Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How to Evade Judgments and Descent

How to Evade Judgments and Descent
This should be read in conjunction with “How to Evade Dogmas” below.
Of course one should ignore typos and grammar (not my specialty, anyway) and head for the impact or core issues.

In the evolutionary chain from aphids, to ladybirds to birds of prey, we humans are the biggest parasite (I wish to call them, alien visitors to this planet from outer space) on this planet.

So our judgments are based on this basic human desire, I come first (Trump Syndrome of Americanism or White Supremacy to prey on undesirable female species, animals included)

We are judgmental in every aspect from, sex to food to what we wear as head gear or cover our vital parts or the “Jungi” in our terms.
I decided to wear all blue Jungies during the previous regime as an internalized protest and I have changed to green Jungies after central bank (my cheques stolen in transit, in broad daylight of emancipation to steal or become a parasite of big dimension) debacle.

To be non-judgmental one has to become an atheist (that itself is judgmental) since all regions are judgmental on either merit or demerit scale or rebirth tendencies in future life.

Moment one becomes judgmental one becomes a scapegoat for more dogmas and enslaved from birth to grave to nest birth for good.

Then we fail to live this moment of truth, I become a slave of somebody else.

The biggest slave is the economic slave.
It is to the multinational banks or to the local bank.
I am trapped with credit cards from 1980s and I will die with a big default is my dogma and many others of my age.
However all above 55 years in this country are treated as scoundrels (they should be, they did sweet little when productive to change the working life of fellow beings).

See how dogmas go from good to bad in no time (if not in a lifetime).
If one judges ones fellow beings by color, the language one speaks and behavior in public (politicians in front of TV cameras edited fully) and religion we lay foundation for the basic parasitic nature in our genes, which the good old gods fail to rectify from the very beginning.
Why create problems to all fellow gods in heaven (one to millions in India according to my Indian friends)?
So there is no way of escaping judgmental nature.
I have found a very difficult solution and it is called “Upeksha’ or equanimity.
Easy to say but hard to practice.
Try training kids to be non-judgmental from birth (females are at a disadvantage at birth, in this country) but with year five examination and school entry big lies, we have over the past 45 years trained liars from Church to Temples, to Mosques to school principals to parents and kids.
There is no escape route and it perpetuates discordance of grand scale.
No one can die in peace in this country.
They are born culprits of the present state of affairs from S.W.R.D. to J.R. to J.V.P. to L.T.T.E.
How to Evade Dogmas

It is very difficult to evade, Dogmas (my definition is embedded lies), be that it is old or new.
Only way to avoid dogmas (dogmata) is not to have any.
If one has a dogma A against the Dogma B there are multiple ways one gets embedded in the dogma not realizing one is entangled, within.
Read Brahmajala Sutta, there are 62 variants and I believe none is true.
If dogma A is true one has to assimilate points supporting or basic tenets within it.
There is an element of belief that the dogma A is correct.
Belief has no scientific validity until it is approaching 40% of validity (ideally 60%).

There is no belief scientific or otherwise which has 100% validity.

Often beliefs falls below my cut of point 30% often it is less than 5%.

Then one has to identify the arguments falsifying the dogma B.

Suppose dogma B is correct and dogma A is wrong.

This is why I call dogma (lie) gets embedded in another circular lie or dogma.

One can apply this argument to existence of god (one dogma) or existence of alien life on mars (dogma B).

I leave you to do one’s own homework on the above and delve a bit on Buddhist tenets.

Buddhism is based on two basic tenets.
Number one is Kamma.
Number two is Beings in Samsara.
There are many other variants based on these two dogmas.
Neither of the above can be proved beyond doubt.
So they remain as dogmas.

This is true for other religions, too.

That is why I say it is safer to have no dogmas.

Do not ponder on the past.
Do not wonder about the future.

What we have is this moment of existence.

Enjoy it to the best without pondering on embedded dogmas.

What we have is this moment of happiness (Somanassa) so do not get into Domanassa Mood by delving on dogmas.

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