remained constant giving this subpopulation a gift of prolonged infantile nursing period in infancy and enhanced fertility when adults. The feminization of this subpopulation would have coincided with less rugged bone structure of the skull that did not hinder vaginal delivery (prematurity+less rugged bone of the skull).
None of the above can be supported by fossil studies and cell cycle shift can even cause advanced senility as well as premature growth and early puberty, considering that the there are only fixed number of cell cycles numbering 50.
It is well known fact with intrauterine growth  retardation that there is a shift of cell cycle with advanced intrauterine maturation and early onset of adult diseases such as hypertension and ishaemic heart disease.
The increase of brain cells from 10 billion to 100 billion increased the intercommunication networks in the brain tremendously facilitating memory, learning capacity and language capabilities.
In summary, doubling of genome occurs rarely and once in every 3 to 5 million years.
The relative absence of similar hominods in evolution could be explained by simple cell cycle shift not needing grand genomic changes to account for our evolution.
We are what we are today not necessarily due to grand scale genomics but due to somatic changes that was brought on by simple cell cycle doubling and shifting its mode.
By the way, the skin colour has no relationship with the above scenarios.
The relationship of one melanocyte to 33 odd keratinocytes is constant.
In other words one melanocyte supplies 33 keratinocytes.
It remained black for very long period and the loss of melananosome melanization that occurred in an unknown time created the present American predicament.
If at all White skin should be considered a genetic insufficiency to withstand radiation injury.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Dogs in heaven and Masters in Hell

Dogs in heaven and Masters in Hell
This piece is overdue by over one year.
Three dogs, a one Muslim, one Christian and one Buddhist all went to heaven and their respective masters went to hell just before the last presidential contest.
Their crimes were related to removing opposing candidate's posters plastered on public places and walls.
The current election commissioner was reprimanded at about the same time by Apaya Director to stop all plastering in public places, lest he will be call to Apaya duty by default (I think Apaya duties will be more honourous than conducting elections in Ceylon).

The three dogs had a plan to rescue their masters bounded duty vested on them by birth right heaven or hell.

The Muslim dog now heavenly bound came to his master and ask him to rescue all pigs in wet market in China and Hong Kong.
The added benefit is that the Coranavirus could be curtailed.
He obliged.
The Christian dog came to his master and asked him to change the hard wiring of the brain and criss-crossing of fibers (not the Cross), so that parallel thinking is made possible instead of one god, one big bang and one universe of creation.

Let it be multi-verse.

He said OK.

The Buddhist dog came to his mater and asked to save all Jumbos of Asia and Africa.
The special tasks he had in Ceylon were banning elephant parades in the name of Buddha and destroying all the Hashish Cultivation protected by political guys in the name of vegetable gardens.
The electrical fences built hindering free roaming of elephants should all be dismantled.
The master hesitated a bit.

The election commissioner has  banned all alcohol and hashish sales until the election is over.
Can I wait for another 10 days.

OK but hurry up after the election lest the Army commander might claim the ownership of eradicating drugs in this blessed land.

By the way, the police also vie for accolades.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Scripture or Stricture?

Both Scripture and Stricture by appointed authority have no valid currency to deal with man's predicament with Coronavirus.
But good hygiene and restricted behaviour may curtail the virus.
It is interesting to see, when Turkish are bent on turning a Church to a mosque, when Church itself is feeling the pinch of the Coronavirus economic downturn and survival.
They are asking money from the government for maintenance.
These colossal structures have no space other than cultural museums for display.
What we need is more schools with lot of space than places of worship that offer no protection from natural but viral causes.
The architecture of the schools have to be redesigned and working hours extended to SHORT sessions of three or more schedules fitted in from 7am to 3pm  like in the all times.
The classes should be small with little context of short duration of 20 minutes.
One can assimilate only first 20 minutes of a standard one hour lecture.
The sermons, including Dhamma should be of 5 minutes stanza or psalms.
Lot of space should be (Intranet Not Internet) given to software but in a tablet instead of a laptop.
Of course I use my laptop for games and cell phone for blog pieces, with lot of mistkes.

I use SwiftKey, which is pretty elegant but adds its weight by way of corrections.
That was the reason for lot of mistakes.
Our Internet was severed due to outstanding non payment (was not due to financial reasons but due to the virus scare, I did not go to the city to pay bills) of bills.
I instead used the cellphone for blogging.
An interesting development.
In this scenario big books should be put on fire which I have started already.
With Internet the library as a place of learning may cease and they should be turned to museum pieces.
What I mean is that places of worship has no meaning in this century.
All religious places will naturally die a slow death except for small ceremonies (birth, wedding and death).

John Lewis death signifies what a gap there is.
Why blacks have separate Churches in USA?

Is the god white, black or brown?

I ponder and wonder.

Why these Avalanche of Ideas in this post?

A simple reason is that I read an interesting book by a guy with the gift of writing.
His writing was on a big presumption that science has captured all the mankind's ills, as they were poverty, famine and illness, including infections.
He is not a medical man but a writer.
The Coranavirus has broken his scientific premise.
So keeping an open mind is vital for our survival not politically incorrect gimmicky.

Is the religion an extreme of identity crisis?

I believe the religion was created to overcome the fear of the unknown.
The popular mysteries were earth quakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and cyclones.
Instead of relief it perpetuated more and more of fear.
Original sinners sin was passed down to the rest.
In addition, the fear of the god's recrimination and punishment was introduced as an institution.
There should be an antithesis to this fear mongering.
Then the emancipation would come automatically.
I tend to believe Sir Bertrand Russel, that religion created more harm than good.
It is time to abandon all religions.
Unfortunately Turkey the seat of most of the original thinkers origin is going back to all dogma of Mohammedans.

Capturing the museum was a big Original Mistake.

Is language redundant in critical thinking?

I think the language (apart from communication) was created to give a form of reference to the magnitude of lies mankind has propagated during the written history about 7000 years or less.
In the evolution of language the words of expression became very expansive.
Instead of separation of reality (if there is such thing) from personal perception or intuition, the two became entangled without an escape route for both.
The idea became idealism owned by the proponent of the idea, entrapping the owner in a self-propagating dogma.

Instead of language of wisdom, the the language of confusion took its roots.

The language of confusion and the intended lies gave birth to dogmas of various kinds including the institutionalized dogma of the Church.

One way entry with no return.

Words of confusion and lies rule the world today.

When will the world escape from this bondage to faked news and prejudice?

Is the mind a wave or particle?

Mind is a mystery.
Putting it on the electromagnetic spectrum as an agent of energy is not really out of place.
If it responds to the physical brain, then it ought to be in particle form.
If it is independent of the brain's electrical signal system, as a particle it ought to manifest itself as a wave.
Or is it neither particle nor wave?
Or is it outside the spectrum of energy?

If it is not a form of energy "What the hell it is"?

Is there is something called "Good Research"?

I think that good research is vital for human progress.
To begin with a proper evaluation of the current situations and themes of interest is mandatory.
The proposed theme should not be any longer than, that is necessary for the proposed 'context' to be validated or refuted on a future date with more refined data.

The bottom line is that the currently available data should not be massaged or faked to satisfy the proposed argument.

An open system of thought 'devoid' of hidden agenda is of paramount importance.

Is there a limit to analysis?

How did we get here intellectually?
It was philosophy to begin with.

Right questions were the beginning.
But we never got the right answers, to begin with.
Lots of dogmas had to be insinuated.
But one dogma remained institutionalized.
That is the Church who had the authority to stifle the questioning.
The strictures had the upper hand in answering any question that was raised.
But strictures never revised its dogma or abandoned the God and His creative power.
Galileo, Copernicus, Darwin and many others had the observation power and analysis which gave way to scientific thinking.
The testing ability to test a hypothesis came much later.
Can the science answer all the questions?
From Newton to Einstein to Hawkins dabbled with Singularity to explain but we are yet to arrive at the final goal.
Are we stuck now?
I would use Buddha's approach here.
Buddhist way of life is to reach the ultimate goal or Nibbana.
It is like a boatman crossing a river.
Once one has reached the land he anchors the boat to the boathouse and carry on regardless.
He need not carry the boat on his shoulders.
We need to drop all philosophical dogmas to begin with.
Then the god and his creation dogma.
I think we need to drop the scientific dogma, too.
Not absolutely, but at least until we find a solution to Coranavirus, we need to keep some form of science in our arson or tools.

My belief is that science as we see it has limitations.
We gather data visually or instrumentally.
Instruments at least visual are limited by the speed of light.
We are still unable to beat the light barrier, as with sound barrier.
New Science would emerge once the Light Barrier is broken.
Then dark matter and dark energy will be at our dispensation.
Beating the dark energy barrier should be our next target.
But we must beat the light barrier to begin with.
The light dogma is next to be left at the boat house.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Do the journalists act like professionals?

The simple answer is, No.
Almost 99% of them are not.
I will dish out American journalists.
CNN journalists have become democratic candidates.
Dish out material in favour of Democrats.
Fox News is basically an extension of the Republican arm.
White House correspondents are reading prepared material probably not wanting to dispense with the Three Course Meal that they love to be a part of and partake them with academic flair.
On the whole no balanced reporting.
This is true with BBC, too, except the weather reporters growing old who mix technical words with simple English.
I love their (weather reporters) presentations.
That is the only reason I watch BBC.
News is simply Coranavirus reporting and politics and nothing more.
No wonder their ratings had hit rock bottoms.
Coming to Ceylonese Media and reporting, they seem to vomit out the propaganda of a particular party.
That is also the party boss and not the ordinary guys/girls at grass root level.
Weather reporting hopelessly out of date.
If they say sunshine, I will make sure, I carry an umbrella and if rain forecasts, if they dish out, I drop the umbrella, vise versa.
The paper is usually reedited old piece by an octagenerian who is politically more close to the grave than current events.
This is not due to lack of technology but due to fear of recrimination by the political masters and the editors who surrender the academic freedom to government advertisements.
They survive on the advertisements and not the sales of the paper.
Few journalists have joined together with little money and produced ANIDDHA but it dwindled with the Coranavirus.
Political parties put their literature on our letter box.
I use them to fire up the refuse bin collection, without reading them.
Coranavirus has shown the impotence of the of our politicians both in power and opposition.
If not for the paid up advertisements we won't know who we are voting for?
Regarding Trump, I love his antics, especially against China and impotent WHO.
As a medical man, I am independently critical of its role.
WHO should not be a breeding ground for ageing technocrats of Africa and Asia.
However, I have posted all their recommendations (not crisp in dispensation) in this site for my future reference.
Our journalists have one mode of language, either Sinhala or Tamil.
No versatility in English at all.
SWRD killed our second language, the versatile and simple English.
By the way, I hate the accent of Indians.
It looks like, the Chinese of Hong Kong are much better (thanks to British) than Indians in handling English.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Are we going backwards?

I firmly believe so.
I am generally optimistic and spread Somanassa or cheer up attitude to life.
For some unknown reason way back in 2015, I thought 2020 would be the year full of optimism, in politics, economics, and social wellbeing.
I worked towards this goal, and in my writings I emphasised the need for such an outlook.
There was a consortium of ideas and most of the people loved this renaissance.
Little I realized that the guys / girls in the forefront (I am not at all surprised) came with ulterior motives.
To eat the political breadcrumbs or rise to posts that they are not suited or qualified.
Maru Sira and Scumbags not only ruined this optimism but played the way for the rejected family ideology to resurface ("then sapai ne the attitude") slowly but increasing in payload.
I never thought in my wildest medical dreams that a virus so insidious can hit us to rock bottom in all spheres including general fear of disease and death.
For some unbelievable reasons, in the 10 of my mysteries viral flu was the last.
I did relatively enough research on this virus and have posted them in this blog site.
The doom and gloom will continue after the completion of the election.
For some unknown reason the birds in my locality had disaster after disaster from cats and the snakes.
The pictures of the bul bul nest and munia nest that were attacked are posted here.
Strangely in January I touched a cobra on its back while opening the post box, inadvertently. I had the presence of mind that I touched it and withdrew gently and when I glanced towards (scale's direction gave me the clue) it's head it gave me a little glance and slipped away to the neighbour's garden.
I was frightened for months.
Then there was this nasty wild bee who was trying to build a comb in the post box.
A little chemical spray holted its intentions but 7 months later it is back again.
If it is a normal bee hive I would have encouraged its building.
In winding up only a single bee landed on my wrist and did a survey for about 20 minutes but it never returned to build a hive.
Things are bad to animals including our Jumbos.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Does political correctness hold its ground?

As I see it, political correctness is a misnomer.
In a magnet opposing poles get polarized.
If there are only two parties, the polarisation is pretty obvious.
The smaller parties like a magnet with less influence would exert its power when positioned well outside the bigger parties.
Very often like a small magnet that get pulled into the bigger magnet, the smaller party get sucked into the bigger party ending its intended role.
What politics does is polarisation of an idea without a the set of tools to utilize the political wisdom to benefit the polity the idea (not the policies) was originally intended for.
It ultimately metamorphasizes to a family brand of buscuits for a single family to enjoy.
The best example is seen in Ceylon.

What is the impact of 2/3rd majority to a functioning government democracy?

The two third majority kills the wisdom of a democratic system.
It leads to anarchy and nepotism.
Is there a way to resuscitate democracy?
Imagine an assembly of 200 members. Suppose a single party or a coalition of parties get a thumping majority.
My proposal is that the winning party/parties should keep 100 plus one vote and donate the others to the opposition.
There is a caveat here.
The opposition should elect 10 "non voting members" excluding the donated ones.
In other words the opposition has 89 votes of discontent to oppose the ruling party/parties.
A no brainer in political wisdom but with an important exception.
In a vital issue the opposition has the right to call the non voting members to aquire the extra vote of the ruling party under its fold making the tally exactly 100.
The result is a tie or stalemate.
The assembly goes into consensus mode of operation.
In this scenario 10 non voting members become the upper assembly of operation once voting power is vested upon them.
This is somewhat of a scientific approach.
I don't think it will ever happen in our august assembly.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Twitter or the munia nest

Twitter nest.
I do not know what happened to the young birds.

Bul Bul nest

This stupid bird made the nest within reach of the snake the predator.